The Hero Handbook

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The Hero Handbook

A Crash-Course in Building a Badass Body, Getting Your Shit Together, and Living the Life of Your Drea s
By !ate Green

The Hero Handbook

"hat to #$%e&t 'ro This Book

Reading this handbook should feel like we're having a face to face conversation. !e both have a drink in our hand" the bar is prett# much empt#" and we're talking about how to live the good life and become better people. This book is a collection of ideas based on m# experiences" those of m# clients over the #ears" and from all m# conversations with mentors and friends. $ou can read straight through if #ou like" or skip around to the sections #ou think will be helpful. $ou'll %nd a lot of things here that will work spectacularl# well for #ou. &ther things won't do 'ack shit. The onl# thing ( ask of #ou is this: tr# some of the things ( recommend even if the# seem too simple" too hard" or too ridiculous. $ou ma# %nd #ou )know) a few things ( cover in this book. *ut chances are #ou're not doing much with that knowledge. ( want to help %x that. $ou get out what #ou put in. +o don't slack.
,ate -reen .

This is me un% ltered. This is advice ( give to close friends. This is stuff ( do that works for me and thousands of gu#s 'ust like #ou that ('ve helped over the #ears. ('m positive at least some of it will work for #ou" too. Thanks for being here. ,ate

The Hero Handbook

A !ote About The Hero "orkout

This book is" for lack of a better word" m# manifesto. *ut there's more to it than the pages #ou read here. ( developed a 01 week progressive workout program and habit based nutrition guide to help #ou build a strong" muscular" health# bod#" and complement what #ou'll learn here. (f #ou're interested in checking that out" it's sold on m# site for about the price of a chicken dinner and a bottle of mediocre wine.

The Hero "orkout

&ka#. &n with the Hero Handbook.

,ate -reen

Table of Contents
About the ("hat to Do !o) Se&tions*+++++++++++++++++,.ntrodu&tion++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ,, The Hero Heart+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++,/
$ou 3re -oing to 4ie.......................................................... 05 6emento 6ori 7 8eep Track of $our 9ife........................2: ;oin the 9iving..................................................................... 2. 3void the 9iving (mpaired..................................................2/ ,o &ne (s <oming to Rescue $ou....................................22 4on't *lindl# +wallow the +upposed Tos........................2= 4on't *elieve the >&8s?.....................................................25 4e% ne $our Rules.................................................................: !hat 4o $ou ,eed to 9ive !ell@...................................... .2 &utline $our Aerfect 4a#.....................................................2 Bocus on *ehaviors (nstead of &utcomes.......................= !hat to 4o ,ow.................................................................. .5

The Hero Handbook

The Hero 0ind++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1,

4e +tress for 2: 6inutes Cver# 4a#................................/2 -et = 5 Hours of +leep...................................................... /1 Aractice *reathing <orrectl#............................................. 20 -et Rid of $our +tuff.......................................................... 22 *u# &nce" *u# Right.......................................................... 2/ Dse !hiteboards.................................................................22 Take <ontrol of $our 6orning............................................2= (ndulge Cver# ,ow and Then............................................1: 4on't 3lwa#s Have a Routine............................................12 Turn &ff $our <ell Ahone...................................................1. +et a 8itchen Timer............................................................ 1/ Bind +omeone !ho Has 3lread# 4one (t........................12 4on't Aretend 9ike $ou 8now...........................................1= 6ake C#e <ontact...............................................................1E 4on't 8eep +core................................................................15 +tand Tall and <ommand a Room.................................... =: 4on't *e an (diot with 6one#............................................=. Cstablish $our >Aower Aosition?.......................................=2 -et &ut of <redit <ard 4ebt F . +imple +teps.............== Dse the Cnvelope +#stem..................................................=5 <ut the 9ifeline.................................................................... E0 Aa# $ourself Birst................................................................ E2 !hat to 4o ,ow.................................................................. E2

,ate -reen

The Hero Body++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++//

The Hero *od#" 4e% ned..................................................... E5 3 Hero *od# +erves $ou....................................................50 3void (nformation................................................................5/ $ou ,eed a Arogram.......................................................... 51 $ou 4on't ,eed a *unch of +upplements.......................5= 6otivation (s &verrated......................................................55 The = Habits of a Heroic !orkout Arogram..................0:0 !hat to 4o ,ow................................................................0:/

The Hero Diet+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ,-2

Cat 9ike a Hero..................................................................0:E +crew <ounting <alories................................................. 0:5 Cat Real Bood....................................................................00: Cat &rganic if $ou <an 3fford (t......................................000 Cat at 9east Bour Times Aer 4a#.................................... 002 Two Bists of Arotein.......................................................... 00/ Have 9ittle to ,o Arocessed <arboh#drates................002 Cat Gegetables with Cver# 6eal......................................001 4rink a -allon of !ater Aer 4a#..................................... 00E <lean +late F 4o the ,ext Aositive Thing....................005 Throw 3wa# Things that 3re *ad for $ou......................020 !ake and +hake............................................................... 022 *u# 6ade for $ou 9unches.............................................02. The &nl# 8itchen Dtensils $ou ,eed.............................02/ !hat to 4o ,ow................................................................021
E The Hero Handbook

Con&lusion3 4ay .t 'or)ard+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++,5/ The "ra%-6% and a 'avor fro !ate++++++++++++++++++,7, About the Author+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ,78

,ate -reen

About the ("hat to Do !o) Se&tions*

Here's the truth: it doesn't matter what #ou know. (t matters what #ou do. Heroes make their own luck and pursue whatever it is the# want to accomplish. The# don't collect information 'ust to forget about it or put it off for another da#. Heroes do something immediatel# to get the ball rolling. ( encourage #ou to do the same. That's wh# at the end of ever# chapter of this handbook #ou'll see a >!hat to 4o ,ow? section" which is inspired b# m# work with Arecision ,utrition and our online coaching programs. 3fter #ou read each chapter" take some time to follow what's outlined in these sections before moving on. (t ma# seem like a small step" but it's the most important part of the entire handbook.


The Hero Handbook

)$ou're so luck#.? He took a sip of beer" sat back in his chair and sighed. !e were sitting at a bar in downtown 6issoula" 6ontana and ('d 'ust %nished telling him about m# month long trip overseas. ( told him how ( met up with a few of m# blog readers for great dinners" worked a couple hours per da# Hand sometimes per weekI from m# laptop in cafJs" and basicall# 'ust toured around and did whatever ( wanted" whenever ( wanted. )( wish ( could do stuff like that"? he said. ( smiled and didn't repl#. ('d alread# tried to help him a few times over the past couple of #ears. 3nd still... here we were. &ur talk drifted back to the usual safe topics: 'obs" famil#" girlfriends. !e 'oked as we %nished our drinks and paid our tab. &utside" we shook hands and parted wa#s.

,ate -reen


&n m# drive home" ( thought about our conversation. 6ostl#" ( thought about one particular sentence: >$ou're so luck#.? To me" luck is bu#ing a scratch off lotter# ticket and winning ten bucks. +pending ever# da# doing what #ou're passionate about and living how #ou want@ ,ot so much. *ut ( know wh# he thinks ('m luck#. 9ike a lot of gu#s" he's still swallowing Supposed Tos : ('m supposed to go to college and get a good 'obK ('m supposed to get m# weekends offK ('m supposed to...whatever. ( can't blame him for thinking that wa#. Hell" ( used to think the same. *ut then ( was )luck#) enough to have a few things happen. ( didn't reall# give a shit about school" so ( skipped college and started m# own business. ( didn't have an# mone#" so ( took out a bank loan to L# across the countr# to meet writers and %tness entrepreneurs ( admired. ( didn't know it was out of the ordinar#" so ( randoml# emailed magaMine editors and told them ( wanted their 'obs. ,ever mind ('d never been published or didn't have a college degreeK ( 'ust knew ( wanted to write and help people. ( felt like ( had something to sa#.


The Hero Handbook

,ow here's the interesting thing: the more ( planned what ( wanted m# life to be like 7 and the more ( executed that plan F the luckier ( became. ( got a 'ob at a local g#m and learned how to train people to get in better shape. That transitioned to opening m# own studio where ( worked with regular gu#s and girls and the occasional professional athlete or celebrit#. ( started writing on m# blog" then for magaMines" and then sold m# %rst book to Aenguin publishing. Bast forward to toda#: ( make enough mone# to live comfortabl#" ( have great mentors" good relationships with m# famil# and friends" and ('ve made a career out of something ('m passionate about. Thousands of people visit m# blog ever# da# to hear what ( have to sa#. (n other words" life is good. &ver the past few #ears" ('ve met doMens of other people who are living the life of their dreams. The#'re people who had an idea of what the# wanted Hor at least an idea of what the# didn't wantI" and then set out to get it. The# aren't millionaires or trust fund babies. The#'re 'ust regular people with an uncommon wa# of looking at life. +ure" most own small businesses. The# make custom watchstraps" run % nance blogs" build websites" teach people about sex" create life changing workout programs"
,ate -reen 0.

run successful small clothing companies" write bestselling books" and more. &thers work as emplo#ees for awesome companies. The# manage g#ms" oversee advertising and marketing" write columns for magaMines and newspapers" and work in restaurants. *ut it's not 'ust what the# do to earn mone# that sets them apart. (t's how the# live . The# get up when the# decide to get up. The# spend their da#s doing whatever the# like. The# make enough mone# to do the things the# want. The# help people. The# have meaningful relationships. The# have ambitious goals" but are happ# with what the# alread# have. The#'re in control of their lives. The#'re heroes+ 3lthough it's tough to see them when looking into a crowd" there are a lot more heroes than people think. 3ll #ou have to do is notice how the# stand out. 3 hero: 9ives b# a set of rules he's spent time thinking about. *uilds his bod# F his greatest asset F to look good and withstand sickness and ph#sical obstacles. +eeks fun and ful% llment. HCven better if it's at the same time.I


The Hero Handbook

+pends time doing things he wants to do. 8icks ass when it's time to work. <ommands a room with his con% dence. 8nows what he needs. 8nows how to make mone#" keep it" and use it to %x problems and have fun. Bosters real relationships with people that are important to him. Has a plan to make his life F and the lives of others F better than most people dream about.

3 coward: 4oesn't know wh# he does what he does. Treats his bod# like a shitt# vehicle instead of something he's proud of. +eeks fun at all costs" even if it's at the expense of other people Hor himselfI. !astes time doing what other people expect him to do. Auts off work" procrastinates on Bacebook" or makes excuses about how >he's tired.? <ommands negative attention with his machismo. Has no idea what he needs but wants ever#thing. -ets in debt" spends mone# frivolousl#" and calls 6om and 4ad for extra cash.
,ate -reen 02

Has fake relationships with his buddies" girls" and is generall# an asshole. <omplains all the time.

