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Minnesota Licensed Family Child Care Association

Public Policy Agenda 2013 - 2014 The mission of Minnesota Licensed Family Child Care Association is to support licensed family child care providers to achieve the highest standards of care for children in Minnesota's diverse licensed family child care homes and communities through education, resources, services, and advocacy. Vision Statement Building Minnesotas future through quality licensed family child care programs MLFCCAs goal is that by supporting providers, Minnesotas children will prosper. Ensure the Business Viability of the Licensed Family Child Care Industry Support efforts that sustain the business of family child care Continued support of SF 26 (Bill to repeal Family Childcare Representation Act) Promote dissemination of DHS information directly through MLFCCA Promote Quality through Accreditation and Mentoring Maintain mentoring and accreditation that is specific to licensed family child care Support efforts to increase incentives for validating quality in licensed family child care Improve Investments in Early Childhood Education Support and fund MLFCCA mentoring Promote Child and Adult Care Food Program sponsored by MLFCCA Promote legislation to require Essential Elements of Family Child Care or similar family child care specific training be completed within one year of initial license Support quality rating systems Support T.E.A.C.H. Support R.E.E.T.A.I.N. Bring state dollars to all quality licensed family child care, not only thru Parent Aware Support System Reform Support inclusion of licensed family child care providers in the development of policies and programs that affect child care and education Promote Information exchange between MLFCCA and DHS

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