2013 The Capitol Hill Way

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Csai Chvez Public Chaitei Schools foi Public Policy
Capitol Bill Bigh School Campus
7u9 12
Stieet SE
Washington, BC 2uuuS
(2u2) S47-S424
(2u2) S47-2Su7 fax
A- B$6++6 C+$/36


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Cur vlslon ls LhaL all Chavez alumnl have college degrees and lead llves of personal achlevemenL and
producLlve engagemenL ln local and naLlonal publlc pollcy challenges. lurLher, Chavez scholars are
soughL ouL by elecLed offlclals, clvlc leaders, communlLy organlzers and Lhe medla when Lhey are
seeklng sLudenL volces on publlc pollcy lssues.


1he Chavez School's mlsslon ls Lo prepare scholars Lo succeed ln compeLlLlve colleges and Lo empower
Lhem Lo use publlc pollcy Lo creaLe a more [usL, free, and equal world.


We accompllsh our mlsslon by challenglng our sLudenLs wlLh a rlgorous college prep and publlc pollcy
currlculum - focuslng on real-world publlc pollcy experlences -- LhaL fosLer crlLlcal and dlsclpllnary
Lhlnklng, deep knowledge of our counLry's foundlng prlnclples, and sLrong advocacy skllls.


1. We know that %JKL"+M'* M, 'KN O'N"$ N%,P'*,M#M$M+Q so we appioach oui woik
with a steaufast sense of uigency.
Chavez scholais ueseive the same euucational iesouices anu oppoitunities
as the most piivilegeu stuuents in the countiy.
Foi many of oui scholais, we aie the last chance to ieceive the acauemic
piepaiation anu suppoit they neeu to ensuie that they have a bettei futuie.
We uo whatevei it takes to ensuie oui scholais aie successful, which often
means a gieatei investment in time fiom all of oui stakeholueis.

2. We maintain RMSR %TP%L+"+M'*, foi oui scholais anu we believe that oui scholais
will giauuate fiom oui countiy's best colleges anu leau change in oui communities.
We value oui scholais' backgiounu anu expeiiences.
We know that Chavez scholais can compete with theii peeis thioughout the
We uiaw on the capacity of oui scholais because it is vast but often

3. We insist on integrity, trust and collaboration at all levels in our schools and
We believe that effective communication anu collaboiation is essential foi
We know that collaboiation with all stakeholueis, incluuing staff, scholais,
families anu exteinal paitneis is ciitical.

We cheiish acauemic iesults so we leveiage the skills of eveiyone who can
help oui scholais achieve at high levels.

4. We believe that education should be authentic and relevant and we need to empower
our scholars to influence change in their communities.
We uevelop inuepenuent ciitical thinkeis anu pioblem solveis that aie ieauy
foi a constantly evolving woilu.
We intentionally builu self auvocacy skills in oui scholais. We expect
scholais to use those skills insiue of school anu in theii communities.
We teach oui scholais that they have a iesponsibility to make oui countiy
anu the woilu moie just, fiee anu equal.

S. We tiust that excellent iesults will come when we K,% J"+" +' O"U% J%LM,M'*,.
We focus on using all types of uata to ueteimine what's woiking anu what neeus
iefinement in oiuei to achieve continuous impiovement.
We constantly collaboiate aiounu scholai achievement uata anu finu ways to
impiove instiuction anu achieve high scholai iesults.
We paitnei with families anu engage in meaningful uialogue about scholai

)/48!97 1877 <8..89=

0ui mission is to challenge anu empowei scholais to use Public Policy to change the woilu.
This mission is iooteu in the life of oui namesake Csai Chvez anu seives as the stanuaiu
against which we weigh oui actions anu uecisions. We aie a highly effective, safe,
collaboiative leaining community that meets the uiveise neeus of young people fiom all
ovei BC. These elements allow us to piepaie oui scholais to succeeu in competitive

0ui scholais anu staff
Investigate pioblems, uevelop solutions anu take actions to impiove theii
Auvocate foi self anu otheis thiough a thoughtful anu ciitical lens;
Aie self-uisciplineu, iesouiceful, cultuially pioficient anu peiseveie thiough

)/48!97 1877 28.89=

Families, teacheis, anu scholais use stiong ielationships to collaboiate anu ensuie
scholai success;
We see all auults anu scholais as teacheis anu leaineis. We co-constiuct knowleuge
anu use a vaiiety of uata to make uecisions;

Scholais anu staff take iisks, leain fiom theii expeiiences - incluuing failuie, anu
Scholais anu staff take conscious anu uelibeiate actions while holuing themselves
Staff piepaies anu implements an engaging, ieseaich-baseu, iigoious, anu ielevant
cuiiiculum that piepaies alumni to giauuate fiom competitive colleges.
We attiact anu ietain highly qualifieu staff by pioviuing a piofessional community
that values anu iewaius the uemanus of theii job anu theii contiibutions to oui
scholais' success.
The Bistiict of Columbia iecognizes the positive impact that Capitol Bill scholais
have on theii community;
Chvez alumni giauuate fiom competitive colleges anu univeisities anu influence
the policies in theii communities.

)9<<5=8!; /=> )977/690/!89= =90<.

ln order Lo meeL our mlsslon and vlslon we have esLabllshed Lhe followlng norms for
collaboraLlng as a communlLy.

CCMMunl1? nC8MS

1. We are klnd and flexlble, and we promoLe a safe, poslLlve, supporLlve, and fun learnlng
2. We are prompL, purposeful, producLlve, and presenL.
3. We conslsLenLly follow Lhrough on our commlLmenLs and are accounLable Lo our scholars,
Lhelr famllles and our colleagues.
4. We speak our LruLhs and seek Lo undersLand each oLher's needs.
3. We are open Lo dlscomforL, and we expecL and accepL non-closure when havlng dlfflculL
and courageous conversaLlons.
6. We speak abouL adulLs and scholars ln our communlLy as lf Lhey are ln Lhe room.
7. We Lake care of shared space.


1. !"#$%&': auslng before respondlng or asklng a quesLlon allows Llme for Lhlnklng and
enhances dlalogue.

2. !")"*+)"$%&': uslng a paraphrase or anoLher Leam member's sLaLemenLs allows members
of Lhe group Lo hear and undersLand each oLher beLLer as Lhey conslder ldeas and formulaLe


3. !),-%&' for speclflclLy: uslng genLle, open-mlnded probes or lnqulrles, such as "l'm curlous
abouL..." or "l'd llke Lo hear more abouL....", lncreases Lhe clarlLy and preclslon of Lhe group's

4. !#..%&' ldeas on Lhe Lable and *#//%&' Lhem off: ldeas are Lhe hearL of a meanlngful
dlalogue. Label Lhe lnLenLlon of your commenLs by saylng, for example, "Cne LhoughL l have
ls..." or "Pere ls a posslble approach...." lL ls equally lmporLanL Lo know when an ldea may be
blocklng dlalogue or "deralllng" Lhe process and Lherefore should be Laken off Lhe Lable.

3. !"0%&' aLLenLlon Lo self and oLhers. Meanlngful dlalogue ls faclllLaLed when each group
member ls consclous of self and oLhers and of oLhers and ls aware noL only of whaL he or she ls
saylng buL of how lL ls sald and how oLhers are respondlng.

6. !)1$#2%&' poslLlve lnLenLlons: Assumlng LhaL oLhers' lnLenLlons are poslLlve promoLes and
faclllLaLes meanlngful dlalogue and ellmlnaLes unlnLenLlonal puL-downs. uslng poslLlve
presupposlLlons ln your speech ls one manlfesLaLlon of Lhls norm.

34 !#)$#%&' a balance beLween advocacy and lnqulry: ursulng and malnLalnlng a balance
beLween advocaLlng for a poslLlon and lnqulrlng abouL Lhe poslLlons held by oLhers helps creaLe
a genulne learnlng communlLy.


)/48!97 1877 :/)57!; /=> .!/::

?@?CVDWCBD?DH </8= ?@?CVDWC?V@WH :/I
.!/:: 097- -</87
Cailos Abieu School Resouice 0fficei
Sylvia Baines Cafeteiia Staff, xS2 sylvia.baineschavezschools.oig
TBB ELL Cooiuinatoi einest.cottonchavezschools.oig
}ennifei Ciockei SEC Cooiuinatoi, x17 jennifei.ciockeichavezschools.oig
Katiea Benson Social Woikei, x4S katiea.uensonchavezschools.oig
Wenuelin Bonahue Instiuctional Coach wenuelin.uonahuechavezschools.oig
Tom Fenske Libiaiian tom.fenskechavezschools.oig
Iiis Feiiufino Instiuctional Coach iiis.feiiufinochavezschools.oig
LaShaun Fianklin 1u
& 12
uiaue Bean of
Scholais, x21
Sanuia uaicia Attenuance Nonitoi, x49 sanuia.gaicia-uiazchavezschools.oig
Louise Baiiis 0ffice Assistant, x1u louise.haiiischavezschools.oig
L. Baneen Keaton Piincipal, x24 uaneen.keatonchavezschools.oig
Cailos Lopez Cafeteiia Staff, xS2 cailos.lopezchavezschools.oig
Zenaua Nahon vice Piincipal, x1S zenaua.mahonchavezschools.oig
}ustin NcClain 9
& 11
uiaue Bean of Scholais,
Neieuith Noielle Instiuctional Coach meieuith.moiellechavezschools.oig
}ennifei 0'Connoi Social Woikei, x19 jennifei.oconnoichavezschools.oig
Steve Pajaies Registiai, x28 steve.pajaieschavezschools.oig
Ray Pigfoiu Facilities
Ronnie Richmonu 1u
& 12
uiaue College
Counseloi, x41
uaby Rouiiguez 0ffice Nanagei, xSu maiia.iouiiguezchavezschools.oig
Caiy Sabauos Bean of Bata & Inteivention caiy.sabauoschavezschools.oig
Naijean Sipe Business Nanagei, xS1 maijean.sipechavezschools.oig
William Speais vice Piincipal, x16 william.speaischavezschools.oig
Patiicia Tolson Nuise, x26 patiicia.tolsonchavezschools.oig
Roni White 9
& 11
uiaue College
Counseloi, x29
Baibaia Stephenson BC CAP Auvisoi, x44 baibaia.stephensonchavezschools.oig
Sean Smith Social Woikei Intein sean.smithchavezschools.oig
Kathleen Bulson Social Woikei Intein kathleen.bulsonchavezschools.oig


