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St. Joseph the Betrothed
Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church
5000 N Cumberland, Chicago, IL 60656
Office: 773-625-4805 Rectory: 773-625-4806 Fax: 773-887-5000

Fr. Mykola Buryadnyk - Pastor

. -

Fr. Volodymyr Kushnir


and the

Final Destruction
of Demons



Final is not a word you

often hear in Christian teach 19 (6
ing. Most Christians leave the
final things until, well, the End.

But this is not the language of
the fathers nor of the Church. A
good illustration can be found

in the Orthodox service of Holy
Baptism. During the blessing of
the waters the priest prays:
And grant to [this water]
the grace of redemption, the
blessing of Jordan. Make it
the fountain of incorruption,
the gift of sanctification, the
1, 11); ,
remission of sins, the rem
edy of infirmities; the final
destruction of demons, unSunday after the Theophany
assailable by hostile pow: ,
ers, filled with angelic

might. Let those who would

(. 1, 29).
ensnare Your creature flee

far from it. For we have called upon Your Name,
O Lord, and it is wonderful, and glorious, and
awesome even to adversaries.
, : ,
What can it possibly mean to ask that the wa , ,
ters be made the final destruction of demons?
The nature of the waters of Baptism reveals the
Orthodox understanding of the world. These waters,
now in a font, are none other than the waters of the
, ,
Jordan. They are an incorruptible fountain and all the
things we ask for. They are the final destruction of de
mons because they are nothing other than Christs Pas ,
cha. The waters of the font are Christs death on the
Cross and His destruction of Hades. They are the res II III .
urrection of the dead.
. 4 1 continued on page 2.
No. 2
12 January 2014

from page 1.
For this reason St. Paul can
Do you not know that as
many of us as were baptized
into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death?
Therefore we were buried
with Him through baptism into death, that
just as Christ was
raised from the dead
by the glory of the
Father, even so we
should walk in
newness of life
(Rom. 6:3-4).
The realism
of St. Pauls teaching on Baptism is
mystical realism (to coin
a phrase). These waters become those waters. This event becomes that event. This time is now
that time. Christs death now becomes my death. Christs resurrection now becomes my resurrection.
How utterly and uselessly
weak is the thought that Baptism is
merely an obedience to a command given by Christ! The idea
that nothing happens in Baptism is
both contrary to Scripture and a
denial of the very nature of our
The anti-sacramentalism
(and non-sacramentalism) of some
Christian groups is among the
most unwittingly pernicious of all
modern errors. Thought to be an
argument about a minor point of
doctrine, it is, instead, the collapse
of the world into the empty literalism of secularity. In the literalism
of the modern world (where a
thing is a thing is a thing), nothing
is ever more than what is seen.
Thus every spiritual reality, every
mystery, must be referred elsewhere generally to the mind of
God and the believer. Christianity
becomes an ideology and a fantasy. It turns religious believing
into a two-storey universe.
The reality of in the Incarnate God was not obvious to those
No. 2

around Him: no surgery

would have revealed His Godhood. The proclamation of the Gospel, from its most primitive beginnings (the Kingdom of God is at
hand), announces the in-breaking
of a mystical reality. Many modern
theologians misunderstand Christs
(and St. John the Baptists) preaching on the Kingdom to refer to an
imminent end of the age. They hear,
The Kingdom of heaven is at
hand, to mean, the End of the
world is near. Thus we have protestant theologians creating an
interim ethic to cover Christian
activity in the in-between period
between Christs first coming and
His second. If the coming of the
incarnate God into the world did
not fundamentally alter something,
then the preaching of Jesus was in
vain and radically misunderstood
by His disciples.
The Gospels presume and
proclaim at every turn that in
Christ, the Kingdom of God is present. Christ says, But if I cast out
demons with the finger of God,
surely the kingdom of God has
come upon you (Lk 11:20). There
is a mystery at work in the presence

of the
Kingdom. Christ makes statements
such as that just quoted, but also
frequently says that the Kingdom of
God has come near. The Kingdom
is a reality and a presence that has
both come near us, and come upon
us. But in neither case does it simply refer to a later someday. The
urgency of the proclamation of the
Kingdom is not caused by the soon
approach of an expected apocalypse. Its preaching is urgent because its coming has already begun!
The sacraments of the
Church (indeed the Church itself)
should never be reduced to holy
moments or instances of miracles in the life of an otherwise
spiritually inert world. If bread and
wine become the Body and Blood
of Christ, then the Kingdom of God
has come upon us! And nothing
The sacramental life of the
Church is not an aspect of the
Churchs life it is a manifestation
of the whole life of the Church. It
is, indeed, the very character and
nature of the Churchs life. The

