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Detailed Estimate for the Proposed Additional works to the existing Building belongs to Smt. Mangalagowramma W/o Sri.

B.P.Manjunath at Sathyamangala, HC Extension, Hassan Appli!ant " Smt. Mangalagowramma #o!ation " Sathyamangala, HC Extension, Hassan

$atha %o " &'' Site %o " '& S( %o " )* %ame +f ,orks Sl %o Des!ription of items Ba!k Side -rill, Con!rete around the Building, .ront +rnamentals ,orks, Solar, Stair!ase railing, ,ard robe / Show!ase, 0nder ground 1ank %o # B D 2uantity 0nit 3ate Amount "


Concert around the Building 4) '5 * 4& 6 54 54 Smtr 7 3s )489: 44,58&:88




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WA D #BE & S'#WCASE Pro>iding and fixing Show!ase with <& ? *&4mm si@e teak wood framework around Plastering the walls extra &5mm thi!k with !m *A) proportion where>er ne!y to bring the wall surfa!e inline with the frame surfa!e and the entire plaster surfa!e is !o>ered with 'mm thi!k plywood to look like a plywood box and shutters of &4mm thi!k parti!le board with BSB !ertifi!ation and fa!tory pre:lamination appd !olour on one side / balan!ing lamination of white on the other side 1he Show!ase should be bifur!ated in three hori@ontal !ompartment with *=mm bla!k board with *4mm thi!k steel pipe fixed in the !enter portion of the ward robe as per appd drawing with ne!y hinges and iron oxidi@ed fittings su!h as handles et! , and pro>iding ne!y lo!ks 4 < < 84 * 4& & *' * 5< 6 6 <& )' 5 <4 ::::::: '8 == Smtr

,ardrobe Show!ase

7 3s 48889:


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