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Census of Ballintoy Parish, 1803

The Background to the Census

- kindly provided by John A I McCurdy
In the Ballintoy Parish Vestry Book it has been recorded that Rev
Robert Trail, Rector of Ballintoy Parish, carried out a census and
survey of his Parish to determine the basis for the applotment of
Cess and also the contribution to be made by each household to
defray the cost, to the Parish, of providing substitute soldiers in
lieu of providing men from the Parish, for the Army. At that time
England was concerned about the probability of a war in Europe
where, despite the treaty signed in 1802, at Amiens, Napoleon
Buonaparte, the power-hungry and ambitious First Consul, virtually
the supreme ruler of France, was planning certain aggressions as a
first step in his ambition to conquer all of Europe and England. The
Defence Act of 1803 required an appreciation of the resources of the
whole country to be undertaken.
Mr Trail visited every townland in his parish in the spring of 1803
and interrogated each family head about his family, religion,
livestock, implements and material wealth. He recorded the details
of every family and entered these by townland and in many instances,
by smaller denominations and hamlets, within the townlands. In
addition he recorded the livestock, implements and material wealth
of each townland.
The Rev. Trail's survey took him quite some time during which he
visited every home and homestead in the parish. He was a well-known
and respected figure in the Parish and knew not only all the
gentlemen and of course his own parishioners, but also was wellacquainted with the vast majority of Dissenters and Catholics in the
area. He had been Rector of Ballintoy for over twenty-five years and
in addition was Captain of the Cary Yeomanry. He had, over the
years, baptised many of the people, Dissenter as well as Established
Church, who were now grown-up and raising families of their own.
When he had completed the survey work with the help of his clerk he
set about writing it into the Ballintoy Parish Vestry book, a task
which must have required several days, the whole work being
completed by the 7th April 1803. The information, as recorded by Rev
Trail in his "Complete list of the inhabitants of Ballintoy", is an
invaluable record of the people of the parish in 1803.
In the survey the Rev. Trail did not record farming as an occupation
since farming was the staple occupation of virtually all the
inhabitants. Similarly spinning was carried on in most households
and so did not warrant special mention. The religion of all was
indicated where they were other than the Established Church.

Page 1

The transcription process

This transcription is for the benefit of members of an internet
email group with special interest in North Antrim and has been
carried out by Melonie Crnich, Pam Rasmussen, Richard Herbert and
Norman Parkes. Special thanks are due to Melonie for providing the
working copies of the pages from microfilms of the Vestry Minute
Book held by the LDS library at Utah.
The census material was shared and the typescript then verified by
another colleague. Difficulties in transcribing from 'original'
records occur. The name lists of 1734 (Glynns ca1996) and the index
of the Tithe Applotment books were used as a guide to the family
names found in the Parish.
The townlands given in the census broadly match those of the
Ordnance Survey as used in Griffith's valuation of the 1860s.
However many smaller denominations are given. The order of the
transcription is that of the original which is in alphabetic order
of townland. John McCurdy has kindly provided assistance with the
geography of the parish and his comments have been summarised in the
townland list.

Future work
The Ballintoy Parish Vestry book contains, in addition to accounts
and the general administration details of the Parish, the following
data which could be of interest:
1. A list of assistance distributed to the poor of the Parish from
ca. 1803 to 1842. For most of these years, the lists give the names
and locations of the recipients. Deaths of recipients are noted.
2. A list, by townland, of farm machinery, livestock, personal
wealth (possession of clocks & watches), religion and population.
The total population was 3593 in April 1803, an increase of 209 on
the previous year.
3. A comet was noted on Sunday 4 July 1819 (not so luminous or
extended as that of 1811). It was visible for 27 or 28 days.

Using the data

It must be remembered that errors can appear in the data from a
variety of causes:

Page 2

1. The original information supplied to Rev Trail may not have been
fully accurate.
2. There have been at least two photographic imaging processes.
These can give loss of detail leading to difficulty in reading the
3. There have been at least three manual transcription stages each
having the possibility of errors.
Users are advised to study the original source if possible and to
attempt to validate data which is of interest to them by an
independent means.
Throughout the transcription:
Mc is given by M', except for family names "Macaw" and Macay"
The lower case characters "l" and "t" are difficult to distinguish
from each other. The given name "Kitty" is used here although it
looks very like "Kelly" in the census. The family name "Kelly" also
appears in the census and is transcribed as "Kelly". "Molly" and
"Matty" are difficult to distinguish from each other
The abbreviations "sert" for servant and "sist" for sister are
difficult to distinguish from each other.

Page 3

A complete list of the inhabitants of the Parish of Ballintoy

taken by the Revd Robert Trail April 1803
1. Arabuy (Araboy)
2. Artimacormick
3. Ballinlae (Later split into Ballinlea Upper, and Lower)
4. Ballintoy (Later split into Knocksoghey, Ballintoy and Ballintoy
5. Ballynastraid
6. Broughgammon
7. Cairn (Southern portion of Lemnaghmore)
8. Cairnanmore (Curramoney)
9. Cairnlelis (Carnlelis)
10. Caracroey (Carrowcroey)
11. Clegnagh
12. Cloughcorr (Cloghcorr)
13. Coulmaghra
14. Coulramoney (Curramoney)
15. Coulraskeskin (Currysheskin)
16. Craigalappin
17. Craiganee
18. Craige (Craig)
19. Croagh
20. Drimnagee (Drumnagee)
21. Drimnagessan (Drumnagessan)
22. Glenstaghy
23. Islandmacallan
24. Kilmahamogue
25. Kittal (Southern portion of Carrowcroey)
26. Knockanagarvan (Knocknagarvan)
27. Lagavara
28. Limeneagh (Lemnagh)
29. Lisbellanagroagh
30. Lissan (may be part of Islandmacallan - based on comparison with
family names in 1824 Tithe Applotment books)
31. Maharnahar (Maghernahar)
32. Maghrabuy (Magheraboy)
33. Maghracastle (Magheracashel)
34. Prolisk (Prolusk)
35. Straid (South portion of Croaghmore)
36. Templastra
37. Tobarkeagh (Toberkeagh)
38. White Park
Abbreviations for religion & occupation
C at the end of a name means Catholic
D "
" Dissenter
B "
" Burgher
Refd. Presbyterian

Page 4



" beginning




(W) John M'Glaughlan
Jane O'Gillan (D)
}1D. Peggy
-------------------------------------------------Alex'd M'Glaughlan
}1S. Neil
Kath. M'Keague
}2D. Nancy, Cath
-------------------------------------------------Adam Forgey
Lilly Steel (all D)
-------------------------------------------------Daniel Hill
}5S.John, James, Adam, Alexd, Daniel
Molly Forgey (all D)
-------------------------------------------------James Forgey (all D)
}1D. Margt
-------------------------------------------------(W) Alex Hill
Margt M'Curdy
-------------------------------------------------(W) Adam Hill
Anaple M'Curdy (all D)
}2 D. Mary, Jane
-------------------------------------------------(W) John Campble
Kath Colgan (all D)
-------------------------------------------------Isobel Darragh Ww.
}1 S. Neil (W)
of Alexd M'Mullan
-------------------------------------------------Saml Rogers
}1S. Archd (W)
Agnes Murray (all B)
}3D. Isob. Mary, Nancy
-------------------------------------------------James Rogers Senior
Betty Patten (all D)
-------------------------------------------------James Rogers Junior
}2S Jas, Robt
Margt Colgan (all D)
}2D. Betty, Jane

Page 5

-------------------------------------------------Archd M'Glaughlan
}2S. Richd, John
Marin Campble
}3D. Mary Ann, Jane, Ibby
Margt Duffie, mother
Duncan Campble, father (all D)
-------------------------------------------------Duncan M'Glaughlan
}4S. (W) Alex?, Danl, Pat, John
Mary Brown (all D)
-------------------------------------------------Mary Shaw widow of
} 1S. John
Pat M'Glaughlan (all D)
} 1D. Cath
------------------------------------------------Alex M'Glaughlan
Jane M'Gaughlan (all D)
} 1D. Christian
-------------------------------------------------Donald M'Glaughlan(all D) }
Christn M'Glaughlan
}1D. Jane
-------------------------------------------------ARABUY Ale?
-------------------------------------------------Robert Irvine
}1 S. Willm
Rose Hunter (all D)
}3 D. Mary, Matty, Jane)
-------------------------------------------------John M'Conoghy
} 1S. Alexd
Betty Magee (all D)
Neil M'Kinzie
}1S. John
Martha Hopkin
}6D. Mary, Martha, Ann, Eliz, Margt, Sarah
--------------------------------------------------John Morrison (D)
Margt Anderson
------------Margt M'Lester (ser)
--------------------------------------------------Danl M'Lester
Rose M'Neill (D)
}2 D. Peggy, Mary
--------------------------------------------------Hector M'Neill
}2 S. Jas, Archd)
Jane Calder (All D)
}1 D. Betty
--------------------------------------------------CRANICK (Crannoge)
--------------------------------------------------Jane Magee widow of
}1 S. Thos.
Thos Morrison (all D)
--------------------------------------------------Willm Morrison
Letitia Curry (all D)
}2 D. Jane, Peggy
--------------------------------------------------Page 6

Patrick Magee (all D)

}1 D. Mary
--------------------------------------------------James Morrison (D)
Martha M'Curdy
--------------------------------------------------Hugh M'Neil
Marin M'Ilfatrick (all D) }
--------------------------------------------------(Y)Neil M'Neil
}3S. Thos, Hugh, Saml)
Molly Mathews (All D)
--------------------------------------------------(W)John M'Neil
}3 S. Hugh, Jos, John
Susan Darragh (all D)
}2 D. Rose, Nancy)
--------------------------------------------------(W) John M'Lean
Mary Macay (all C)
}3D. Jane, Eliz, Cath.
--------------------------------------------------Kath M'Killop widow of
}2 S. Chas.,James
Danl Kain
}2 D. Mary, Cath.
--------------------------------------------------Saml Mathews
Eliz Matthews, sister (all D)
--------------------------------------------------Will Mathews
}4S. Saml, Willm, Robt, Alexd
Jane Hopkin (all D)
--------------------------------------------------Robert Mathews
}1S. Saml)
Nancy Luke (all D)
--------------------------------------------------Willm Stewart
}2S. Chas, James
Nancy Campble
}4D. Mary, Bel, Eliz, Jane
--------------------------------------------------FALLPORLEY OR CHARLESFOLD
--------------------------------------------------John Neiley
Rachel Hamil (all D)
----------Nancy Glass (servant)
Peter Simpson (servant D)
(W) Geo Hogart (D) do.
--------------------------------------------------Saml Neeley Mr
Rachel Hamil (D)

Page 7

--------------------------------------------------(W)Alex Macay
}3 S. Alex, Jas, John
Nancy M'Ilfatrick
}2 D. Jane, Mary
--------------------------------------------------Donald M'Killop
}1 S. Archd
Mt. M'Keernan
}2 D. Sally, Cath
--------------------------------------------------Nancy M'Keernan
}1 S.(W) Danl
widow of Pat. Purcel
}2 D. Cath, Mary
--------------------------------------------------James M'Glaughlan
}2 S. (W)John, Jas.
Molly M'Gleme (all C)
}4 D. Mary, Nancy, Jane, Bel
--------------------------------------------------Paddy M'Glaughlan
}1 S. James
Rose M'Michael (all C)
}2 D. Nancy, Mary
-------------------------------------------------Rose M'Gleme? widow of
}1 S. (W,Y) Danl
Alexd Macay (C)
-------------------------------------------------(W) James Quigg Mr
Kath. Boyd
-------------------------------------------------Alexd Smyth
}3 S. Jas, Danl, Chas by Chas Car
Ellen Quigg
}1 D. Kitty
-------------------------------------------------Thos M'Kinlay
}2S. Thos, Saml
Mary Dowds (C)
}2D. Sarah, Letty
-------------------------------------------------(W)John M'Kennon (C)
}3S. (W)James, Danl, John
Kath M'Crelis
-------------------------------------------------Jane M'Crelis widow of
John M'Ilhattan
Kath M'Curdy Ww. of
(born Aug 1709
Danl M'Crelis mother
died 30 Jan 1814)
-------------Rose D. of Archd M'Ilhattan
Saml M'Ilhattan, stepson [these 6 names bracketed together]
-------------------------------------------------BALLINLAE LOWER
-------------------------------------------------Edward Donally
}3S. Felix?, John, Edw
Nancy M'Curdy (All C)
}3D. Cath, Ann, Eliz
-------------------------------------------------(W) Patr Donally
}2S. Edmd, Pat
Matty M'Inargany (all C) }2D. Rose, Ann
-------------------------------------------------(W) Danl M'Ininch
Page 8

Nancy Hunter (all D)

