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Joshua VanCampen Benchmark 3 Elective: Choir Exhibit: Titanic Medley, and !

int that a kick in the head" # have been a part o$ the %anover&%orton music pro'ram $or several years( Music is one o$ the multiple thin's in li$e # en)oy( Music is somethin' that re*uires deep thou'ht and understandin' in order to be success$ul( Mr( +ouster, the band and choir director has helped me throu'hout these seven years o$ my li$e( # ,as asked to sin' ,ith the )a-- sin'ers my sophomore year( The Ja-- .in'ers is a 'roup o$ youn' adults that excels in there ability to read music, match pitch, and have 'ood tone *uality( By $ar, my most challen'in' piece o$ ,ork throu'hout my $our years o$ hi'h school choir ,as the titanic medley( This son' ,as a medley o$ some o$ the son's $ound in the Broad,ay musical Titanic"( This son' ,as a challen'e because it ,as a Broad,ay piece( Broad,ay re*uires much emotion and enthusiasm( #, at the time, ,as very insecure about my appearance in sta'e, and ,as very reluctant to actin'( This ten and a hal$ minute son' ,as the very challen'e # needed( # per$ormed this son' ,ith the very enthusiasm it deserved, and did it proudly( This son' has helped me understand the very concept o$, sin' the music not the notes( This son' has made a very vital role in my attitude ,hile # am on sta'e( # ,as asked to per$orm as a Ja-- vocalist in an honors 'roup called the Ja-- .in'ers( This ,as a 'roup that per$orms music that is more challen'in' and humblin'( # ,as asked to sin' as the tenor o$ this 'roup, ,hich ,as very ne, to me( # had sun' bass $or three years, and it ,as di$$icult $or me to chan'e into tenor over ni'ht( My $irst son' as a tenor ,as !int That a /ick in the %ead"( This son' ,as a 'reat combination o$ ener'y and harmony( #t ,as a challen'in' son' $or me( # learned to believe in mysel$ and try my best by per$ormin' this son', and it has helped me to express my musical talent( !s a teacher, # ,ill be re*uired to educate the students # have been 'iven( To educate the students # am teachin', # ,ill have to have 'reat people skills, and understand my role( The Titanic medley has tau'ht me ho, to do my )ob ,ith 'reat emotion and enthusiasm( !int That a /ick in the %ead" has tau'ht me to express mysel$, no matter ho, di$$icult the task is( # have learned a lot $rom music and ,ill use these thin's to $urther my career(

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