"here Are All The Heroes9

(t's like most of us are in a state developmental limbo between school and supposed responsibilit#. H(f #ou arenNt careful this >limbo? can go on until #ou die.I !e've never taken the time to de% ne what our values are" and all the old credibilit# indicators F graduating college" settling into a career" getting married" raising a famil# F have disappeared. !hat's left is a gap most of us %ll with apath#" bad booMe" boredom" and shitt# 'obs. <onsider this: <ollege is leaving us tens of thousands of dollars in debt and won't guarantee a 'ob. +ince 05=:" the number of #oung adults moving back home has increased 2: percent. ,earl# one in %ve twent# somethings move back in with their parents at some point.

!e don't know what we're working for. !e don't know what to expect. !e don't know what our lives should be like. +o we blame the econom#" our parents" our shitt# luck" or other people. !e should blame ourselves.
01 The Hero Handbook

4on't have the bod# #ou want@ $our fault. !orking a 'ob #ou don't like@ $our fault. +hitt# grades in school@ $our fault. Dp to #our e#eballs in debt@ $our fault. (t's all #our fault. *ut this is actuall# great news. *ecause it's #our fault" #ou can take responsibilit# for it. 3nd if #ou take responsibilit# for it" #ou can change it. Cven if we have other parts of our lives %gured out" most of us are likel# neglecting other vital areas. Have a great bod#@ How's #our %nancial situation@ 6aking a ton of mone#@ How are #our relationships with #our friends@ 9ife of the part#@ 3re #ou trul# happ# or are #ou 'ust putting off the >real world?@ The goal" mind #ou" isn't to become complete. That's impossible. The goal is to seek experience" ful% llment" and fun. The goal is to feel good about ourselves and the lives we lead. +o let's start there. (t's time to take control of #our life and do what #ou want to do. (t's time to make #our own luck. (t's time to become your own hero .
,ate -reen 0=


The Hero Handbook

You Are Going to Die

How's that for a cheer# wa# to start@ *ut it's true. $ou are going to die. +o am (. +o is 9ad# -aga" *ill <linton" 9e*ron ;ames" and ever# one #ou've ever heard of or ever seen. Everybody is going to die. 6ost of us are alread# at least a Ouarter of the wa# through our lives. 3nd if we're luck#" we've got another 2: =2 #ears to live. That scares most people. (t shouldn't. (t should be liberating. 8nowing #ouNre going to die someda# give #ou a dead line. H+orr#" but that was amusing to me.I $ou can do whatever #ou want" and #ou can start right now. (n fact" ever# da# #ou don't do what #ou want is another da# that's gone forever. 4isappeared. ,ever gonna happen again. Finito. Remember: You are going to die.

,ate -reen


Memento Mori Keep Track of Your Life

My friend Craig Weller is an inspiring guy. A former member of Naval Special Warfare, he's told me stories about living for days without food, drin ing dirty water, swimming frantically while hauling a boat behind him, and spending wee s on deserted islands catching and eating bats while waiting for other people to come and relieve him of his duties. !And he thin s this stuff is fun. So that gives you and idea of the ind of person he is." #ut the coolest thing Craig has ever told me is how he eeps trac of his life with what he calls his $Memento Mori chart.$ Memento Mori is %atin for $&emember your mortality.$ 'ere's how Craig e(plained it to me) "Since I was about eighteen years old I have been maintaining a tally on this piece of paper. It's 52 blocks wide and 8 blocks tall. !n the top left corner is my birthdate" and on the bottom right is the same date" 8 years later. #very week I mark off a block.


,he 'ero 'andboo

I don't write anything or make any kind of notes. I $ust black it out. %he only thing left is the memories I have of that week and reality of how it has affected my life. In the end" the only things any of us have are our actions and our memories. &oing this keeps my life in perspective. #ach time I 'll in a block I brie( y consider what I did with that week. Sometimes I do so with a feeling of satisfaction. I want mine to be a life well lived. !ther times I look back and reali)e that I frittered away most of my time on things that didn't really further my life" didn't make for any remarkable e*periences" and didn't really make me happy. I don't think that it would be possible to maintain a list like this and work in a cubicle for twenty years. !r even twenty months. Imagine that+ 8 blocks 'lled in with no memories other than a gray wall and the occasional lunch at ,pplebees. In fact" most people probably wouldn't want to do something like this at all. It would be too uncomfortable. Self-awareness is a pain in the ass when there are so many entertaining reality shows on cable. ,nd e*cuses are easy. .ou probably get used to the blinders after a while and eventually don't even know what you're missing. %his weekend I 'lled in the 25th row on my sheet. %he last block in a row always leads me to do some selfassessing. ,m I happy with what I've been doing with my life/ 0ave I been wasting time/ 1hy/ 1here could I be right now if I hadn't/ ,hat's heavy stuff. And it's great practice.

Nate -reen


<lick this link right now to download #our own 6emento 6ori sheet. Bill it out up to the past week. 9ook at all the black space. Then look at the amount of white space left. 8eep #our sheet somewhere #ou can access it easil#. 9ook at it ever# time #ou need a kick in the ass.


The Hero Handbook

<oin the Living

!e're not dead #et" so we can't go feeling sorr# for ourselves. !e have a real opportunit# to do fun things" help other people" and live a worthwhile life. !e have a chance to build a legac# that will carr# on after we die. 3re #ou going to sOuander that responsibilit# or waste time talking about all the shit #ou should have done@ 3re #ou reall# going to sta# pissed off over stupid arguments or minor dail# inconveniences@ 3re #ou reall# going to sit on the couch" eat <heetos and watch porn all da#@ -et #our ass up and 'oin the living. Tr# to make something out of #our short life unless #ou want to be forgotten forever.

,ate -reen


Avoid the Living-. %aired

The living impaired are 'ust...there. The# breathe but don't live. The#'re not happ#. &ften" the#'re c#nical. >$ou can't 'ust do whatever #ou want.? >$ou can't leave school to start #our own thing.? >That will never work.? >That's a bad idea.? The living impaired are all around us. The# come disguised as friends" concerned famil# members" co workers" or authorit# % gures. Heroes leave the living impaired alone. The# tr# to leech their negative Hthe# call it >realistic?I worldview onto us. Treat them like lepers and keep #our distance.


The Hero Handbook

!o =ne .s Co ing to >es&ue You

(n 05=2 a plane carr#ing /2 people" including a Drugua#an rugb# team and their famil# and friends" crashed into the desolate" frigid" and unforgiving 3ndes mountains. 25 people survived the crash. 3 few da#s later" an avalanche took E more lives when it Looded their makeshift shelter. +earch parties from three countries looked for the missing plane" but the search was called off after eight da#s. The survivors" having found a small transistor radio on the plane" heard that the search had been cancelled. Here's an excerpt from the book "live " describing this moment: )The others who had clustered around Ro#" upon hearing the news" began to sob and pra#" all except Aarrado" who looked calml# up the mountains which rose to the west. -ustavo ,icolich came out of the plane and" seeing their faces" knew what the# had heard...,icolich climbed through the hole in the wall of suitcases and rugb#

,ate -reen


shirts" crouched at the mouth of the dim tunnel" and looked at the mournful faces which were turned towards him. 'He# bo#s"' he shouted" 'there's some good newsP !e 'ust heard on the radio. The#'ve called off the search.' (nside the crowded plane there was silence. 3s the hopelessness of their predicament enveloped them" the# wept. '!h# the hell is that good news@' AaeM shouted angril# at ,icolich. '*ecause it means"' ,icolich said" 'that we're going to get out of here on our own.') =2 da#s later" two of the passengers 7 ,ando Aarrado and Roberto <annesa 7 hiked through the 3ndes to civiliMation. The remaining 01 survivors were rescued thanks to their 0: da# trek. There's a valuable lesson here: ,o one is coming to #our rescue. (f #ou want something" #ou need to take care of #ourself and get to work.


The Hero Handbook

Don?t Blindly S)allo) the Supposed Tos

How man# people do #ou know who are going to college because their parents would disapprove if the# didn't@ Aeople who stud# shit like )business) and make spreadsheets@ 6a#be the#'re happ# spending 6om and 4ad's mone# on a piece of paper that won't set them apart from the other .: people appl#ing for the 'ob. Then again" ma#be the#'re not. 9ike a frat bo# on his third keg stand" man# of us succumb to social pressure and swallow Supposed Tos. $ou're +upposed To honor #our parents. $ou're +upposed To go to college. $ou're +upposed To get a good 'ob. -uess what@ $ou aren't supposed to do shit. !ho's making these rules" an#wa#@ +eems to me as if we're each making them up as we go.

,ate -reen


The next time #ou feel pressured to do something" take a second to see if it's something #ou're +upposed To do. 4o #ou reall# want to do it@ (f not" don't. &f course" there is a caveat: ,ot all Supposed Tos are bad. There are a lot of things that we ma# not feel like doing" but are good for us: hanging out at -randma's house for more than a couple of hoursK pa#ing #our taxesK helping #our friend move. Those things help #ou grow and foster good relationships. +upposed Tos onl# become bad when #ou blindl# swallow them without giving much thought.


The Hero Handbook

Don?t Believe the (=;s*

;ust as bad as swallowing +upposed Tos is *elieving the &8s. (t's &8 to live with #our parents for %ve #ears after college. (t's &8 to work a 'ob #ou don't like. (t's &8 to )take some time off) and vegetate. (t's &8 to bu# ever#thing on credit and pa# interest. (t's &8 to get drunk three nights per week. *elieving the &8s is 'ust another wa# to shirk personal responsibilit#. 3nd 'ust like blindl# swallowing +upposed Tos" believing the &8s will eventuall# make #ou feel powerless.

,ate -reen


De@ne Your >ules

4o #ou have a list of rules@ 3n# hero worth his salt should. Cver#thing else in the world can crumble or fall into utter fucking chaos" but #our list shouldn't budge or fall apart. Think of #our rules as #our moral compass. $our >code?" if #ou will. Here are mine: 0. Take care of m#self with good food" sleep" exercise. 2. *e honest with ever#one Hincluding m#selfI and don't bullshit. .. Treat m# famil# and friends with respect" and constantl# connect with them. /. (f it's not fun" don't do it. 2. (f it's not fun but doing it will help #ou grow" then do it. 1. Help people become their own hero through m# blog" articles" and dail# actions.


The Hero Handbook

$ou'll Ouickl# %nd that describing #our values is harder than it seems. ( mean" an#one can write )famil#)" but what the hell does that even mean@ $ou can write what #ou like" but it's more powerful to be speci% c. (nstead of )famil#)" ma#be )<onnecting with m# famil# b# understanding who the# are" having deeper conversations" telling stories" sharing memories" and alwa#s displa#ing m# love for them) would be more actionable. !hichever values resound with #ou and make #ou excited to live" make sure to write those. 3nd no matter what #ou do" keep coming back to #our rules to see how #our current wa# of living stacks up. !e all get off course at some point" but with a compass we alwa#s know where we're going.

