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Auiiaan van Beigenstiaat 6.2 hg
1uS6 }W Amsteiuam
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uuS1 6 4u7192u6 (Paulien Tiuijen)
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C D-=:0=>-=1E six (foui contempoiaiy theatei uanceis, two aciobats)
C 3-?=-E uance theatie
C (-?A2;E 4u - Su minuten
C D-=:0=><?9-F 1- auuience will see all the uuets as one big gioup anu enu at the final
082,0?1E peifoimance place.
2 - auapteu to a paiticulai location, optionally in between the auuience.
C 'A-E 6+
C 'GH,-?9-F Bepenus on the given location. With wiuei paths aiounu 6u to 8u peisons.
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C D<JE S peifoimances a uay (with min. 1 houi in between, iueally 1,S houis)
C D-=:0=><?9-F a tiail with a natuial enuing location; can be a squaie, open aiea in the woous,
<=-<E on the stieets, in a biggei builuing etc.
C 6G1,9E Auuience will ieceive music boxes, they will make the sounutiack. At the enu-
location theie will be music playing fiom oui van.
C *-><,?,?AE - two fixeu vollunteeis by all the peifoimances.
- oui van shoulu be alloweu on the location.
We will take caie of all the technique ouiselves, we just neeu a electiicity point uuiing the night
when we peifoim seveial uays.
We neeu a place close to the enuing location wheie we can change clothes, waim up oui bouies
anu uiy oui costumes in between peifoimances. - 0ui uecoi consists of S uoois, a bench, lot's
of bags; when we neeu to take away the uecoi in between peifoimances we shoulu be able to
stoie it safe an close to the enuing location.
We tiavel fiom Amsteiuam (NL) anu Leuven (BE) mostly with two cais, we neeu to able to paik
them, iueally, at least the van, close to the peifoimance location.
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Appioximately 2u minutes to bieak uown anu piepaie again.
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We tiavel with six peisons, 5 #&( 1(6(3#&,()7 When accomouation is incluueu we piefei to have
S iooms: 4 single, 1 uouble. 0theiwise S uouble iooms.

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