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Lesson Plan
Target Age Group: 4-5 Theme: Biggest to smallest Title of Activity: Before and after and sizes Curricular Area: Math Date to Use Activity: 12-18-13 Developmental Goals Children will be using cognitive skills, social skills, and fine- motor skills in this Math activity.Children will use cognitive skills to decide what answer to circle and they will use fine motor skills to hold and grasp a marker. Learning Objectives Given a marker and a filefolder game children will decide what answer to circle. Materials Required - File- folder - markers

Motivation/Introduction: "Come with me please it's your turn".

Procedure: - Gather materials needed for the children - Place file- folder game and marker on the back table - Call a child back one at a time -Read the directions to the child -Explain to the child that he/ she will use the marker to circle the correct answer. -If the child gets the answer wrong fix the answer and explain to them how to fix it.

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