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eggshells to produce carbon dioxide. D Solution P changes red litmus paper blue.

25 Which of the following substances will not release a gas with dilute hydrochloric

A Zinc B Iron 22 Diagram 6 shows experiment. he indicator solution yellow. thistle !unnel Diagram i

" Sodium hydroxide D #ggshell

A Zinc + hydrochloric acid $inc tiioride % hydrogen B Sodun hydroxide % arnmonun chloride


i &inegar 2' Diagram 5


Diagram 5 (hat is substance A Sea water B )ime *uice C Tomato sauce D oothpaste

% sodium water

" "opper!l!+ carbonate

copper!,+ sulphate

D "alcium hydroxide % hydrochloric acid -. % water

2/ (hich is not a property o

!A Boti B teas

r& cocng

What is substance CP A "alcium s0bhaie B Potassium -m m

" "opper111

22 ci !1 tatawng * If m

A Its p3 &alue is less ttan /.

B It has a bitter taste

" It can be neuta!tsed by an add to !orm a saft and water!

4 It releases ammonia when heated with an anr&norium salt

2S able 2 shows fi"e t#pes of

P. Q R f S and $% o3 &alues.

3t frwm. " Accs snc

PI O /? S T i255 i 6 ''

able 2

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