Eργασία 3 ΓΤΠ50 - 2013-14

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.. 50 2013-14
: 02- 02-2014

1.Marina Abramovic: The artist is present [ http://vimeo.com/72711715]
2.Bruce Nauman: Feed me Anthro/Socio: Rinde spinning

3. Bas Jan Ader:

Please don't leave me


: site

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[http://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/philosophy/works/fr/barthes.htm ]
Monroe C. Beardsley, , . , 1989, . 329-341 (
Chandler, Daniel : [http://www.mcm.aueb.gr/ment/semiotics/semiotic.html
Eco, Umberto: A Theory of Semiotics, Indiana University Press, 1976
Eco, Umberto: The Role of the Reader: Explorations in the Semiotics of Texts, Indiana University Press, 1979
Eco, Umberto: , . , , 1990
Gombrich, E.: , .
Margaret Morse, Video Installation Art: The Body, the Image and the Space-in-Between (New York:Aperature, 1990)
Stephen W. Gilroy , An emotionally responsive art installation, University of Teesside(UK), University of
Augsburg(GER), VTT Electronics (FIN), HITlabNZ (NEW ZLD).
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