}3D. Mary, Cath, Margt
-------------------------------------------------Jos M'Keesac
}4S. Danl, Hugh, Jas, Joseph
}4D. Cath, Ann, Mary, Janie? (D)
-------------------------------------------------Archd M'Kiown
}3s Geo, John, Randle
Esther M'Allaster (all D) }
-------------------------------------------------John Price
}2S. Chas, John
Esther Sharp
}7D. Mary, Eliz?Lissy?, Jane, Eleanor,
Betty, Peggy, Ann
-------------------------------------------------(W)Mathew Longmoore
Nancy Johnson (D)
}1D Peggy
-------------------------------------------------Rose M'Allaster widow of
James Turner?
}1D Cath
-----------Molly M'Allaster sist
--------------------------------------------------Hugh Simpson
}4 S.(Y)Will. Peter,(W)Arthur, (W)Stewart
}1 D. Peggy
--------------------------------------------------Mary M'Mullan & a Bastd
S. John to John Dunlop ~ Caracrowey
--------------------------------------------------Jane M'Tyre widow of
}1S. Leslie
James Stewart
}4D. Jane, Betty, Sally, Ellen
--------------------------------------------------(S?T?)John Smyth
}3S. Jas, Robt, John
Else M'Atyre (all D)
}2D. Betty, Peggy
--------------------------------------------------Willm M'Griggar
}1S. (W,Y) Stewart
Molly Campble (D)
--------------------------------------------------(W,Y)Archd M'Gill
}1S. James
Else Macay
}2D. Jane, Ellen
--------------------------------------------------Nancy M'Mullan
widow of James M'Gill
--------------------------------------------------(W,Y) John M'Gill
}1S. James
Peggy M'Bride
}1D. Mary
--------------------------------------------------(W,Y) Benj. M'Gill
}2S. John, Arch
Nancy M'Gowan
--------------------------------------------------John M'Neill (D)
Susan Cannon (B)
}2D. Rose, Mary

Page 9

--------------------------------------------------John Stewart
}1S. Daniel
Mary M'Mullan Mrs?
}3D. Sally, Nelly, Jane
-----------------Molly Stewart sist?sert?
--------------------------------------------------BLACK PARK
--------------------------------------------------(W)Benjm Stewart
}4S. Chas, Leslie, James, Benjamin
Jane Richmond
}4D. Eliz, Jane, Mary, Janet
--------------------------------------------------Charles Wallace
Nancy Ross (C)
}1D. Nancy
--------------------------------------------------Thos. Cairns (Flaxdresser)}
Peggy Glass (All C)
}2D. Mary, Peggy
--------------------------------------------------Kath. M'Gowan widow of
}1S. James
Malcom M'Veagh &
}1D. Jane M'Gowan
John M'Gowan
--------------------------------------------------Angus Ramsay
(W)Robert Macay
--------------------------------------------------(Y)James Logan
Mary M'Mullan
}4D. Ann, Mary, Betty, Jane
--------------------------------------------------(W)Archd Black (C)
}1S. Dan
Cath O'Gullan
}2D. Ann, Mary
--------------------------------------------------(T,Y)Archd Macay
}1S. Archd
Mary M'Michael
}2D. Mary, Ann
--------------------------------------------------Peggy M'Lany?M'Cany Ww.
of John M'Cormick (C)
}1D. Peggy
--------------------------------------------------Brian Rourke
Mary M'Cormick (C)
--------------------------------------------------(W) John Macay
}1S. (W) John
Mary Macay
}2D. Peggy, Rose
--------------------------------------------------Malcom M'Vaa
Betty M'Donnell (all D)
}1D. Betty
--------------------------------------------------John M'Curdy (C)
}1S. John
}1D. Betty
Page 10

--------------------------------------------------Thos Wray
}1S. James
Molly Cross
----------Mary Eagleton, mother
--------------------------------------------------Archd Gatefield
Mary Coyls
}1D. Mary
--------------------------------------------------SQUARE RIGHT
--------------------------------------------------Robert M'Mullan
}2S. Archd, (W)Danl
Jane Stewart
}3D. Mary, Jane, Netty?Nelly?
-------------Molly M'Curdy widow of
Patk M'Mullan
--------------------------------------------------Archd Lyons
}2S. Wm, John
Peggy Stewart
}2D. Ellen, Mary
-----------Mary O'Mullan, mother
--------------------------------------------------(W)Henry Loghan
}3S. (W)John, Henry, Alexd
Betty Smyth
}4D. Peggy, Betty, Laura, Nancy
--------------------------------------------------John Heaney
}1S. John
Molly Loghan
--------------------------------------------------Henry Stewart Schoolmaster}1S. George
Ellen Martin
}1D. Betty
--------------------------------------------------John Macay (whiskey)
Nancy M'Ilchrist
}1D. Margt
--------------------------------------------------Henry Kelly (C)
Rose Macay
}2D. Margt, Cath
has a B.D. Mary to Mich. Macaw
--------------------------------------------------NARROW RIGHT
--------------------------------------------------(M) Andrew Stewart
}2S. John, Will
Mary Stewart
}2D. Bel, Betty
--------------------------------------------------Duncan Macay
}4S. Wm, Archd, Hugh, John
Kitty M'Donnell
}2D. Margt, Kitty
--------------------------------------------------Thos Magraw
}1S. David
Molly Ramsay
}2D. Margt, Jane
--------------------------------------------------Alexd Macay
Peggy M'Mullan
}2D. Jane, Peggy
--------------------------------------------------Robert M'Mullan
}2S. Wm, Robt
Page 11

Margt Ramsay
}3D. Mary, Kitty, Jane
--------------------------------------------------Peggy Loghan wife of
}2s Wm, Alexd
Alexd M'Glaughlan
----------Wm Hunter
Kitty MGlaughlan
----------Peggy Kelly has a B.S. John
[All 6 names bracketed
to Dennis M'Farlane
---------------------------------------------------Archd M'Ilfatrick
---------------------------------------------------BEYOND THE RIVER RIGHT
---------------------------------------------------Christian M'Ilchrist
---------------------------------------------------Dennis M'Aulay
}3S. (Sh,Y)Cormick, Geo, Paddy
Sally Gillan
}1D. Ann
---------------------------------------------------(W,Y) Alexd Gillan
}2S. Jas, Alexd
Nelly Jamison
}5D. Peggy, Kitty, Jane, Ann, Sally
----------------------------------------------------(S)Chas Smith
}2S. (S)James, Quintain
Kath M'Allaster (all D)
}1D. Nancy)
----------------------------------------------------John M'Ginnes, Piper
}3S. Malcom, Colin, John
Cath Smith
}1D. Jane
----------------------------------------------------WESTEND LEFT
----------------------------------------------------(Sh)Will Kilpatrick
}1S. George
Betty Smith (D)
----------------------------------------------------Alexd M'Mullan
}2S. Wm, Alexd
Kitty Kilpatrick
----------------------------------------------------John M'Vaa (all D)
}1S. Charles
Jane M'Michael
}1D. Mary
----------------------------------------------------Archd Macay
}1S. Hugh
Sally Macay sistr?
}1D. Sally
----------Dougal M'Vaa, sert
----------------------------------------------------SQUARE LEFT
----------------------------------------------------James M'Mullen
}1S. John
Mary Loghan
}1D. Cath
----------------------------------------------------Will Moore
}3S. Alex, James, John
Page 12

Bell Curry (all D)

}1D. Bell
----------------------------------------------------(T)Benj Dickson
}2D. Susan, Nancy
----------------------------------------------------John Dickson
}2S. John, Hugh
Jane Bryson
----------------------------------------------------Robt O'Gullan
}2S. Henry, Wm
Nancy Macay
----------------------------------------------------John O'Gullan
}2S. Al., John
Mary M'Quilkan (C)
}3D. Jane, Mary, Sarah
----------------------------------------------------(C)Robert Stewart
Molly Macay
}2D. Jane, Mary
----------------------------------------------------NARROW LEFT
----------------------------------------------------James Stewart
}2S. Wm, Roger
Peggy Stewart
}3D. Sally, Peggy, Betty
------------Sally Stewart, sister
----------------------------------------------------Neil M Kiague
}2S. Frank, John
Nelly Macay
}1D. Ibby
----------Mary M'Mullan, niece
----------------------------------------------------BEYOND THE RIVER
----------------------------------------------------Samuel Wray
Alexd Wray
Peggy Wray
---------Jane Woods, mother
Jane Wray has a B.D. Betty to Pat
----------------------------------------------------Robert O'Gullan
} [These 4 bracketed together]
Rose Rourke
---------Neal M'Lean
}1S. Hector
Mary O'Gullan
-----------------------------------------------------Pat Murphy, orphan
[These 3 bracketed together]
Alex Murphy, orphan
Nancy Murphy, orphan
-----------------------------------------------------Robert M'Ilchrist
Mary M'Curdy
}1D. Betty
-----------------------------------------------------Edward Eagleton
}1D. Betty
Mary Kinney
}1GD. Peggy Paterson
Page 13

-----------------------------------------------------Alex Eagleton
Kitty M'Mullan
}2D. Betty, Mary
-----------------------------------------------------John Donally (C)
}1S. Willm
Betty M'Mullan
-----------------------------------------------------Willm M'Duffie
}1S. (W) John
Esther Carr
}5D. Nancy, Peggy, Esther, Ellen, Cath
-----------------------------------------------------Alexd Kennedy
}1S. John
Effy Macay
}3D. Jane, Ibby, Rose
-----------------------------------------------------Archd Kennedy
-----------------------------------------------------Nancy Macay widow of
}3S. Chas, John, Alexd
Alexd Macay
}2D. Sally, Margt
-----------------------------------------------------Leslie Macay
Mary Glass
-----------------------------------------------------Archd Kane
}3S. John, Jas, Archd
-----------------------------------------------------Mary Macay widow of
}1S. (W) Daniel
James Gillespy
-----------------------------------------------------Pat Kelly (C)
Rose Gillespy
}4D. Mary, Cath, Peggy, Rose
-----------------------------------------------------KNOCKSHANISH OR MONANKINNEY
-----------------------------------------------------Hector Gillespy
}3S. Mandy, James, Duncan
Cath. Murgan (C)
}3D. Molly, Cath, Peggy
-----------------------------------------------------PORT CAMPLY
-----------------------------------------------------Hugh Dunlop
Mary Boyce
}2D. Jane, Fanny
-----------------------------------------------------Thos Rourke
}1S. Alexd
}3D. Mary, Jane, Cath
-----------------------------------------------------Peg Rourke
---------Laura Rourke has 2 B.D.
Kitty Sheil to Will Sheil
Susan Logan

Page 14

-----------------------------------------------------Donald M'Donnell
}2S. Angus, John
Mary Niven (all D)
}1D. Mary
----------Archd M'Glaughlan (D)
-----------------------------------------------------Duncan M'Donnell
}1S. Dan
Merin M'Donnell
}2D. Laura, Peggy
Mary M'Lean, niece (all D)
-----------------------------------------------------John Kelly
}2S. Alex, John
Mary Loughan
}1D. Mary
-----------------------------------------------------(Y)John Jamison
}1S. Alexd
Jane M'Ininch
-----------------------------------------------------(W)Iver Macay
}4S. John, Alexd, Archd, Iver
Mary Jamison
-----------------------------------------------------Alex Jamison Sen
}1S. James
Margt Black
-----------------------------------------------------(W,Y)) Alexd Jamison, Jun.}1S. Alexd
Elen Black
}2D. Peggy, Bell
-----------------------------------------------------(W,Y) John Macay
}3S. Alex, John, James
Laura Jamison
-----------------------------------------------------James Guinea
Mary M'Gowan
}3D. Sally, Kitty, Margt
-----------------------------------------------------(S)Manus M'Allan
}2S. Geo, David
Rose O'Mullan
}1D. Kitty has two B. children,
Jackson & Ann
-----------James M'Aleese
Mary M'Allan
-----------------------------------------------------John Macay
}4S. Wm, (W)Jeremiah, James, John
Abby Willson
}3D. Kitty, Betty, Peggy
-----------------------------------------------------James M'Gowan
-----------Neil M'Curdy
}1S. James
Betty M'Gowan
}1D. Betty
-----------------------------------------------------James Skalley
}1S. Alexd
Page 15

Jane M'Faddin (all C)

}1D. Mary
-----------------------------------------------------Dennis Macay
}1S. James
Nancy Macay
}4D. Jane, Cath, Peggy, Mary
James M'Atyre
}1S. James
Martha Willson
}4D. Milly, Kitty, Sally, Mary
-----------------------------------------------------Archd Heyman
Archd Heyman, nephew
Mary Heyman, niece
John Brady S. to David Brady
Kath Heyman
Molly & Unity D. of the late John Heyman
-----------------------------------------------------John Heyman
Jane Young
}1D. Betty
-----------Molly Black has a B.D. Nancy
to Duncan Macaw
-----------------------------------------------------William M'Mullan
}4S. (W)John, (W)Jas, (W)Will, (W)Robt
Jane M'Inargany
Mary Chesnut sert.
-----------------------------------------------------(W) John M'Mullan
}2S. John, Dan
Lilly?Letty? Sinclair
}2D. Jane, Else
--------------Lilly Campble sert (D)
(W) Archd Lamond (appce)
-----------------------------------------------------Jane Hamil widow of
} 1D. Betty
Laughlan M'Curdy
-----------------------------------------------------Dennis Morrison
Mary M'Curdy
-----------------------------------------------------Archd M'Ilvray
}1S. John
Jane White (D)
}1D. Peggy, Sally
-----------------------------------------------------(W)Adam Sinclair
}5S. (W)John, (W)Niel, Adam, Jas, Saml
Madge M'Conoghy
}2D. Betty, Rose
--------------Alexd Sinclair
Kath M'Allaster
}1D. Cath

