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Economic Outlook

Almost 70 per cent of Indians today live on less than Rs. 20 per day, while the wealthiest resources of the country lie in the hands of about 100 business houses. Is this enormous gulf between the rich and poor a good thing? The most worrisome part is that the current economic policies and system are making this gulf wider. The rich are getting richer at the expense of poor. How did a vast portion of the country's wealth come to rest in the hands of just a few? Did they toil more, produce more by agriculture or industry? Did they provide more services to the society? It seems that in most cases nothing happened. In most cases unlimited wealth was collected by fraud and deceit. When a business house buys 2G Spectrum license at Rs. 1500 crore from the government and then sells it 10 days later at Rs. 6000 crore, making thousand of crores in profit, is it correct? Is this kind of earned wealth right for the society, country or democracy? Or is this the misuse of system to earn profit? If a few people collect wealth by fraud, is this a healthy trend for a democracy? With this money they can buy any leader, officer or institution. Change in Economic Policy Aam Aadmi Party believes that present economic policies are more indulgent towards money grabbers, share market and corrupt people instead of genuine people. Such a society can never make progress. Economic policies should encourage honest traders, Industrial and Agriculture workers, and businessmen and enhance their prospects. Most people adopt corrupt practices because they are forced to do so. Though they want to be honest they have no option but to bribe. On the other hand, there are a few industrialist families who are openly indulging in pillaging the country. On one hand we have to deal strictly with such people, and on the other, change those policies which help and abet them.

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