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2007CrackYourEggEnterprises E


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2007CrackYourEggEnterprises F

Theres a Revolution going on. A Revolution of people changing
their lives into something that surpasses their imaginations. And
these people are making the changes themselves, under their own
control, and under their own conditions. Theyve started to live life
on their own terms, not the terms that have been imposed on them
for all their lives. The Revolution is changing the lives of people
around the globe as you are reading this. And its slowly turning
into what could be the greatest Revolution in the history of
mankind. More and more people that joined the Revolution are
waking up to their power to attract, or rather design, engineer and
create a life beyond what they ever dared to dream before.

Today, the Revolution is calling you. If youre ready to turn your
life into something beyond what youve ever imagined possible in
your dreams, then youre more than welcome to join. Were an
underground Revolution working overtime to wake you up. This is
your call to join and to wake up to the knowledge that can set you
free, if only you decide to apply it. The choice is yours.

The Revolution is based on certain premises that most likely have
been hidden for you for your entire life. If you truly knew the

2007CrackYourEggEnterprises G

details of this knowledge, youd be living the life of your dreams
already. If thats not the case, then you need the premises of the
Revolution and their application details to create that life. And
thats the exact reason why you got here. In this book, youve
finally found your key to achieving your dreams and imaginations.

The time is right. Youre ready. This is it.
Dont waste another second, and start reading!

2007CrackYourEggEnterprises H

Above all things else, money may be the one thing that keeps most
peoples minds busy to an extent that no other thing in life equals,
except maybe for love and the physical way in which we humans
generally tend to express it.

When an arbitrary person would be asked what his or her greatest
desire would be, chances are that he or she would answer with the
expression of the wish to possess large amounts of money. When an
arbitrary person would be asked about the one thing that lacks in
his or her life, or the one thing in terms of which life falls short, the
answer would generally be money.

Yes, the age-old adage of money makes the world go round has
never been more appropriate than it is today. Or so it appears

Despite the important role that money appears to play in our
experience, few people are aware of the true nature of money. In
fact, most people hardly know what money is to begin with.
Consequently, most people have a very limited perception and
conception of the money phenomenon. They think there is a limited
supply of money in the world, which stems from their false belief in
scarcity and lack.

2007CrackYourEggEnterprises I

The materials that can be downloaded from briefly and concisely put an end to
all belief in scarcity and lack. They explain how scarcity and lack
are merely illusions that stem from a limited perspective of reality.
More details of this are to follow later on in your teachings.

For now it is important to realize that money is no exception to
this. There cannot be a lack of money. And it is hardly a complex
task to demonstrate this.

For this reason, we are going to dive into the true nature of money,
and we are going to demonstrate that it is absolutely impossible that
the supply of money in the world is limited. I In n o ot th he er r w wo or rd ds s, , t th he er re e
c ca an nn no ot t b be e a a l la ac ck k o of f m mo on ne ey y, , a an nd d t th he er re e i is s n no o o ot th he er r p po os ss si ib bi il li it ty y t th ha an n t th he e
s su up pp pl ly y o of f m mo on ne ey y b be ei in ng g i in nf fi in ni it te e. .

Discovering the true nature of money is of utmost importance. In
order to bring about the changes in your life that you desire, you
must first manage to open your mind to a greater conception of
possibility. Because by realizing deep inside that there is more than
enough, or rather, an infinite amount of money available for anyone
in the world, and thus that there is more than enough money
waiting to be grabbed by you, you have set your first step in
removing the potential barriers that block your ability to attract
money into your life, or to attract or create a more profound life


2007CrackYourEggEnterprises J

Because when you think and feel that there is not enough, then that
will be the reality you will create, that is why. You will create a
reality in which there wont be enough. And when you realize that
there is more than enough and that all you have to do is to tap into
the infinity that you know deep inside to exist, then you will be
playing an entirely different money game. That is the nature of
your power.

But before we move on into shattering the myths into a thousand
pieces, a short word of warning is in place. The Revolution is about
the truth. Money is a delicate subject for most people. As a
consequence, the truth about money can be blunt. You must be
prepared for this. You may not like the truth as the veil is lifted on
it for you for the first time. But it is the truth and especially the
realization of the truth that can set you free from all your problems
and issues.