12 January 2014

Church does not have sacraments

the Church is a sacrament. We
do not eat sacraments or just participate in the sacraments we
are sacraments. The sacraments
reveal the true character of our
life in Christ. This is why St. Paul
can say:
I am crucified with Christ,
nevertheless I live, yet not I
but Christ liveth in me, etc.
(Galatians 2:20)
I amnevertheless Iyet
not Ibut Christ. This is the
language of the mystical reality
birthed into the world in the Incarnation of Christ. Thus we can
say: This is the Body of Christ
nevertheless you see breadbut
it is not breadbut Christs Body
sacrificed for you. This is the Hades of Christs death and the
Paradise of His resurrection
nevertheless it is the water of
Baptismbut it is not waterbut
Christs death and resurrection
into which you are baptized.
And so we see the whole
world for the whole world is
sacrament in the words of Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantiople. We struggle with language
to find a way to say is
neverthelessyet notbut is.
This is always the difficulty in
expressing the mystery. It is difficult, not because it is less than
real, but because of the character
and nature of its reality. Modern
Christian thought and language
that simply dismiss the mystery
and postpone its coming, or deny
the character of its reality, change
the most essential elements of the
Christian faith and inadvertently
create a new religion.
But we have been taught
something different. We have
been given the Final Destruction
of Demons, the Mystical Supper,
the Kingdom of God. Why should
we look for something less?
Article by Fr. Stephen Freeman
No. 2


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12 January 2014

This Week


Ephesians 4:7-13

Mark 1:1-8


Galatians 1:11-19 Matthew 2:13-23

8:00 am Special intentions for Olga Kykta

9:30 am Kateryna Sawula, 90th Birthday Blessing (Irene
Szymanskyj); Special intention for Anastasia for spiritual guidance; Health intention for Mychajlo Maksym; +Maria, +Wasyl,
+Wozny Family (Skrobacz Family) +Katherine +Walter Michalchyshyn (Gajecky Family)
11:30 am- Festal Banquet in Church Hall

Basil the Great

January 14th


Hebrews 8:7-13

Mark 8:11-21



Philippians 1:1-7 Luke 4:37-44

9:00 am Special health intention for Mychajlo Maksym

6:30 pm Vespers with Lytia


Colossians 2:8-12 Luke 2:20-21,40-52


Philippians 1:8-14 Luke 5:12-16

9:00 am Special health intention for Mychajlo Maksym

6:30 pm For the sick and shut-ins of the parish


Philippians 1:12-20

Luke 5:33-39

9:00 am Health intention for Mychajlo Maksym; +Anna

Wolczanski (A Kucan)

Iconostas Icon Vigil


Philippians 1:20-27

Luke 6:12-19

9:00 am Special health intention for Mychajlo Maksym


Hebrews 13:17-21 Luke 6:17-23

9:00 am- Special health intention for Mychajlo Maksym; Special intention for Anastasia for spiritual guidance


1 Corinthians 9:19-27

Luke 3:1-18


1 Timothy 6:11-16

Matthew 12:15-21

9:00 am +Dr. Stepan Osadchuk, 1yr (Family); +Daria,

+Roman, +Maksym, +Leonia (Krystyna & Family)
6:30 pm Solemn Compline with Lesser Water Blessing
7:30 pm Schedriy Vechir/Dinner


Colossians 3:12-16

Luke 18:18-27


Titus 211-14, 3:4-7

Matthew 3:13-17

8:00 am Special intentions for Olga Kykta

9:30 am For
No. 2

Memorial Candles
*In loving memory of Anthony and John G
Deeds (Family)
Perpetual Oil Lamp
Lady of Hoshiw Shrine
Mother of God Shrine

Christ the Teacher

*In loving memory of Roman Sawka
Mother of God
*For strength to all women who are or will
become pregnant in 2014
St. Joseph the Betrothed
*For those looking for homes or work
St. Nicholas the Wonderworker
Protection of the Mother of God
*Special intention for the Kuziy, Boychuk
and Sheshurak Families
12 January 2014


Holidays are Coming!