,ate -reen


"hat Do You !eed to Live "ell9

!hen ( got m# %rst big pa#check" ( bought a new 3udi 31. (t was freakin' sweet. G1 engine" all leather interior" real wood paneling" turbo" and a *ose sound s#stem. !hen ( got behind the wheel at night" the red glow of dashboard felt like being in a cockpit of a %ghter 'et. *ut after a few months the novelt# of having a new car had worn off. ( realiMed all ( needed was a reliable vehicle to get me around. 3nd ( de% nitel# could have saved more than Q0:"::: bu#ing a nice" comfortable car. ('ve never reall# been a car person. (n fact" ( barel# know how to change m# tires. &r m# oil. &r m# windshield wiper blades. &r 'ust about ever#thing that needs changing on a car. H( understand these are of% cial grounds for losing m# >man card.? ( turned it in at the counter of ;iff# 9ube.I Having an 3udi was reall# nothing more than sa#ing" )( can afford expensive shitP) ,ot reall# a good reason to bu# something.


The Hero Handbook

!hich brings us to the sub'ect of needs. !hat else do #ou need besides water" food" shelter" sex" and sex@ H(f it's important" #ou write it twice.I 9et's strip down #our life to the essentials to %nd the things #ou need to live a health#" comfortable" fun life. ;ust like #our list of rules" the more speci% c #ou get with #our needs" the more powerful the#'ll be. 3n#one can write down )food.) *ut what kind of food@ 3 hot dog is different than an apple. Remember: this is your list. $ou don't need to get too craM# or too detailed unless #ou reall# want to. +o if a latte makes #our da# a whole freakin' lot better" write it down. ,o one's 'udging #ou. HCspeciall# me" who en'o#s a nice beer prett# much ever# da#" often around lunchtime.I Here's an abbreviated version of mine" to get #ou going.

,ate -reen


Boring !eeds
!ater Bood Cxercise +helter <lothing

!ate?s !eeds Ain no %arti&ular orderB

Biltered water 6ostl# organic and local food +trength training" stretching and mobilit#" and fun shit 3 clutter free" clean apartment +mall collection of Oualit# out% ts that will last Travel wherever ( want whenever ( want The abilit# to occasionall# indulge 6eaningful relationships with famil# and friends +avings Hand to be debt freeI


The Hero Handbook

=utline Your 4erfe&t Day

This is an exercise ( got from m# friend ;im 9abadie and is ver# similar to the 4reamlining concept made popular b# another friend of mine" Tim Berriss. Aull up a text document or a grab a sheet of paper. (t's time to have some fun. (n the greatest detail possible" ( want #ou to write down what a perfect da# in #our life would consist of. $eah" #ou ma# feel a bit stupid writing this out" but who cares@ ,o one but #ou has to see this. *esides" if #ou don't have a target" how will #ou know when #ou've hit it@ Here are a few Ouestions to get #ou going Hpa# attention to the detailsI: !hat time do #ou wake up@ !ho are #ou with@ !here are #ou living@ !hat does #our house look like@

,ate -reen


!hat kind of music are #ou listening to@ !hat kind of clothes are #ou wearing@ !hat are #ou eating@ !hat are #ou doing toda#@ 3re #ou working on something@ 3re #ou preparing for a trip@ How much mone# are #ou making@ !here are #ou going for lunch@ !ho are #ou meeting@ Alanning #our da# on paper" step b# step" is the best wa# ( know to actuall# begin living that wa#. ( do this at least once ever# #ear. (t's a ver# cool feeling to look back at #our list and realiMe ever# da# resembles it more and more as time passes.


The Hero Handbook

'o&us on Behaviors .nstead of =ut&o es

The world is prett# uncontrollable. 9ife happens. $ou canNt make #our bod# lose 2: pounds on command an# more than #ou can make sure #our house is worth a certain amount of mone# when #ou tr# to sell it. $ou can plan a prett# picnic" but #ou can't predict the weather. HThank #ou $ut ast.% (n other words" #ou can&t control the outcome. *ut #ou can control #our behaviors. -et it@ (nstead of setting >outcome goals? focus on setting >behavior goals?.

=ut&o e Goal3 Build an A aCing Body

That's incredibl# vague with no real action steps. *esides" we haven't even determined what an )amaMing bod#) means to us. Aerhaps it's gaining two inches on our chest
,ate -reen .=

and shoulders. 6a#be it's getting our bod# fat below ten percent. The more speci% c #ou make the outcome" the easier it will be to know when #ou've achieved it.

Behavior Goals3
0. Read a book about training and nutrition. 2. -o to the g#m three da#s per week. .. 4rink a gallon of water per da#. /. Cat four unprocessed meals per da# consisting mainl# of protein" health# fats" and vegetables. 2. -et eight hours of sleep. 1. <onsume %ve or fewer alcoholic drinks per week *# making and keeping these small promises to ourselves" we build momentum and start the )snowball effect). !e accomplish one small goal and keep moving forward as ever# subseOuent goal becomes easier to accomplish. *ottom line: de% ne what #our outcome goal reall# means to #ou" then break it down into actionable steps that #ou will follow consistentl#.


The Hero Handbook

"hat to Do !o)
4rint and @ll out your 0e ento 0ori sheet+
9ike it or not" we are all going to die. 6ost of us are alread# at least one Ouarter through our lives. 3re #ou satis%ed@

Take ,D

inutes to )rite do)n your (rules*+

Remember" ever#thing else in the world can fall apart" but #our list shouldn't budge. H(t can" however" be re% ned over time.I !hat things are important to #ou@ !hat's the >code? that #ou want to live b#@ !hat guides #our moment to moment actions@ These are tough Ouestions that reOuire real thought.

Take ,D needs+

inutes and )rite do)n your list of

These are things that make #our life better. The# can be as straight forward as >food" water" shelter"? but ( suggest

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tr#ing to get more detailed than that. 3sk #ourself this: )(f ever#thing in the world was taken awa# from me" what would ( still need to not onl# survive" but to thrive'( $ou're taking ever#thing awa# and building up from the bottom F what do #ou need@

Take ,D

inutes to outline your %erfe&t day+

!hat does #our perfect da# look like@ Bor most people" it's a combination of fun" work" famil#" and adventure. *ut #ou can write whatever #ou like. 6ake it realistic and get detailed. ,o 'etpacks. !here are #ou living@ !ho are #ou living with@ !hat time do #ou wake up@ !hat does #our house look like@ !hat are #ou doing toda#@ 3s tempting as it is to write down >( want to live on a beach and lounge around all da#?" #ou need to think" )(s this what ( reall# want to do@ !on't ( be bored out of m# mind@) (f not" more power to #ou. *ut ( have a feeling #ou want more out of #our life than vegetating. ( know ( do.


The Hero Handbook

,ate -reen


De-Stress for 5- 0inutes #very Day

$ou're at the local Moo" checking out the *engal tigers. (t's feeding time" so #ou're behind the closed gate watching the tigers tear into raw meat" marveling over how easil# their huge teeth and claws tear right through the Lesh. !hile watching" #ou notice #ou're hungr#. *ut as #ou turn to walk to the hot dog stand #ou hear a shrill scream. $our e#es dart back to the cage and #ou see...nothing. "nd that's a problem . The cage is completel# empt#. $our heart rate increases and #our adrenaline surges. $our start breathing hard and #our bod# begins twitching. +uddenl# #ou see a tiger emerge from the now open gate. $our bod# is in full blown get me the hell out of here mode. *ut can #ou outrun a tiger@ The huge *engal creeps toward #ou and snarls. 4o #ou still feel hungr#@
/2 The Hero Handbook

This is the @ght-or-Eight res%onse+

$our mind sensed imminent danger and sent signals to #our bod# to speed #our heart rate" push blood to #our extremities Hso #ou could run fasterI" increase #our adrenaline" and shut off the other feelings #ou had HhungerI to allow for more important feelings Hwanting to liveI. *ut what #ou probabl# didn't know was this was a direct response from the sy %atheti& nervous syste . (ts 'ob is to mobiliMe #our bod#'s resources under stress. (t's the )don't get mauled b# a tiger) nervous s#stem F it helps #our bod# handle stressful situations. *ut this Light or %ght response doesn't onl# come into pla# when there's an angr# feline staring #ou downK it also reacts to ever#da# stressful situations like arguing with #our spouse or boss" asking a beautiful girl out for the %rst time" and even lifting weights. 6ost of us walk around all da# with our %ght or Light s#stem in overdrive. The s#mpathetic nervous s#stem counteracts and suppresses the %arasy %atheti& nervous syste " which isn't good. The paras#mpathetic nervous s#stem is responsible for regulation of #our internal organs and glands. (t's also responsible for activities that occur when #our bod# is resting" like salivation and digestion. (f the s#mpathetic nervous s#stem is )% ght or Light)" the paras#mpathetic nervous s#stem is )rest and digest.)

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The two nervous s#stems should work in a complementar# wa#. $ou can think of the s#mpathetic nervous s#stem as the accelerator" and the paras#mpathetic nervous s#stem as the brake. *ut most of us have our foot %rml# pressed to the gas pedal and are overloading our s#mpathetic H% ght or LightI nervous s#stem. &ver time" being stuck in %ght or Light mode Hregardless of our awareness of itI results in suppression of the immune s#stem. !e'll be more susceptible to infection and sickness and won't be able to properl# digest our food. *ut the biggest effect of having an overactive s#mpathetic nervous s#stem is the inabilit# to full# relax and recover. +impl# put" #our paras#mpathetic nervous s#stem needs to )catch up) and be able to do its 'ob Hdigest food" help #ou fall asleep" build muscle" etc.I and #our s#mpathetic nervous s#stem needs to take a chill pill. $ou can do this b# lowering the amount of stress in #our life with de stressing activities. +et aside some time ever# da# Hlike" reall# schedule itI to do one of the following for at least 2: minutes: Read % ction. Take a hot shower or bath. Take a 2: minute nap.


The Hero Handbook

+it in a chair and do nothing but focus on #our breath. H$ou won't believe how hard this is until #ou tr# it.I 6ake a hot cup of tea and do nothing but en'o# it.

$eah" #ou ma# feel a bit weird doing some of this stuff" but #our bod# is in overdrive and needs to calm down. Take 2: minutes to help it recover.

,ate -reen


Get 2-F Hours of Slee% ADevelo% the 6lti ate Slee% >itualB
6ost of us walk through life like we've been bitten b# Mombies but are onl# halfwa# through the transformation. !hile ( can't prove it" lack of sleep is probabl# to blame for the small bouts of depression and general apath# most of us feel ever# now and then. !hen we don't sleep well throughout the night" we don't %re on all c#linders the next da#" and a lot of experiences and would be memories are lost in translation. !e drag ourselves through the da# instead of actuall# en'o#ing it. !hen we sleep" we restore our bodies. +leep is a ver# anabolic state" stimulating growth and re'uvenation of the immune" nervous" skeletal and muscular s#stems. HThat means when #ou sleep" #ou get smarter and 'acked. &r something like that.I +o what happens if #ou don't get enough sleep@


The Hero Handbook

,ot a lot if #ou 'ust miss a few hours. $ou'll probabl# be more irritable and have a hard time remembering things or concentrating" and #our sex drive will be lower. These things won't kill #ou" but the# do make #our da# a little less awesome. *ut if #ou go without sleep for" sa#" 2/ hours@ That's when things get interesting. +ome research suggests that sleep deprivation for that long can reduce white blood cell count b# up to 2:R. HThe research was done on rats" but still. (t's not a stretch to sa# humans would probabl# react much the same wa#.I Here's an interesting tidbit from !ikipedia: In a study conducted by Turner, )rummond, Salamat, and *rown, wor ing memory was shown to be affected by sleep deprivation. +or ing memory is important because it eeps information active for further processing and supports higher!level cognitive functions such as decision ma ing, reasoning, and episodic memory. +leep deprivation makes #ou slower" dumber" and more prone to illness. ,ot a good combination. There is no glor# in running on little sleep. 6an# people claim to be >'ust %ne? on %ve hours per night" but these tough gu#s are short changing themselves. ( mean" #ou can survive on a diet of Twinkies and 6ountain 4ew if #ou like. *ut #ou certainl# won't thrive.

