Formal Notice: /3rd Parties /solicitors Etc ? - SEND THEM THIS!

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/3rd Parties /Solicitors etc ? SEND THEM THIS!

This helps. Send to any third party ! , as you will see, this includes a fee schedule, for charges YOU will make upon THE for ha!ing to deal with their crap!!! The "it in red is only if you are sending to Solicitors #. modify this $otice to suit your own needs sender name and address sent "y %egistered mail to Solicitors of& or ' $ other de"t collectors & (rd party interlopers Their address etc

%e) *ear Sir& adam, + ha!e recei!ed your unsolicited letter dated ,,,,, -copy enclosed-. + wish to clarify your position in this matter. You are a third party inter!ener in this matter acting without authority, + DO NOT gi!e you permission to interfere in my commercial affairs as you ha!e no legal standing. /e do not ha!e a contract and any permission that you "elie!e you may ha!e from me is here"y withdrawn. +f you "elie!e that you ha!e power of attorney to act on my "ehalf you are here"y fired and any consent that you "elie!e you may ha!e, tacit or otherwise, is here"y withdrawn. 's professional solicitors you well know that an affida!it address to a specific person with specific statements can only "e re"utted point "y point "y the person so addressed who has personal first hand knowledge of it. /hich 0 means, in case you had not noticed, it was not addressed to you or your company. +t is neither 1udicial, nor is it a threat, nor is it proceedings. +t has nothing to do with the you, the court or any 1udicial system as it is as stated a"o!e. So your statements allegations, of a"use of court process, wasteful litigation etc., are in the light of the a"o!e 0 pointless. + am now formally re2uesting that you cease all correspondence including "ut not limited to3 letters, phone calls and te,t messaging.

+ am familiar with the terms of Section 45 of the administration of 6ustice 'ct 7895, and the :rotection from Harassment 'ct 7895 and + "elie!e, should you continue contacting me after my re2uest for you to cease your acti!ity, that you will "e guilty of harassment and "lackmail and you will "e in "reach of these acts and you will "e reported to the rele!ant "odies. :lease note that if you contact me "y telephone, after a formal re2uest not to, you will also "e in "reach of the /ireless Telegraphy 'ct -7848. and, as such + will report you to "oth Trading Standards and The Office of ;air Trading and take further note that continued telephone calls after the receipt of a re2uest not to call may constitute a criminal offence under Section 7<9 of the =ommunications 'ct <55(. ;inally, you do not, nor ha!e you e!er had, my permission to use or process my personal data in any way and pursuant to the *ata :rotection 'ct 788>, + here"y demand that you cease use of any and all data with regard to me and that you immediately destroy all of my data held on your records. You will confirm this action in writing to me within 74 days of receipt of this official re2uest which is "eing sent to you registered mail. ;ailure to do so will result in a report "eing su"mitted to The +nformation =ommissioner for *ata :rotection "reaches. $otwithstanding the fact that + do not, ha!e not and will not consent to your interference in this matter, am + not correct is stating that any ?contract@ that + might ha!e with - insert name of orig creditor. is go!erned "y the =ontracts -%ights of Third :arties. 'ct 7888A 'm + also not correct in stating that S7 =ontracts -%ights of Third :arties. 'ct 7888 sets out the circumstances in which a third party may seek to enforce the terms of a contractA 's no third party was e,pressly identified "y name as re2uired under Section 7, Su"# sections 7 0 ( of the a"o!e 'ct you are not a third party to the contract and ha!e no rights in this matter. 'nd3 Section B. Section 7 confers no rights on a third party in the case of a contract on a "ill of e,change, promissory note or other negotia"le instrument. You are therefore in serious "reach of the common law *octrine of :ri!ity of =ontract. You will "e deemed to ha!e "een ser!ed notice of my re2uest and + will deem it ser!ed -(days. from the date of this letter. This has "een sent "y recorded deli!ery. + am ad!ising you that any communications from you including "ut not limited to letters, phone calls and te,t messages recei!ed after this date will "e recorded&noted with the intention of them "eing used as e!idence. !der t"e circ#$sta!ces s"o#ld %o# co!ti!#e t"is a&&roac" I reser'e t"e ri("t to ta)e a&&ro&riate Actio!*

For$al !otice o+ +ee sc"ed#le to ,,,,, / DCA-s /SOLICITORS For #!la.+#l #!solicited i!ter+ere!ce i! $% co$$ercial a++airs* 7 ;or each unsolicited phone call C755.55 < ;or each unsolicited letter of harassment C755.55 ( ;or each letter that + ha!e to write to DDDDDDDD due to unsolicited letter&s of harassment C<55.55 4 ;or each letter + ha!e to write to +nformation =ommissionerEs Office regarding DDDDDDD@s unlawful letters of harassment C<F5.55 F ;or each letter + ha!e to write to the Office of ;air Trading C<F5.55 B ;or each letter + ha!e to write to G. whoe!er you deem 9 ;or each letter + ha!e to write to Trading Standards C<F5.55 > ;or each letter + ha!e to write to the :olice C<F5.55 8 ;or each court appearance C7555.55 75 ;or each phone call + ha!e to make to the rele!ant "odies C9F.55 -plus C(55.55 per hour or part thereof CF.55 per minute. 77 ;or each and any legal counter claim C(555.55 This fee schedule effecti!e from the date of this $otice and will initiate upon the receipt of any further unsolicited letters or communications from DDDDDDDDDDDDD. Yours ;aithfully, HHHHHHHHHHHHHH 'll %ights, :ri!ileges and :owers %eser!ed /ithout :re1udice

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