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Literacy Homework, 10/01/2014 The Pocket Creature

Green and Blue

Using our visitor( &ick ,anes the writer( idea $rom this #ednesdays assembly( can you create a mini story about a small living -thing that has managed to crawl or move itsel$ into your coat pocket"

As always when I returned home from school, I crashed through the door and was hungry. What could I eat? I wondered. Hmmmmmmm I hummed to myself. I took my coat off and hung it on the coat hanger in the hall way. I ent down to take off my dirty shoes and it was at this !oint I noticed my coat !ocket was eginning to slowly o!en. I stared at it as the material seemed to mo"e. What was in there? I was struggling to elie"e my eyes when...

'y writing target is;

Use your writing target to try and help you develop your writing. You may add as much as you like (but dont go mad!) Key tips; hink about using an animal or living thing you know. !ow could you make that interesting" #hat key $eatures could your animal%living thing have" Use speech marks so you and the animal talk to each other. &emember to describe who and how spoken sentences are said. 'ake sure your sentences make sense( read them aloud )eel $ree to use e*clamation and +uestion sentences COMPLETE IN YOUR HOMEWORK BOOKS Literacy Homework, 10/01/2014 Pur!le

The Pocket Creature

Using our visitor( &ick ,anes the writer( idea $rom this #ednesdays assembly( can you create a mini story about a small living -thing that has managed to crawl or move itsel$ into your coat pocket"

As always when I returned home from school, I crashed through the door and was hungry. What could I eat? I wondered. Hmmmmmmm I hummed to myself. I took my coat off and hung it on the coat hanger in the hall way. I ent down to take off my dirty shoes and it was at this !oint I noticed my coat !ocket was eginning to slowly o!en. I stared at it as the material seemed to mo"e. What was in there? I was struggling to elie"e my eyes when...

'y writing target is;

Use your writing target to try and help you develop your writing. You may add as much as you like (but dont go mad!) Key tips; hink about using an animal or living thing you know. !ow could you make that interesting" #hat key $eatures could your animal%living thing have" 'ake sure your sentences make sense( read them aloud )eel $ree to use e*clamation and +uestion sentences COMPLETE IN YOUR HOMEWORK BOOKS

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