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That's wh# heroes develop a sleep ritual.

Ste% ,3 Li it your &affeine to the orning )ith no &affeinated drinks after 140+
<affeine is a stimulant that sta#s in #our bod# for up to six hours after ingesting it. +o if #ou're fairl# sensitive to coffee" energ# drinks" or crack cocaine" decrease #our caffeine intake or at least cut it off in the afternoon.

Ste% 53 T)o hours before bed, take out a %ie&e of %a%er and do a Gbrain du %+G
(f it's ever taken #ou an hour or more to get to sleep" #ou've experienced the )mind 'umble) that makes it nearl# impossible to drift off. !hether we're planning our next da#" ruminating over shit that happened earlier" or 'ust thinking about nothing in particular" it's eas# to get lost in our heads as we lie down in bed. 3 brain dump is exactl# what it sounds like: dumping #our thoughts onto paper. Aull out a piece of paper" and write down all the things #ou need to do tomorrow.


The Hero Handbook

Then forget about it. The paper will still be there in the morning read# for #our full attention.

Ste% 73 =ne hour before bed, turn off your TH and &o %uter+
4on't drift off to sleep while watching 4avid 9etterman or $ouTube videos. !hile it ma# seem like a relaxing activit#" watching TG and pla#ing on the computer are actuall# stimulator# experiences the#'re engaging #our brain and emotions even if #ou don't consciousl# realiMe it. H3nd the light bouncing off the walls of #our bedroom doesn't help.I

Ste% 13 0ake so e tea, listen to soft usi&, and read+

Reading %ction while sipping on hot herbal tea gets #ou out of #our mind and into a stor#. (t regulates #our breathing and signals to #our bod# that #ou're )shutting down) for the evening" all of which are conducive to Oualit# sleep.

Ste% D3 Turn off your &ell %hone and other gadgets and %ut the in another roo +
3 ver# smart man b# the name of 4r. 6ercola suggests that eliminating radio freOuenc# HRBI sources F like the ones

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found in cell phones F enable #our bod# to )shut down) more ef% cientl#. 3ccording to him" RB signals interfere with #our bod#'s immune s#stems and have a negative impact on sleep Oualit# and general health. +o #our best bet is to leave #our cell phone and charging stations in another room. (f #ou use #our cell as an alarm clock" #ou ma# want to consider bu#ing a batter# operated clock instead. *esides" #ou don't want to hear text message pings while #ou're tr#ing to sleep. The#'re much too tempting to check.


The Hero Handbook

4ra&ti&e Breathing Corre&tly

6ost gu#s don't know how to breathe. ( mean" #eah" the# know how to suck air in their lungs and blow it out their mouths. *ut the# don't know how to breathe correctl#" using the full capacit# of their lungs. Here's a Ouick test to see how #ou do: take a deep breath. 4id #our chest rise@ (f it did" #ou need a Ouick tutorial in breathing. -et on the Loor and lie on #our back with #our knees bent. <lose #our e#es and place #our hand on #our stomach. Take a deep breath in through #our nose" but instead of letting #our chest rise" think about pushing #our stomach out against #our hand Ha )bell# breath)" if #ou willI. This ensures #ou're using more of #our lungs Hwhich is widel# considered to be a better wa# to ingest ox#genI. Hold that breath for three seconds then gentl# exhale through #our mouth. Repeat. !hen #ou stand up" tr# breathing through #our bell#. (t takes a while to get used to" but it's worth the practice.
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Get >id of Your Stuff

,$ne does not accumulate but eliminate. It is not daily increase but daily decrease. The height of cultivation always runs to simplicity.- *ruce 9ee ;ust like #ou can accumulate too much information and be stuck with anal#sis paral#sis F doing nothing because #ou have too much information F #ou can accumulate too much shit that occupies valuable ph#sical Hand mentalI space. Cver# few months" go through #our house and de clutter. ;it&hen : 4o #ou reall# need that man# forks" plates" and glasses@ How often do #ou have people over@ How often do #ou cook@ Living roo : 4oes all #our furniture have a purpose@ 9ike" do #ou actuall# use it@ 4o #ou have a bunch of magaMines or weird knick knacks l#ing around@ Trash them or give them awa#. Bedroo : How man# t shirts do #ou reall# wear@ !h# does an# person need more than two or three pairs of 'eans@ Bor that matter" wh# do #ou even have a dresser@


The Hero Handbook

Hang #our pants" button down shirts" and polos" and fold #our t shirts and stick them on a shelf in #our closet. -etting rid of stuff #ou rarel# use is liberating. Aick a da# this week and go through #our house to see how much extra crap #ou can eliminate from #our life.

,ate -reen


Buy =n&e, Buy >ight

(t's better to bu# an expensive item that will last than a cheap item that won't make it more than a #ear. There's a reason some coats cost Q/::. There's a reason some knives cost Q0::. The# last a lot longer than their cheaper alternatives. *u# once" bu# right" and #ou'll save mone# in the long term. -et used to spending mone# on things #ou actuall# need. $ou want them to last.


The Hero Handbook

6se "hiteboards
!hat do #ou want to accomplish this #ear@ How about this week@ !hat about today' -oals are good" but the# don't mean shit if we don't write them down and actuall# set up habits to achieve them. -o to the store and get three !hiteboards: 0 large" 0 medium" and 0 small. !rite #our >big? goals on the large board" #our weekl# habits and >things to do? on the medium board" and #our dail# habits on #our small board. Here's a peek into each of m# three boards:

Big Board
Take a one week trip b# m#self 4on't look like an idiot while dancing with m# Richelle Hm# girlfriendI Aass the Arecision ,utrition certi% cation test

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6ake a list and research 2 places ( want to see Research the cost of private dance lessons Aick one chapter per week from the A, textbook read

S all Board
Aick a date to leave on m# trip and book the Light 3ctuall# go to the private lesson and practice Read the chapter and take notes +ee the big picture. !rite out a weekl# goal. +et dail# habits and do them.


The Hero Handbook

Take Control of Your 0orning

How #ou spend #our morning is indicative of how the rest of #our da# will be. 4o #ou reall# want to start #our da# b# hitting the snooMe button" sleeping in" eating a shitt# breakfast" and hurr#ing to work@ !hat are #ou gonna do next" bitch and complain about how #ou don't have enough time to do an#thing@ Take control of #our morning and make #ourself have good da#. This is called being proactive instead of reactive.

Ste% ,3 "hen the alar u%+

goes off, get

-et out of the habit of lounging around for 0: more minutes or re setting #our alarm. ;ust because #ou can get up whenever #ou like doesn't mean #ou should dela# starting #our da#.

,ate -reen


Ste% 53 Drink a huge glass of )ater+

$ou're probabl# deh#drated an#wa#. 4rinking a glass of water will also speed up #our metabolism.

Ste% 73 Go for a D-,outside+

inute )alk

!alk around #our neighborhood or apartment complex. Take deep breaths. -et loose. 9isten to what's going on around #ou.

Ste% 13 #at breakfast+

+cramble some eggs" make some oatmeal" or 'ust throw a bunch of stuff in a blender and drink it down. $ou've been fasting for =S hours and need food.

Ste% D3 Look at the daily habits on your s all )hiteboard+

!hat are #ou doing toda#@ Aick the most important task and do that %rst without interruption. !hat's the result of following these %ve steps@ $ou get up on time and don't procrastinate. $ou h#drate" breathe fresh air" loosen up #our stiff bod#" feed


The Hero Handbook

#ourself" and accomplish something important earl# in the da#. Buck Bolgers. The best part of waking up is actuall# doing something with #our morning.

,ate -reen


.ndulge #very !o) and Then

( love having a glass of beer with lunch" and sometimes #ou can %nd me hanging with a few close friends en'o#ing a <uban cigar and a glass of wa# too expensive bourbon. Tobacco@ 3lcohol@ !hat's next" hard drugs and hookers@ ( don't view these things as )bad) Hexcept for ma#be the drugs and hookersI and ( certainl# don't 'udge m# friends for indulging in them ever# now and then. *ut there are three ke# words here: )now and then.) ( don't t#picall# advocate that people put potentiall# harmful things in their bodies" but ( don't 'udge them as long as it happens relativel# infreOuentl#. +o a chain smoker gets a look of disdain while a couple times a #ear cigar smoker gets a nod of approval. (s it fair@ Arobabl# not. *ut these are m# rules. H('m sure #ou have #ours.I


The Hero Handbook

+o wh# did ( want to include this section in the Handbook@ Birst" ( don't want to lie. Bitness professionals" writers" and plain ol' human beings aren't infallible. 6ost 'ust make it look like the# are. +econdl#" ( 'ust don't think #ou can look at ever#thing with a >do this" don't do that? mentalit#. There's alwa#s a gre# area. (s it better to never smoke a cigar or drink alcohol@ 6ost de%nitel#. *ut do ( en'o# it@ 3bso goddamn lutel#. Bitness and living a health# lifest#le isn't 'ust about abstaining from certain things. (t's about living the life #ou want" taking full responsibilit# for it" and having fun b# seeking out new experiences. +o the next time ('m in #our town" let's grab a drink.

,ate -reen


Don?t Al)ays Have a >outine

4on't alwa#s follow #our morning routine" or an# routine for that matter. Take a da# Hor a weekI to do whatever the hell #ou want. +leep in late and go out for breakfast. &rder pancakes. Take a road trip to a spot a few hours awa# from town and go do something. Routines are essential for establishing some sort of order in #our life and getting things done. *ut #ou shouldn't be a slave to them.


The Hero Handbook

Turn =ff Your Cell 4hone

3re #ou one of those people who brings their cell phone to dinner and texts at the table@ &r answers a phone call when #ou're in the middle of a conversation@ +top it. Turn that fucker off and pa# attention to what #ou're doing at that moment. Bocus. This moment is never going to happen againK perhaps #ou should appreciate it and show some respect to the people #ou're with. 3nother thing: don't become a slave to #our gadgets. Heading to the g#m@ +winging b# #our girlfriend's place@ -oing out to lunch with friends@ 9eave #our phone in the car" or at least silence it. Dnless #ou're the Aresident" #ou're not so important that #ou need to be reachable ever# minute of ever# da#.

,ate -reen


Set a ;it&hen Ti er
!orking on something important@ +et a kitchen timer and race the clock. 6ost people put off work because the# overestimate how dif% cult it will be or how much time it will take. $ou have to kick start action and hold #ourself accountable. ('m writing this with /= seconds left on m# timer. &nce it rings" ('ll stop and take a small break. Then ('ll re set it and start right back up. Things get done when #ou actuall# do them. +top putting off important work or waiting for inspiration to hit. There. *reak time.