There are enough untruths already that do not help you, but rather
keep you stuck in the money prison. These untruthful stories may
sound much more appealing to you, perhaps much more appealing
than what you are going to find in this book. However, do realize
that it is not always fun to be confronted with the truth at first.
However, afterwards, after having faced the truth, you may have
put it in perspective and you may thus have unlocked the door on
your inherent capability of playing the money game on your own
terms, simply by realizing the way it is set up and your role in it.

2007CrackYourEggEnterprises K

If you think you cannot handle the truth, youd better stop reading
now. But you might as well face it now, since you got this far
already. So now that we got all that out of the way and now that
you are prepared to discover the true nature of money, lets crush
all the myths of scarcity that surround it and shatter them into a
thousand pieces.

2007CrackYourEggEnterprises L

In order to come to good grips with the concept of money, you
would be wise to scrutinize the origins of the money system or
money game that we are currently playing.

What is going to be described here is a shortened version of the way
the modern money system came about and still functions today.
The premises of this system stem from the ancient world of
thousands of years ago, among which the ancient Babylonia and
later in ancient Egypt and ancient Greece and Rome. These premises
were transferred to medieval times, which is when the real
foundation of modern banking was laid.

In simplified terms, people in those times deposited their gold and
silver with goldsmiths and in other places where it could be kept
safe. In exchange, these people got a piece of paper, a certificate if
you will, as proof of their deposit, which mentioned the amount of
the deposit. In other words, this paper represented the value of the
gold and silver that was deposited by these people.

As more and more people went about depositing their gold and
silver, the safekeepers realized that the gold and silver was there

2007CrackYourEggEnterprises DC

practically all the time. People did not withdraw their gold
deposits very often. So the safekeepers discovered that they could
issue more of the papers that represented the gold.

In fact, since they knew that people would not come and pick up
their gold, they could actually issue out papers representing more
value than the value of the amount of gold and silver that was
deposited to begin with! Take note that that is akin to saying that if
I have $10, I can lend much more than $10!

Lets clarify this. Think this over, because this is important.

Lets say 100 people deposit their gold. Each of these 100 people
deposits gold for a weight amount of 2 pounds. So in exchange for
their deposit of 2 pounds of gold, all these people got their paper
certificate representing this value. In the meantime, in total there was
now a deposit of 100 x 2 lbs. = 200 lbs. of gold.

Most people who deposited their gold were happy with this situation.
They had their certificate, so they knew they could pick up their gold
anytime they needed it. They thought they might as well leave the
gold there. After all, why give yourself a hard time carrying the gold
with you all the time? Its safe over there, so everythings fine.

And for example, when they would go buying something, like a horse,
they wouldnt necessarily have to give the horse salesman gold. They
could just give them the paper certificate that represented the value of
the gold. The salesman could then go to the gold deposit (bank) and

2007CrackYourEggEnterprises DD

cash the certificate to acquire the amount of gold it represented. But
he could also just keep the certificate to pass it on to another person
when he would buy something from that person. Much easier way of
exchange, right?

After all, why go through all the trouble withdrawing the gold and
then give it to the sales person, who would then probably deposit it in
exchange for another certificate?

And thats what that person would think too. Why would you carry
around all the gold? You could pick it up anytime you needed it by
turning in the paper certificate. But when you wanted to buy
something, a cow for instance, and the cow cost 2 pounds of gold,
why would you go pick up the gold first? You could just give the
paper certificate representing 2 pounds of gold to the farmer who sold
the cow, and then the farmer could go pick up the gold himself.

But of course, he would just go about exchanging his paper certificate
as well, because that was much easier than picking up and carrying
the gold every time.

Similarly, at market fairs, there were money changers who basically
did the same thing. They collected gold and silver coins from people,
and gave them documents (paper certificates) that could be cashed for
gold and silver coints at other fairs. However, it was much easier to
just exchange the paper certificates than to first cash in the papers,
pick up the coins and then give them to someone else that would then
deposit their coins and exchange them for paper certificates
themselves anyway.

2007CrackYourEggEnterprises DE

So, the point is that the majority of the gold or coins were never
withdrawn. They just kept lying there with the safekeepers, such as
goldsmiths and money changers. Consequently, after a while the
safekeepers realized that they could set up a scheme to provide
against a rainy day, if not much more than that. Heres what they
came up with

For example, they had 200 lbs. of gold deposited from the 100 people
that each deposited 2 pounds of gold. But 90 of those 100 people
would never come and pick up their gold. They just went by
exchanging their paper certificates, because they considered that to be
much more convenient. The other 10 people sometimes withdrew their
gold, probably because they liked to touch it or for some other reason.