Page 16

John Black
Isobel O'Kane
----------(W,Y) John M'Ilfatrick (appce)
-----------(W,Y) John M'Duffie
}2S. Jas, John
Mary Black
}3D. Rose, Betty, Bell
-----------------------------------------------------(W) Benjn M'Duffee
Molly Magee
-----------------------------------------------------Eliz Murdock (D) Ww. of James O'Kain
---------(W)Robert Glass
---------(W,Y)Mathew Stewart
}1S. James
Ruth O'Kain
}2D. Elis, Margt
-----------------------------------------------------Daniel M'Mullan
Alicia O'Kane
------------John Black
}1 S. John [deleted]
Bell M'Mullan
}1D. Elze
-----------------------------------------------------John M'Ilroy
}1S. John
Sarah M'Mullan
}1D. Grizle
-----------------------------------------------------(T,Y)Thomas M'Viagh
}3S. Dan, Jas, Thos
Peggy M'Ilmoyle
}1D. Mary
-----------------------------------------------------(W)James M'Ilmoyle
--------------(W,Y)Hugh Beard
Jane M'Ilmoyle
}1D. Molly
-----------------------------------------------------Daniel Glass
}2S. Jas, Paddy
Mary M'Ilmoyle
}2D. Mary, Jane
-----------------------------------------------------(M)Andrew Stewart
}6S. Andrew,(W)John, Archd, Daniel,
Betty Hamilton
Cornelius, Chas
(T) Daniel Coyls
} 2 D. Mary, Margt
-----------------------------------------------------(W) Neil Hill (D)
} 5 S. Randle (W), Joseph, Wm, Saml,
Charles. 1 D. Mary

Page 17

Randle M'Allaster
---------------Betty M'Curdy (C) } servant
Kath. Quigg
(W) John Stewart appce.
-----------------------------------------------------Margt M'Curdy Ww
} 1 S. John
Dennis M'Caghan
} 4 D. Molly, Betty, Nancy, Matty
------------Francis Cairns
}1 S. John
Kath. M'Caghan
-----------------------------------------------------Molly Stewart Ww of
} 1 S. (W) Stewart (Y)
Donald Butler
---------Rose Butler Ww of
} 1 S. Peter
Patr. O'raa
} 1 D. Mary
-----------------------------------------------------Alexr. Daniel
Kath. & Betty children
of Neil Doo Coyls
-----------------------------------------------------(T) Alexdr M'Ilhoyle (C) }
Rose M'Allaster
-----------------------------------------------------James Coyls
} 2 S. Danl, Saml
Rose Martin
} 4 D. Grace, Rose, Jane, Mary
(all C)
-----------------------------------------------------John Doo Coyls
} 3 D. Mary, Cath, Peggy
(All C)
-------Danl Christy a B S of Mary
James Murray a B S of do
by Archd Murray
------------------------------------------------------Daniel M'Gowan
} 3 S. (W) Henry, Archd, William
Nancy M'Ilchrist
} 2 D. Peggy, Nancy
------------------------------------------------------John M'Gowan
} 1 S. William
Peggy M'Gowan
} 1 D. Betty
------------Jane M'Gowan Aunt
------------------------------------------------------James M'Gowan (Y)
Henry M'Gowan (Y)
Kitty M'Gowan

Page 18

Daniel M'Gowan
} 1 S. Henry
Esther Horan
} 1 D. Kitty
------------Bell M'Gowan mother (C)
------------------------------------------------------(W,Y) Robert M'Conoghy
Jane Frazer
} 1 D. Kitty
------------------------------------------------------Kath. Gillespy Ww of
Robert M'Conoghy
---------Sally M'Conoghy Ww of
} 1 S. Robt
Willm M'Vicar
------------------------------------------------------(T) Willm M'Cormick
} 1 S. John
Ann M'Mullan a G.D.(all D)} 1 D. Betty
------------------------------------------------------John Murgan (C)
} 2 S. Danl, Jas.
Eliza Speer (D)
} 1 D. Peggy
------------------------------------------------------Danl Murgan (C)
} 3 S. Dl, Jas, John
} 1 D. Mary
------------------------------------------------------Jane M'Gugan Ww of
} 2 S. Danl, John
Danl Murgan (D)
} 3 D. Mary, Sally, Cath.
------------------------------------------------------(C) Ezekiel M'Gowan
} 2 S. Archd, Ez.
Jane M'Curdy
} 2 D. Jane, Isobel
------------------------------------------------------Alexr. Christy
} 1 S. John
Nancy M'Gowan
} 2 D. Nancy, Betty
------------------------------------------------------Mary M'Gowan Ww of
} 2 S. Arch, John
of Donald Car
} 2 D. Mary, Kitty
------------------------------Mary M'Lean Ww of
} 5 S. Archd, John, Danl, Robt, Alex
of John M'Carrol
} 1 D. Jane
Patrick M'Curdy
} 3 S. (W) David, (W) John, Alexr
Jane M'Ilfatrick
} 2 D. Molly, Nancy
------------------------------------------------------John M'Gugan
} 2 D. Mary, Kitty
------------------------------------------------------James M'Curdy
} 2 S. David, John
Page 19

Jane M'Aulay (D)

} 4 D. Molly, Jane, Matty, Betty
------------------------------------------------------Michael M'Cormick
} (C)
Elspey M'Curdy
} 4 D. Ann, Betty, Peggy, Cath.
------------Jane M'Cormick a cousin
------------------------------------------------------Geo. M'Lernon
} 2 S. (W) Thos, (W) Francis
Molly M'Conoghy
} 2 D. Peggy, Betty
(all C)
------------------------------------------------------Daniel M'Curdy
} 6 S. Pat., James, Archd, Danl,
Peggy M'Ininch
} John, Jackson, 2 D. Mary, Madge
----------Ww. M'Curdy mother
Molly M. Keeman
William Craith
} 2 S. John, Robt
Betty Forbis
} 3 D. Mary, Jane, Nancy
(all D)
------------------------------------------------------Nathl Craith
} 3 S. (W) John, (W) Dl, Wm
Rose M'Leese?/M'Luse?
} 5 D. Jane, Mary, Rose, Peggy, Nancy
(all D)
------------------------------------------------------Thos. Craith
} 3 S. John, Hugh, Thomas
Molly Hill (all D)
} 1 D. Jane
------------------------------------------------------John Craith
} 1 S. Robt
Jane Orr
(all D)
} 7D. Nancy, Jane, Jenny, Bel, Matty,
Rachel, Betty
------------------------------------------------------John M'Ilhattan
} 2 S. Jos., Sam
Sally Campble
} 1 D. Sally
------------------------------------------------------(W) James Love
} 1 S. Robert
Rose M'Mullan
(all D) } 3 D. Ann, Peggy, Rose
----------John Love, brother
------------------------------------------------------(W) Robert M'Mullan
} 2 S. John, James
Matty Adams
--------Margt. Hunter Ww. of Jos. Adams Mr
(all D)

Page 20

Margt. M'Cormick Ww. of

John M'Mullan
Jane M'Mullan Dr., Ww. of John M'Ilroy
Shot in Ballycastle for being a Rebel in June 1798.
(all D)
------------------------------------------------------Ezekiel M'Cormick
} 3 S. (W) Robt, (W) Dl, (W) John
Grizel M'Conoghy
} 5 D. Mary, Peggy, Cath, Betty, Grizle
--------Margt M'Collom servt
------------------------------------------------------OLD TOWN
------------------------------------------------------Willm M'Glaughlan
} 1 D. Cath
Peggy M'Ilfatrick Sert
(all D)
------------------------------------------------------John M'Glaughlin
} 3 S. Wm. Jos, John
Matty Douglass
} 1 D. Jane
----------Pat M'Cormick appce (all D)
------------------------------------------------------Daniel M'Glaughlan
} 2 S. Davd, Wm (Y)
Mary M'Ilhattan
} 1 D. Jane
--------Nancy M'Ilfatrick Servt. (all D)
------------------------------------------------------Pat M'Glaughlan
} 1 S. John
Ann M'Duffie
} 2 D. Mary, Rose
--------Mary M'Glaughlan sert, (all D)
------------------------------------------------------Robt. M'Glaughlan
Pat. M'Glaughlan
--------John M'Glaughlan
} 1 D. Else
Jane M'Cormick
} (all D)
--------Peggy M'Ilfatrick Servt. (C)
Peggy M'Glaughlan appce
-----------------------------------------------------John M'Caghan
} 4 S. Hugh, Ias, Neil, Arthr?/Archd?
Peggy M'Keague
} (all C)
-----------------------------------------------------Con O'Taisy
Kath O'Taisy Sr?
Jane M'Cormick mother (D)

Page 21

SKIAG (Skehoge)
-----------------------------------------------------(W)James M'Ilfatrick
Mary M'Ilfatrick
Margt M'Ilfatrick (D)
-------Mary Hatty Ww. of John M'Ilfatrick
Nancy and Molly, Drs of John M'Ilfatrick
Danl Murphy servt.
-----------------------------------------------------Janet Frizel Ww. of
} 1 D. Else
Archd M'Ilfatrick
-----------------------------------------------------Jane M'Caghan Ww. of
} 1 D. Molly
Danl M'Ilfatrick (D)
-----------------------------------------------------(W) Alexdr M'Ilfatrick
Jane M'Cormick
} 2 D. Jane, Betty
-----------------------------------------------------James O'Gullan
} 1 S. (W) Wm
Margt M'Laughlan
-------------Geo. M'Pherson servt. (all D)
Honora Moroney appce
-----------------------------------------------------John Gormley
---Margt. & Cath Gormley, sist
---Kath. Laverty
} a B by Margt & Edwd Laverty
Pat Loghrie
} 3 D. Peggy, Mary, Else
-----------------------------------------------------Joice Macartney (D)
-----------------------------------------------------Alexr M'Ilfatrick
} 4 S. (W) Nath, Alexr, Thos, Neill
Betty Pierce (all D)
} 2 D. M!, Jane
-----------------------------------------------------John M'Ilfatrick
} 2 S. John, Robt
Betty Stewart (all D)
} 2 D. Rose, Ellen
-----------------------------------------------------John Neeley
} 2 S. Al, Henry
Margt M'Ilfatrick
------Ann Boyd Ww. of Alex. M'Ilfatrick
(All D)
-----------------------------------------------------(W) John M'Allaster
} 3 S. (W) Al, John, Thos
Page 22

Betty M'Caghan
(all D) } 1 D. Molly
-----------------------------------------------------James Dunlop
} 5 S. Adam (W), John, Wm, Hugh, Robt
Isob Twaddle (D)
} 1 D. Ellen
-----------------------------------------------------Archd M'Allaster
Effy M'Kinnon (all D)
-----------------------------------------------------(W) William Twaddle (D)
Mary Donally (C)
-----------------------------------------------------(Y) Saml M'Ilfatrick
} 1 S. Thos.
Isobel Purcel (all D)
} 2 D. Mary, Margt
-----------------------------------------------------(W) Neil M'Ilfatrick
} 3 S. Neil, Jos, John
Nancy Darragh
} 2 D. Molly, Nancy
-----------------------------------------------------(W) Willm English (Y)
Jane Beard
(all D)
-----------------------------------------------------(W,Y) John Dunlop
Kath. Dunlop
Nancy Dunlop
---(Y) James (W) Dunlop, nephew
-----------------------------------------------------Alexr M'Griggar
} 2 S. (Y) (W) Will, Alex
Nelly Macay
(all D)
} 2 D. Molly, Peggy
-----------------------------------------------------John M'Griggar
Martha Gordon
(all D) }
Archd M'Donnell
} 1 S. James
} 1 D. Peggy
------John and Neil M'Quilkan Servts
-----------------------------------------------------James Macay
} 1 S. Henry
Mary Magee
} 2 D. Jane, Betty
-----------(Y) John M'Aulay (C)
Molly Macay
} 1 D. Betty
-----------------------------------------------------(Y,W) Archd M'Ininch
} 3 S. Henry, John, James
Mary M'Aulay
} 1 D. Cath.
-----------------------------------------------------Paddy M'Ininch
} 2 S. Robt, Henry
Molly M'Phall
} 1 D. Eleanor

Page 23

Henry M'Ininch
Kath. Boyd
-------------Manus M'Cormick (C)
} 1 S. Saml
Mary M'Ininch
-----------------------------------------------------Charles Kain
Mary M'Kinnon
--------Kath. Kain wife to
} 2 S. Dan, John
John M'Fridan?/M'Tridan? }
She has a B D Nancy by Wm Lamont also a B S Paddy
-----------------------------------------------------Daniel Kain
} 3 S. Chas. Pat, Dl
Nelly Dogherty
} 1 D. Mary
----------John Kain
} 1 S. Willm
Rose Bonnatine
} 2 D. Rose, Mary
-----------------------------------------------------Duncan Murgan
} 2 S. John, Dan.
Nancy Dogherty (all C)
} 4 D. Mary, Rose, Nancy, Cath.
-----------------------------------------------------James Macay
} 2 S. John, Will.
Mary O'Murray
} 2 D. Sally?/Lilly?, Mary
-----------------------------------------------------(W) John Beard
} 1 S. Robert
Nancy Ramsay
(all D) } 3 D. Cath, Nancy, Jane
-----------------------------------------------------Ezekiel Macay
} 3 S. Hugh, Al, Ezek.
Mary Macay
} 4 D. Jane, Malsy, Sally, Betty
---------------------------(W) James Kelly
Rose Macay
-----------------------------------------------------James Macay
} 3 S. John, Jas, Archd
Shibby Quinn (C)
} 5 D. Cath, Betty, Bel, Rose, Sally
--------Cath. Melon (C) mother
-----------------------------------------------------Joseph Macay
-----------------------------------------------------John Macay
} 4 S. Chas, Jas, John, Dennis
Jane Bonnatine
} 2 D. Margt, Mary
-----------------------------------------------------Page 24