The Hero Handbook

'ind So eone "ho Has Already Done .t

!ant to become a millionaire@ Hang out with millionaires. !ant to be in great shape@ Hang out with other people who are in great shape. The reason is two fold: Birst" humans have a hard time predicting the future. !e have an idea of what we want to do and what it ma# feel like to do it" but we don't really know because we've never experienced it before. +omeone who's alread# experienced it will have a more trustworth# opinion than our own. 3s Harvard professor 4aniel -ilbert explains: ...people imagine the future poorly, in particular what will ma e them happy. This is because. Imagination tends to add and remove details, but people do not reali/e that ey details may be
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fabricated or missing from the imagined scenario. Imagined futures 0and pasts% are more li e the present than they actually will be 0or were%. Imagination fails to reali/e that things will feel differently once they actually happen !! most notably, the psychological immune system will ma e bad things feel not so bad as they are imagined to feel.

Head# stuff" for sure. +econdl#" if #ou're hanging out with people who are doing what #ou want to do" #ou'll start to adopt their habits. $ou'll accomplish #our goal Ouicker because #ou'll be in an environment that fosters it. (f #ou want to do something" %nd someone who's done it before #ou" bu# them lunch" and talk with them.


The Hero Handbook

Don?t 4retend Like You ;no)

Aeople don't like to ask Ouestions because the# don't want to seem stupid. The# want to act like the# have all the information. *ut that's impossible. Have #ou ever been in a conversation where #ou were explaining something uniOue" and the other person nodded their head and said something like" >$eah" ( get it.? -uess what@ The# didn't get it. ,one of us understand everything. !hen #ou catch #ourself doing this in conversation" stop the person and ask what the# mean. >!hat's that@? >How does that work@? >!hat do #ou mean@? ><an #ou tell me more@? $ou'll have better conversations and #ou ma# learn a thing or two.

,ate -reen


0ake #ye Conta&t

(t's eas# to do while listening" but hard to do while talking. 9ook at the person #ou're talking with and pick one e#e. Bocus on it while #ou talk. 6ake sure to blink ever# once in a while so #ou don't look craM#. C#e contact displa#s interest and con% dence.


The Hero Handbook

Don?t ;ee% S&ore

!e all have that friend who remembers exactl# how much mone# #ou owe them. Cven if it's an inconseOuential amount 7 sa#" %ve bucks 7 the#'ll hang it over #our head. >4ude" #ou still owe me %ve bucks.? >He# man" do #ou mind grabbing lunch for me@ $ou owe me mone#" remember@? 4on't be that person. 4on't keep score. *u# someone lunch because #ou want to bu# them lunch. (f a friend asks to borrow twent# bucks" give it to them if #ou can spare it. *ut don't remind them of it ever# da# after. (s it reall# worth putting a strain on #our friendship for twent# dollars@ *esides" if the#'re a good friend" the#'ll make a mental note and help #ou the next time #ou need it. 3nd if the# don't@ &h well. $our twent# bucks is gone. The# probabl# needed it more than #ou" an#wa#. &r #ou can alwa#s get new friends.

,ate -reen


Stand Tall and Co and a >oo

The wa# #ou stand" sit" or walk makes a big impact on how #ou feel and how others perceive #ou. Bor instance" a 2:0: stud# randoml# assigned /2 participants to assume and hold a pair of either low or high power poses. The high power posers spent one minute sitting in a chair in front of a desk" with their feet resting on it and hands clasped behind the head. (n the other pose" the# stood" leaning forward over a table" with their arms out and hands resting on the table. The low power group sat for one minute with their hands clasped on their thighs" legs together" and also stood for one minute with their arms folded and legs crossed. 3fter the sub'ects had %nished their poses" the# were given Q2 with the option of keeping it or gambling it on the roll of a die. 4epending on the outcome" the sub'ects could double their mone# or lose it.


The Hero Handbook

+ub'ects also were asked to rate how )powerful) and )in charge) the# felt. The researchers measured hormone levels before and after the poses. Those who held the high power poses saw their testosterone increase" while their levels of cortisol" a stress hormone" decreased. The high power posers were also more likel# to risk their Q2 for the chance to double it. Cight# six percent took the gamble" compared with 1: percent of the low power posers. The# also reported feeling more powerful and in charge than the low power posers. ,ow if that's not a good reason to stand up straight" ( don't know what is.

8 Ste%s To Testosterone-4rodu&ing Standing 4osture

Ste% ,3 +tand with #our back against a wall with #our shoulders" butt" and heels touching. Ste% 53 Alace #our left hand behind the small of #our back and the wall. (f #ou can easil# slide #our %st back there" sOueeMe #our abs and tr# to bring #our lower back closer to the wall. Ste% 73 4rop #our head until #our chin is on #our chest. Ste% 13 +hrug #our shoulders high" then roll them back and drop them down. Think about sOueeMing a tennis ball between #our shoulder blades.
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Ste% D3 *ring #our head back up to touch the wall and keep #our e#es level in front of #ou. Ste% 83 Relax" but maintain #our head straight" shoulders back posture. +tep awa# from the wall.


The Hero Handbook

Don?t Be an .diot )ith 0oney

,o one likes to feel completel# powerless" but if the statistics are true" it certainl# seems like a lot of us are. The average credit card debt is 'ust over Q02"::: per household Hthousands more if #ou have student loansI and almost no one has savings. 6ost of us live pa#check to pa#check and would be completel# screwed if an#thing tragic happened. H+hit" we'd be completel# screwed if our car broke down and we 'ust need a few hundred bucks to %x it.I ( know" ( know. +ome debt is virtuall# unavoidable. +tudent loans" for instance. (f #ou want to go to college and don't have mone# saved" a loan makes sense. H9et me rephrase: it makes sense if #ou actuall# stud#" do well in school" then use #our degree to do something worthwhile and pa# back the mone# #ou owe.I !hat ('m talking about is stupid debt.

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Dsing #our credit card for things #ou don't need then not pa#ing it off ever# month@ +tupid debt. !asting awa# in college while racking up a ton of debt@ +tupid. +igning up for a >Target card? or an# kind of specialt# card 'ust for the sake of getting a discount@ 1ery stupid. ('m all for spending mone# on the things #ou want. ( spend more than Q0"::: per month on food and drinks because ( like to eat well" go out for meals" and treat m# friends. *ut here's the thing: I only spend the money I have. (f #ou bu# something with a credit card" make sure #ou have the mone# in #our bank account to pa# that sucker off. ,o one should be pa#ing 2: percent interest on a steak dinner.


The Hero Handbook

#stablish Your (4o)er 4osition*

!hen #ou owe mone# and don't have an# savings to handle emergencies or cover things #ou want to do Hlike travelI" #ou're essentiall# powerless. 3 few #ears ago" after realiMing ( was giving up wa# too much power b# being in debt" ( came up with the >power position.? These are rules ( have in place to make sure ( alwa#s have some form of control.

!ate?s 4o)er 4osition3

,o credit card debt Hpa# credit cards in full ever# monthI. Q0"::: in >emergenc#? savings Q0:"::: in regular savings <ontribute max amount of mone# to m# Roth (R3 Hlong term savingsI

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( have other savings accounts for travel" to#s" and gifts" but this is m# bare minimum. !hat does it enable me to do@ !ell" most importantl#" ( never freak out. <ar breaks down@ ( have mone# to %x it. 3 sudden drop in monthl# income@ ('ve got some extra to help me through. Things could go wrong and ('d be &8 while ( %gured shit out. !hat's #our power position@ !hat things do #ou need to have in place to gain more control@


The Hero Handbook

Get =ut of Credit Card Debt I 7 Si %le Ste%s

!hile there are other methods out there" this is the strateg# ( used to get out of credit card debt. H3bout Q0:"::: worth at one time.I

,+ Sto% s%ending oney on stu%id things you don?t need+

4o #ou really need a new pair of pants@ 4o #ou really need to go out for dinner@ Arobabl# not. Tighten up on some of #our habits and think of alternatives 7 wearing the same pants or cooking dinner for starters. *efore #ou bu# an#thing ask #ourself: >4o ( reall# need this right now@ &r do ( 'ust want it@? (f it's the latter" leave it on the shelf and save #our mone#.

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5+ 4i&k one &ard at a ti e and %ay that su&ker off+

(f #our balance is spread over a few different cards" pick the one with the least amount on it" and pa# that off %rst. (n other words" pa# off the Q2:: balance before the one with Q."::: on it. This will help set up the )snowball effect) and get #ou excited about pa#ing off the rest. 3s weird as it sounds" having a small victor# like pa#ing off a small balance will give #ou motivation and resolve to keep going. Cver# month" pa# the minimum on #our other cards while putting as much mone# as #ou can on the one #ou chose. &nce that's paid off" pick the next card with the lowest balance and repeat the process. (f all #our debt is on one card" throw ever#thing #ou have at it.

7+ Leave your &ards at ho e+

3s #ou're pa#ing off #our cards" make sure to leave them out of #our wallet and out of #our sight. The# are not an option for an#thing. ( put mine in a drawer and didn't look at them for months.


The Hero Handbook

6se the #nvelo%e Syste

Dntil #ou can learn to use #our cards responsibl# and pa# them off ever# month" #ou're gonna use cash. -rab a few envelopes and label each one for a different purpose. >-rocer# store? >Cating out? >-as? >Bun? >4rugs? H('m kidding about the drugs one. Dnless #ou actuall# use prescription medication. &r have a medical mari'uana card. &r if drugs are really important to #ou. Then it's %ne.I 3t the beginning of ever# month" after #ou've paid #our bills" contributed to #our savings account" #our retirement account" and #our emergenc# account" divv# up #our mone# into the separate envelopes. That's what #ou're allowed to spend. ,othing more.

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(f on the 0= th of the month #ou run out of >fun? mone#" #ou're either gonna have to get ver# creative or dip into one of the other envelopes. *ut once the mone# is gone" it's gone for good. Aa#ing with cash is more >painful? than pa#ing with a credit card since #ou can actuall# see the mone# leaving #our hand. (t's eas# to grab a few more items or order another round of drinks when #ou're pa#ing with a card. $ou likel# won't even see an#thing until the end of the month when #ou check #our statement. HThat is" if #ou check #our statement" another thing a lot of people don't do.I -et in the habit of using cash for most of #our purchases and save the cards for bu#ing airline tickets and other )big) items. Then pa# it off.


The Hero Handbook

Cut the Lifeline

!e all want to be self suf% cient" but as soon as things get tough" it's alwa#s eas# to call momm# and dadd#. 4on't do it. (nstead" cut #our lifelines. Cat tuna %sh" beans" and oats for ever# meal. -rab a book from the librar# instead of bu#ing it on 3maMon. +top driving so much if #ou can't afford the gas. !hatever #ou do" do not as for money . (t's time to put on #our big bo# pants. 3 lot of people use their parents or friends as their emergenc# savings. The#'re the eas# choice that doesn't reall# reOuire an# thinking" 'ust an awkward phone call. *ut when #ou cut #our lifelines" #ou'll have no choice but to %gure it out on #our own. !hen #ou don't have an# other options" #ou suddenl# become a lot more responsible.