Use Manna cards to buy your food, your decorations
and your gifts. All Manna cards come pre-loaded,
ready for use. They can be used at any location for
that particular store, in any state and even on-line.
Order forms and card lists are available in the
vestibule or the church office. We take cash or
checks. Help St Joseph with every purchase of a
Manna card!"

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Care in Action
Caring youth of Chicago encourages the Ukrainian
community to contribute to the donation of lightly used
clothes and shoes for the children from low income
families and orphans that reside in Ukraine. A lot of
girls and boys ages 1 to 16 are in critical need of clothing and shoes. Please, sort your donation by age group
and gender. Donation containers will be located in the
church hall.




1 16 .

2014 Collection Envelopes

The offering envelopes for 2014 are in the church hall.
Please make certain that you pick up the envelopes
with your name on it, so that your contributions
can be properly recorded. Stop by the table 8:30
am-12 noon and envelopes will be issued to you.
Also, during that time you may pay your annual
dues or sign up to the Parish.

. , ,
8:30 p
12- . . ,

Parish Celebration
We cordially invite all parishioners and Friends to
a Divine Liturgy and Festal Banquet which will
take place on Sunday, January 12th 2014, at 11:30
.m. there will be an artistic program included in
the celebration in our church hall.

, 12- , 2014.

Spirit of St. Joseph

All senior members are invited to a luncheon at their senior meeting, Jan 21, 2014,
Call Florence for a reservation at 773-631-9842.

No. 2

12 January 2014

Regular Liturgical Schedule

Please pray for the health and well-being of the following parishioners:

Lucille Maryniw
Luba Ciolko

William Corwyn
John Masley

Monday through Friday (in Chapel) Saturday (in Church):

9:00 am - Divine Liturgy
8:00 am - English
9:30 am Ukrainian
11:30 am Childrens Liturgy
Holy Days:
6:30 pm - Vespers with Lytia (Night Before)
9:00 am and 6:30 pm - Holy Day Service

Olga Kykta
Stephie Worobetz

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9:00 - .
8:00 -
9:30 -
11:30 -
6:30 . - ( )
9:00 6:30 . -

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i ! a

. 773 625 4805

Reconciliation: Sundays during the Divine Liturgy and by


Be part of our growing parish family. Register to

become parishioners! Contact the office for more
information. Please call: 773 625 4805

Baptism and Confirmation: Please notify the pastor when

a child is born so that dates for the proper prayers and blessings, other than baptism, can be arranged. Call the pastor at
773-625-4805 to make arrangements.

Remember Us in Your Will

You can leave a lasting legacy to benefit future generations! Please remember St. Joseph Parish when creating your
will. Your good works will continue after you have gone
home! Please contact the office for information.

Marriage: Please notify the pastor at least six months before

the anticipated date to allow for adequate preparation for this
lifetime commitment.

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Visiting the Sick and Shut-Ins: Please notify the pastor if a

family member is in the hospital or unable to attend services
due to illness and would like a visit. It is the responsibility of
the immediate family to notify the pastor at 773.625.4806
Funerals: Please Contact the parish office before making
arrangements with the funeral director.

View this bulletin or many of our

past bulletins online at or by scanning this barcode with an enabled
mobile device.

Weekend Collections-January 5th, 2014




Cap Imp







w w w .s t j os ep h u kr . com

TOTAL $2,861.00

Thank You! !
No. 2

12 January 2014

Please consider their services,

and let them know that the St. Joseph Church bulletin referred you.
To be listed, please call the parish office at 773-625-4805 or

No. 2

12 January 2014

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