(T) Fergus Macay

} 2 S. John and James
Peggy O'Hara (C)
} 1 D. Molly
-----------------------------------------------------James Roe Macay
} 3 S. Angus, Jeremiah, Saml
Peggy Willson (D)
} 2 D. Nancy, Cath
-----------------------------------------------------Alexr M'Kennon
} 2 S. Wm, Alex
Margt Robison
(all D) } 1 D. Mary
-----------------------------------------------------George Boreland
Margt Macay
-----------------------------------------------------John Coyls (C)
} 2 S. Dan, John
Jane Macay
-----------------------------------------------------Sarah M'Allaster Ww of
Michael M'Mullan
} 1 D. M!
-----Angus M'Mullan son
-----------------------------------------------------(W) Archd M'Mullan
} 2 S. Wm?/Ml? (W), John
Kath. M'Mullan
} 2 D. Nanny, Sarah
-----------------------------------------------------(Y) John M'Allaster
} 3 S. Jas, Randle, John
Nancy Quigg
John M'Quilkan
}2 S. John, Archd.
Jane Macay (all C)
}1 D. Mary
-------------------------------------------------Alexr M'Quilkan
}2 S. Malcolm, Alexr
Nanny M'Quilkan
}2 D. Peggy, Cath
-------------------------------------------------Cath M'Quilkan sistr
Frank M'Quilkan Brother (all C)
-------------------------------------------------Bel M'Kinnon Ww of
}5 S. Archd, John, Pat, Al, Wm
Alex Boyd
}2 D. Mary, Rose
-------------------------------------------------Stoney Batter
-------------------------------------------------Micheal Keating
Kitty Stewart (all C)
-------------------------------------------------CRAIGNASHOOG ON HAWKS NEST
-------------------------------------------------Fergus Macay
}1 D. Bridget
Nancy M'Cambridge (all C) }
Page 25

-----------------------------------Archd Macay
}1 S. Alexr
Cath Diamond
}1 D. Mary
(Sh) M'Farlane Ewens
Jane M'Carter (all D)
-------------------------------------------------Cath M'Carter wife of
Robt M'Ilfatrick (D)
}1 D. Kitty
----Sally Montgomery
D Sert
--------------------------------------------------(Y) James M'Carter
}4 S. Pat, John, Mw., Charles
Hanna O'Kane (all D)
}3 D. Malsy, Sally, Rose
--------------------------------------------------John M'Ilfatrick
}3 S. Neil, John, Robt.
Mary M'Mullan (all D)
}3 d. Peggy, Kitty, Jane
--------------------------------------------------(W) William Beard
}1 S. John
Rose Collins (all D)
-------------------------------------------------Jane Robinson Ww of
}3 S. Jas, Thos, Jonathan
Willm Beard (all D)
}4 D. Jane, Peggy, Nancy, Rose
-------------------------------------------------Thos. Pedan
}1 D. Molly
Molly Beard (all D)
-------------------------------------------------Charles M'Cormick
}2 S.Alex, Hugh
Rose M'Cormick
}1 D. Jane
-------------------------------------------------Samuel Beard
}2 S. Al, Jonathan
Margt Twaddle (all D)
-------------------------------------------------Jos. Willson
Dan Christy servt
-------------------------------------------------(W) James Twaddle
}3 S. Al, Sam., Will
Mary Beard
}1 D. Margt
------Kath. Murgan servt (all D)
John Macay (D)
}1 S. Alex
Sally M'Mullan
}4 D. Sarah, Cath, Margt., Eliz.
-------------------------------------------------James M'Caghan
}3 S. John, Arch, James
Bel M'Caghan
}3 D. Rose, Betty, Giles ?

Page 26

(W,Y)Arch M'Caghan
}2 S. Archd., John
Isobel Lauson
------(W) Alex. M'Caghan brother
-------------------------------------------------(W) Arch M'Caghan Senr.
}1 S. (W) Isaac
Sarah Linagen
}3 D. Sally, Giles, Ibby
------(W) Robert M'Caghan brother
-------------------------------------------------(T) John Rogers
}1 S. (T)John
Giles M'Mullan
-------------------------------------------------Danl Rogers
}2 D. Cath, Mary
Rachel Graham
-------------------------------------------------(Sh) Archd Cameron
}3 S. Archd, Alex, Neil
Eliz Brown
(all D)
}1 D. Kitty
-------------------------------------------------Nelly M'Caghan
-------------------------------------------------(S) Archd M'Kinlay
}3 S. Pat (S), John (S), Stewart (Y)
Ann Stewart
}2 D. Charolette, Belle?/Betty?
-------------------------------------------------(W) John M'Mullan (Y)
}1 S. Dan
}1 D. Eleanor
-------------------------------------------------(W) Danl (Y) M'Mullan
}1 S. John
Jane Rogers
-----Kath Burns servt
-------------------------------------------------Mrs Leonora Willson wife of}1 D. Eleanor
Major William Willson
-------Mary Willson Ww of
}2 S. Robt., William
James Stewart
------------------------------------------------Mary Wallace Ww of
}2 S. Dan (schoolmaster), Charles?, Hugh
of Neil M'Neill
------Mary M'Kendry sert (C)
------------------------------------------------(W) George Wallace
}2 S. John, Jas.
Jane Colgan
}2 D. Mary, Eliz
------------------------------------------------Hugh Wallace
}2 S. Jas, John
Eliz Rogers

Page 27

Daniel Macay
(Y, W) John & Jas Wallace (Y) }
Nancy Wallace
------------------------------------------------Neil Hamil
}1 S. James
Malsy O'Gullan
}3 D. Nancy, Mary, Margt
-----------Mary Butler apprce
------------------------------------------------Cath Morrison Ww of
}2 S. Thos, Wm
of John Morrison
}3 D. Cath, Mary, Jane
------------------------------------------------Duncan M'Mullan
}1 S. John
Molly Macay
}2 D Else, Mary
------Peggy Sinclair servt
------------------------------------------------John M'Mullan
------------------------------------------------Andw M'Mullan
}2 S. Jas., Andw.
Kitty M'Mullan
}1 D. Sally
------------------------------------------------Danl M'Mullan
}3 S. Archd, John, Danl
Margt Glass
------------------------------------------------John Glass
}1 S. Hugh (Y)
Mary Glass
}1 D. Jane
------------------------------------------------(W) Neil Glass (Y)
}2 S. John, Dan
Nelly Rogers
}1 D. Mary
------------------------------------------------(W) Daniel Glass (Y)
}2 S. John, Jas
Kath Heyman
}2 D. Mary, Betty
------------------------------------------------DUNSEVERIC MILL
------------------------------------------------Arch M'Ininch
}4 S. John, Danl (W), Robt, Alex
Peggy Macay
}4 D. Mary, Sally, Nancy, Peggy
------------------------------------------------Angus M'Duffie
}2 S. John, Duncan
Margt M'Ininch
}5 D. Peggy, Nancy, Nelly, Jane, Bel
------------------------------------------------Danl (W) Linagen
}1 D. Betty
Eliz Macaw
------------------------------------------------(W) John Linagen
}1 S. Dan
Mary M'Duffie
------------------------------------------------Arch Coyls (C)
}6 S. Neil, Laughlan, John, Archd, James,
Nancy M'Mullan
}1 D. Betty
Page 28

------------------------------------------------(W) Neil Kinney (Y)

}4 S. Wm, Pat, Jas, Neil
Margt M'Mullan
}1 D. Nancy
------------------------------------------------(W) Danl Brown
}4 S. John, Saml?, Danl, Ralph
Betty Dempsey
}2 D. Nancy, Peggy
------------------------------------------------Danl Gillespy
}1 D. Kitty
Dolly M'Mullan
-----Danl Curry G. S.
Kitty has a B D Betty to Jas. Huey
------------------------------------------------(W) James M'Quilkan
}4 S. Jas, Dan, Archd, Neil
Nelly Kain
}1 D. Nelly
------------------------------------------------Danl M'Clelland
}2 S. Jas, John
Molly Montgomery
}2 D. Jane, Sally
-----Rose Bigham, mother (D)
------------------------------------------------(W) Roger M'Quilkan (Y)
}1 S. Neil
Mary M'Macay
}1 D. Nelly
------------------------------------------------(T) Hector M'Quilkan
}1 D. Kitty
------------------------------------------------Paddy M'Quilkan
Jane Glass
}1 D. Nelly
------------------------------------------------James Heyman
Eliz M'Mullan
------------------------------------------------Cath & Mary M'Quilkan
(W) Alexdr M'Glaughlan
}a B S of Cath.
Rose Frizel
}1 D. Betty
------------------------------------------------John Macaw
}3 S. Dan, John, James
Betty Heyman
}2 D. Betty, Eleanor
-----Kitty M'Mullan aunt
------------------------------------------------John Brown
}1 D. Nancy
Nelly M'Quilkan
-------Kath Brown Ww of
}1 S. Dougal
Dougal M'Vaa
}1 D. Nancy
------------------------------------------------(W) Daniel Linagen (Y)
Betty Huey a B by Kitty Gillespy

Page 29

Jane M'Curdy Ww of
}1 S. Paddy (Y)
Alex M'Conoghy
}2 D. Belle, Madge
------------Molly M'Conoghy Ww of
}1 S. Robert
John Hamil
------------------------------------------------Isaac Grimes (D)
}1 D. Jane
------------------------------------------------(W) John M'Lernon (C)
}1 S. Paddy
Jane M'Curdy
}2 D. Mary, Betty
------------------------------------------------Alex Grimes
}1 S. Alex
Nancy Magee (all D)
}4 D. Mary, Jane, Cath, Nancy
------------------------------------------------Daniel M'Conoghy
}3 S. Archd, Dan, Neil
Kath M'Kendry
}2 D. Kitty, Jane
------------------------------------------------Neil M'Kendry
}3 S. Bryan, Henry, John
Kath Magee
}5 D. Cath, Molly, Rose, Sally, Jane
------------------------------------------------John M'Kendry
}1 S Neil
Nancy Patterson
}2 D. Cath, Nancy
--------Al? M'Kendry brother
------------------------------------------------(T?) Archd M'Curdy
}2 S. John (W), Archd
Bel M'Curdy
}4 D. Cath, Jane, Mary, Rose
------------------------------------------------Laughlan M'Curdy
}1 S. James (W)
Mary Anderson (all C)
}1 D. Peggy
------------------------------------------------Alexr M'Auley
}2 S. John, Matw.
Ann Patterson (all D)
}2 D. Peggy, Martha
------------------------------------------------Wm M'Aulay
Jane M'Aulay aunt
Alex M'Aulay neph. son to John
------------------------------------------------(W) James M'Aulay (D)
}1 S. John
Jane M'Conoghy
------------------------------------------------Mary Smylie Ww of
Mathw. Patterson Senr
-----(W) Ralph?/Joseph? Patterson
------------------------------------------------Page 30

Kath Ramsay wife of

}6 D Margt, Cath, Peggy, Bel, Mary,Nancy
James M'Ininch
------------------------------------------------(W) Arch M'Ininch
}3 S. Jas (W), Dan, Henry
Rose M'Aulay
}2 D. Margt, Rose
------------------------------------------------Pat. Glass
}2 S. John (W) (Y), Neil (W) (Y)
Jane M'Phall
-----Mary Black servt
------------------------------------------------(W) Chas. O'Neil (C)
Eliz M'Mullan
------------------------------------------------John Collins
}2 S. John (W), Hugh
Bell Car
}3 D. Rose, Cath, Betty
--------John Pedan schoolmaster
}2 D. Mary, Betty,
Nancy Collins
------------------------------------------------Wm Martin
}2 S. John, Will
Peggy Car
}2 D. Matty, Rose
-----Matty has a B D Ann to Mw Patterson
------------------------------------------------Neil Glass
}1 D. Peggy
Sarah M'Glaughlan
-----Peggy Vaughan mother (C)
------------------------------------------------Iver M'Gleme
}3 S. Dan, John, Geo
Jame Keaton
(all C)
}2 D. Mary, Betty
------------------------------------------------(W) Hector M'Allaster
}3 S. Wm, John, Chas
Jane Thompson
}1 D. Sally
------------------------------------------------(M)John M'Null?/M'Neill (C)}2 S. Allan, Dan
Malsy M'Mullan
------------------------------------------------Jos. M'Conoghy (D)
}1 S. Robt
Jane M'Allaster (C)
}2 D. Jane, Peggy
-------------------------------------------------James Macaw
}1S. John
Mary Wallace [d1811?]
}1D. Jane
-------------Sally Sinclair (sert)
Page 31

