p110 Driving

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Joshua VanCampen Exhibit: Drivers License Personal Management P110: Accept ne an!

changing responsibilities "n Jul# o$ %01%& " got m# !rivers license' " ent through man# months o$ training an!& believe me& har!ship' " as ver# !etermine! to get m# license all #ear& an! " as (ust aiting $or m# sixteenth birth!a# at the en! June' " ha! !one home or)& ta)en tests an! *ui++es& (ust so " coul! ta)e m# !rivers test' " passe! m# !rivers test in the en! o$ Jul#& an! as ps#che! to start !riving on m# o n' ,hen " got m# !rivers license& " $elt more gro n up than " ha! ever been in the past' " $elt li)e " as $ree $rom as)ing m# parents hen the# coul! ta)e me some here& or having to go through the trouble o$ $in!ing a ri!e to ever# here " ante! to go' Little !i! " )no & getting a !rivers license is not all that is set out to be' ,ith a !rivers license there comes a great !eal o$ responsibilit#' -o & " as the one that ever#bo!# as as)ing ri!es $rom' .etting a license ma!e me accept ne an! changing responsibilities' " as no as)e! to run to the store hen m# parents nee!e! something& or ta)e them some here hen the# nee!e! it' " as al a#s being as)e! to ta)e m# brother places he nee!e! to& )no ing that he !i! not have a license an! " !i!' /hough " en(o#e! the $ree!om o$ having a license& " !i! have to accept the responsibilities that come ith having one' As an e!ucator& (ust li)e an# other (ob& there ill al a#s be changing responsibilities' /eachers have a !i$$erent )in! o$ changing responsibilit#' /he# have the responsibilit# o$ learning ne material hen it changes over time' As an e!ucator& " ill have to constantl# be e!ucating m#sel$ in ne a#s o$ teaching& an! ne curriculums " ma# have to teach' "n m# personal live& there is al a#s changing responsibilities' ,hen " gro ol!er& there ill be man# things that change& li)e relationships an! $amil#' /here ill come a time hen " ant to start a $amil#& an! then there ill be all )in!s o$ responsibilities' " ill nee! to )no ho to change $or the better& so " can better m#sel$ $or the change'

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