,ate -reen


4ay Yourself 'irst

(f #ou've ever read a personal %nance book #ou've probabl# heard the advice >pa# #ourself %rst? repeated like a metronome. (f #ou haven't" here's what it means: *efore #ou pa# a bill" a friend" or put mone# in #our envelopes" take some amount of mone# F the larger" the better F and put it awa# for #ourself. (f #ou can onl# afford to give #ourself Q22 bucks" then do it. (t's better than nothing.

"here does the

oney go9

(deall# it gets spread across a few accounts that will help increase #our power position and give #ou some mone# to do whatever the hell #ou want to with it.

.n an (e ergen&y* a&&ount
8eep at least Q0"::: in an online savings account to help pa# for random things that come up like car repair or a doctor's visit.
E2 The Hero Handbook

.n a long-ter

savings a&&ount

This isn't a retirement account but should be seen as a >cushion?. The t#pical recommendation is to have at least . months of living expenses saved" which ( think is a good idea. +till" ('d rather have six months' worth saved. (f #ou decide to leave #our 'ob Hor #ou get %redI this is #our lifeline while #ou sort things out.

.n goal-fo&used savings a&&ounts

+et up a an online savings account at for >travel? and >to#s?" or whatever's important to #ou. Having an online bank account like this makes it easier to save" simpl# because it's a pain in the ass to get #our mone# out. H(t often takes three da#s or more to transfer to #our local bank account.I ( have automatic withdrawals set up so ( don't ever see the mone# go. Think of it as a )reverse raise.)

.n a >oth .>A or other invest ent vehi&le+

(f #ou have a /:08" then put as much as #ou can into it. &ften" if #ou're in the corporate world" #our emplo#er will match #our contribution. +ince ( work for m#self" ( opened up a Roth (R3 through

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!ith a Roth" all earnings are tax free when #ou withdraw them. The catch@ $ou have to wait until #ouNre 1: to get all the mone# back out. H$ou can withdraw the principal" but #ou'd be better off leaving it alone.I *ut that's &8. $ou don't need the mone# an#wa#. $ou have other savings accounts for emergencies" travel" and to#s. Right@


The Hero Handbook

"hat to Do !o)
4i&k one de-stressing a&tivity and follo) it every day for the ne$t )eek+
!e need to strike a balance between our s#mpathetic and paras#mpathetic nervous s#stems. (t's time to appl# the break and slow down so our bodies can >rest and digest.? Aick one de stressing activit# from below and follow it ever# da# for the next week. +chedule it into #our da# and don't skip it. H(t helps if #ou do it at the same time ever# da#.I Read % ction. Take a hot shower or bath. Take a 2: minute nap. +it in a chair and focus onl# on #our breath.

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'ollo) the (slee% s&hedule* tonight Aor to orro) if you?re reading this in the eveningB+
!e all know how important Oualit# sleep is" but most of us don't get nearl# enough. Bollow these %ve steps tonight: +tep 0: 9imit #our caffeine to the morning with no caffeinated drinks after /A6. +tep 2: Two hours before bed" take out a piece of paper and do a )brain dump.) +tep .: &ne hour before bed" turn off #our TG and computer. +tep /: 6ake #ourself some tea" listen to soft music" and read something light. +tep 2: Turn off #our cell phone and other gadgets and put them in another room.

'ollo) the ( orning routine* to orro) orning+

3fter #ou've de stressed and followed #our sleep schedule" #our bod# and mind will be read# to get things done. Take control of #our morning b# following these steps: +tep 0: !hen the alarm goes off" get up. +tep 2: 4rink a huge glass of water.
E1 The Hero Handbook

+tep .: -o for a 2 0: minute walk outside. +tep /: 6ake breakfast +tep 2: 9ook at the dail# habits on #our small whiteboard and choose one to do uninterrupted.

4i&k one oney-related goal and take the ne$t %ositive ste%+
Have credit card debt@ ,eed to start saving for retirement@ Alanning a trip an#time soon@ Aick something from the section on mone# and do it toda#. Here are some ideas: +et up an (,- bank account and pa# #ourself %rst. 9ook at #our credit card statements and see which card #ou can pa# off %rst. <ut the lifelines from #our parents or friends and make a vow to not ask an#one else for mone#. +et up the envelope s#stem and start pa#ing cash for ever#thing.

,ate -reen



The Hero Handbook

The Hero Body, De@ned

The Hero *od# is #our bod#" onl# better. (t looks better" feels better" and performs better. (t's stronger" leaner" and more muscular than #ou are now. 9ots of gu#s don't like hearing that. The# want to build a bod# like the dude on the cover of 6en's Bitness. The# want a bod# like an ,B9 running back. !hile we can look as good Hor betterI than both of those gu#s" training to get their bod# isn't the healthiest idea. Cver# bod# is different. !e have different muscle insertion points" limb lengths" and hormone pro% les. !hen we get fat" we look different than other fat people. 3nd when we get lean and muscular" we look different than other lean and muscular people. There is no Ouintessential Hero *od#. $ou can't point to a picture and sa#" >That's the Hero *od#.? !e're all working with what we have" and what we have is good enough. +crew tr#ing to look like an#one else.
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+o let's take whatever #ou're working with right now and make it better. 9et's get #ou leaner" more muscular" faster" stronger" more Lexible" and impervious to in'ur#. 9et's make #our bod# something #ou're proud of. 6ost importantl#" let's make it something that serves you, and not the other wa# around.


The Hero Handbook

A Hero Body Serves You

$ou know the meatheads or >% tness freaks? in the g#m@ The people who look like the# spend all da# there" enough to where the# probabl# have a cot in the back room@ !e're not gonna do that. 6ost of these gu#s have low self esteem" no social life" or no identit# outside of the g#m. The# serve their bod# instead of their bod# serving them. Heroes don't lift heav# things or run sprints or get painful deep tissues massages 'ust so the# can look better Hthough it does helpI. The# train their bod# because the# want it to work well for a long time. -u#s who lift weights know what ('m talking about. Training" sweating" and moving #our bod# 'ust plain feels good. (t releases endorphins" primes #our muscles for growth" helps strengthen #our bones" and gives #ou all those other bene% ts #ou're alread# aware of. *ut unlike a lot of )% tness freaks?" Heroes don't base their lives around the g#m. !e all know gu#s who obsess about how much weight the# can lift.
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Having a goal and being disciplined is %ne. 4oing whatever #ou need to accomplish that goal is %ne. *ut not at the expense of the rest of #our life. $ou need to be able to do other shit. ,eed to eat %ve meals per da#" perfectl# balance out #our macronutrients" and do exactl# 2 sets of 2 on the bench press with E:R of #our 0 rep max@ 8nock #ourself out. HThough unless #ou're a wannabe bod#builder or competitive powerlifter" #ou probabl# don't need to do any of that.I 6e@ ('ll be in the g#m for ma#be an hour a da# having fun and working hard. Then ('m getting the hell out of there. 6ost people who adopt the )all or nothing) %tness mindset are the ones who burn out Ouickl#. The# haven't #et realiMed that %tness and working out is something that enhances life. The# won't last long. 3nd neither will their bodies.

"hy 0ost Guys Have Shitty Bodies A#ven .f They ("ork =ut*B
The# don't move more than the# have to The# don't train with free weights


The Hero Handbook

The# only train with free weights The# don't follow a workout program The# consume 2S alcoholic drinks per week The# don't work hard enough when the#'re training The# sit down too much Hin and out of the g#mI The# take stupid supplements The# don't know what kind of food to eat The# read too much about working out The# onl# train their favorite muscles The#'re incredibl# weak on most ever# exercise The# have terrible exercise form The# eat wa# too little H('m looking at #ou" +kinn# -u#I The# eat wa# too much H('m looking at #ou" Tubb#I The# spend too much time on (nternet forums talking about working out The# don't have a set schedule of when the# go to the g#m The# don't tr# new wa#s of working out

,ate -reen


Avoid .nfor ation

$ou can onl# take in so much information before #ou get overloaded and decide to do nothing. <ollecting information is mental masturbation. $ou have the illusion that #ou're building knowledge" but #ou're not doing a damn thing to show #ou actuall# have that knowledge. ( can't tell #ou how man# times ('ve gone to %tness seminars and met gu#s that ( onl# knew online. Their bodies are average at best. $et the#'re on the forums talking about advanced workout and nutrition methods. 6ost of the training methods people write about are 'ust regurgitated shit that has been said a hundred times alread#. 6ost chapters in %tness books rehash old things and package them up as something new. Cver#one's talking about the same shit and dressing it up as the >best method.? There is no best method. Here's a fact: ('m not telling #ou an#thing new about training in this book.


The Hero Handbook

('m not revolutioniMing a damned thing. !hat ('m doing is tr#ing to give #ou a plan so #ou can cut out all the stuff #ou don't need. There aren't an# details to stress over. There shouldn't be a Ouestion in #our mind about what #ou should do. $ou shouldn't worr# about testing #our . rep max if #ou don't go to the g#m four da#s per week. $ou shouldn't do wave loading" or high threshold h#pertroph#" or an# kind of fanc# set and rep scheme or loading method if #our form sucks balls. $ou certainl# shouldn't get upset about what +trength <oach 3 said about +trength <oach *. !h# argue training methods and >the best wa# to work out? when #ou're not even working hard@

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You !eed a 4rogra

6ost gu#s can't go into the g#m and wing it. *elieve me" ('ve tried. 3ll it leads to is 2: minutes of tr#ing to %gure out what the hell #ou're going to do and decreased motivation. 3nd #ou'll probabl# have a terrible workout.


The Hero Handbook

You Don?t !eed a Bun&h of Su%%le ents

3 supplement" as ( said in m# %rst book *uilt for Show " is something that #ou add to an alread# existing protocol. (t doesn't replace the entire protocol. ( used to work for T , which is owned b# *iotest. *iotest" if #ou don't know" is arguabl# one of the best sports nutrition companies in the world and makes a couple doMen products to help people gain muscle" lose fat" and perform better. *ut here's the thing: #ou don't need an# of that stuff. 4oes some of it help@ +ure. 4o #ou need it@ ,ope. 6ost people don't know" but when ( gained /: pounds of muscle" ( was onl# using a basic protein powder and a workout drink. ( bought them on m# own and ( used them on workout da#s. The# helped me gain muscle" but the# weren't the reason ( gained muscle.

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The# ma#be accounted for 2 percent of m# overall success. ( know gu#s who give up their whole pa#check to bu# supplements. 3nd marketing has us believing we actuall# need all of it. !hen ( worked for *iotest" ( used to get a gigantic box of whatever the hell ( wanted for free. ( experimented with different powders and pills Hall legalI and saw some decent progress. *ut nothing like it was when m# bod# was primed to grow a few #ears ago. The bottom line: supplements can help" but the#'re not necessar#. Bar from it" reall#. +till" ( know #ou probabl# want to know what ( take" so here's m# supplement list: Arotein Aowder H9ow <arb 6etabolic 4rive or 3t9arge ,itreanI +urge Recover# !orkout 4rink <reatine 6onoh#drate Bish &il -reens +upplement H-reens Alus or +uperfoodI T63

That's it. 3nd ( often forget to take half of it.