G0/>- 099< -</87
Latasha Cook 9 uu111u latasha.cookchavezschools.oig
Lauien }acob 11 2uS lauien.jacobchavezschools.oig
Anuiew Kay 1u 2u2 anuiew.kaychavezschools.oig
Pam Rickei 1u 2u4 pamela.iickeichavezschools.oig
Chelsea Rink 912 2u7 chelsea.iinkchavezschools.oig
Synuia Payne 12 21u synuia.paynechavezschools.oig

}acob Steelman 9 1uS jacob.steelmanchavezschools.oig

Alexanuia Fuentes 1u 1u1 alexanuia.fuenteschavezschools.oig
Biana uibson 11 1uS uiana.gibsonchavezschools.oig
Nolly Lauei (ILT) 9 uu21u9 molly.laueichavezschools.oig
Teiiell Nunson 12 12u teiiell.munsonchavezschools.oig
Sam Benstell 1u 1u9 samantha.henstellchavezschools.oig

Bailene Astoiga 9 1u7 uailene.astoigachavezschools.oig
Ben Bennett 12 211 ben.bennettchavezschools.oig
Niyesha Coleman 1u 1u2 niyesha.colemanchavezschools.oig
Katy Stovei 1u 1u4 katy.stoveichavezschools.oig
Yasmine }ulien 11 2u1 yasmine.julienchavezschools.oig
Caiy Sabauos 12 2u4 caiy.sabauoschavezschools.oig

.P"*M,RF /N+F <K,MLF Y 4-
Keith Ciaig 9 uu2 keith.ciaigchavezschools.oig
Naiia Ramiiez 11 1uS maiia.iamiiezchavezschools.oig
}ess Resnik 12 2uS jess.iesnikchavezschools.oig
Navis Rose 11 uu1 mavis.iosechavezschools.oig
}ennifei Sonkin 9 22u jennifei.sonkinchavezschools.oig
Kathiyn Wooten 1u 1uS11u kathiyn.wootenchavezschools.oig

.'LM"$ .+KJM%,
Will Peikins 9 1u8 will.peikinschavezschools.oig
Kiista Fantin 12 2uS kiista.fantinchavezschools.oig
}essie ueoige 1u 2uS jessica.geoigechavezschools.oig
Nicah Thomas 11 2u8 micah.thomaschavezschools.oig
Bectoi Noya 11 2u6 hectoi.moyachavezschools.oig
Linusay Anuieas 12 2u9 linusay.anuieaschavezschools.oig

.P%LM"$ -JKL"+M'*
Chailes Coinelius 91u 1u8 chailes.coineliuschavezschools.oig
Nichael Bolus 1u 2u2 michael.boluschavezschools.oig
Roni Biei 9 211 ioni.bieichavezschools.oig
Nikki Buiney 91u11 1u1 nikki.buineychavezschools.oig
Emie Kiik 911 1u6 emie.kiikchavezschools.oig
Lauien Thut 12 211 lauien.thutchavezschools.oig
Neicia Williams-Nuiiay 1u12 1u4 meicia.williams-muiiaychavezschools.oig


19<- 9::8)- .!/:: )9=!/)!.

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Iiasema Salciuo CE0 anu Founuei, x12 iiasema.salciuochavezschools.oig
}eff Coopei Chief 0peiation 0fficei, xS6 jeff.coopeichavezschools.oig
Patiicia Bevis Biiectoi of Finance, xS8 patiicia.bevischavezschools.oig
Susan Floia Biiectoi of 0peiations, x16 susan.floiachavezschools.oig
Teiii Smyth-Riuing Biiectoi of Buman Resouices, x19 teiii.smythiiuingchavezschools.oig
Rob Nuiphy Biiectoi of Teaching anu Leaining xS9 iob.muiphychavezschools.oig
Waltei uonzalez Biiectoi of Technology waltei.gonzalezchavezschools.oig
}anell ueoige Chief Bevelopment 0fficei, x17 janell.geoigechavezschools.oig
}uliet Nohnkein Biiectoi of Public Policy, xS9 juliet.mohnkeinchavezschools.oig
Kiista Fantin Assistant Biiectoi of Public Policy, xS9 kiista.fantinchavezschools.oig
Ruby Sheiman Pioject Cooiuinatoi, x1u iuby.sheimanchavezschools.oig
TBB Biiectoi of Facilities, x11
Tiacy Wiight Chief Acauemic 0fficei, x1S tiacy.wiightchavezschools.oig
Bemetii Tylei Stuuent Infoimation Biiectoi, x14 uemetii.tyleichavezschools.oig
Ashlee Lawson Naiketing Nanagei, xS4 ashlee.lawsonchavezschools.oig
Chaimayne Ciiuei Nanagei of 0peiations, x21 chaimayne.ciiueichavezschools.oig
Bave Yaimchuck Cuiiiculum Innovation Specialist foi
Nath & Science, xS9
Kenno Telfaiie Alumni Cooiuinatoi kenno.telfaiiechavezschools.oig
Kaien Ruffin Accountant, x24 kaien.iuffinchavezschools.oig
Nicoisa Young Acauemic 0peiations Cooiuinatoi, xSS nicoisa.youngchavezschools.oig
Pamela Neikeison Buman Resouices Cooiuinatoi, xSS pamela.meikeisonchavezschools.oig
Stephanie Remick Expeiiential Leaning Nanagei, xS9 stephanie.iemickchavezschools.oig
LaTiicia Auams Biiectoi of Assessments, xS9 latiicia.auamschavezschools.oig


Piincipal: Keaton

Leaueiship Team: Nahon, Sipe & Speais
Bevelopment, Suppoit & Evaluations:
Bean of Bata & Inteivention: Sabauos
SEC: Ciockei
Bome 0ffice Collaboiation

School Cultuie: Speais
Nuise: Tolson
Secuiity: Abieu
Attenuance Nonitoi: uaicia
Bean of Scholais: Fianklin & NcClain
uiaue Level Leaueis: Cook, ueoige,
}acob & Thut
Social Woikeis: Benson & 0'Connoi
Bome 0ffice Collaboiation
Acauemic &
Excellence foi
all Scholais
Instiuction: Nahon

College Counselois: Richmonu & White
Bevelopment, Suppoit & Evaluation:
Coaching: Bonahue, Feiiufino, Lauei,
Noielle & Sabauos
Registiai: Pajaies

School Efficiency: Sipe
Facilities: Pigfoiu
Attenuance & BR: All Staff
0ffice Staff: Rouiiguez & Baiiis
Cafeteiia Staff: Baines & Lopez
Libiaiian: Fenske
School Finances & Piocuiement
Exteinal Paitneiships
Family Engagement

)/48!97 1877 7-/>-0.184 !-/< ?@ABC?@AD


?@ABC?@AD )/48!97 1877 .)1->57-

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8:2S - 9:16
8:2S - 9:SS
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8:2S - 9:2S
9:2u - 1u:11
1u:uu - 11:Su
9:Su - 11:uu
1u:1S - 11:u6
11:Su -
11:SS - 1:uS
11:uu - 11:4u
11:uS - 12:SS
11:1u -

11:1u -
11:1u -
11:4S -

12:uS -
12:uS -
12:4u -

12:4u -
1:uu -

12:1S - 1:4S

1:uS - 1:4S

11:4S - 1:1S

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1:SS - 2:26
1:Su - S:2u
1:2u - 2:Su
2:Su - S:21
S:Su - 4:Su
? R'KN J%+%*+M'*
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S:Su - 4:Su
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S:1S - 4:Su
4:SS- S:SS

>/87; .)1997CE8>- 409)->50-.

Entiance & Bieakfast
0ui school uay begins at 7:Suam - well befoie 1
peiiou staits. It is impeiative that
teacheis anu scholais alike uo eveiything possible to piepaie foi a successful school uay.
All staff must aiiive no latei than 8:uuam uaily. Staff must sign in thiough Paycom (see
staff attenuance latei in this manual).

The gates will open foi scholais at 7:Suam. Between 7:Su anu 8:Su am Ni. Speais will
gieet all scholais at the gate. Bis piimaiy function is to check that each scholai is 1uu% in
unifoim. Paients of scholais who aie not in full unifoim will be notifieu that theii chilu is
being sent home oi they will be askeu to biing the piopei clothes. When possible, we will
pioviue the necessaiy items foi scholais.

Scholais who aie in full unifoim will pioceeu into the couityaiu to the check-in tables.
Staff will seaich bags anu caiefully wanu scholais. Scholais will then pioceeu to the
cafeteiia uooi wheie a staff membei will gieet each scholai by name.

Scholais will entei the cafeteiia, get bieakfast anu sit uown. A staff membei will manage
the volume in the cafeteiia to ensuie a peaceful space.

Scholais will be quieteu foi clean up anu moining announcements between 7:SS anu
8:uuam. Bieakfast will stop at 8:uuam. Bismissal will begin aiounu 8:uu am.

Scholais must pioceeu uiiectly to theii lockeis to put theii coats, sweateis, hats, etc. in
theii lockeis befoie pioceeuing to 1
peiiou. All scholais who attempt to entei class with
those items must be uiiecteu back to theii lockeis by theii 1
peiiou auvisoiy teachei
befoie enteiing class.