-------------------------------------------------Kath M'Allaster
}1S. Alexr
-------------Betty Macaw, Ww of
}1D. Mary
John Kennedy
-------------------------------------------------Duncan M'Curdy
}2S. Archd, Edmd
Betty M'Allaster
}2D. Nancy, Mary
-------------Mary M'Allaster (sister)
-------------------------------------------------Daniel Christy (C)
-------------------------------------------------Rose M'Neill
Kath M'Neill
Frank Macay
}1S. Archd
}1D. Rose
-------------------------------------------------Danl Carr
}5S. John (W), Paddy
Mary Christy
Jas, Danl, Alexr
-------------------------------------------------John M'Ilchrist
}2S. Wm, Paddy
Kath M'Allaster
}2D. Cath, Sally
-------------------------------------------------Frank Christy
}2S. Henry
Mary M'Gowan [d.1840?]
-------------------------------------------------Upper Craiganee
-------------------------------------------------Rose Macay
Ww of
}2S. Jos, Alexr
Alex Macay
-------------Dennis Kelly
Peggy Macay
-------------Mary Macaw a B of Michl Macaw
by Rose Macay in Ballintoy
-------------------------------------------------Margt M'Collom
of John M'Keiaghan
-------------Geo M'Collom (brother)
-------------------------------------------------John Clark
}1S. Thos (W)
Sally Mahaghy (D)
}2D. Mary, Sally
-------------------------------------------------Hector M'Ilfatrick
Margt Clark (D)
}1D. Sally
-------------------------------------------------(S) James Skalley
}2S. James, Willm
Nelly Macaw
}2D. Nancy, Peggy
-------------------------------------------------William Boreland
Page 32

Kitty Macay
-------------------------------------------------(W) Michael Macaw
Betty Jamison
}1D. Cath
-------------------------------------------------Mesin M'Donnell
of James O'Murray
-------------------------------------------------William Grimes
}1S. James
Mary Ann Murray
-------------------------------------------------Michael M'Ilhatton
Nancy Murphy
(all D)
-------------Kath M'Ashanog (mother)
A B. D. Jane Shaw
-------------------------------------------------Edward Dighon
Nancy Laverty
-------------------------------------------------Duncan M'Inargany
}3S. Alexr
Mary M'Bride
Stewart, Dennis
-------------Cath M'Bride (sister)
Nancy Carr
}1 B. S. John to John M'Bride
-------------------------------------------------Patrick M'Kendry (C)
}3S. Pat, Duncan (Y)
Peggy M'Inargany
-------------------------------------------------Alex M'Kendry
}1S. James
Jane M'Mullan
-------------------------------------------------Danl M'Ilfatrick
}1D. Jane
-------------------------------------------------William M'Ilfatrick
}1S. Chas
Margt Bonnatine
-------------John M'Ilfatrick (brother sert)
Mrs Eliz Johnston
}1D. Eliza
of Willm Johnston Esq
-------------Miss Ann Johnston
Mr John Moore
Jane Johnston
-------------Jane & Mary O'Hail (serts)
Alex Johnston & John M'Collom (serts)
-------------------------------------------------Page 33

(W) George M'Curdy

}3S. John (Y,W), Archd (Y,W), Geo (Y,W)
Betty Linagen
}1D. Peggy
-------------------------------------------------Alex M'Conoghy
}4S. Thos (W), John (W), Alex, William
Molly Glafs
}2D. Jane, Nanny
-------------------------------------------------(Y) John Cameron
Mary Johnston
}1D. Betty
-------------------------------------------------Daniel M'Mullan
Kitty Burns (sert)
-------------(W) Alexr M'Mullan
Betty M'Mullan
-------------------------------------------------(W) Angus M'Caghan
}2S. Hugh, Archd
Eliz Glass
}2D. Betty, Bel
-------------------------------------------------(Y) John M'Caghan
}2S. Archd, Neil
Mary Burns
}1D. Nancy
-------------George Grimes
}1D. Kitty
Peggy Roy
had a B. to John M'Lernon
-------------------------------------------------William Morrison
}3S. Ben, John (W), Wm (C,Y)
James Morison G.S.
}1D. Peggy
(all D)
-------------------------------------------------(W) Cornelius M'Mullan
}5S. Corns, Dan
Mary M'Mullan
John, Wm, Jas
-------------Nelly Colgan (sert)
-------------------------------------------------(W) Hugh Ligart (D)
}2D. Mary, Betty
Jane M'Mullan
-------------------------------------------------John Hill (cooper) (D)
}2S. Adam (Cr), John
Betty M'Mullan
}1D. Betty
Robert M'Curdy
Kath M'Ilhuran
(all D)
-------------------------------------------------Brice Hogart
}4S. Geo, Rob
Jane M'Conoghy (all D)
Jas, Saml
-------------------------------------------------(S) John M'Curdy (D)
-------------------------------------------------(M) Alexr M'Curdy (D)
-------------------------------------------------Page 34

(C) James M'Curdy (D)

}3S. Chas, Alex, Cuppage
Eliz Forbis
}1D. Jane
-------------------------------------------------Pat M'Mullan
Alexr M'Mullan
Molly M'Mullan
} (all C)
-------------------------------------------------(C) Danl M'Mullan
}1S. John
Kath Coyls (all C)
}2D. Mary, Nancy
-------------Nancy Coyls (sert)
-------------------------------------------------Robert M'Curdy
-------------Jane Bonnatine (mother)
Jane M'Curdy (G.D.)
-------------------------------------------------(Sh) James M'Curdy
Margt M'Crelis
}1D. Mary
Peggy Beard Ww of John M'Crelis
(Sh)John M'Kinlay (Appce)
-------------------------------------------------Samuel Steel
Peggy M'Keeman (all D)
-------------------------------------------------(W) Alexr Steel
}1S. Saml
Mary Murray
}1D. Jane
-------------(W) Willm Hill
-------------------------------------------------(Y) David M'Mullan
}2S. John, Dav
Sally Greer
}2D. Agnes, Sally
-------------------------------------------------Daniel M'Mullan
Molly M'Killop
-------------------------------------------------(T) Alex M'Allaster
}2S. Alr, Danl
Isobel M'Mullan (all D)
}1D. Isobel
-------------------------------------------------(W) Thomas Rogers
}1S. James
Flora Curry (all D)
}2D. Flora, Jane
-------------------------------------------------Mary Beatty
}3D. Mary
of John M'Atyre (D)
Anaple, Jane
-------------Mary has a B.D. Jane to Dan M'Lester

Page 35

James Tagart
}1S. Robt
Mary Tagart
}1D. Molly
-------------Mary M'Kieman
(all D)
-------------------------------------------------Nancy M'Alespy
}2S. John, Jas
of James M'Atyre
}2D. Mary, Martha
-------------Martha M'Lester (mother) (all D)
-------------------------------------------------Alexr M'Mullan
}1S. David
Jane M'Atyre
}3D. Mary, Betty, Bel
-------------------------------------------------David M'Mullan (D)
}1S. Chas
-------------------------------------------------(W) John Murray
}4S. Math (W), John(W), Wm, James
Mary Patton
}2D. Nancy, Mary
-------------------------------------------------Arch Steel
}5S. Sam, John, Al, Archd, Wm
Isobel M'Curdy (all D)
}1D. Margt
-------------------------------------------------Alex M'Glaughlan
}1S. Neil
Isobel Black
-------------------------------------------------Jane Templeton Ww
}1S. Adam
of Neil M'Glaughlan
}1D. Margt
-------------Eliz Templeton (sister)
(All D)
-------------------------------------------------Danl M'Glaughlan
}3S. Alex, Hugh, Terance
Jane Henry
}1D. Eliz
-------------------------------------------------John M'Glaughlan
}1S. Alex
Jane Steel
(all D)
}4D. Margt, Elis, Christ, Jane
-------------------------------------------------Robert Stewart
}1S. Robt
Martha Smyth
-------------- (tinkers)
Hugh Stewart }
Ann Morrow
(all D)
}3D. Martha, Christn, Mary
-------------------------------------------------William M'Glaughlan
}2S. Stewart, John
Eliz Tagart
(all D)
-------------------------------------------------Archd M'Glaughlan
}4D. Christ, Jane
Mary Young
(all D)
Mary, Rachel
Page 36

-------------------------------------------------(W) John Tagart

}1S. Robt
Mary Macaw
(all D)
}1D. Eliz
---------Mary Moncrief
-------------------------------------------------Eliz Stewart
}2S. Robt (W) Will (dumb)
of Will Tagart
(all D)
}1D. Agnes
-------------------------------------------------(W) Saml Tagart
}1D. Nancy
Kath Macaw
(all D)
(C) (Y) Robert Hargrove
}2S. Jas, Robt
Kath M'Caghan }1D. Ann
-------------------------------------------------(W) (Y) Archd Greer
}1S. John
Ibby Stewart (D)
}3D. Jane, Isob, Nancy
-------------------------------------------------(Y) Patrick Greer
}1S. John
Mary M'Curdy
}1D. Mary
-------------------------------------------------John Greer
-------------(W) Willm Greer
}1S. John
Margt Kelso
}1D. Nancy
-------------------------------------------------Duncan M'Caghan Sr
-------------Jane Galt
Ww of
}1S. Dennis
John M'Caghan
}2D. Isob, Christn
-------------------------------------------------(W) (Y) Danl M'Quilkan
Matty English
-------------(W) Ezekiel English
-------------------------------------------------(Y) Dun M'Caghan Junr
}1S. Thos
Isobel Gray
}3D. Christn, Matty, Jane
-------------------------------------------------Pat M'Leese Senr
-------------(Y) Pat M'Leese
}4S. Archd, Jas, Danl, Hugh
Esther M'Mullan
}1D. Molly
-------------Esther Pattison
-------------------------------------------------(W) Neil Todd
}3S. Wm, Dl, John
Molly Linagen
}1D. Ellen
-------------Nancy Todd
-------------------------------------------------Page 37

John Todd
Jane M'Clelland (D)
-------------------------------------------------Andw Macaw
}3S. Davd, John, Archd
Ann Love
}2D. Kath, Jane
-------------------------------------------------Jane Wiley
}1D. Ally wife to
of John Love
Archd M'Ilhuran
-------------------------------------------------(W) Saml Ligart
}2S. Hugh, John
Jane Love
(all D)
-------------------------------------------------William Gray
}1S. James
Margt Gray
(all D)
}3D. Betty, Matty, Mary
-------------------------------------------------John M'Caghan
-------------------------------------------------Kath M'Conoghy
}3D. Cath, Jane
of James M'Caghan
-------------Cath has a B.S. Hector to John M'Caghan
-------------------------------------------------(Y) John M'Caghan
}1S. James
Rose Martin
-------------------------------------------------John M'Ilhuran
}1S. John
Molly M'Duffie
(all D)
}1D. Mary
-------------------------------------------------Hollow of the Hill
-------------------------------------------------James Magee (D)
}1S. Alexr
Kath M'Caghan
}1D. Sally
-------------------------------------------------Peggy Magee Ww
}2D. Rose, Bel
of Andw Magee (D)
-------------------------------------------------(Y) Thos Magee (D)
}2S. Arch, Andw
Betty M'Caghan
}1D. Peggy
-------------------------------------------------(M) (Y) Hugh M'Conoghy
}2S. Andw, Alexr
Nancy Magee
-------------------------------------------------Willm Magee
}1S. James (Y)
Jane M'Kieaghan (all D)
}3D. Sally, Alicia, Jane

Page 38

Mr John Dunlop
}2S. Alex, Archd
Ann Boyd
}1D. Ann
-------------John M'Mullan (Y) }(serts)
John M'Curdy (D) }
-------------Jane M'Aulay }serts
Ann Adams
-------------------------------------------------(W)Michael M'Leese
}2S. Michl, James
Eliz M'Glaughlan (D)
}1D. Molly
-------------------------------------------------(W)(Y) Patrick M'Lernon (C)}3S. John, Geo, Jas
Rose Cunningham
-------------Kath M'Neil
Ww of
John Cunningham
-------------------------------------------------Mary M'Ilroy
}2S. Saml, Dennis
of Danl M'Duffie
}2D. Anaple, Nancy
-------------------------------------------------Mary M'Duffie
}1S. Alex
of Danl Carniggy
}3D. Peggy, Ann, Betty
-------------------------------------------------Duncan M'Duffie
Margt M'Keague (all D)
-------------------------------------------------Dennis M'Duffie
}1S. John
Betty M'Mullan
}3D. Jane, Mary, Ann
-------------Mary M'Duffie
-------------------------------------------------(Y) (M) James Carneggy
}4D. Mary, Annable, Margt, Nancy
-------------------------------------------------(Y) John Carneggy
Molly M'Glassan
-------------------------------------------------John M'Caghan
}4S. Davd (Y), Archd (Y), John, James
Sarah Macaw
}1D. Isobel
-------------------------------------------------Danl M'Caghan
Molly Sinclair
}3D. Cath, Sally, Isobel
-------------------------------------------------John M'Glaughlan
}2S. John, Thos
}2D. Fanny, Eliz
-------------------------------------------------Rose M'Neil
}2D. Ellen
of Richd Bell
Page 39

