3rd Mentioned in Relation

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16/3/2013 3rd mentioned in relation 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Realm Time Maturity Spiritual anointing Blessing Ministry

We consist of the spirit (holy spirit), soul ( change of mindset ) and body ( follow the direction of the mindset ). 1 Thessalonian 5:23 A) Realm 2 Corinthian 12:2 third heaven Genesis 1: 6-8, 14-18 firmaments The 3 sins : Passed sin- redeem by Jesus (Ephesian 2:13-15)-spirit Present sin- transgression, break the law, words of God (Romans 12:2)-soul Future sin- iniquity, never find the will of God (Romans 8:23)-body The existence of realm- John 3:3-4, Mark 9:1, John 3:5- know the word of God-lead by holy spirit 3 hours of prayer: 1st hour-praise in body, 2nd hour-praise in spirit, 3rd hour-prayer B) Time Amos 3:7- reveal to 3rd heaven Christian (prophet) Galation 6:9 time havent reach, right timing, everything has its timing even suffering Right thing- what we need to do Receive right resources- what God is doing Act 2:16-21 Last day Ecclesiates 10:15-17, Hosea 6:2- 3rd day John 6: 39-40 Resurrection Act 3:19-21 Jesus 2nd coming, waiting for restoration of all things 2 Peter 3:8 perfect world, Christian, church and kingdom Deuteronomy 23 3 feast: o Feast of Passover salvation o Feast of Pentecost Holy spirit (July ) o Feast of Tabernacle Rest (November) Revival- spiritual, Reinstitute- physical . This will lead to restoration: o Truth: kingdom, doctrine ( Hosea 6:1-2), sonship o Power o Inheritance Luke 4:18: preach gospel, miracles and power, Jubilee C) Anointing 3 great event Gods waited for a fullness of time: o Galation 4:4-5 (Jesus) means spirit of truth- Roman- concept of kingdom

16/3/2013 Act 2:1 (Holy spirit)- Jesus as son model Ephesian 1:9-10 ( Combination of heaven and earth)- unity of churches fullness Stages of test: o Test of words o Test of wilderness- lust of flesh, lust of eye, pride of life This 3 events correspond to the 3 waves of baptism: o Baptism of repentance (water )- Matthew 3:16 (Dove)-Jesus o Baptism of Holy Spirit (internal )-Act 2:1-4 (Fire)-power o Sign and wonders (external )- 1 Corinthian 12-13, Act 4:23-31 o o

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