0pon aiiiving to 1
peiiouauvisoiy (between 8:uu anu 8:1Sam):
1. Teacheis will gieet scholais at the uooi anu check that the scholai is 1uu% in
unifoim. Teacheis shoulu stanu with one foot in anu one foot out of the classioom
anu iegulate the flow of scholais into theii classiooms to avoiu congestion as well as
monitoi behavioi insiue anu outsiue of the ioom.
2. Scholais will sit uown anu begin inuepenuent ieauing.

All copies anu mateiials neeueu foi class shoulu be maue the uay befoie to avoiu the eaily
moining sciamble anu ensuie a calm stait to each school uay.

By 8:uuam, all teacheis must be in theii assigneu posts thioughout the school.


Fiom 7:SS - 8:2S
All 1
8:uu - uieeting scholais at the uooi of theii 1
peiiou class
8:1S - 8:2S - Inuepenuent Reauing
with 1

peiiou piep

Ciaig Basement
Resnik 0utsiue College Suite
Payne Thut Coinei neai 2u8 & 2u9

Rickei }acob Coinei of 2u2, 2uS, & 2u4
Steelman Coinei neai nuise's office
}acob Aiea outsiue libiaiy
Sonkin &
Sonkin In the alleyuooi to the main builuing
Sabauos Richmonu Roaming 2
Wooten ueoige Coinei of 1u2, 1uS, & 1u4
Feiiufino &
White Roaming 1
Bonahue Cook 0utsiue tiophy case

!-/)1-0 >-2-794<-=!F .54490! /=> -2/75/!89=

We aie a small school community incieuibly committeu to the uevelopment, suppoit, anu
evaluation of its teacheis anu staff. In oiuei to maximize scholai achievement, all staff must
be leaineis so they can continually ieflect on anu impiove theii piactice. Teacheis aie
expecteu to fully paiticipate in each of the piocesses outlineu below by being on time to
meetings, piouucing the iequiieu mateiials on time, collaboiating with colleagues, anu
pioviuing thoughtful anu solution oiientateu feeuback to impiove the piocesses.


Level 1: Coaching
As we move towaius the implementation of the Common Coie State Stanuaius, we must
appiopiiately shift oui teaching, assessment, anu giauing piactices (see uiauing Policy).
This is a huge task anu it is impeiative that eveiy teachei gets peisonalizeu uevelopment
towaius oui new anu iigoious goals. Theiefoie, each teachei will be paiieu with an
Instiuctional Leauei (IL - eithei a teachei oi auministiatoi) who will uo obseivations, plan
anu ieflect with teacheis, anu ieview theii lesson plansmateiials as neeueu. This intense
level of one-on-one oi couise team uevelopment is calleu the Instiuctional Suppoit
Piogiam anu is an integial pait of teachei suppoit anu uevelopment at Capitol Bill.

Instiuctional Leaueis will meet bi-weekly with teacheis to
Analyze scholai woikuata

Instiuctional Leaueis will meet as neeueu with teacheis to
Bebiief obseivations
Cieatefinalize objectives anu outcomes to guiue leaining
Plan foi upcoming lessons
Cieate anu iefine Authentic Intellectual tasks
Reflect on anu set goals to impiove the co-teaching paitneiship; ensuie the
implementation of IEP's & BIP's.


Level 2: Chalc
Theie will be weekly Piofessional Bevelopment sessions calleu Chalc (Chavez Leaining
Community) on Weunesuays fiom S:1S - S:uupm anu Fiiuays fiom S:1S - 4:Su.
Piofessional Bevelopment will be closely aligneu to the oveiall Chavez anu school level
goals: Wiiting acioss the cuiiiculum, Assessment & Bata Analysis anu Cultuie of Success.
The quaiteily scheuule foi Chalc will be publisheu at the stait of the yeai in a googleuoc.
Staff shoulu iefei to it thioughout the yeai to check foi upuates.

Level S
Theie aie full Piofessional Bevelopment uays thioughout the yeai, Bata Analysis Bays, anu
Cuiiiculum Bays at the enu of each quaitei to ensuie auequate time foi ieflection anu
planning to ieteach. Auuitionally, each quaitei theie will be a minimum uay so we can
collaboiate with Paiksiue staff. Those uays aie all in the Acauemic Calenuai.

-\"$K"+M'*H Ns. Keaton anu Ns. Nahon will obseive all teacheis foi a "long obseivation" at
least once uuiing the fiist semestei. A meaningful anu substantive uebiief will follow each
obseivation. By Naich Suth, each teachei will have a summative evaluation. The
Instiuctional Leauei as well as othei staff iesponsible foi accountability (see expectations
& accountability) will contiibute to this evaluation.

Instiuctional Leaueis play an integial iole in ensuiing the suppoit, uevelopment, anu
evaluation of teacheis is connecteu. As such, they facilitate the Instiuctional Suppoit
Piogiam, will paiticipate in the planning & implementation of Chalc, anu will set goals with
theii teacheis.

!1- )/48!97 1877 )7/..099<

Inuepenuent Reauing (IR)
0"+M'*"$%H Scholais who scoie in the top five peicent on ieauing tests ieau 144 times
moie than scholais who scoie in the bottom five peicent. Auuitionally, bettei ieaueis
become bettei wiiteis. Reauing anu wiiting aie ciitical in all uisciplines; theiefoie IR is a
school-siue initiative anu staff-wiue iesponsibility.

All scholais will ieau foi the fiist 1u minutes of the uay each uay of the week with the
exception of uays when we have assemblies. 0n those uays IR will occui uiiectly aftei the
assembly. Teacheis aie iesponsible foi cieating anu maintaining a sense of puipose foi IR.
Teacheis anu staff must also ieau inuepenuently. A few staff membeis will have
obseivational & supeivisoiy ioles uuiing this time - all othei staff membeis must
paiticipate in Inuepenuent Reauing. Ni. Fenske is available to suppoit you in making IR

Boaiu Configuiation: The boaiu must be upuateu uaily to infoim scholais of the uate,
leaining objectives foi the uay, the path to that leaining, anu its extenueu piactice. The
following items must be wiitten on the left oi iight siue of the boaiu:

Bomewoik Assignment:

It is impoitant that oui classiooms senu consistent anu cleai messages to oui scholais. The
following posteis will be pioviueu anu must be posteu in each classioom:
Baily scheuule
The Chavez motto: Succeeu in College! Nake a Biffeience! Si, se pueue!
Chavez giauuation iequiiements
Citizenship Points guiue
uioup Woik Noims
Evacuation Routes

.P"L% OK,+ #% O"J% '* L$",,N''O ]"$$, ('N %"LR '( +R% ('$$']M*SH

Wall Space foi Scholai Exemplais: We must celebiate successful scholai woik as well as
pioviue exemplais foi scholais who will benefit fiom seeing the expectations.

Bata wall: We must communicate the piogiess scholais aie making on a iegulai basis.
They neeu this feeuback in oiuei to make smait choices about theii acauemic piogiess.
Bata about scholai piogiess must be posteu on a iegulai basis; it is highly iecommenueu
that uata is upuateu at the completion of each outcome in oiuei to keep scholais highly

Leaining Wall: We must communicate to oui scholais what they will be leaining anu why.
Theie shoulu be a section of each classioom that outlines the essential question(s) anu
leaining outcomes foi the cuiient quaitei.

Ball passes
We must uo eveiything we can to ensuie oui scholais aie in class as much as possible.
They have a lot of leaining to uo so we must woik stiategically anu collaboiatively to
maximize that time. Scholais cannot leave class foi the fiist 1S oi last 1S minutes of class
unless they aie having a meuical emeigency. 0nly one scholai may leave the ioom at a
time. Foi the Nonuay scheuule, scholais cannot leave uuiing the fiist anu last 1u minutes
of class.

Each classioom must also have passes to the nuise's office. This pass is foi scholais who
neeu to see the nuise foi a meuical emeigency. Teacheis shoulu use theii uiscietion when
allowing scholais to use this pass. The nuise will not see a scholai without a pass.

It is absolutely unacceptable foi staff to senu scholais on eiianus uuiing instiuctional time.

!"# /5"**+ %4+)43# !#&1 =(++ 6*++*= 4' =()" &++ )#&5"#30 ="* &++*= 05"*+&30 *4) *6
5+&00 =()"*4) & '&00 *3 )* 34> #33&>?0@

If you neeu anothei hall pass please immeuiately iequest one fiom Ns. Rouiiguez.

9+R%N U%Q L'OP'*%*+, '( +R% )"PM+'$ 1M$$ L$",,N''OH

Configuiation; The set up of classioom fuinituie is ciitical to the leaining enviionment.
Besks shoulu be aiiangeu to ensuie maximal leaining. Theie shoulu not be moie uesks
than necessaiy foi the laigest numbei of scholais in a paiticulai classioom. Classioom
uesks anu chaiis shoulu not be against the wall.

Cleanliness of Classioom: It is the teachei's iesponsibility to ensuie scholais leave the
classioom clean at the enu of each peiiou. Auuitionally, teacheis aie iesponsible foi
maintaining theii own woikspace, classioom bookshelves, etc to ensuie the ioom is a clean
anu piouuctive space foi scholais to leain.

0ne bookshelf with books foi inuepenuent ieauing: We must cieate a cultuie of ieauing
thioughout the school. This cultuie begins with a well-oiganizeu, well-maintaineu
bookshelf with books foi Inuepenuent Reauing.

Textbooks anu othei iesouices must be neatly oiganizeu on these bookshelves - books
shoulu be placeu upiight with binueis facing out.

Folueis foi absent scholais: Although we have high expectations foi attenuance anu layeis
of consequences foi absences, we know that scholais will be absent. Theie must be a cleai
space in each classioom wheie scholais can ietiieve all misseu woik upon theii ietuin.
Scholais will be expecteu to complete all woik they misseu while absent.

