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Farinacci 1 CRW 2001 October 2013 CrossFit my Home Its 4:30am already? I dont want to get up.

I say to myself as I get myself ready to go to the box to coach the wee hour morning classes. I coach at 5:15am, 6:15am, and 9:15am in the mornings. But now its time for paperwork. Though I am tired and sleepy, I have to remind myself, its for my athletes, whom Im so proud of. After a nap, it back to the box, the place I call my home away from home. I get my workout in, then my evening athletes arrive for the 5:15pm, 6:15pm, and 7:15pm classes. These classes are a little more awake and are the ones who keep my sleepy self awake. My athletes drive, motivation, and passion are what keep me going. Day in and day out Im reminded of why I endeavored into this journey of having my own CrossFit box. I love my athletes and I love the box. I look forward to coming in every day and seeing them and working out.

Essay #4, Voice

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