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App||cat|ons are to be f|||ed on||ne on our webs|te www.comedk.

Note : Ne|ther the App||cat|on form nor f|||ed |n App||cat|ons w||| be so|d or rece|ved |n 60HE0K 0ff|ce or by any Hember |nst|tut|ons.
8tart 0ate for |ssue of 0n||ne App||cat|on : 22|11|2013
Last 0ate for rece|pt of comp|eted App||cat|on Forms : 03|01|2014
60HE0K PCET-2014 Test 0ay : 02|02|2014
0n|y 0n||ne App||cat|on Forms are |ssued
0emand 0raft for Rs. 2250|- as app||cat|on fee sha|| be drawn on|y from the Nat|ona||sed banks (as ment|oned
|n the 60HE0K brochure} |n favour of '60HE0K' payab|e at anga|ore.
No.132, 2nd F|oor, 11th Ha|n, 17th 6ross, Ha||eswaram, anga|ore - 560 055. 6ontact No.: 080-41132810
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Those who |ntend to app|y are adv|sed to v|s|t the 60HE0K webs|te (} for a|| deta||s and updates.
0r. H.R. Jayaram
C|a|rrar, C0VE0K
Notified on 22J11J2013
Consortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental
Colleges of Karnataka (COMEDK)
Test Locat|on : anga|ore 0n|y

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