)$",,N''O J''N, OK,+ N%O"M* K*$'LU%J JKNM*S M*,+NKL+M'*"$ +MO%`

/..-..8=G 950 .)197/0.H G0/>8=G 4978);

At Capitol Bill, it is oui stateu anu woithy goal that 1uu% of oui scholais will giauuate anu
be accepteu to the college of theii choice wheie they will successfully eain a uegiee. In
oiuei to accomplish this extiaoiuinaiy goal, we must iethink anu tiansfoim the way we
assess scholais anu assign giaues. Theiefoie, we use a giauing system aimeu at ensuiing
the giaues scholais eain aie baseu on how much scholais know anu aie able to uo as well
as theii ability to apply theii leaining to new contexts as measuieu against Common Coie
Stanuaius. We call this "0utcomes Baseu Assessment". This uocument outlines the
iationale of 0utcomes Baseu Assessment as well as the elements that make foi thoughtful
anu cleai implementation. The founuation foi this tiansfoimational giauing piactice is
well ieseaicheu by euucational expeits such as Robeit Naizano anu Thomas uuskey

We use Nasteiy uiauing at Capitol Bill because it


equitably auuiess the uiveise neeus anu talents of oui scholais;
uemanus claiity fiom teacheis anu ensuies theii instiuction is puiposeful;
allows teacheis to effectively anu efficiently use uata to uiive theii instiuction;
iequiies stuuents be active paiticipants in the giauing piocess thiough cuiation anu
ievision of theii eviuence of leaining;
shifts the focus fiom tiauitional giauing systems that uo not account foi giowth anu
iely on aveiages of unielateu skills anu assignments to one that assesses the actual
authentic leaining accomplisheu;
gives a moie accuiate iepiesentation of what scholais know anu can uo by the enu of
the yeai, anu is, theiefoie, a bettei juugment of whethei oi not a scholai is piepaieu to
move on to the next couise oi giaue level.

Based on Farrington & Smalls work citing Marzano 2000, 2007; OConnor, 2007, as well the work of Doug Reeves and Rick Wormeli.


Teacheis will use Chavez unit plans to cleaily uefine the leaining outcomes of the unit. The
Bloom's Natiix within the unit plan will be useu to ueteimine if the scholai is
uemonstiating leaining at the Pioficient oi Bigh Peifoimance level. Next, teacheis will
cieate outcome maps to cleaily communicate the leaining goals to scholais anu families.
Teacheis will post these outcomes in theii classiooms anu explain them to scholais at the
stait of each unit, iefei to them thioughout the unit, anu tiack scholais' acauemic piogiess
ielative to these outcomes.


Inteiim Assessments at
the enu of each quaitei
Befinition: Balanceu assessment incluuing peifoimance task anuoi
multiple choice, stanuaius-baseu quaiteily assessment of the
content taught uuiing the quaitei
Authentic Intellectual
Peifoimance Task at the
enu of each unit
Befinition: Enu of unit peifoimance task iequiiing stuuents to
uemonstiate theii masteiy of the unit's content thiough the
completion of a novel "ieal-woilu" application task.
6u-7S% **
Nasteiy of Couise
Befinition: Checks of scholais' masteiy to incluue: tests, quizzes,
essays, piesentations, uiscussions, piojects, science lab iepoits,
computei piogiams, essays, jouinals, uebates, ieseaich papeis,
notebooks, Sociatic seminais, poitfolios, uiamatic ieauings anu exit
tickets. The syllabus will bieak out the specific peicentages foi each
Befinition: any assignments given outsiue of class foi leaining,
ielateu to the couise.

EF%% (9;G+)/( 1'%% *$:+ .6/+4'H F((+((H+6/( $/ /*+ +68 3I JK $68 JL- F( (9)*M $%% )394(+( 1'%%
*$:+ .6/+4'H F((+((H+6/( )396/ I34 NOP 3I /*+ 54$8+ '6 JK $68 JL- Q34 R
$68 NS
U65%'(* $68 V$/* )394(+(M ()*3%$4( $88'/'36$%%2 1'%% /$&+ .6/+4'H F((+((H+6/( I34 JN $68 JW-

EEQ34 $%% J9$4/+4( =()" $6 .6/+4'H F((+((H+6/M V$(/+42 3I >394(+ X9/)3H+( 1'%% )396/ I34
YSP- Q34 J9$4/+4( =()"*4) $6 .6/+4'H F((+((H+6/M '/ 1'%% )396/ I34 ZOP-

The Yeai-enu giaue (Y1) is a weighteu aveiage of the Quaiteily (Q1-Q4) giaues. This is
bioken uown to the following peicents: aA b ?@c, a? b ?@c, aB b B@cF aD b B@c`


An "0utcome" Categoiy shoulu be cieateu in PoweiSchool anu 0utcomes shoulu be enteieu
in this categoiy. 0nuei A3#6#3#>5#0 in Poweiuiauebook, Teachei will cieate [)34'65 >38+(
to scoie 0utcomes (anu, it is encouiageu, Bomewoik, Eviuence, etc. as well). The [)34'65
>38+( scale is shown below:

.)90- <-/=8=G =90</783-> E-8G1!
S- Bigh Peifoimance 1uu
4- Exceeus Pioficiency 8S
S- Pioficiency 7u
2- Paitial 0nueistanuing SS
1- Little oi No 0nueistanuing 4u
NE No Eviuence Submitteu 4u
When a scholai eains a scoie of 2 oi lowei, the scholai will have fuithei oppoitunities to
uemonstiate pioficiency oi gieatei unueistanuing on that outcome. When they aie able to
uemonstiate that gieatei unueistanuing, the giaue will be upuateu to ieflect this.

To be successful in the next couise oi at the next giaue level, scholais must uemonstiate
pioficiency on most the couise's 0utcomes. Bemonstiateu high peifoimance is an
inuication of auvanceu skill anu possible piepaieuness foi auvanceu couisewoik. The
table below shows how we match oui expectations foi pioficiency with oui giaues:

G0/>- 95!)9<- .)90-. <-/=8=G :90 :5!50-
A Nostly 4's oi S's. Piepaieu foi auvanceu couisewoik (Bonois, AP)
B Nostly S's oi 4's Piepaieu foi the next level beyonu essential skills
C Nostly S's Piepaieu foi the next level with essential skills
F Nostly 1's anu 2's 0npiepaieu foi the next level; In neeu of suppoit

Bomewoik will be enteieu as "Bomewoik" unuei assignment #2,+. The T4$8'65 [)$%+
chosen shoulu be "CB Points". The following S-point scale will be useu to scoie Bomewoik:

.)90- <-/=8=G =90</783-> E-8G1!
S Exceptional 1uu
4 uoou 87.S
S Auequate 7S
2 Limiteu 62.S

1 Not Submitteu Su

* Baseu on Faiiington & Small's woik citing Naizano 2uuu, 2uu7; 0'Connoi, 2uu7, as well
the woik of Boug Reeves anu Rick Woimeli.


Theie will be sessions on 0utcomes Baseu Assessment uuiing each of the Family- Teachei

Scholais anu families will have the ability to view giaues in PoweiSchool anu can use this
infoimation to get the appiopiiate help.

Teacheis aie iequiieu to keep an upuateu phone log oi email of theii communication with
paientsguaiuians. These logs will be iequiieu foi any scholai who ieceives an F.

PaientTeachei confeiences occui thiee times a yeai. All staff aie iequiieu to attenu
confeiences. Please check the calenuai foi the uates.

Auvisois will meet with scholais bi-weekly anu those who have not uemonstiateu masteiy
of all outcomes to uate will cieate a Pioficiency Plan. This plan outlines the outcomes the
scholai is not yet pioficient on anu the scholai will iuentify when anu how they will get
suppoit to leain the content of that couise.

See the sections of this hanubook labeleu 8
Peiiou, anu Satuiuay Acauemy to see the
systemic ways in which we suppoit scholais to meet oui high acauemic expectations.

0%,%"NLR '* 9K+L'O%, 6",%J /,,%,,O%*+H Bigh schools in Ameiica aie laigely
stiuctuieu by a 1uu-yeai olu philosophy that paceu instiuction anu uefineu achievement
such that only the best anu the biightest woulu enuuie to giauuation. This tiauitional
stiuctuie has become a baiiiei to acauemic achievement in seconuaiy schools (Faiiington
& Small, 2uu6). The tiauitional system is meant to "soit anu select". The histoiy of
schooling in Ameiica is baseu on the piemise that schools woulu soit the population anu
'select' the high achieveis who woulu become the countiy's leaueis. In the 21
Centuiy, we
uemanu that eveiy chilu succeeus at high levels. Theiefoie, we neeu new systems that will
cieate the iesults we aie looking foi iathei than ieplicate the iesults of an outuateu vision
foi young people in Ameiica. Since the most effective giauing piactices pioviue accuiate,
specific, timely feeuback uesigneu to impiove stuuent peifoimance (Faiiington & Small,
2uu6), the staff at Capitol Bill has uesigneu a system that will uo just that. We will not
peimanently punish scholais when they uo not meet acauemic expectations. Insteau, we
will pioviue taigeteu feeuback that will help scholais assess theii own leaining anu
uemonstiate masteiy of iigoious content without the histoiically stiict limitations of time.

What uoes a lettei giaue mean. Boes an A in one Algebia class mean the same as an A in
anothei Algebia class. If those A's uo mean the same thing, uo they mean the same thing at

each high school in town. Theie is no eviuence to suggest that they uo. Nasteiy uiauing
seeks to ensuie that 9u% of a scholai's oveiall giaue is baseu on what a scholai has shown
they know anu aie able to uo iathei than the inauthentic inclusion of effoit anu attituue.
uiaues neeu to cleaily communicate the achievement of specific leaining outcomes.
Theiefoie teacheis neeu to be cleai anu explicit about what the leaining outcomes aie anu
how they aie going to giaue theii scholais ielative to those outcomes (Faiiington & Small,

We aie exciteu to be at the foiefiont of implementing tiansfoimational giauing piactices in
this countiy. We appieciate those whose woiks - both ieseaich anu piactical woik within
schools - give us inspiiation.

/)/>-<8) .54490! .!05)!50-.

