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Reflection on the Teaching and Learning (to be completed after you have taught and analysed the Stories

of our History Unit)

Common themes or issues which occurred across the lessons/sessions taught.

What lessons/sessions were more effective in engaging students and why?

If you were to engage in these lessons/sessions again, what, if any, changes would you make to their structure or content to improve the unit overall?

What have you learnt about your professional practice over the course of the lessons/sessions you have taught and analysed?

What changes will you make to your teaching as a result of this analysis? In reflecting on this component of your work, which areas of professional learning would you like to investigate further?

Adapted from the Comparative Analysis of Teaching and Learning Pro Forma Source: Victorian Institue of Teaching 2010, Comparative Analysis of Teaching and Learning Pro Forma viewed 01 October 2011, <>.

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