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Joshua VanCampen Exhibit: Photos of Hunting trip that I did not go on. Personal Management P10 : !

e"ogni#e a need or opportunit$ and ta%e appropriate a"tion Hunting in &$oming is a trip that all of the men in m$ immediate famil$ ta%e e'er$ t(o $ears. )his past *"tober+ m$ famil$ had planned to ta%e the last trip to &$oming+ as a famil$. I (as loo%ing for(ard to this 'a"ation be"ause it (as going to be m$ grandfather,s last trip (ith the famil$. )his trip (as also going to be m$ last 'a"ation before going off to "ollege. I "ouldn,t (ait for this 'a"ation+ but I %ne( that there (ould be lots of home(or% that (ent along (ith it. )hree da$s before the famil$ left for the 'a"ation+ I (as promptl$ told about six team(or% and "ommuni"ation anal$sis papers that (ere due the da$ I got ba"% from m$ hunting trip. I had ne'er (ritten an anal$sis paper before this assignment. I all of a sudden started to feel stressed out. &e (ere supposed to lea'e for the trip on a -rida$+ and the papers (ere assigned on that )hursda$. I (as 'er$ ner'ous about the papers+ and I did not %no( if I (ould ha'e time or the abilit$ to a""omplish all six of these papers. I (ent home later that e'ening and explained the situation to m$ dad. He ga'e me the idea that it might be a good idea to ta%e the 'a"ation off+ and sta$ home to (or% on m$ papers. It too% a lot of thought+ but I de"ided late )hursda$ e'ening that the right thing to do (ould be to sta$ home and (or% diligentl$. It (as 'er$ diffi"ult to ma%e this de"ision+ but I found that it has made me a better person in the long run. )his experien"e has helped me to re"ogni#e a need or opportunit$ and ta%e appropriate a"tion to a"hie'e this need or opportunit$.

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