-------------------------------------------------Gouksourick Brae
-------------------------------------------------James M'Curdy
}4S. Jas (W), John (W), Pat (Y), Alex (Y)
Mary Thompson (all D)
}1D. Isobel
-------------------------------------------------Betty Gatefield Ww
}2S. Jas (Y), Hector (W)
of David M'Quillian
}1D. Nelly
-------------------------------------------------Willm M'Curdy
}1S. John
Jane Rogers (all D)
}2D. Jane, Isobel
-------------------------------------------------(Sh) John Heaney
Dolly M'Curdy
} (all D)
Archd Carr
}1S. John
Shilo M'Gowan
}4D. Cath, Ann, Jane, Esther
-------------James Carr (brother)
-------------------------------------------------John Boyd
Kitty M'Neill
-------------Alex M'Fridan?/M'Tridan (sert)
-------------------------------------------------Dennis M'Glassan
}3S. John, Dennis, Robt
Margt. M'Neill
}1D. Molly
-------------Nelly O'Mialey
Ww of
Duncan M'Glassan
-------------Peggy M'Glassan (sister)
-------------------------------------------------(W) Peter M'Cormick (C)
}1S. James
Rose M'Neill
}3D. Mary, Bel, Cath
-------------------------------------------------(W) Alexr Macay
}2S. John, Pat
Kath Macay
}2D. Mary, Nelly
-------------------------------------------------Will Roe Macay
}2S. Angus, Jas
Sally Curry
}1D. Jane
-------------Mary Carr (sert)
-------------------------------------------------James Macay
Betty Macay
-------------------------------------------------Glenstaghy Middle
-------------------------------------------------John Brown
Jane Hunter
}1D. Cath
Page 40

-------------------------------------------------Duncan Brown (school master) }1S. Duncan

Mary Christy
(all D)
-------------------------------------------------Archd M'Keirmid
Betty M'Phall
}3D. Mary, Isobel, Cath
-------------------------------------------------Saml Wills
}3S. Dan, Wm, Sam
Angel Macay
}1D. Jane
-------------Anaple Dighon }(serts)
Bryan Dighon
-------------------------------------------------William Macay
}2S. John, Laughlan
Maudlin Macay
}3D. Mary, Isob, Cath
-------------Kath Stewart
Jas M'Mullan (nephew)
-------------------------------------------------Jane M'Carrol
} (midwife)
Molly M'Carrol }
-------------------------------------------------(W) Alex Macaw
}2D. Jane, Molly
Mary M'Neil (C)
-------------------------------------------------Jane M'Ilfatrick
}1D. Peggy
of Alexr Stewart
-------------Peggy has a B.D. Jane to Hector M'Ilfatrick
-------------------------------------------------Andrew M'Phall
}3D. Mary, Betty, Esther
Nancy Carr
-------------------------------------------------(W) Robert M'Phall
}3S. Pat, John, Robert
Peggy Welsh
-------------------------------------------------Glenstaghy Far
-------------------------------------------------John M'Lister
-------------Peggy M'Curdy (Sert)
-------------------------------------------------(W) Laughlan M'Lean
}1S. John
Nancy Boyle (C)
-------------------------------------------------Daniel M'Donnell
Mary M'Lean
}1D. Mary
-------------------------------------------------Neil M'Lean
}5S. Dun (W), Robt, And (W), John, Laughlan
Hanna M'Phall
}3G. Cath, Mary, Peggy

Page 41

James Twaddle
Kath M'Lister
}2D. Cath, Nelly
-------------Mary Clark (sert)
-------------------------------------------------Marg M'Lister Ww of Robt M'Lean
-------------Alexr Sinclair
Mary M'Lean
}1D. Jane
-------------------------------------------------Duncan M'Phall
}1S. John
Kath M'Lean
}1D. Kitty
-------------------------------------------------John M'Cormick
}1S. James
Isobel Bole (all C)
}4D. Nell, Cath, Ibby, Mary Ann
-------------------------------------------------Pat Dighon (C)
}3S. Bryan, Dan, Neil
Nancy M'Collom (D)
}3D. Anaple, Mary, Nancy
-------------------------------------------------(W)Neil M'Collom
Anaple M'Conoghy
} (all D)
-------------------------------------------------(W) Robert Clark
Barbara M'Collom
} (all D)
-------------------------------------------------John M'Kieaghan (D)
}2S. Danl, Jas
Peggy M'Ilchrist
}3D. Mt, Nancy, Jane
-------------John has a B.S. John by Livy Sinclair
-------------------------------------------------(W) Daniel M'Collom
Margt Clark (all D)
Charles M'Keown
Nelly Campble
} (all C)
-------------------------------------------------John M'Keown
Mary M'Keown (sister)
} (all C)
-------------------------------------------------Pat Laverty
Bridget M'Lean
-------------Mt Laverty, Ww & Angus Laverty
(all C)
-------------------------------------------------Mary Logan
Ww of
}2S. John, Jas
Samuel Maxwell(all Mountn) }2D. Jane, Peggy
Page 42

-------------------------------------------------Peggy & Nancy Kinnaird (C)

-------------------------------------------------Peggy M'Kendry
Betty & Mary (sisters)
Mary M'Kendry
(all C)
-------------------------------------------------(W) John Miller
}1S. John
Kath Owens
}3D. Mt, Jane, Nancy
-------------Margt has a B.S. Jas to Jas Stewart
-------------------------------------------------Willm Stewart
}2S. Dan, John
Kath M'Leese
(all C)
}4D. Peggy, Madge, Nancy, Mary
-------------------------------------------------(W) Danl Christy
}1S. John
Mary O'Kain (D)
}1D. Cath
John Stewart
Peggy Tenant (D)
-------------James Stewart (sert)
Hanna Dogherty (D)
} (serts)
Nancy M'Cairn
-------------------------------------------------Duncan Shaw (D)
} (school master)
Nancy Black (C)
-------------Cath Black (sist) (C)
-------------------------------------------------(W) Stewart Forbis
}4D. Sally, Rose
Mary Scot (B)
Mary Ann, Lilly
-------------------------------------------------William M'Ilhoyle
}1S. John
Eliz Kain
(all C)
}1D. Cath
-------------------------------------------------Jackson Glass
Betty Wallace
}2D. Mary, Betty
-------------------------------------------------James Murgan
}1S. Dan
Mary Ann M'Faden
}2D. Mary, Ann
-------------------------------------------------High Kilmahamogue
-------------------------------------------------John Glass (C)
}1S. Hector
Helen Kilpatrick (D)
}2D. Mary, Cath
-------------------------------------------------Neil Glass
}3D. Kitty, Nancy, Jane
Abby Flack Ww of
John Knox
}1D. Betty Knox
-------------Page 43

Rose Coyls (sert) (all C)

-------------------------------------------------(W) James Glass
}3S. John, Hector, James
Betty Read
(all C)
}1D. Sally
-------------------------------------------------Andrew Glass
-------------James Glass
}3S. Andw, Neil, Jas
Nancy Glass
}1S. Jane
-------------------------------------------------Corns. Glass
}2S. John, Dan (W) (Y)
Eliz Glass
}1D. Mary
-------------Betty Coyls (sert)
(all C)
-------------------------------------------------Mary Dallen (C)
has a B.S. Neil to Neil Glass, Pounds
-------------------------------------------------Peggy Glass
}1S. Dan
of Dan Macay
}3D. Margt, Mary, Nancy
-------------------------------------------------(W) Charles M'Caghan
}7S. Nicholas, Pat (W), John, Jas,
Jane Craig
(all D)
Chars, Alexr, Sam
1D. Jane
-------------Jane Craig
-------------------------------------------------John Murphy
}2S. John, Thos
Polly Morrison
}1D. Mary
-------------------------------------------------(T)John Connolly
Jane Patterson
-------------------------------------------------Matty Hunter
}2D. Mary, Nancy
of Angus Glass
-------------------------------------------------Alex M'Mullan
}4S. Neil, Jas, John, Alexr
Kath Glass
}2D. Mary, Peggy
-------------------------------------------------(S) Joseph Darragh
}2S. Geo, John
Peggy M'Cook
(all D)
}1D. Kitty
(S)Archd M'Curdy (C) (appce)
-------------------------------------------------Craigvrack or Grey Rock
-------------------------------------------------John Glass
}4S. Wm, Neil (Sh), Alex, John
Mary Thomson
}3D. Rose, Martha, Jane
-------------------------------------------------Neil Glass
}1S. Neil
Rose Twaddle (D)

Page 44

John Twaddle
}1S. James (W)
Kath M'Cormick
(all D)
-------------------------------------------------Will Twaddle
}2S. Al, Archd
Ruth M'Cormick
}2D. Cath, Mary (all D)
-------------------------------------------------(W) Alexr Twaddle
}3S. Stewart, John, Robt
Helen Forbis (all D)
}1D. Jane
-------------------------------------------------James Twaddle
}1S. Robt
Abby M'Dougal
}1D. Jane
-------------Sally Stewart (sert) (all D)
Hill End
-------------------------------------------------John M'Gowan
}2D. Mary, Nancy
Kath Morrison
(all C)
M'Bride by his wife
-------------------------------------------------Michael M'Gowan
Mary M'Gowan (sister)
(all C)
-------------------------------------------------(W) James M'Curdy
}2S. Dan, Neil
Cath M'Curdy
(all C)
-------------John (Sh) & Frank (Sh) M'Curdy (brothers)
-------------------------------------------------Alexr M'Curdy
}2S. Jas, Frank
Mary M'Curdy
}2D. Margt, Cath
-------------Rose M'Curdy (sister)
(all C)
-------------------------------------------------John Patton
}2S. John (W), Sam
Hanna Niven
(all D)
}2D. Sally, Ann, Nancy
-------------------------------------------------(W) Alex M'Allaster (C)
}2S. Al, John, Dan
Molly Darragh
}2D. Cath, Jane
-------------------------------------------------Danl M'Allaster (C)
Rachel Boyd
-------------------------------------------------Chas M'Allaster (C)
}2S. Archd, John
Betty Divers
}1D. Jane

Page 45

John Hunter
} 1 S. Wm.
Jane Macartney (all D)
} 3 D. Mary, Jane, Peggy
----------------------------------------------------Peggy Hunter Ww. (D)
} 2 S. Wm., David
of John Cunningham
} 2 D. Mary, Margt
----------------------------------------------------David Cunningham
} 2 S. Dennis, David
Sally Stewart (D)
} 3 D. Jane, Mary, Cath
--------------Bernard Loughan (C) Sert
Jane M'Quilkan (C) Sert
----------------------------------------------------Warren M'Collam (D)
} 2 S. Danl., Dougal
Jane M'Gowan
} 1 D. Bel
------------Nelly Rankin
(C) Sert
----------------------------------------------------(W) Willm. M'Gowan
(C) } 2 S. Neil, Willm
Bel Ramsay
} 1 D. Mary
---------Peggy M'Gowan Sert.
----------------------------------------------------Y? Abraham Armor?
} 1 S. Jas.
Mary Gillespy
} 1 D. Mary
----------------------------------------------------John Bonnatine
} 3 S. Jas., John, Duncan
Mary M'Gowan
} 2 D. Bel?., Margt.
-------------------Danl. Purcel Sert.
----------------------------------------------------Chas. Bonnatine
Peggy Christy Ww. of
} 2 S. Ard., Robt.
Archd. Edmonstone
-------------------Chas Macay Sert.
----------------------------------------------------Neil M'Killop
} 2 S. Al., Neil
Molly Bonnatine Ww
} 1 D. Mary
of Dun. M'Inargany
} 1 D. Nancy by her first hus.
-------------Mary has a B. D. Cath. to Angus M'Mullan
----------------------------------------------------Thomas Stewart
} 3 S. Wm., (W) John, Hugh
Kitty M'Donnell
} 3 D. Betty, Nancy, Be?l?
Page 46

[Maybe Isabel]
----------------------------------------------------Molly Brown Ww. of
} 2 S. John, Jas.
Mr Jas. Anderson
} 2 D. Molly, Mary
----------------Cornelius Brown
Nancy Dempsey Serts.
----------------------------------------------------Mary M'Ininch Ww.
} 3 S. (W) Archd (Y),
of Saml. Black
} (W) John, (W) Jas.
----------------Jane M'Aulay Sert.
----------------------------------------------------(Y) James Stewart
} 2 S. Andw., John
Nancy Macaw
} 2 D. Jane, Betty
----------------------------------------------------Betty M'Mullan Ww.
of Andw. Stewart
----------------------------------------------------(W) Neil Glass
} 2 S. Dennis, Neil
Nancy M'Duffee
} 2 D. Jane, Nancy
----------------------------------------------------Angus Glass
Jane Jamison
----------------------------------------------------(W) Archd. Glass
} 2 S. Angus, Hugh
Betty Stewart
} 2 D. Betty, Jane
----------------------------------------------------James Stewart
} 2 S. Jas., Alexr.
Peggy Linagen
} 2 D. Jane, Betty
----------------------------------------------------H?eathery dale
----------------------------------------------------John Gillespy
} 2 S. Danl., James
Kath. M'Ilvray
} 1 D. Effy
---------------Effy a B. D. of Johns by Nancy M'Curdy
----------------------------------------------------Will. Gillespy
} 3 S. Archd., Wm., John
Nancy M'Allaster
} 4 D. Mary, Jane, Nancy, Effy
----------------------------------------------------Cornelius M'Curdy
} 1 S. (Y) Anthy.
Mave Macay (all C)
} 1 D. (W) Nancy
----------Mave has a B. S. John by Jas. Huey
----------Nancy has a B. D. Rose by John Gillespy
& Esther by Alex. M'Kendry
----------------------------------------------------Page 47

Else M'Curdy
Betty M'Curdy
Mary M'Curdy has a B. D. Mary
by Al. M'Curdy hillend
---------------------Archd. M'Curdy Brother (all C)
----------------------------------------------------James M'Lernon
Peggy M'Ilchrist
---------------Marg M'Curdy Sert. (all C)
----------------------------------------------------Marg M'Conoghy Ww.
}1 S. John
of John Ramsay
----------------------------------------------------Isobel M'Kendry Ww.
} 4 S. (W) John, Chas., Archd.,
Archd. M'Conoghy
} Danl., 2 D. Betty, Cath.
----------------------------------------------------John Smyth
} 4 S. Thos., Dennis, Stewart,
Mary M'Michael
} John. 2 D. Kitty, Mary
----------------------------------------------------Matthew Stewart
} 2 S. Al., Archd.,
Sally Linagen
} 1 D. Jane
----------------------------------------------------(M) Bryan M'Curdy
} 1 S. Bryan
Isobel Black
} 3 D. Jane, Mary, Ann
-----------Bett [maybe Bell] G. D. by James ----------------------------------------------------(W, Y) John M'Curdy
} 1 S. John
Matty Wallace
} 1 D. Betty
----------------------------------------------------Anthony M'Curdy
} 1 S. John, 1 D. Rose
(all C)
----------------------------------------------------John M'Killop
Dan M'Killop Br?
Mary M'Killop Sist.
------------------Betty & Mary D. of Ari? M'Killop by Jane O'Hale
----------------------------------------------------(W) Paddy Callaghan (C)
} 1 S. Henry
Bel? M'Ilfatrick
----------------------------------------------------Robert Purcel
} 3 S. Jas., John, Robt.
Hanna Brown
} 5 D. Cath., Christn., Peggy,
Mary, Betty.