P%NM'J "+ )"PM+'$ 1M$$
<'*J"QF !K%,J"QF "*J !RKN,J"QF BHB@ [ DHB@PO

<"*J"+%J !K+'NM*S is foi all scholais who aie stiuggling to maintain pioficiency on most
of theii outcomes. They must go to tutoiing as assigneu baseu on theii acauemic piogiess.
The puipose of Nanuatoiy Tutoiing is foi scholais to begin the yeai successfully anuoi
get the acauemic suppoit neeueu baseu on theii acauemic peifoimance. Teacheis will
woik closely with scholais to ensuie they can uemonstiate pioficiency of outcomes not yet

."+KNJ"Q /L"J%OQ is on Satuiuays foi all 9
& 1u
giaue scholais who ieceive an F in
English oi Nath. They will have fuithei instiuction on the outcomes they have not yet
masteieu. Satuiuay Acauemy is manuatoiy.

>%+%*+M'*, aie assigneu uaily by school staff. Scholais must attenu uetention the same
uay theii name is posteu. Betentions that aie eaineu late in the uay will be assigneu the
following uay. Teacheis aie not peimitteu to pull scholais out of Betention unless they put
them in theie foi acauemic ieasons.

Betention is helu in the cafeteiia anu is monitoieu by the Bean of Scholais.

If a teachei finus that they aie wiiting numeious uetentions foi the same scholai(s) oi foi
the same ieasons, then they must ieach out foi help anu suppoit in mitigating those issues.
The goal is foi each class peiiou to be highly piouuctive foi all. It is unacceptable to
continually wiite uetentions. Theie must be thoughtful ieflection on the pioblem anu
active piogiess towaius impioving it.

!R%,% _
P%NM'J "L+M\M+M%, "N% O"*J"+'NQ` /++%*J"*L% OK,+ #% +"U%* J"M$Q`
Nanuatoiy Tutoiing is Nonuays, Tuesuays, anu Thuisuays.
The aftei school suppoit piogiams on Weunesuays aie iun by exteinal pioviueis.


)$K#, aie an oppoitunity foi scholais to engage in extia-cuiiiculai activities. A scheuule of
activities will be posteu. Clubs aie optional anu aie highly encouiageu. Scholais will
ieceive 1u Citizenship Points each quaitei foi consistent paiticipation (9u% attenuance
each quaitei) in a club.

All scholais who aie not paiticipating in 8
peiiou - eithei clubs, tutoiing, oi uetention
must leave the hallways by S:4u. Failuie to uo so will iesult in an automatic uetention. All
scholais, except those in 2
uetention must be out of the builuing by Spm on a iegulai
school uay.

We have thiee uismissal times. 0nfoitunately, oui scholais have not always been able to
safely get fiom school to home. It is oui piofessional iesponsibility to ensuie the safety of
oui scholais. Theiefoie, the following uismissal times must be followeu: S:21, 4:Su, anu
S:SS. Buiing these times, theie will be staff outsiue to ensuie oui scholais aie safe.
Bismissing a scholai uuiing an off time, like S:uu is unacceptable anu uoing so will iesult in
uisciplinaiy action.

!"UM*S /++%*J"*L% _
Attenuance must be taken in a pie-populateu uoogleuoc by 4:1Spm so we can follow up on
all scholais who aie absent fiom 8

Attenuance uuiing clubs must also be taken. If a scholai consistently (9u% pei quaitei)
attenus a club, she will eain auuitional Citizenship Points. Foi this puipose, being a pait
of a spoits team will also eain scholais Citizenship Points each quaitei.

./!50>/; /)/>-<;

Scholais in the 9
anu 1u
giaue must attenu Satuiuay Acauemy if they have not passeu
theii English anuoi math classes with a scoie of 7u% oi highei. Scholais who uo not
passeu theii English anuoi math classes with a minimum of 7u% each quaitei will ieceive
an F anu N0ST attenu Satuiuay Acauemy to ieceive auuitional instiuction. These scholais
will have the oppoitunity to ie-leain anu uemonstiate masteiy of the quaitei's content anu
can have theii giaue aujusteu to a C- shoulu they meet all Satuiuay Acauemy iequiiements.
Tenth giaue scholais who uo not scoie pioficient oi auvanceu on the piactice BC CAS
assessment may also be iequiieu to attenu Satuiuay Acauemy.

.LR'$"N, MJ%*+M(M%J ", M* *%%J '( ."+KNJ"Q /L"J%OQ JK% +' ("M$M*S " O"+R 'N -*S$M,R
L'KN,%F "N% O"*J"+%J +' "++%*J "$$ ."+KNJ"Q ,%,,M'*, d+R%N% "N% ('KN P%N eK"N+%Nf ",
" L'*JM+M'* ('N +R%MN L'*+M*K%J %*N'$$O%*+` 0"N% %TL%P+M'*, *%%J +' #% "PPN'\%J #Q
+R% 4NM*LMP"$`

*Teacheis aie able to sign up to teach Satuiuay Acauemy foi a stipenu. Any teachei that is
inteiesteu in woiking Satuiuay Acauemy shoulu see Ni. Sabauos.


*Special sessions foi AP Test Piep anu Senioi Thesis Wiiting will also occui uuiing select
Satuiuay Acauemy Sessions.

.)1997 )57!50-


Effective tiansitions play a key iole in how effective the following peiiou will begin. It is
ciitical that all staff membeis aie piesent in the halls uuiing tiansitions. If you have a piep
peiiou, then you aie to ioam the flooi anu ensuie scholais aie quietly anu smoothly
tiansitioning to class. All teacheis (except those who aie tiansitioning) must stanu at theii
uooi uuiing passing peiiou. This auult piesence is iequiieu to supeivise tiansitions as well
as ensuie that each scholai is piopeily gieeteu as they entei class. A piopei gieeting at the
uooi incluues a unifoim check, a smile, anu a welcome.


Teacheis must check that the scholai is in full unifoim (Chavez shiit oi sweatei,
khakiblack pants oi knee length shoitsshiits, anu white, biown, oi black shoes). All
othei clothing items that aie not a pait of the Capitol Bill unifoim aie not alloweu to be
visibly in a scholai's possession. All hats, non-Chavez sweateis, jackets, etc. must be put in
theii lockei oi bags. Scholais aie not alloweu to entei class with those items. If a scholai is
not in full unifoim oi has auuitional non-unifoim items, they must be instiucteu to put the
items in theii lockei oi bag. If they aie late to class, then the appiopiiate consequence will

>8.)8478=/0; /)!89=.

See the Paient & Scholai Banubook foi a compiehensive explanation of policies.

Electionic Bevices: Cell phones aie alloweu on campus but must be put away. In shoit,
phones may *'+ #% ,%%* *'N R%"NJ. All othei electionic uevices aie piohibiteu. If any
staff membei sees oi heais an electionic uevice, they aie to collect the uevice anu give it to
Ns. Fianklin oi Ni. NcClain. If the scholai iefuses, simply infoim Ni. NcClain oi Ns.
Fianklin anu they will ueal with the situation.

The fiist time a uevice is taken a paientguaiuian may pick it up immeuiately.
The seconu time a uevice is taken it will be helu foi Su uays befoie the paientguaiuian can
pick it up. The thiiu time a uevice is taken, it will be helu until the enu of the yeai.

All staff aie iesponsible foi tiacking positive anu negative Citizenship Points anu enteiing
them weekly.



The fiont office has a supply of "uoou News Postcaius" available foi staff to mail when they
want to acknowleuge a scholai's accomplishments.
1/77E/;. /=> 45678) .4/)-.

We aie a small, team-oiienteu community. 0ui school will iun effectively anu efficiently
when expectations aie consistently enfoiceu. 0ui effectiveness uepenus on a shaieu sense
of community space. Please think of the hallways anu public spaces as extensions of all oui
classioomsoffices. Please keep these points in minu:
If you see scholais that you uon't teach anu who aie cleaily violating the coue of
conuuct, then coiiect theii behavioi.
All visitois must sign in anu will ieceive a visitoi's bauge. If you uon't iecognize
someone wanueiing the halls anu this peison uoes not have a bauge, please
intiouuce youiself anu escoit them to the main office. Please gieet all visitois
weaiing the piopei bauge with a smile anu a gieeting.
Please pioofieau flyeis anu othei items incluuing scholai woik that you post in the
hallways. Bo not post anu celebiate meuiocie woik. It is unacceptable to uisplay
flyeis with misspelling, incoiiect giammai, etc.


The following bulletin boaius aie assigneu to the following staff membeis foi upkeep anu
maintenance. All bulletin boaius shoulu iepiesent the Capitol Bill Nission & vision anu
celebiate scholais. They must be upuateu monthly.


Fiist Flooi
Fiont lobby: Rouiiquez & PTA
0utsiue ioom 1u9: 9
giaue: Cook
0utsiue iooms 1uS & 1u6: Teacheis of 1uS & 1u6
0utsiue Computei Lab: Speais
0utsiue office: NcClain & Fianklin - School Cultuie
Acioss fiom scholai iestioom: Richmonu & White - College Success
0utsiue scholai iestioom: Pajaies - Bonoi ioll & scholai celebiations
By staff iestioom: uaicia - uetentions, 8
Peiiou anu othei announcements

Seconu Flooi
0utsiue ioom 2u1: Cultuie team
0utsiue libiaiy: Fenske
0utsiue Quiet Room (on left): 11
giaue team - }acob
0utsiue Quiet Room (on iight): 12
giaue team - Thut
0utsiue SEC office: Richmonu & White - College Cultuie

0utsiue ioom 2uS: Clubs, announcements, anu such
0utsiue vP office: Speais - Betentions, Citizenship Points anu othei announcements
Acioss fiom watei coolei: 1u
giaue team - ueoige


Even in non-instiuctional moments, it is ciitically impoitant to maintain a stiuctuieu
enviionment in which scholais aie helu to high expectations. The enu-of-uay uismissal is
often the busiest time of any uay; consequently, theie is a high potential foi injuiy oi
behavioi issues uuiing this time. The iisk of such occuiiences is minimizeu with oui
piesence. Smooth enu-of-uay tiansitions uepenu heavily on staff membeis staying on
scheuule, scholais cleaily unueistanuing the expectations foi behavioi uuiing this time,
anu all staff membeis having a stiong piesence in the hallways anu outsiue to enfoice

Foi the ieasons stateu above, it is impeiative that we all follow the uismissal piocess
outlineu below:

Scholais aie uismisseu fiom 7
peiiou at S:2uS:21. If scholais have 8
peiiou, they have
until S:Su to iepoit to Tutoiing (manuatoiy oi voluntaiy), Club, oi Betention. Scholais will
not be aumitteu late to any 8
peiiou. If they aie late, they must go uiiectly to uetention.
(See 8
peiiou foi consequences foi missing 8

Scholais who aie not staying aftei school must leave the hallways by S:SS. All scholais
who aie unsupeiviseu aftei this time will eain an automatic uetention. Teacheis cannot
ask scholais to stay aftei school foi any ieason unless the teachei can uiiectly supeivise
the scholai.

