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SPEECH (the word in context )

1. Ob li ge d verb To be told what to do To be forced to do something The man obliged that his wife

made him dinner.

2. Wi tty adjective To be a leader You are amused clever way The girl is witty and fair.

3. Viv id adjective For something to be colourful Something to be bright or The lighting at the play was very

intense. vivid.

4. Emb ro id ed verb To sow something on a piece To be decorated with Our school uniforms are

of clothing needlework (for something to embroider with our school logo

be sown on.)

5. Re str ai ne d verb To stop someone from doing To hold someone back The guards restrained the
something robber who stole over $700
dollars worth of jewellery.

6. Se ize d verb To hold something tightly. To capture something or The price seized his long lost
someone princess.

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