Page 48

Danl. Lamont
} 5 S. (C,Y) Will., (W) Archd.,
Susan Linagen
} Al., Dan., John. 1 D. Betty
-------------Simon Frizel
} 2 S. Jas., Alexr.
Sally Lamont
-----------------------------------------------------Chas. Ramsay
} 2 S. Al., Chas.
Cath. Darragh
} 2 D. Fanny, Mary
-----------------------------------------------------Danl. Logan
} 2 S. Danl., Jas.
Margt. M'Curdy
} 1 D. Betty
-----------------------------------------------------Archd. Chesnut
Molly M'Donnell
-----------Nanny Sinclair Mother
Molly Taylor Ww. of Alexr. Cairdy
(W) John M'Ilfatrick
} 1 S. James
Kath. M'Caghan
} 2 D. Peggy, Cath.
-----------------------------------------------------Saml. White
} 4 S. Jas., Thos., Saml., Hugh.
Margt. M'Mullan
} 4 D. Esther, Peggy, Jane,
(all D)
Polly [may be Patty]
-----------------------------------------------------(W, Y) Archd. M'Ilfatrick } 2 S. John, Arch.
Matsy M'Gugan
} 1 D. Maryann
-----------------------------------------------------Christn. M'Allaster
} 1 G.D. Nelly/Betty/Molly Magee
Ww. of John Purcell (D)
-----------------------------------------------------Danl. M'Conoghy
Betty Willson
--------------Cath. Cameron Sert.
-----------------------------------------------------James Taylor
} 2 S. (Y) John, Jas.
Sarah M'Conoghy
} 2 D. Jane, Mary
-----------------------------------------------------(C) Pat. M'Conoghy
} 2 S. (Y) Dan., Sam.
Nancy M'Aulay
} 1 D. Nancy
-----------------------------------------------------Ann Murray Ww. of
} 1 S. (W, Y) Alex.
John Lawson
-----------------Mary Sinclair Ww. of
Pat. Sweeney Sert.
-----------------------------------------------------Page 49

John Lawson
} 1 S. Archd.
Giles M'Caghan
} 3 D. Cath., Mary, Giles
-----------------------------------------------------Jane Lawson Ww. of
} 2 S. Angus, Robt.
John M'Mullan
} 1 D. Maryann
-----------------------------------------------------(W, Y) Neil M'Mullan
} 3 S. John, Jas., Dan.
Rose M'Mullan
} 1 D. Maryann
-----------------------------------------------------James Hunter Schoolmaster } 1 D. Cath. Connally
Mary Robison
} married to Ben. Ox?ly
-----------------------------------------------------Adam Steel (D)
} 1 S. James
Jane M'Caghan
} 2 D. Betty, Peggy
-----------------------------------------------------Standing Stone
-----------------------------------------------------Angus M'Duffie
} 1 D. Isobel
Eliz. Macaw
(all D)
-------------Isobel has a B. S. Wm. to John M'Laughlan
-----------------------------------------------------(M) Duncan M'Tyre (D)
} 3 S. Dan., Sam.,
Grizle M'Mullan
Robert Trail
-----------------------------------------------------Hugh M'Mullan
} 2 S. Hugh, Sam.
Polly Darragh (C)
} 2 D. Cath., Nancy
-----------------------------------------------------James M'Mullan
Mary Macaw
} (all D)
-----------------------------------------------------James Murphy
} 3 S. John, Neil, Alex.
Mary Lawson
-----------------------------------------------------Lisbellanagroagh - more
-----------------------------------------------------Donald Black
} 2 S. (W) Arch., Dan.
} 1 D. Sally
-----------------------------------------------------Dennis M'Collom
-----------------------------------------------------Willm. Fullerton
--------------(W) John Fullerton
} 4 D. Marg., Ann, Christ.,
Christ. Ferguson
} Cath. (all D)
-----------------------------------------------------(W) John Mitchel
} 5 S. (W) Jas., (W) Neil, John,
Mary M'Curdy
} Mathw., Robt. 6 D. Mary, Jane,
(all D)
Nancy, Peggy, Cath., Eliz.
-----------------------------------------------------James Thompson
} 1 S. James
Mary M'Curdy
} 1 D. Mary (all D)
Page 50

-----------------------------------------------------James White
Nancy Thompson
} (all D)
-----------------------------------------------------John Steel
} 1 S. Jas.
Jane Macaw
} 2 D. Mary, Grizle
----------Betty Steel Sist.
Jane Templeton Niece (all D)
-----------------------------------------------------Dennis Fullerton
Betty Hargrove
-----------------------------------------------------(W) Dennis Purcel
} 2 S. Hugh, John
Eliz. M'Mullan
} 4 D. Nelly, Jane, Peggy, Betty
-----------------------------------------------------James Coghran
} 3 S. Jas, Hugh, John
Peggy M'Keague (C)
} 3 D. Sen?ley, Eis?e?, Peggy
-----------------------------------------------------(Y) Daniel Macay,Thatcher } 1 S James
Molly M'Ilure
} 1 D. Sarah
-----------------------------------------------------Danl. Macaw
} 3 S. John, Jas., Dl.
Rose M'Bride
} 3 D. Betty, Jane, Mary
-----------------------------------------------------(W) John M'Mullan
} 2 S. Hugh, John
Peggy Macaw
} 2 D. Jane, Esther
-----------------------------------------------------Margt. M'Mullan
} 1 S. John
Ww. of Pat. Purcel
} 2 D. Eliz., Molly
-----------------------------------------------------Kath. M'Kieaghan
} 3 S. John, Allan, James
Ww. of John Magee (D)
} 1 D. Nancy
-----------------------------------------------------William M'Mullan
} 2 S. Jas., Neil
Margt. M'Glaughlan
} 2 D. Peggy, M?at?t?ey
-----------------------------------------------------(W) Saml. Sharp?
} 4 S. Robt., John Hugh, Sam.
Nelly Glass
} 1 D. Peggy
-----------------------------------------------------Neil M'Mullan
} 1 S. Robt.
Kate M'Quilkan
} 3 D. Mary, Ann, Betty
---------------Mary Brady Ww. of
} 1 S. Bryan
Jas. Callaghan
-----------------------------------------------------Dennis M'Mullan
} 2 S. Neil, Jas.
Ann Douglass (D)
} 1 D. Betty

Page 51

Robert O'Kain
} 1 S. Alex.
Peggy Wallace
} 1 D. Margt.
--------------Matty O'Kain wife
of John Stewart
} (all D)
-----------------------------------------------------Robert Stewart
Rose Stewart Sister
} (all C)
-----------------------------------------------------Dennis M'Kinlay
} 4 S. Geo., Archd., Gilbert,
Kath. Stewart
(all C) } Robt. 2 D. Barbara, Sally
-----------------------------------------------------(W) John M'Mullan
} 1 S. John
Jane Guy
(all Mountn.) }
---------------Mary M'Glaim Sert.
-----------------------------------------------------Alex. M'Mullan
} 3 S. Matthw., John, Robert
Isobel Black
} 2 D. Betty, Sally
(all Mountn.)
-----------------------------------------------------Pat. M'Gowan
} 1 S. Dan
Rose Black
} 2 D. Kitty, Jane
-----------------------------------------------------(W) John M'Gowan
Sally Dogherty (C)
} 1 D. Rose
Simon Beard
} 2 S. John, Jas.
Jane Anderson
} 4 D. Nancy, Kitty, Peggy, Mary
-------------(all D)
Mrs Doran by
} 1 S. John
Con O'Neill
} 1 D. Mally
-------------Nancy Cunningham a B. S. John by John Wiley of Ederone
-------------Daniel Cai Sert.
-----------------------------------------------------(W) David Beard
Kath. M'Michael
--------------Jane M'Ilmoyle Mother
Duncan M'Michael Br. (all D)
-----------------------------------------------------(W) James Beard
Betty M'Ilmoyle
} 1 D. Jane
-----------------------------------------------------George M'Glaughlan
} 1 S. Wm. 5 D. Rose, Martha,
Mary Oliver
Mary, Margt., Bridget
Page 52

-----------------------------------------------------Bridget M'Dowell Ww. of

Willm. M'Glaughlan (C)
-----------------------------------------------------Neil M'Glaughlan
} 2 S. Wm., Robt.
Rachl. M'Conoghy
} 2 D. Jane, Mary
-----------------------------------------------------James Murray
} 3 S. Thos., Jas., John
Sally Morrison
} 2 D. Mary, Sally
-----------------Mary M'Allaster Mother (C)
-----------------------------------------------------Rose Rankin
-----------------------------------------------------James Boylan
} 2 S. Jas., John
Molly M'Neill
(all D) } 2 D. Kitty, Jane
-----------------------------------------------------John M'Curdy
Betty M'Conoghy
-----------------------------------------------------John M'Ilchrist
} 3 S. Dav., Frank, James
Molly M'Glaughlan
} 4 D. Mary, Nancy, Betty, Margt.
-----------------Mary Lyons D. to Molly
-----------------------------------------------------(Y?) James M'Ilchrist
} 1 S. Geo.
Malsy M'Cook
} 2 D. Mary, Betty
-----------------------------------------------------Nancy M'Quig
James M'Neill a B. S. to Mr John M'Neill
-----------------John Orr & Jas. M'O?r?car? Apps.
-----------------------------------------------------(W?) Archd. Black
} 3 S. Pat., Danl., Laughlan
Nancy M'Curdy
} 2 D. Sophia, Ann
-----------------Neil Black Brother (all C)
-----------------------------------------------------Robert Leg
(W?) Alex. Leg Son
-----------------------------------------------------Rose M'Keever
} 1 S. (W,Y) James
of Simon Frazer
} 2 D. Jane, Fanny
------------------Rose Frazer a D. of Andw.
-----------------------------------------------------David Frazer
} 2 S. John, James
Mary Forbis
} 2 D. Rose, Mary
-----------------------------------------------------Cath. Shaw
Ww. of
} 1 S. (W) Archd.
Angus M'Faddin
-------------------Ann Murgan
Page 53

-----------------------------------------------------Laura Black Ww. midwife } 1 S. Will.

of Danl. Macay
} 2 D. Mary, Laura
-----------------------------------------------------Sarah M'Conoghy wife
} 1 D. Jane
to Robt. Boylan
-----------------------------------------------------John Macay
} 2 S. Wm., Danl.
Peggy M'Cormick (D)
} 1 D. Jane
------------------Cath. Macay Aunt
-----------------------------------------------------John M'Fadden
Betty Murgan
} 1 D. Ann
-----------------------------------------------------Jane M'Kinnon Ww.
} 1 D. Margt.
of John Clark
-----------------A B. S. Robt. by Mary & R?o?b?t? Leg
-----------------------------------------------------John M'Conoghy
} 6 S. (W, Y) James, John
Bel M'Ilchrist
} Robt., Al., Richd., William
Alex. M'Curdy
} 1 S. Dan.
Mary. M'Mullan
} 2 D. Effy, Jane (all C)
-----------------------------------------------------Dougal M'Alpine
Kath. M'Michael
---------------Jane O'Hale a B. S. John & a B. D. Mary to Robert Frazer
-----------------------------------------------------(M) Alex. Stewart
Rose M'Phall
-----------------------------------------------------James M'Quigg
} 2 S. Pat., Will.
Mary M'Kennon
} 1 D. Betty
-------------Peggy Black a D. by Mary to John Black her first husband
-----------------------------------------------------Archd. M'Curdy (C)
} 2 S. (W) Neil, Archd.
Mary M'Mullan
} 4 D. Ally, Cath., Betty, Rose.
-----------------------------------------------------(W) Danl. M'Curdy (C)
} 5 S. (W) John, Archd., Jas., Danl.,
Mary M'Donnell
} Alex., 2 D. Peggy, Mary