)9/)1 /=> )756 .!84-=> 409G0/<

Chavez iecognizes the benefits of engaging scholais in inteiest-baseu civic anu cultuial
eniichment beyonu stanuaiu classioom houis. While much of the iewaiu foi this woik is
in the enu iesult, foi leauing oi suppoiting these eniichment piogiams, teacheis aie
eligible to ieceive a stipenu within ceitain piogiam paiameteis.

D4354$H >3H,36+6/(


To ieceive a stipenu foi leauing oi suppoiting a club, teacheis must submit a wiitten plan
to the appiopiiate campus leauei. This plan must offei (1) the oveiall benefit of the
piogiam as it ielates to the school's mission oi cultuie, (2) the timefiame of the piogiam,
(S) the numbei of scholaisfamilies uiiectlyinuiiectly affecteu, (4) what the piogiam
entails; e.g. paiental involvement, time commitment to meet, inteinalexteinal iesouices,

auuitional expenses, etc. Campus leaueiship will ieview plans; if appioveu, they will be
foiwaiueu to the Coach anu Club committee to ueteimine the appiopiiate stipenu amount.


Thiough campus leaueiship, the Coach anu Club committee will communicate the
appiopiiate stipenu given the scope of the piogiam. Auuitional infoimation may be
iequesteu. Buman Resouices will uiaft an agieement to be signeu anu ietuineu piioi to
launching the piogiam.


Stipenus iange between $2Su - $1Suu baseu on the piogiam's impact on oui cultuie
anuoi mission, the numbei of scholais seiveuaffecteu, the amount of time expenueu, the
complexity of the piogiam, anu the teachei's iole in the piogiam.
The following iubiic* will be useu to ueteimine the stipenu amounts foi Chavez Clubs.
$2Su $Suu $1uuu $1Suu
Impact on
Some Impact Notable
# of
Fewei than
16-49 Su-74 7S+
# Bouis Spent
(piepaiation anu
2u-49 Su-99 1uu-149 1Su+
Role in Club As-Neeueu
Single Leauei Leauei of Team
E#*'( )*$4/ '( 63/ H+$6/ /3 ;+ $;(3%9/+- ./ 1'%% (+4:+ $( $ 5+6+4$% 59'8+ /3 8+/+4H'6'65 /*+ :$%9+ 3I $ ,$4/')9%$4
)%9; 34 ,4354$H 968+4 /*'( ,3%')2- #*+ >3$)* $68 >%9; >3HH'//++ 1'%% 8+/+4H'6+ $,,43,4'$/+ (/',+68 %+:+%(-
Teacheis iequesting to leau oi suppoit an eniichment club unuei this piogiam must be
employeu anu in goou stanuing when pioposing the club's plan.

.H,34/$6/ \3/+(
Paiticipation in eniichment clubs unuei this piogiam is voluntaiy. Teacheis must
closely consiuei theii woikloaus when pioposing oi accepting a iole leauing oi
suppoiting a club. Time anu iesouices neeueu to manage a club cannot inteifeie
with teacheis' piimaiy iesponsibilities as ueteimineu by school leaueiship. Wheie
a conflict oi uisconnect is ueteimineu, the teachei will be placeu on notice; if

immeuiate anu sustaineu impiovement is not eviuent, the teachei will be iemoveu
fiom the club anu will foifeit the stipenu.
Athletics coaches hiieu unuei oui foimal Athletics Bivision aie not pait of this
Coach anu Club piogiam.
If a club is uisbanueu, whethei voluntaiily oi involuntaiily, stipenus will be pio-
iateu commensuiate with the length anu impact of the piogiam to uate.
Teaching fewei than the campus' stanuaiu numbei of classes, iesulting in auuitional
planning peiious will be factoieu into ueteimining stipenu amounts.
volunteeiing time outsiue of the geneial scope of woik is expecteu; theiefoie
tutoiing, Bomewoik Ball, office houis, anu geneially suppoiting scholais ielative to
campus opeiations aie not coveieu unuei this piogiam. The spiiit of this piogiam
acknowleuges time spent on meaningful eniichment outsiue of noimal school houis.
Teacheis ieceiving stipenus thiough othei funuing souices foi a given piogiam of
club aie not eligible unuei this piogiam.

:8-7> !084.

We value the amazing oppoitunities that exist foi leaining outsiue the walls of oui school.
We also acknowleuge that we cannot uo eveiything at once anu theie aie ieal constiaints
to the best iueas.

When theie is an oppoitunity foi scholais to leain something ielateu to the cuiiiculum off
campus (otheiwise known as a fielu tiip), staff membeis will complete the following
piocess to make the tiip happen. This piocess is foi all gioup sizes fiom one scholai to the
entiie school as well as foi campus anu Bome 0ffice staff.

1. Complete the Fielu Tiip iequest foim anu save it as a PBF.
2. Submit to the appiopiiate uiaue Level Leauei (uLL) foi appioval.
uiaue Level Leaueis will consiuei the following when ueteimining appioval:
a. 0veiall impact on instiuctional time. Bow many fielu tiips have scholais in this
giaue level been on iecently oi will they go on in the neai futuie.
b. Eligibility. If the tiip is foi a small numbei of scholais (not a complete class oi
cleai gioup), the uLL will ueciue who is eligible baseu on the leaining that will
occui on the tiip, scholais' Citizenship Points, uiaues, Behavioi (uetentions anu
suspension), anu othei ielevant uata such as impiovement ovei time, etc. uLLs
will also ensuie that the same scholais aie not chosen foi special oppoitunities
ovei anu ovei again. uLLs must iun names by Speais to auuiess issues they may
not be awaie of.
c. Buuget. Each giaue level will have a buuget foi fielu tiips foi the yeai. The uLL
must effectively manage this buuget anu shoulu appiove fielu tiips accoiuingly.
S. 0nce the uLL appioves the fielu tiip, the iequest will go to the Piincipal foi

4. 0nce appioveu by the Piincipal, the Business Nanagei will stait to piocess iequests
foi lunch, faie caius, etc.
S. Requests must make it to the Business Nanagei at least two weeks in auvance.

Rathei than wasting time anu papei by passing aiounu a papei foim, the appioval piocess
will happen electionically. The fielu tiip host will complete the foim electionically anu
email it as an attachment to the uLL foi appioval. If appioveu, the uLL will foiwaiu to Ns.
Keaton anu cc the host teachei. If not appioveu, the uLL will iesponu anu give a iationale
foi the uenial. When Ns. Keaton appioves, she'll foiwaiu to Ns. Sipe anu ielevant people.

uLL's aie highly encouiageu to cieate monthly ueaulines that allow the giaue level to
cooiuinate foi events of the month.

uLL's aie iesponsible foi cooiuinating with Ns. Sipe to ensuie uetails have been aiiangeu
incluuing substitutes when neeueu.

uLL's shoulu cooiuinate with each othei to oveilap when possible anu avoiu the voiu
cieateu foi scholais in mixeu giaue levels.


Fielu tiips, funuiaiseis, half-uays, etc. aie examples of events that impact the oiueiing
levels in the cafeteiia piogiam. Those events iequiie Piincipal appioval anu shoulu be
communicateu to the Business Nanagei with no less than '*% ]%%U notice so that the
school's foou oiuei can be aujusteu.
-I4-)!/!89=. /=> /))95=!/6878!;

What follows is a list cieateu by the staff of Capitol Bill. It outlines the most ciitical things
we must uo to impiove the oveiall school expeiience foi staff anu scholais alike. We will
use the following piocess to keep ouiselves accountable to these agieements.
The fiist time a team membei is not meeting expectations the accountability peison
(see list) will veibally follow up with them.
The seconu time, the accountability peison will initiate a conveisation followeu by
an email which is cc'u to Ns. Keaton.
The thiiu time, the accountability peison will infoim Ns. Keaton via email. Ns.
Keaton will wiite a lettei of iepiimanu to the team membei anu have a conveisation
about the pioblem.
Repeateu letteis can be giounus foi uismissal oi non-ienewal of contiact.
Fuitheimoie, foi each evaluation, the people listeu below will foimally acknowleuge
eveiyone who has followeu thiough on these expectations anu infoim Ns. Keaton
foi the evaluation piocess.