The Hero Handbook

0otivation .s =verrated
6ost people with above average bodies are motivated to work out onl# about half the time. Arobabl# less. ;ust like a writer can't stare at a computer and wait for motivation to hit" #ou can't lie in bed and wait for motivation to train. (t's not gonna happen. The onl# wa# to get and sta# in great shape is to be consistent" no matter how #ou're feeling. (f #ou're following a four da# workout program and on 4a# . #ou don't feel like going" that's the da# where #ou need to get in the g#m most. +kip the g#m once and #ou'll lose a little of #our power and it'll be much easier to skip it the rest of the week. $ou don't want that to happen. Here are a couple of tricks ('ve used when ('m not motivated and the g#m sounds less fun than watching an 3shton 8utcher movie:

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Lay your )orkout &lothes by your bed+

+ince ( train in the morning" the %rst thing ( do when ( wake up is put on some comfortable clothes and drink a big glass of water. (f ( have m# workout clothes on" it means ('m alread# one step closer to going to the g#m.

Tell yourself that you?re Just going to go stret&h+

+tretching is a small commitment and one #ou can talk #ourself into doing. &nce #ou get to the g#m and go through #our warm up and stretches" #ou're usuall# read# to lift an#wa#.

Go to a different gy +
+ometimes #ou 'ust need a change of pace. !henever #ou're feeling particularl# unmotivated" go to a different g#m for a change of scener# and eOuipment. ,ow if all of this sounds stupid" #ou're not alone. ( think it's stupid" too. *ut if it gets #our ass in gear" it's worth it.


The Hero Handbook

The 2 Habits of a Heroi& "orkout 4rogra

,+ Train 7-1 ti es %er )eek+
This is enough time to hit all #our ma'or muscle groups and provide enough of a stimulus for #our muscles to grow.

5+ 6se ostly &o %ound e$er&ises )ith free )eights+

The more muscles we work" the better. (n m# experience using free weights and doing bod#weight exercises are superior to machine exercises for building muscle" keeping 'oints health#" and burning calories.

7+ "ork hard, rest less+

&nl# 0 out of 0: people ( see in the g#m are actuall# working hard enough to accomplish an#thing. 6ost go through the motions. That's bullshit and will lead to
,ate -reen 0:0

lackluster results. $ou're not going to the g#m to hang out. $ou're there to work. Remember that. 3lso" most gu#s take way too much time in between their sets. The# walk around" get long drinks of water" and talk. The less rest #ou take the better it will be for #our ph#siOue H#ou'll increase the amount of calories #ou burnI and #our life outside of the g#m H#ou won't be tempted to stick around and stare at the wallI.

1+ Al)ays %erfor

a good )ar -u%+

$ou want to prime #our bod# and nervous s#stem for the work ahead and this is the perfect time to do that. Aerforming mobilit# and L exibilit# exercises before #ou train will also help keep #ou health# and in'ur# free.

D+ Do stuff that su&ks+

>+tuff that sucks? can be categoriMed as an#thing that's hard because 0I #our bod# isn't used to it 2I it's 'ust plain fucking hard. H See. split s2uats, unilateral movements, energy systems wor . I 4oing stuff that sucks is a great wa# to burn calories Hbecause #our bod# normall# has to work a lot harder to do themI and ensures #ou're taking care of muscle imbalances and building a s#mmetrical" in'ur# free bod#.


The Hero Handbook

8+ 6se %erfe&t for +

!henever ( see someone doing an exercise incorrectl# ( cringe. $ou onl# get one shot to do each rep right so #ou'd better make the most of it and not screw around. Dsing improper form leads to in'ur# and decreased muscle activation. (t also leads to dropping a bar on #our head.

2+ 4ra&ti&e %rogressive overload+

(f #ou don't challenge #ou bod#" it has no reason to change for the better. That's wh# #ou should focus on doing a little more a little better with ever# session. That could mean adding %ve more pounds to an exercise" knocking %ve seconds off #our rest period" or 'ust performing an exercise with better form and more Luidit#.

,ate -reen


"hat to Do !o)
>un your &urrent training %rogra against the (2 Habits of a Heroi& "orkout 4rogra * to see ho) it sta&ks u%+
4oes #our current training program cover ever# habit@ How's that working out for #ou so far@ 3re #ou getting the kind of results #ou want@ Aerhaps it's time to buckle down and get serious" huh@

Ask yourself so e hard Kuestions+

The more we ask ourselves hard or uncomfortable Ouestions" the more progress we usuall# make. !h#@ *ecause uncomfortable Ouestions make us think criticall# about what we hold to be true. 3nd our answers to those Ouestions can help us smash through the ceiling we unknowingl# put above us. Here are some Ouestions to get #ou going:


The Hero Handbook

3m ( following a training program that was made for me@ 3m ( actuall# being consistent and going to the g#m ever# da# ( need to@ Have ( followed this training program for more than a few months@ &r am ( 'ust 'umping around from program to program@ !hat do ( reall# want m# bod# to look like@ 3m ( doing what it takes to get it there@ 4o ( even now what it takes@ 3m ( spending too much mone# on supplements when ( should be focusing on eating enough high Oualit# food@ How man# freaking Ouestions is ,ate going to write here@

,ate -reen


"ant a training routine to hel% you build the Hero Body9 Che&k out the Hero "orkout+


The Hero Handbook

,ate -reen


#at Like a Hero

$ou can train all #ou want" but if #ou're not eating the right amount of the right foods" #ou'll barel# see an# positive changes. ,utrition is where most ever#one screws up" usuall# because the# make it too complicated. The# count calories" follow weird diets" or have massive cheat da#s" even though the# don't have the discipline to eat clean the rest of the week. ( believe eating for a goal like gaining muscle or losing fat is worthwhile and something that #ou'll need to be diligent about. *ut once that's up" it's best to move on. $ou can't eat like that forever. (n fact" #ou shouldn't eat like that forever. *ut #ou can follow certain principles that will help #ou sta# health# and lean the rest of #our life. >6ethods are man#" principles are few. 6ethods alwa#s change" principles never do.? *elow" ( cover what ( call >ever#da# eating?" which are principles or strategies ( use ever# da# to eat health#.


The Hero Handbook

S&re) Counting Calories

!ho follows calorie counters an#wa#@ 3re there reall# people out there who are measuring their food and placing it individual containers@ These are probabl# the same people who weigh their feces and freak out at restaurants. ,I said dressing on the side3<ounting calories F or at least knowing how man# #ou need to gain muscle or lose fat F can be helpful sometimes. *ut once #ou're out of fat burning or muscle gaining mode and hit cruise control" #ou can forget all about it.

,ate -reen


#at >eal 'ood

Humans have done well on high protein" high fat" high carb" and man# other >diet? variations. !hat the# haven't done is thrive on >food? with barcodes" foods that come out of a box" or an#thing bought in a fast food drive through. Real food F stuff #our great" great" great grandparents would recogniMe as food F is all #ou should be putting in #our bod# if #ou want to look good and feel better. !hat's real food@ 9ean meats like chicken" beef" and %sh Gegetables Bruits *eans ,uts and seeds

(t doesn't matter if #ou follow the Aaleo diet" 3tkins" the Tone" or whatever diet is being pushed right now. The# all have their merit. The most important thing is to eat real food. That's 5:R of it right there.
00: The Hero Handbook

#at =rgani& if You Can Afford .t

4espite what #ou ma# think" food doesn't 'ust materialiMe in the aisles of #our grocer# store. (t actuall# comes from somewhere. HThink about that the next time #ou eat a chicken nugget.I !here it comes from" the soil it's grown in" and how it's raised and treated" are all ver# important. !hile there are studies for both sides of the organic vs. non organic debate" ( usuall# choose organic whenever possible" especiall# on foods like fruits" vegetables" and lean meats Husuall# called grass fed or pasture raisedI. (f #ou can't afford organic food" ( understand. ;ust do the best #ou can. ('m not sure if it's placebo effect" but ( feel a lot better after shopping at an all organic store. Then again" 'ust because something sa#s it's organic doesn't mean it's health#. Hell" ( see organic piMMas and froMen meals all the time.

,ate -reen


#at at Least 'our Ti es 4er Day

Cver# %tness professional or trainer has their own idea about how man# times per da# people should eat. !ith m# clients" ('ve found an#thing less than four times per da# usuall# leads to sub par results. !hether it's from their metabolism slowing down" not enough nutrients" or an#thing in between" ('m not sure. 3ll ( know is that when #ou eat at least four meals per da#" #ou have more energ#" more opportunities to provide #our bod# with nutrients" and a better chance of building and maintaining lean" muscular" health# bod#. 3re there strategies for gaining muscle Ouickl#@ +ure. 3re there strategies for losing fat fast@ Dh huh. Aeople eat = times per da#" fast for 2/ hours" do protein pulsing" and a bunch of other methods that all make sense. *ut ('m talking about >ever#da#? rules. The simpler #ou make it" the more consistent #ou'll be. 3nd the more consistent #ou are" the better the results over the rest of #our life.


The Hero Handbook

(f #ou're in it to eat health#" build and maintain a good bod#" and have energ# throughout the da#" four or %ve meals is all #ou need.

,ate -reen


T)o 'ists of 4rotein

3long with being the building blocks of muscle" protein is thermogenic" and actuall# helps #ou burn fat. 6ost people don't take in nearl# enough protein" which means their muscles aren't getting enough nutrients maintain their siMe" let alone grow. +hoot for around /: grams of protein per meal" whether it's from lean meats" protein powder" tofu" or other vegetarian options. !hat's /: grams look like@ 6ake a %st with each hand and look at them. That's how much protein #ou need ever# meal.


The Hero Handbook

Have Little to !o 4ro&essed Carbohydrates

Arocessed carboh#drates like breads" cereals" pastas" cakes" rolls" crackers" and fast foods" are converted to simple sugar in #our bod#. 3long with the huge serving siMes most 3mericans eat" processed carbs are the main reason most of us are so damn fat. +o have a sandwich ever# once in a while" but eat mostl# fruits and vegetables.

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#at Hegetables )ith #very 0eal

Gegetables are loaded with nutrients and antioxidants and most of us barel# ever eat them. HDnless we're talking Brench fries.I Alus the#'re incredibl# nutrient dense without being caloricall# dense. That means #ou can eat a ton of vegetables without signi% cantl# bumping up #our calories. Here are a few wa#s to sneak them into #our meals without even thinking about it:

,+ 4ut the

in your %rotein shake+

3lthough it sounds nast#" ( swear #ou won't even taste the spinach or broccoli. Tr# it before #ou curse me.