Page 54

Mount Druid
-----------------------------------------------------Revd. Robert Trail
---Joseph M'Anally sert.
Will. Macay
---Jane Thompson
Eleanor Boyd
------------------------------------------------------(M) John O'Hale (C)
Flora M'Donnell (D)
------------------------------------------------------Archd. M'Allaster (C)
Sally Hunter
} 1 D. Mary
------------------------------------------------------John Orr
Bel M'Ilmoyle (all D)
} 2 D. Bel, Jane
------------------------------------------------------Chas. M'Anargany
Mally?/Matty? M'Conoghy
------------------------------------------------------Henry Caldwell
} 4 S. (W) John, Alex., James, Hugh
Jane Quigg
(all D)
} 4 D. Jane, Nancy, Molly, Peggy
-----------------Jane, wife to Chas. Quigg
} 1 D. Jane
------------------------------------------------------James M'Allaster
} 1 S. Randle
Betty Coyles
} 1 D. Eliz.
---------------Elizabeth has a B. D. Mary to John Scot in Carrycloghan
------------------------------------------------------James Dogherty
Jane M'Gowan
} 2 D. Betty, Mary
----------------Mary O'Kane Mother (C)
------------------------------------------------------Duncan Quigg
} 3 S. Frank, Wm., Charles
Mary M'Glaughlan
------------------------------------------------------Samuel Hill
} 4 S. John, Chas., Jas., Neil
Peggy Hill
} 1 D. Betty
------------------------------------------------------Saml. M'Cartney (D)
} 2 S. Saml., Andw.
Page 55

Nancy Murray
} 1 D. Mary
------------------------------------------------------Pat M'Inargany
} 4 S. John, Neil, Pat., Dennis
Kath. M'Inargany
} 2 D. Rose, Mary
------------------------------------------------------Danl. M'Allaster
} 1 S. John 3 D. Molly, Rose, Sally
----------------Sally has a B. S. Duncan to Dan Murgan in B.gammon
------------------------------------------------------John Stewart (Y)
Betty Macartney
} 2 D. Jane, Betty
------------------------------------------------------Saml. Macartney Sen (Jun?)
} 1 S. Andw.
Jane Randles
(all D)
------------------------------------------------------Neil Donally Schoolmaster
} 1 S. Edw.
Cath. Rankin
} 3 D. Mary, Rose, Nelly
------------------------------------------------------John Quigg
Mary M'Mullan
} 2 D. Nancy, Susan
------------------------------------------------------Danl. Skalley
} 4 S. John, Wm., Andw., Sam.
Joyce Macartney (D)
} 2 D. Nancy, Jane
------------------------------------------------------John M'Cormick
} 3 S. Randle, Stewart, Willm.
Susan M'Allaster
} 2 D. Nelly, Molly
----------------John M'Allaster Father
(all C)
------------------------------------------------------(Y) Willm. Skalley
} 1 S. John
Susan M'Mullan
Paddy M'Cormick
} 2 S. Jas., Dan
Malsy Dighon
} 1 D. Kitty
---------------Cath. M'Cormick Niece
------------------------------------------------------Michl. M'Cormick
} 1 S. James
Nancy Stewart
----------------Cath. M'Griggar Mother (C)
John M'Cormick Nephw.
------------------------------------------------------Adam M'Gill
} 1 S. James
Susan M'Guire
(all C)
} 3 D. Jane, Molly, Nancy
Page 56

------------------------------------------------------Alex. M'Mullan
} 1 S. Alex.
Mary M'Gill
} 1 D. Betty
------------------------------------------------------(S) Robert M'Crelis
Nancy M'Mullan
------------------------------------------------------(W) James M'Mullan
Nancy Car
} 2 D. Jane, Betty
------------------------------------------------------Neil M'Leese
Mary M'Neill
(all C)
} 2 D. Peggy, Jane
------------------------------------------------------(W) Pat. M'Gill
} 2 S. John, Michl.
Peggy Gage
(all C)
} 2 D. Maryann, Jane
------------------------------------------------------Danl. Brown
} 2 S. Wm., John
Jane M'Gill
(all C)
} 2 D. Mary, Bridget
------------------------------------------------------Margt. M'Ilchrist
} 2 S. James, Wild?am
of John M'Gill
(all C)
} 2 . Ann, Mary
------------------------------------------------------Robert Black
} 2 S. Wm., Mathw.
Ann Young
(all D)
} 1 D. Mary
------------------------------------------------------James Glass
} 2 S. Danl., John
} 2 D. Margt., Mary
------------------------------------------------------Danl. Glass thatcher
} 2 S. Jas., Hugh
Mary M'Gowan
(all C)
} 1 D. Nancy
------------------------------------------------------Danl. Brown
} 2 S. Alex., Pat.
Rose Coyles
(all C)
} 3 D. Jane, Peggy, Mary
------------------------------------------------------Patrick M'Aulay
Jane Stewart
(all C)
------------------------------------------------------Danl. Bonnatine
Peggy M'Mullan
} 1 D. Maryann
------------------------------------------------------Allan M'Dougal
} 2 S. Wm., Allan
Mary Thompson
(all D)
} 4 D. M.?, Molly, Nelly, Betty
------------------------------------------------------John Casky
} 3 S. (W) Robt., Jas., John
Jane Hamil
(all D)
} 3 D. Jane, Ann, Ma?lly
------------------------------------------------------Paddy M'Ilhattan
} 1 S. Alex.
Page 57

Jane Brown
(all C)
} 3 D. Peggy, Jane, Cath.
------------------------------------------------------(W) Willm. Ballentine
} 1 S. (W) John
Ann Stewart
(all C)
} 1 D. Rose
------------------------------------------------------Cath. Dogherty
} 1 S. John coop?er
of James M'Phall
} 1 D. Molly
------------------------------------------------------Hector Ferguson
} 2 S. Stewart, John
Peggy Stewart
(all C)
} 2 D. Nancy, Nelly
------------------------------------------------------Alexr. Stewart
} 2 S. John, Alex.
Nancy Ogullan
(all C) } 1 D. Rose
------------------------------------------------------Hugh Cairns Junr.
} Flaxdresser
Mary Loughridge
} 1 S. John
(all C)
------------------------------------------------------Hugh Cairns Senr.
} Flaxdresser
Martha Moore
} 1 D. Martha
------------Mary Laverty Mother
(all C)
------------------------------------------------------Danl. M'Mullan
} 5 S. Jas., Danl., Archd.,
Rose Frizel
Will., Robert
------------------------------------------------------Burned - hill
------------------------------------------------------Alex. M'Gowan
} 1 D. Mary
------------------------------------------------------John M'Gowan
} 2 S. Dan., Jas.
Peggy O'Bryan
} 2 D. Mary, Jane
John M'Kinlay
} 1 S. Dan
Rose Kelly
(all C)
} 2 D. Maryann, Ally
----------------Molly M'Lian?/M'Lean? (C)
------------------------------------------------------Molly Kinney (C)
has a B. S. Thos. to Loughn. M'Mullan
------------------------------------------------------Hector Stewart
Henry Stewart
Ann Stewart
Mal?sy Stewart
} (all C)
------------------------------------------------------(Sh) John Stewart
Page 58

Kitty Black
------------------------------------------------------(W) John Hinney
------------------------------------------------------Hugh M'Cormick
} 1 S. Neil
Malsy M'Glame
(all C) } 1 D. Dolly
------------------------------------------------------Laughln. M'Mullan
Effy M'Mullan Sist.
-------------Cath. Macaw
-------------Danl. M'Mullan Nephw. (all D)
------------------------------------------------------Nancy M'Nabb
has a B. S. James by Robert M'Curdy
--------------Mary M'Nabb
(all D)
------------------------------------------------------Archd. M'Michael
} 1 S. John, 1 D. Peggy
--------------Margt. Black Ww of
Gilbert M'Michael
} (all C)
------------------------------------------------------Danl. M'Michael Schoolmaster } 2 S. Jas., John
Betty M'Michael
(all C)
} 3 D. Mary, Nancy, Margt.
------------------------------------------------------Alexr. Dunlop
} 1 S. John
Jane M'Duffee
-------------Betty Dunlop sister
} 1 S. John
wife of Danl. Dunlop
(all D) }
------------------------------------------------------Peggy M'Mullan
Betty Dunlop Dr.
} (all D)
------------------------------------------------------Margt. M'Leese [maybe M'Lian] (D)
------------------------------------------------------(C W) Danl. Macaw
} 1 S. Archd.
Nancy Forbis
} 1 D. Jane
------------------------------------------------------David Macaw
Kath. M'Crelis
-----------Andrew & John
} by Ar.Macaw
} & Jane M'Crelis
------------------------------------------------------John Macaw
Sally Quigley
} 1 D. Kitty
------------Ellen Shaw
Page 59

John Macaw
} 3 S. (W) Jas., (W) Wm.,
} (W) Duncun. 1 D. Mary
------------------------------------------------------(Y) Willm. Macaw
} 2 S. Jos., John
Nancy Adams
} 1 D. Jane
----------------Molly a B.S. by Sally M'Curdy at Billy
------------------------------------------------------(M,W) Alexr. Macaw
} 3 S. Wm., John, Alexr.
Mary M'Conoghy
} 1 D. Cath.
------------------------------------------------------(S) James Smyth
} 1 S. (S) Boyd
Molly Boyd
} 3? D. Helen, Mary
---------------Helen has a B.D. Mary to Mr C M'Gildowny
------------------------------------------------------Angus Linagen
} 2 S. Ar., Wm.
Kath M'Caghan
} 4 D. Christn., Bel, Betty, Sally
------------------------------------------------------Sophia Black
} 2 D. Pi?a?g, Nelly [may be Kitty]
to Robt. Frizel
} Nelly had two B. children
------------------------------------------------------(W) Archd. Linagen
} 2 S. Al., Dan.
Jane Madd?le [maybe Mackle] } 1 D. Peggy
-----------------Peggy M'Carrol mother
------------------------------------------------------Will. Sinclair
} 5? S. John, Neil, Wm., Jas., Archd.
Nancy M'Donnell
} 1 D. Cath.
------------------------------------------------------(W) John Stewart
------------------------------------------------------[may be Alicia] M'Allaster
} 2 S. Alex., Wm.
Ww. of John Stewart
} 1 D. Bel
------------------------------------------------------(Y) James Stewart
} 1 S. James
Mary M'Aleese
------------------------------------------------------Alexr. Linagen
} 2 S. Al., Danl.
Eliz. Stewart
} 2 D. Eliz., Jane
------------------------------------------------------Neil M'Quilkan
} 3 S. John, Jas., Neil
Nancy M'Caghan
------------------------------------------------------(W?) Danl. M'Caghan
} 4 S. John, Alex., Roger, Robt.
Rose M'Curdy
} 1 D. Mary
------------------------------------------------------(W) John M'Ilfatrick
Molly M'Ilvray
} 2 D. Sally, Jane
------------------------------------------------------Page 60

(W) Alex. M'Ilfatrick

Alicia Fairley
-------------Robt. Douglass S. to to Cha Douglass ???
------------------------------------------------------(W) Hector M'Caghan
} 1 S. (W) Zachariah
Peggy Laverty
} 2 D. Betty, Rose
------------------------------------------------------John M'Caghan
} 2 S. Hector, Danl.
Jane Sinclair
} 1 D. Lilly [may be Betty]
-------------Rose a B.D. of Ja? Sinclair by Mary Sinclair
------------------------------------------------------Alex. Rogers
} 4 S. Al., Jas., John, Willm.
Kath. Rogers
} 3 D. Molly, Peggy, Betty
------------------------------------------------------(S) Robert Steel [may be Hill]} 4 S. Robt., John, Jas., Saml.
Margt. Tagart
(all D)
} 2 D. Elz., Peggy
------------------------------------------------------Dan M'Curdy
} 1 S. John
Mary M'Curdy
} 3 D. Hanna, Betty, C?v?e?
------------------------------------------------------Eliz. M'Conoghy Ww. of John M'Curdy
------------------------------------------------------Paddy M'Kinlay
} 2 S. John, Pat.
Peggy Donaghy
(all C)
} 1 D. Ann
------------------------------------------------------(W) Cuppage Forbis
} 1 S. Chas.
Molly Curry
(all D)
} 3 D. Nancy, Jane, Betty
------------------------------------------------------Cath. Steel Ww. of
} 2 S. Chas., James
John Forbis
} 3 Peggy, Jane, Betty
------------------------------------------------------(W) Charles Forbis
------------------------------------------------------(W) James Forbis
Betty Tagart (D)
-------------Rose Kennedy
Sert (D)
------------------------------------------------------John M'Curdy
} 2 S. John, Dav.
Peggy M'Ilhatton
(all D)
} 2 D. Betty, Jane
------------------------------------------------------Malsy O'Kain
} 1 D. Nancy
of John M'Curdy
} (C)
------------------------------------------------------(W) Danl. M'Curdy
} 5 S. John, Dan., Wm.,
Ann Bonnatine
(all D)
Al., Chas.
Page 61

------------------------------------------------------(W) Alex. M'Curdy

} 1 S. James
Betty M'Atyre
------------------------------------------------------Eliz. M'Curdy
} 1 B.S. Chas. by Chas. M'Curdy of Ramoan
------------------------------------------------------Danl. M'Curdy Jun.
} 2 S. John, Danl.
Hanna Mogie [may be Magee]
} 3 D. Cath., Nancy, Hanna
------------------------------------------------------Willm. M'Curdy
Rose Pollock
} (all D)
------------------------------------------------------Danl. M'Curdy Senr.
(W) John M'Curdy
Mary & Jane M'Curdy sisters (all D)
Thomas Smyth
Cath. Campble
} 2 D. Mary, Ann
------------------------------------------------------Peggy Macay
} 1 S. Geo.
of Jos. Moore

Page 62

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