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Additional Mathematics

Formula that are within the syllabus and which need to be learnt.
The remainder theorem Given the polynomial f(x), then remainder when f(x) is divided by (x a) is f(a). The factor theorem If the remainder when f(x) is divided by (x a) is 0, then (x a) is a factor of f(x) and x = a is a root of the equation f(x) = 0 Solution of quadratic equations By formula and completin the square "or the quadratic equation ax ! + bx + c = 0 x= b b ! #ac !a

Binomial expansion $now how to derive terms in the e%pansions of (& ' x)n and (a ' b)n where n is a positive inte er. n n) n (he coefficients may be e%pressed in the form Cr = = r r )(n r )) n n n n Be aware that Cr = = Cn r = r nr Coordinate Geometry Strai ht line $now the forms of the strai ht line, includin y = mx + c y y& = m( x x& ) y y& x x& = y! y& x! x& *ondition for parallel lines+ m& = m! *ondition for perpendicular lines+ m& m! = & ,istance between two points ( x& , y& ), ( x! , y! ) =

( x& x! )

+ ( y& y! )

x + x y + y! -idpoint of two points ( x& , y& ), ( x! , y! ) = & ! , & ! ! The Circle

( x a)

+ ( y b ) = r ! has centre (a, b) and radius r.


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0dditional -athematics "ormula sheet. ,raft &

1a e &

Tri onometry In a ri ht2an led trian le+ opposite ad3acent opposite sin = , cos = , tan = hypotenuse hypotenuse ad3acent Identities+ sin tan = cos ! sin + cos ! = & 4in rule+ a b c = = 4inA 4inB 4inC *os rule+ a ! = b ! + c ! !bc cos A cos A = b! + c! a ! !bc dy = nax n & dx dy =0 dx
b a

Calculus y = ax n

4tationary points occur when

0rea under curve between x = a and x = b is y dx !inematics *onstant acceleration formulae & s = ut + at ! ! ( u + v) t s= ! v = u + at v ! = u ! + !as

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0dditional -athematics "ormula sheet. ,raft &

1a e !

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