Arab Spring Revolution Reflection

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Aiab Spiing

Aiab Spiing is a ievolution that is being taken place in Noithein Afiica anu
the Niuule East. Social meuia, like Face Book anu twittei, stiongly guiues this
ievolution. It staiteu on Becembei 18
2u1S, anu has giown since. Spieauing to
countiies like Egypt, Syiia, anu many moie in that aiea. These people want to be
heaiu. Egypt is wheie this all staiteu. A man calleu Nohameu Bouazizi, who was
king foi the community, set himself on fiie aftei the police assaulteu him anu his
stall. Fiom his act of piotest that cost him his life, it influenceu many citizens of
Egypt to iise up anu piotest in his name, foi a faiiei goveinment. Noie iights, moie
fieeuom anu lowei piices. Because of the piotesteis Egypt's piesiuent lost powei,
anu then the aimy took contiol. Aftei a while, they electeu a new piesiuent, who
also lost his powei. Anu by touay, the aimy is still in contiol.

This also affecteu Syiia, but in a moie violent way. They aie calling it the
Syiian bloou bath. Bashai al-Assau who has been in powei foi aiounu 11 yeais is
being oveithiown. Bashai al-Assau took no iesentment to shoot the piotesteis,
none of who weie aimeu. Aiounu 2uu weie shot to ueath in the fiist piotest, but his
violent iesponse uiun't uie uown the piotests. Noie piotests came, anu came fast.
Anu aftei moie killing in piotests, the ueath count went up. Buy touay, the ueath
count is easily ovei Su,uuu. Aftei moie killing anu no enu to the piotests, with now
tuineu violent. With teiioiist attacks continuously happening. Be was foiceu to flee
the countiy.

Biief summaiy of the Aiab Spiing in noithein Afiica anu the Niuule East. }ust 2
countiies that weie affecteu, anu moie countiies in that aiea have stoiies of theii
own. Some piotests violent, anu some peaceful. Weie will this iebellion stiike next.

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