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48 Rose Quartz Who doesnt love rose quartz in all its varying hues of pink?

Rose quartz takes its name from the flower be ause of its translu ent and deli ate pink olor aused by tra es of iron! manganese or titanium" Rose quartz is usually very large # meaning that it doesn$t form rystals" Rose quartz is found in %adagas ar! &ndia! 'ermany and several areas in the ()*" %u h rose quartz was e+tra ted from a famous site near ,uster! )outh -akota! but now! most of the world$s supply omes from .razil" Rose quartz is one of the most valued varieties of quartz" /he pink to rose red olor is unique" /he olor of rose quartz is still not ompletely understood" &t has been said to be due to a number of different minor impurities present in the rose quartz in luding titanium! manganese and even olloidal gold" 0owever! re ent studies using mi ro#analyti al methods have dis overed that the olor of massive rose quartz is a tually due to mi ros opi mineral fibers in the rose quartz" 1#ray diffra tion tests on these mi ros opi fibers yielded patterns similar to the mineral dumortierite! suggesting the possibility of a totally new and as yet unknown fibrous mineral ausing the olor in massive rose quartz" /he rare transparent rystals of rose quartz owe their oloration to aluminum and phosphorous impurities" /heir pink olor is photosensitive and an fade in sunlight" Rose quartz is often alled the $love stone$" &t is asso iated with forgiveness and ompassion and an reate a wonderful alming influen e" &t is soft and deli ate inspiring feelings of love and friendship" Rose quartz is aid to help remove repressed anger and hatred and is said to remove negative influen es su h as 2ealousy and avari e" &t is said to aid the spleen! kidneys and ir ulation system" Rose quartz also eases se+ual and emotional imbalan e and an also improve fertility" &t makes a lovely gift as it is a symbol of love"

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