1MSR%,+ 7%\%N"S% /L+M'*,

4%'P$% 1']g
Naintain up to uate giaue books foi bi-
weekly piogiess iepoit uistiibution.
Sabauos &
Sabauos will check
giaue books bi-weekly
Input Citizenship Points by ueaulines Sabauos &
Sabauos will ieview the
Respectfully shaie classiooms; pioviue a
clean space anu iespect foi each othei's
time anu possessions; have up to uate
scholai woik posteu, clean classiooms.
Nahon IL's will check foi this
uuiing iegulai
Planning foi instiuction; teacheis must be
ieauy to go eveiy uay.
Nahon 0bseivations
Be on time anu piesent foi Chalc. Nahon ILT's will note
attenuance anu
paiticipation in Chalc.
Enfoice all policies, such as gum chewing,
foou anu uiink in classiooms, unifoim shiit
tuckeu in, gieeting scholais at the uooi, anu
inuepenuent ieauing
Beans of
scholais &
Will be obseiveu uuiing
iegulai obseivations
anu movement
thioughout the builuing
Supply woik foi scholais when they aie
Beans of
scholais &
Ni. NcClain will
iequest woik with 24
houis notice.
Take attenuance accuiately anu in eveiy
peiiou uaily.
Speais uaicia can iun iepoits
Attenu IEP meetings anu complete suivey
when iequesteu.
Keaton Ns. Ciockei will iecoiu
the ielevant uata
Be piesent anu on time foi school. Sipe Ns. Sipe will iun
iepoits weekly
Bulletin boaius aie up to uate anu blue tape
is useu
Sipe Ns. Sipe will obseive
while moving
thioughout the builuing
Piofessional uiess Leau Team 0bseivations

In oiuei to ensuie we have a highly functioning school community, all staff aie highly
encouiageu to peisonally auuiess any issues one-on-one with theii colleagues.

As we know, all staff must be helu accountable foi completing the tasks assigneu to them.
Please iefei to the Leaueiship Team 0iganizational Chait on page 4. If a staff membei
(non-teachei) has not met an expectation of theii iole, please take the following actions:
the 1
time talk uiiectly to the peison, the 2
time talk to heihis supeivisoi anu infoim
heihim of the situation. If you feel uncomfoitable talking to the peison uiiectly the fiist
time, then you may talk to heihis supeivisoi. If the situation continues, please talk to
heihis supeivisoi who will infoim Ns. Keaton foi a wiitten iepiimanu anu conveisation
about expectations.


Capitol Bill has a piofessional uiess coue. We must mouel the piofessional uiess that oui
scholais must weai uuiing Fellowship anu in theii piofessional lives outsiue of school. 0ui
uiess coue senus a symbolic anu physical message that we aie in an impoitant,
piofessional enviionment anu that in oui classiooms we aie engageu in foimal acauemic
inquiiy anu investigation. Euucating oui young leaueis is impoitant business anu we will
uiess the pait.

0ui piofessional uiess coue iequiies the following:
Nice shoes (no sneakeis oi flip-flops)
Skiits oi slacks (no jeans oi shoits, skiits & uiesses must be knee length)
Piofessional shiits. Women's shiits must not be low-cut oi have spaghetti stiaps.
Foi men, ties aie highly encouiageu but optional.
No hats oi heaugeai (unless woin foi ieligious ieasons)
Staff may iequest an exception fiom Ni. Speais when chapeioning a fielu tiip if the
tiip is physical in natuie.

Teacheis who aie uiesseu inappiopiiately will neeu to go home anu change. A iepeateu
pattein will iesult in uisciplinaiy actions.


In oiuei to accomplish the tiemenuous goals we have set foith, we must woik collectively
as a team. An impoitant element of this is communication. Theiefoie, the expectations aie
as follows:


Email is not a place to solve conflicts. Conflicts shoulu be hanuleu in peison to ensuie theie
is not miscommunication that can easily be misinteipieteu via email. In the event that the
people involveu piefei email communication, the communication shoulu always be uiiectly
between the two people anu theie shoulu be a conveisation, even if it's shoit, to ensuie the
conflict has been iesolveu.

We all woik incieuibly haiu. Being on email all houis of the night is unhealthy. You may
senu emails whenevei you like, but you shoulu not expect a iesponse aftei 8pm. Foi
example, uo not senu an email at 9pm that woulu iequiie a iesponse befoie the stait of the
next woikuay.

All emails shoulu be iesponueu to within 2 school uays. Please iespect this timefiame both
as the iecipient anu the wiitei.


When people aie in a meeting oi even a shoit conveisation, R'*'N +R%MN +MO% +'S%+R%N.
Bo not inteiiupt them -- even foi one quick thing. Boveiing at the uooi is an invasion of
piivacy anu is incieuibly uistiacting so please uon't uo this.

Foims iequesting signatuies

Please put them in Ns. Keaton's box labeleu "to be signeu". Ns. Keaton will sign all papeis
within 24 houis anu put them in the "signeu" box. It is youi iesponsibility to pick them up
out of that box.

.!/:: /!!-=>/=)-


All iegulai, full-time teacheis eain 8u houis of PT0 each school yeai at a iate of S.64 houis
pei pay peiiou, pio-iateu foi paitial yeais anu oi teacheis with ieuuceu scheuules. PT0 is
not paiu out at the enu of the yeai oi upon teimination. PT0 uoes not iollovei to
subsequent school yeais.

Leave iequests must be appioveu in auvance by campus leaueiship anu may at times be
uenieu baseu on business neeus. Foi continuity of leaining, teacheis must attempt to
secuie appiopiiate coveiage foi hishei absences. Examples incluue netwoiking inteinally
to iuentify an inteinal ieplacement oi woiking with the business office to confiim anu
exteinal substitute.
- Teaching staff will be iemuneiateu foi time spent substituting foi anothei staff
- Time sheets aie maintaineu in the fiont office anu must be completeu to ieceive


ueneial, full-time employees eain 8u houis of vacation time each fiscal yeai at a iate of
S.u8 houis pei pay peiiou, pio-iateu foi paitial yeais.

Leave iequests must be appioveu in auvance by the appiopiiate supeivisoi oi managei
anu may at times be uenieu baseu on business neeus.

Employees must use theii vacation time by }une Su
each yeai; unuseu balances in excess
of 4u houis will be foifeiteu. The iesulting balance may be caiiieu ovei to the new fiscal
yeai. Wheie business iequiiements anuoi pie-appioveu vacation plans pievent the
timely use of this benefit, employees may be extenueu auuitional caiiyovei. At no point
will leave balances exceeu an employee's base vacation benefit plus one week.


Acciueu anu unuseu vacation leave will be paiu out to teiminating employees as soon as
feasible upon teimination. 0nless otheiwise appioveu by the Chief 0peiating 0fficei
anuoi Buman Resouices, unuei no ciicumstance will caiiieu ovei leave be conveiteu to
cash compensation upon teimination.

If an employee has been auvanceu leave anu uepaits Chavez with a negative balance,
Payioll will ueuuct this balance fiom final monies oweu.

vacation houis will not be consiueieu time woikeu foi the puipose of calculating oveitime.


ueneial, full-time employees eain 64 houis of sick leave each fiscal yeai, acciueu at a iate
of 2.46 houis pei pay peiiou, pio-iateu foi paitial yeais.

0nless otheiwise agieeu by campus leaueiship, employees neeuing time away fiom woik
foi an illness oi uoctoi's appointment must contact hishei supeivisoi uiiectly as soon as
feasible so that coveiage aiiangements can be maue as necessaiy.

Sick leave may be taken foi youi own illness oi uoctoi's appointment oi the same of youi
chilu, spouse oi paient. Chavez ieseives the iight to iequiie a uoctoi's note foi absences of
moie than thiee consecutive uays.

Sick leave may be iolleu ovei each yeai; howevei, no employee shall evei have moie than
12u houis of acciueu sick leave at any given time.

Sick leave will not be paiu out to teiminating employees. If an employee has been
auvanceu leave anu uepaits Chavez with a negative balance, Payioll will ueuuct this
balance fiom final monies oweu. Employees may not take sick leave subsequent to
pioviuing notice of iesignation.

Sick houis will not be consiueieu time woikeu foi the puipose of calculating oveitime.


Auheiing to the following pioceuuies is iequiieu to ensuie auequate staffing.

- All employees must access PayCom anu punch inout uaily no latei than 8:uuam.
- If you know you will not aiiive by 8:uuam, you must contact youi supeivisoi anu
the fiont office.
- Bouily employees must auvise theii supeivisoi immeuiately if they aie unable to
access PayCom.
- All PT0vacationSick leave iequests must be submitteu thiough Paycom PNM'N to
youi absence foi appiopiiate appioval.
- Please auuiess all questions iegaiuing payioll anu PT0vacationsick leave
balances with the Business Nanagei.

- Pioceuuie foi teaching staff PT0 iequests:
o Teaching staff membeis must iequest ALL leave in Paycom anu senu an
email to theii ILT ANB to absent.chchavezschools.oig.
! This is iequiieu foi all teacheis, even if you uon't neeu a substitute.
! All lesson plans shoulu also be sent to this email auuiess.
! Substitute plans must be complete anu thoiough in the Capitol Bill
lesson plan fiamewoik.
o The iequest will be communicateu to the appiopiiate supeivisoi.
o 0nce the leave is appioveu, you will be notifieu thiough Paycom.
- Pioceuuie foi teaching staff SANE BAY PT0 iequests:
o All same uay iequests foi leave must be maue by calling Ns. Keaton by
6:4Sam. Any iequest aftei 6:4Sam may not be gianteu.
o All iequests maue via email oi text message will not be gianteu. Ns. Keaton's
cell phone numbei is S1u-697-44u1.
o If a same uay iequest is appioveu, you must immeuiately entei youi leave
iequest in Paycom anu follow up with an email to
absent.chchavezschools.oig, youi ILT, anu co-teachei (if applicable)
! Please iefei to iequiiements iegaiuing pioviuing lesson anu sub
- Pioceuuie foi non-teaching staff:
o All vacation anu sick leave iequests must be maue thiough Paycom piioi to
youi absence foi piopei appioval.
o 0nce leave is appioveu, you will be notifieu thiough Paycom.
- Pioceuuie foi non-teaching staff SANE BAY vacation anu sick leave iequests:
o Non-teaching staff membeis must contact theii supeivisoi piioi to theii stait
o If a same uay iequest is appioveu, you must immeuiately entei youi vacation
oi sick leave iequest in Paycom. 0n time attenuance is a ciitical element to
oui scholai's success. All staff membeis must sign in uaily thiough the
Paycom system by 8:uuam. Nis. Baiiis will iuentify all staff who aie not
piesent on time. If a teachei has not signeu in by 8:uuam, Nis. Baiiis will
begin to aiiange substitution foi taiuyabsent teacheis. If a teachei aiiives
between 8 anu 8:1Sam, they must infoim Nis. Baiiis that theie is no neeu
foi a substitute.
Patteins of excessive staff absence anuoi lateness aie uisiuptive to the school
piogiam, place a buiuen on colleagues, anu aie injuiious to scholais' euucation.
Thiee (S) oi moie emeigency absences, ]M+R'K+ meuical uocumentation, aie
consiueieu excessive. This may iesult in an unsatisfactoiy iating foi the school
yeai anuoi teimination.
Thiee (S) consecutive uays of sick leave iequiie meuical uocumentation.
.)1997 -::8)8-=);



