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STUDENT: Reynaldo Callomamani Maye NIVEL: INTERMEDIO X

MY TIPICAL TRIP I went to Paris last October with my girlfriend for her birthday. We flew to Paris on LAN Airlanes. We stayed for a week in a small hotel near the Eiffel Tower. The hotel was nice and not very expensive. We only had two problems, we left home with plenty of time, but went we got to the bus there was a huge traffic jam!. The traffic wasnt moving, at all, we didnt know what to do, after ten minutes we decided to leave to bus and get a taxi. We finally arrived at the airport just ten minutes after la plane was going to leave, we were in the check-in counter, when we were in the gate, my girlfriend began her boarding card. I was afraid, so I came back the checking counter for to get another boarding card. We managed to get to the gate in time and in the end end caught our flight.

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