5+ 0ake stir-fry+
!hen #ou have vegetables mixed with chicken and covered in stir fr# so# sauce #ou won't even taste the veggies. The#'ll blend perfectl# with the rest of the meal.
001 The Hero Handbook

7+ Buy bags of froCen vegetables+

(f #ou know damn well #ou're not going to eat raw vegetables with ever# meal" bu# a few bags of froMen peas and carrots or mixed vegetables and re heat them on the stovetop. (t onl# takes about 0: minutes and goes perfectl# with leftover burgers or chicken.

,ate -reen


Drink a Gallon of "ater 4er Day

$our bod# is E. percent water. $our muscles are =2 percent water and #our brain is =/ percent water. Think it'd be a good idea to constantl# replenish #our bod# with clean water so all of #our organs can function at their highest level@ &f course #ou do. !h# a gallon@ ,o real reason" except for most people barel# drink an# water at all. 3 gallon is measurable. +uggestions like drink E glasses of water per da# are %ne if #ou can see those eight glasses. Take a gallon 'ug" %ll it with water" and keep it in #our fridge. 4rink a big glass ever# morning when #our %rst wake up" and have a glass with ever# meal. *# the end of the da#" that sucker better be empt#.


The Hero Handbook

Clean Slate I Do the !e$t 4ositive Thing

9et's sa# #ou're on a diet where #ou're tr#ing to skip processed carbs. Things are going well till !ednesda# when #ou're out at a restaurant and starving. The waitress brings #ou a plate of warm bread and olive oil before #our meal. $ou tr# to %ght the urge to not eat the bread" but soon %nd #ourself tearing a roll open and dipping it in the oil. (f #ou're like most people #ou'll beat #ourself up over it" sa#" >fuck it?" and make the whole meal a carb laden free for all. $ou'll have another piece of bread and ma# even order some pasta now that #ou're >off #our diet.? (nstead of screwing up the rest of #our meal F and perhaps the rest of #our da# F tr# wiping the slate clean instead. HThis is a great tip ( got from 4r. ;ohn *erardi and Arecision ,utrition" b# the wa#.I Borgive #ourself for being a dumb ass and eating the roll" then take the next positive step.

,ate -reen


$ou could give the plate of bread back to the waitress to take awa#. &r #ou could drink #our water and order a salad with chicken. !hatever the next positive thing is" make sure to do it. !ipe the slate clean and forget about the past. Bocus on what #ou're doing now and the ver# next thing #ou can do to sta# on track with #our goals.


The Hero Handbook

Thro) A)ay Things that Are Bad for You

$eah" it's simple advice but how man# of us actuall# follow it@ +hit" in m# cupboard right now ( have a box of crackers that were leftover from a couple of recent meals. H$ou haven't made a great burger until #ou've crunched up a few butter crackers and mixed them with ground beef" egg" mustard" and (talian parsle#.I (n fact" as soon as ( get done writing this sentence ('m going to throw it out. !h#@ *ecause ( don't need the processed carbs. +ure" ( could save it for the next time ( make those particular burgers" but ('m not planning on it an# time soon. The#'ll be stale b# then" an#wa#. -o through #our cupboards and fridge and throw awa# an#thing #ou now is bad for #ou. (f #ou don't have it in #our house" #ou can't eat it.

,ate -reen


"ake and Shake

6ost people skip breakfast because )it takes too long.) Dsuall# it 'ust means the# did a terrible 'ob of planning their morning" but we all know what it's like to be hurried. +till" breakfast is something that shouldn't be skipped. !hen #ou're rushed" make what Arecision ,utrition calls a >super shake?" a health# protein rich shake #ou can drink on the go. <heck out this blog for a list of 0:: super shakes created b# m# blog readers.


The Hero Handbook

Buy 0ade-for-You Lun&hes

Borget most pre made meals #ou can %nd in the aisles of grocer# stores. H9unchables" an#one@I !hen #ou don't feel like cooking do what ( do and head to #our local health food store like !hole Boods or Trader ;oe's and check out their selection of pre made meals in the deli cases. The# usuall# stock cooked organic chicken breasts" steak" and salmon" along with different vegetable and bean medle#s" fresh salad %xings and more. 3 full meal will onl# run #ou six to eight bucks.

,ate -reen


The =nly ;it&hen 6tensils You !eed

!hen ( was a kid" m# mom taught me how to make scrambled eggs. Cver since that da#" ( liked to cook for m#self. H3lthough ( could onl# cook eggs for a few #ears.I Aop OuiM" hot shot: how man# of #our friends can cook@ ('d be surprised if it was more than a couple. Taking care of #ourself is more than knowing how to tie #our shoes or use an 3T6 card . $ou need to be able to cook. 8now wh# most people don't@ The#'re scared. The# never learned how. *ut that's all right. (t's a perfect time to learn. !hen it comes to cooking" #ou onl# reall# need a few basic tools for 55R of meals. 0 large omelet pan H( prefer <alphalonI 0 large pot


The Hero Handbook

0 baking sheet 0 cutting board 0 mixing bowl 0 rubber spatula 0 chef's knife H( prefer the 8#ocera ceramic knifeI &nce #ou have #our materials" grab a cookbook" and tr# creating something. The onl# wa# #ou get good is to practice.

,ate -reen


"hat to Do !o)
4i&k t)o of the follo)ing to%i&s and follo) and take the ne$t %ositive ste%+
+crew <ounting <alories Cat Real Bood Cat &rganic (f $ou <an 3fford (t Cat 3t 9east Bour Times per 4a# Have Arotein with Cver# 6eal Have 9ittle to ,o Arocessed <arboh#drates Cat Gegetables with Cver# 6eal 4rink a -allon of !ater Aer 4a# (f #ou picked >eat real food? and >have protein with ever# meal?" #our next positive steps could be to get rid of all the shit in #our fridge and cupboards that aren't real food" and go grocer# shopping for enough lean meats and other protein sources to have at least one /: gram serving at each meal.
021 The Hero Handbook

(f #ou picked >eat at least four times per da#? and >drink a gallon of water?" #our next positive steps could be to plan what meals and what time #ou'll eat" and bu# a gallon water 'ug to keep in #our fridge. !hatever two #ou pick" make sure #ou outline an action step for each. Then do it.

Get so e ne) kit&hen utensils and %i&k u% a fe) &ookbooks+ 0y favorites are3
-ourmet ,utrition ;amie &liver's Bood Revolution 6en's Health 6uscle <how

,ate -reen


Con&lusion3 4ay .t 'or)ard

!hen ( %rst started training clients and writing for magaMines" 3lw#n <osgrove was one of m# most inL uential mentors. 3lw#n" if #ou don't know" is one of the world's top coaches and a two time cancer survivor. ( %rst met him at a seminar where ( walked up to him" handed him a book" and said" >$ou don't know me" but ( want to thank #ou for all that #ou've done to help me.? HHis articles and interviews were a big reason ( started getting better results with m# clients.I Brom that point on" ( could call or e mail 3lw#n whenever ( needed training" business" or life advice. He's the reason ( got m# %rst Ouote in 4en's 5ealth magaMine Hwhich led to more work for 6H and other magaMinesI" and his advice helped m# personal training business prosper. Through it all" 3lw#n never asked for pa#ment or a favor of an# kind. His onl# reOuest for helping me was this: Aa# it forward.
02E The Hero Handbook

Help trainers and writers who were beginning careers in the %tness industr#. Help other people get in better shape and live better lives. &ver the past few #ears" ('ve tried m# hardest to pa# it forward through m# blog" m# interviews and articles" and meeting with people at seminars. (t feels damn good to pa# it forward" which is wh# ('m encouraging #ou to do the same. Hopefull# #ou've picked up some tips in this book to help live a better life and build a better bod#. ( %rml# believe that we have to take care of ourselves before we can help an#one else. 4espite what people sa#" it's not sel% sh to do what #ou need to do to live a good life. (t's not sel% sh to become #our own hero. (n fact" it's sel6 sh not to. !hen #ou're strong and motivated" #ou can help other people become strong and motivated. !hen #ou're capable of setting goals" adopting behaviors" following habits" and accomplishing those goals" #ou can help others do the same. +o let's not forget that part of being a hero is helping people who are in trouble. HTrouble" b# the wa#" can mean a lot of different things.I 6a#be there's someone at the g#m who's not Ouite sure what to do. &ffer to show them a new exercise or answer a few workout or nutrition Ouestions.

,ate -reen


6a#be #ou have a friend who's in debt and could use a few tips on how to get out. Tell him about the envelope s#stem and give him some advice about pa#ing off one card at a time. !hatever #ou do" %nd a wa# to pa# it forward. Bind a wa# to help someone else become their own hero.


The Hero Handbook

The "ra%-6% and a 'avor fro !ate

(f #ou've ever read a >free report? on the (nternet" #ou'll know this is the part where #ou get hit with a craM# sales pitch. +omething like this: >( have a limited" special offer for #ou" but ( onl# have / spots leftP *u# now and #ou can get m# magical new product/service/crap for / eas# pa#ments of Q255P? !ell" ('m not gonna do that. The truth is ( hope #ou found something useful in the Hero Handbook. ( spent a lot of time writing these words Hand a lot more time learning ever#thing in this bookI and it makes me happ# to know ( can reach a lot of people who want to become their own hero" build a better bod#" and live a great life. That's wh# ( decided to give this book awa# instead of sell it. However" ( do want to ask #ou for a favor.

,ate -reen


(f the Hero Handbook helped #ou in an# wa#" ('d love if #ou spread it around to people who could also bene% t from it. $ep" ('m asking #ou to send it to an#one #ou think it'll help. 9ink to it on #our blog. +hare it on #our Bacebook wall. Arint it out and leave it in the locker room. !hatever. Cver#one deserves the opportunit# to become their own hero. +ometimes all the# need is a little information and a kick in the ass. 9et's give 'em both. Thanks for reading" ,ate


The Hero Handbook

Thanks to the follo)ing %eo%le for their friendshi%, guidan&e, and ins%iration
A.n no %arti&ular orderB 6om and 4ad 3ustin and ;ordan -reen -randpa and -lenda Richelle 4eGoe ;ason 9engstorf 8#le Hibler Rob Barrington 6ike +cialabba ;ohn *erardi Ahil <aravaggio 3lw#n <osgrove 9ou +chuler ;ohn Romaniello Cric <resse# 6ike Robertson Tim Berriss
,ate -reen 0..

+ean H#son <hris -uillebeau 4aniel <lough <raig !eller *r#an 8rahn Ta#lor +elig -eo -rigor#an Tim Aatterson T< 9uoma ,ate +teele <ase# *ecker ;ason *rown 4ave Tate 6artin Roone# 9uka Hocevar H(f ( missed an#one" ( sincerel# apologiMe. ('ll bu# #ou a beer the next time ( see #ou.I


The Hero Handbook

And a big thanks to you, the reader+

Thank #ou for reading this handbook. (t means so much to me to have #our support. ( hope this Handbook inspires #ou to take control of things #ou have control over" and live an amaMing life on #our terms.

,ate -reen


About the Author

Nate Green has been featured in The LA Times, Men's Health, Men's Fitness, and has been a guest on top-ranked radio stations across the !" He's the author of Built for Show and the book #ou $ust %nished reading" He is &' #ears old" To read more about him, check out his blog "


The Hero Handbook

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