Each uepaitment has theii own buuget. All iequests must be appioveu by the Buuget
Nanagei. Puichase iequests shoulu be submitteu at least two weeks piioi to uate neeueu.
Supply oiueis will be maue by the 0ffice Nanagei anu Business Nanagei (Business 0ffice)
only. Any puichases maue by inuiviuuals cannot be guaianteeu ieimbuisement, unless
piioi appioval foi puichase has been obtaineu fiom the Business 0ffice anu iequiieu
papeiwoik has been completeu. (This incluues inuiviuuals going to a stoie to make a

- Pioceuuies foi placing an oiuei:
o Complete a Pink Slip. Foims aie available outsiue the uooi to the Business
0ffice. Nake suie all infoimation is completeu (venuoi, phone numbei,
auuiess if applicable, piouuct numbei, uesciiption anu quantity, accuiate
chaige coue). The B0SINESS 0FFICE WILL N0T L00K 0P S0PPLIES F0R
o Nake suie the accuiate chaige coue(s) is maikeu anu the Pink Slip is signeu
by the appiopiiate Buuget Nanagei.
o Submit completeu Pink Slip to the Business 0ffice. Incomplete anuoi
unsigneu slips will not be accepteu.
o The Business 0ffice will have final say in the most efficient anu economical
methou to fulfill the iequest.


All staff must ieceive appioval fiom the appiopiiate Buuget Nanagei anu the Business
0ffice piioi when making puichases. No iequests foi ieimbuisement will be accepteu
without a signatuie.
- Pioceuuie foi ieimbuisements:
o Submit a completeu anu signeu Pink Slip to the Business 0ffice uetailing the
uesciiption of the intenueu puichase anu estimateu appioveu cost.
Incomplete anuoi unsigneu iequests will not be accepteu.
o The Business 0ffice will have final say in the most efficient anu economical
methou to fulfill the iequest.
o 0nce puichase has been maue, the ieceipt(s) must be submitteu to the
Business 0ffice to be attacheu to the submitteu Pink Slip.
! Fuithei Buuget Nanagei appioval may be neeueu if expense is in
excess of oiiginal estimate.
o Reimbuisements will be paiu by checks issueu by the Bome 0ffice. All
iequests foi ieimbuisement must be submitteu by close of business on
Weunesuays. ]+'H;94(+H+6/ )*+)&( $4+ 36%2 '((9+8 36 Q4'8$2(-


0ui piefeience is to use the puichase piocess ovei the ieimbuisement piocess. 4KNLR",%,
+R"+ "N% *'+ "PPN'\%J M* "J\"*L% ]M$$ *'+ #% N%MO#KN,%J`

Buuget Nanageis aie iesponsible foi planning, appioving, anu monitoiing the expenses of
hishei uepaitment. All puichases above $Suu iequiie the Business Nanagei pie- appioves
the puichase. Puichases above $2uuu iequiie the pie-appioval of the Bome 0ffice.


All inuiviuuals tuining cash oi checks into the business office aie iequiieu to:
1. Complete the Check anu Cash Tiansfei Foim to tiack any money collecteu fiom
stuuents, family oi staff.
2. 0iganize bills anu ioll laige amounts of coins
S. Tuin in checks anu money oiueis in goou conuition anu without alteiations (make
one copy of each checkmoney oiueieu submitteu).
4. Be physically piesent until the count has been completeu anu the money has been
accepteu by the business office


Cesai Chavez Public Chaitei Schools is a Su1(c)(S) oiganization anu is theiefoie tax
exempt. A copy of the tax-exempt foim is available fiom the Business Nanagei. Chavez
encouiages all employees to use the tax-exempt foim foi all puichases.


Inuiviuuals wishing to have keys issueu to them shall contact the business managei. A log is
maintaineu anu employees aie iequiieu to sign keys out when those aie pickeu up at the
business office. Buplication of keys, othei than by the business managei oi hei uesignee, is
piohibiteu. Lost oi bioken keys shoulu be iepoiteu to the Business Nanagei. Any peison
who knowingly makes oi uuplicates a key violates school's policy anu will ieceive
uisciplinaiy action. Foi ieasons of secuiity anu access contiol, no one is peimitteu to access
the school when Chavez is not in opeiation unless the inuiviuual obtains the Piincipal's
- /$$ %*+N"*L% J''N, OK,+ N%O"M*%J $'LU%J "+ "$$ +MO%,`


Buiing the school yeai, you can expect access to the builuing between 7:uuam - 7:uupm
Nonuay - Fiiuay, with exceptions foi holiuays anu special events.
- When closeu, the builuing has an alaim system that is activateu.
- Staff will be auviseu via email of any exceptions oi change in scheuule.
- Weekenu builuing houis vaiy anu will be announceu weekly.



In extieme weathei situations, Chvez Schools will follow BCPS school closing uecisions.
Please monitoi local meuia outlets foi infoimation. We will also post the infoimation on
oui website: www.Chavezschools.oig.

If Chavez Schools have a unique emeigency that waiiants closuie, oui auto-call anu email
systems, as well as oui website, will be useu to infoim paients.

Foi emeigency puiposes, all employees anu substitutes aie iequiieu to maintain cuiient
contact infoimation. The Nain 0ffice shoulu be notifieu about any phone oi auuiess
changes within one week of the change.


Please auuiess all BR ielateu questions anu iequests with the Business Nanagei.
- It is the employee's iesponsibility to auvise the Business Nanagei of any changes to
youi peisonal infoimation.
- It is the employee's iesponsibility to maintain cuiient bank account infoimation foi
theii uiiect ueposit.


Please make all maintenance anu janitoiial iequests thiough the Business 0ffice to ensuie
that they aie auuiesseu in a timely anu appiopiiate mannei.


- Teachei mailboxes aie locateu in the teachei's woik ioom.
- Non- teaching staff mailboxes aie locateu in the fiont office.
- Nailboxes must be checkeu iegulaily.


- Papei towels aie supplieu foi use in the iestiooms only. Please uo not iemove items
fiom the iestiooms oi the janitoi's closet.
- The fiont office will maintain a supply of tissues that will be available at youi
iequest. Please come to the office to pick these up.
o 0nless in the case of an emeigency, uo not senu scholais uuiing class time to
iequest supplies.


The postage machine is locateu in the fiont office anu manageu by the office staff.


Copy machines aie pioviueu foi the use of staff only anu an access coue is iequiieu.
Scholais aie not alloweu access to the machines anu shoulu not be given staff coues. Please
help us to conseive iesouices by using the copy machines foi business ielateu puiposes
- Contact Ns. Baiiis foi youi access coue.
- Any issues with the copy machines anu piinteis must be immeuiately iepoiteu to
Ns. Sipe.


The fax machine is locateu in the fiont office.


Please enjoy anu iespect this space by keeping it clean.
- The janitoiial team is not solely iesponsible foi the cleanliness of the ioom.
Cleaning supplies have been pioviueu foi youi convenience. Please auvise the fiont
office of any maintenance oi janitoiial neeus anu when supplies neeu to be
- The iefiigeiatoi will be cleaneu out at the enu of each week. Please label any items
you uo not wish to be uiscaiueu with youi name anu uate.
- 0nless you intenu to shaie with youi cowoikeis, please put youi name on any items
you stoie in the teachei's lounge.
- Please clean the miciowave anu coffee machine aftei use.
- All fuinishings anu supplies aie foi use in the teachei's woik ioom only - please uo
not iemove.
- Coffee anu tea will be pioviueu. Please auvise the fiont office when these neeu to be



The fiont office is iesponsible foi setting up voicemail seivices thiough the automateu
system. Please contact the office staff if you neeu youi passwoiu ieset oi have any

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Each teachei will be pioviueu a laptop anu iequiieu to sign the Laptop Secuiity Policy. All
iesouices (e.g., cameias, piojectois, uocument ieaueis) will be signeu out by the Business

If you aie having technological uifficulties with computei equipment oi Chvez email,
please follow this pioceuuie:
1. Ask someone on staff who is familiai with the equipment if they can help you.
2. If they cannot, email Ns. Sipe anu uesciibe the natuie of the pioblem. She will
contact the IT team.
S. If you neeu haiuwaie iepaiieu oi ieplaceu, please also email Ns. Sipe.
4. Ns. Sipe will woik with the IT team to ensuie all issues aie auuiesseu in a timely
mannei anu keep you appiiseu of the status.


Theie will be foui laptop caits. Thiee foi use by the giaue levels anu one uesignateu foi

- 0se of laptop caits anu the computei lab will be scheuuleu by uoogle calenuai.
- Each laptop cait will be secuieu with a combination lock. Staff will be pioviueu with
the combination.
o Stuuents aie not to be given the combination at any time.
- Whomevei uses the equipment will be iesponsible foi ietuining it in piopei
woiking oiuei to its uesignateu location oi to the next scheuuleu usei.
- A log will be kept on each laptop cait that will iecoiu usei, uate anu time of use, anu
any issues encounteieu.
o These issues must also be iepoiteu to Ns. Sipe immeuiately.

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