Wild Bill HICKOK - Four in The Head: Scenario

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Wild bill HICKOK four in the head

SCENARIO On December 22,1867 Deputy U.S. Marshall J.B. W l! B ll", # c$%$ entere! a small rural bar n Je&&ers%n '%unty, (ebras$a. Wh le !r n$ n) at the bar*&%ur men taunt h m ab%ut h s l%n) ha r an! &ancy buc$s$ ns. W%r!s lea! t% a sh%+ n) match*then )unplay. When the sm%$e clears*W l! B ll has a bullet n the r )ht sh%ul!er*an! h s &%ur %pp%nents are all %n the &l%%r*each , th a bullet n the hea!, %nly %ne sur+ +es. -&ter h tt n) the & rst man an! then ta$ n) a bullet n the r )ht sh%ul!er*# c$%$ !r%ppe! the %ther three le&t han!e!. PROCEDURE / rst run*en)a)e each tar)et*hea! %nly*&reestyle*near & rst an! &ar last*h t plate t% st%p cl%c$. Sec%n! run *same as & rst e0cept*h t & rst tar)et &reestyle* an! rema n!er ,ea$ han! %nly.

PALADIN SCORE / +e1sec%n! penalty &%r any pr%ce!ural err%r. SCORING 2ach tar)et must ha+e at least %ne center h t O3 any c%mb nat %n %& h ts t% t%tal se+en p% nts. -ny number %& sh%ts may be & re! at the ! scret %n %& the sh%%ter. When sat s& e! that all tar)ets are neutral 4e!, the sh%%ter ceases & r n) t% st%p h s t me. -ny tar)et that !%es n%t ha+e at least %ne center h t %r a c%mb nat %n %& h ts t%tal n) se+en p% nts , ll a!! a & +e1sec%n! penalty t% the sh%%ter5s t%tal t me. 2ach h t %n a bystan!er %r h%sta)e tar)et , ll c%unt &%r a & +e1sec%n! penalty, an! a & +e1sec%n! penalty may als% be ) +en &%r &a l n) t% pr%perly ut l 4e c%+er %r &%r %ther ser %us tact cal m sta$es. 6he & nal sc%re , ll be t%tal t me, plus any penalt es assesse! a)a nst the sh%%ter. Ma7%r cal ber cartr !)es such as the .88 Ma)num. .89 '%lt, .89 -':, .8; S<W, .=97 Ma)num, etc., , ll be sc%re! at 91811 p% nts n each tar)et 4%ne. M n%r cal ber r%un!s such as the .=8 Spec al, >mm, etc., , ll be sc%re! 91=11 n each 4%ne. 6h s r%u)hly re&lects the st%pp n) p%,er %& the +ar %us cartr !)es that may be use!. ALTERNATE SCORINGFOR TRAINING PURPOSES ?& any tar)et !%es n%t ha+e the re@u re! p% nt t%tal, the sh%%ter , ll be !eclare! DEAD AT THAT SPOT.

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