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Meaning of photos

by: Nancy 6-3

Photo 6
How can we express
feelings without
We can express feelings without words by
emotions and facial expression. when we take
photo we don’t move we be still and do many
emotions and facial expression, so we can look
good. But the point is that you can do many
things that people can understand by not
saying any single word.
How do images
express feelings?
Images express their feelings by acting it out
without saying anything. They show it by doing
emotions and acting different faces. For
example laughing and crying.
d o o b j ec ts
How g?
t e m e a n i n
crea create
o b j ec t s
The t hings
b y th e
meaning n s in the
t h a p p e
tha p l e a girl
ex a m
photo for d y b e a r lost
te d
crying, a t c . W hat is
s e , e
in a hou b o u t and
t o a
the pho e p erson
o w t h
also by h o a n d feels
o t
e the ph
What do you think the
"rules" of Photography
I think that the rules are not to edit
photo/image with out the owners permission.
And not take photos of that person if they
didn’t allow you to do. Also not to take
improper photo
s I t o o k b y

p h o t o s of
e t o take
I l i k
a t u re an d
view, n
Where I find the

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