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A. Interpretation: the AFF should advocate increasing US investment in transportation infrastructure. The su !ect: USF"# the central government. A$%& '(() (American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, p. 647)
federal !. "f or relating to the central government of a federation as distinct from the go#ernments of its mem$er units.

The ver : increase# to ma*e greater. +e sters ', % &e$ster's Dictionary. ()(! (*+ncrease*,
+n5crease* (3), #. i. To ecome greater or more in si6e, 7uantity, num$er, degree, #alue, intensity, po8er, authority, reputation, 8ealth9 to gro89 to augment9 to ad#ance9 .. opposed to decrease.

The o !ect: transportation infrastructure# means investment to repair or alter. -hapman '' (:hapman and :utler LL;, <1he American =o$s Act and +ts +mpact on a
>ational +nfrastructure /an?@, :lient Alert, ).A), http,
Eligi$ility for financial assistance must $e demonstrated to the satisfaction of A+DAs /oard of Directors. Eenerally, the applicants re7uest must meet the Acts definition of a transportation infrastructure proFect, 8ater infrastructure proFect, or energy infrastructure proFect. 1o $e eligi$le, the proFect must ha#e costs that are reasona$ly anticipated to e7ual or eGceed H(BB million. Ho8e#er, rural infrastructure proFects need only ha#e costs that are reasona$ly anticipated to e7ual or eGceed HAI million. .. Transportation Infrastructure: includes the construction& alteration& or repair, including the facilitation of intermodal transit, of the follo8ing su sectors: o High8ays or roads o /ridges o Jass transit o +nland 8ater8ays o :ommercial ports o Airports o Air traffic control systems o ;assenger rail, including high.speed rail o Dreight rail systems

.. /I0KS:
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-. A%1A0TA"2S: '. Infinite regression3disregarding resolutional synta4 produces an endless regression to small& trivial affirmatives. For e4ample& an AFF only a out the su !ect opens the door to A05 philosophy that spea*s to eing. ). /imits3resolutional limits encourage AFF innovation& research on a designated topic& and clash3a precursor to productive education. Also& the inherent value of arguments 6ithin limits is greater 6hich lin* turns education arguments. %. If our interpretation is net# eneficial it means theres no reason to vote affirmative. If the case is true then it de#!ustifies the resolution. Teams are still signified y AFF and 02"& so the resolution is a re7uired measurement for affirmation.

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