But heres the kicker of the scheme these safekeepers came up with.
Because what does this all mean? It means that for most of the time,
the gold of those 90 people that never picked it up was just lying
there. It wasnt withdrawn, not once. This means that for most of
the time, 90 x 2 lbs. = 180 lbs. of gold was just lying there, and
nothing happened with it. The other mere 20 lbs. of gold were
withdrawn now and then, but that was only a minor proportion of
the total amount of gold.

So because those 180 lbs. of gold were just lying there, the
safekeepers realized that they might as well give out more of those
paper certificates to people who were in need of gold but were short
on it. Basically, these people in need would borrow a certain amount
of gold value in the form of paper certificates (not the gold itself).
They could then pay whatever they intended to buy with their
certificate, and the salesman could then come and pick up the amount
of gold that was specified on the paper when he would need it

2007CrackYourEggEnterprises DF

himself. (But again, he probably wouldnt, since the paper exchange
was much more convenient. And in case a person would decide
towithdraw some gold, there would always be more than enough
there, because most people never ever withdrew their gold.)

And in addition, in exchange for allowing those people to borrow a
paper certificate that represented a certain gold value, the
safekeepers would charge interest on the loan, which meant that
eventually they would end up with even more gold than they had in
the first place. Or if the person couldnt repay his debt, they would be
repaid with other material stuff that they would simply take over
from them to compensate for the debt.

So what these safekeepers discovered, was that for every pound of
gold they had lying there deposited, they could issue paper certificates
for about 10 times the value of the gold lying there. After all, few
people would ever come to pick up their gold. So there was always
much more gold than they ever needed to provide for the withdrawals
of those few persons that did come to collect their gold. And so after
providing for such withdrawals, there would still be more than
enough gold lying there. And moreover, by playing their scheme of
charging interest on the value they lent out, they would be able to
provide against a rainy day by ending up with even more gold or
material stuff than they had to begin with.

Now if I have $10, then I can lend you $10. But what these people
discovered, is that basically for every $10 dollars in gold they had,
they could issue paper certificates representing a value of $100 of
gold. In other words, they would issue loans of which the total value
would exceed their gold reserves by far. They could lend much more
than they had.

2007CrackYourEggEnterprises DG

Now, the important thing to pick up from this, is that the paper
certificates represent what we call money. In addition, what is
important, is that these paper certificates had no inherent value.
They were just pieces of paper. How would you estimate the value
of a piece of paper? You would probably be hard-pressed merely
giving a dime for it. So it is not about the paper. It is about the value
that these pieces of paper represented. In other words, it is about
the belief and confidence that people like you and me had in what
those pieces of paper represented.

Above all, whatis even more important to realize is that these
safekeepers issued loans for much more value than what they had
in their possession. As explained, they issued loans that when added
up together would exceed the total value of their gold reserves by
far! But still, the people would believe in the value of those paper
certificates, because they thought that by turning them in, they
could collect the amount of gold these papers represented and thus
acquire the material that they valued (the gold).

But in case every single person would go turn in their paper
certificates to collect their gold, the gold reserves deposited would
not be sufficient by far to cover all the withdrawal requests. This
was simply because all paper certificates that were in circulation
added up to a much greater value than the total amount of gold that
was supposed to back the paper certificates up. Too many loans
were issued for that. However, because those safekeepers realized
that that it would never happen that all people would come to cash
all the paper certificates in circulation, they were able to put this
scheme in practice.
This principle still counts in modern times. It is called fractional
reserve banking. But the modern money game has taken fractional
reserve banking to an entirely new level, which youll learn about

2007CrackYourEggEnterprises DH

So basically, although most of these paper certificates that were in
circulation were not backed up by gold reserves because there
simply was not enough gold to back up all the paper certificates that
had been issued, these safekeepers could go on and on issuing paper
certificates for loans. These paper certificates represent what we
call money. S So o i in n o ot th he er r w wo or rd ds s, , w wh ha at t t th he es se e s sa af fe ek ke ee ep pe er rs s d di id d, , w wa as s t to o
c cr re ea at te e m mo on ne ey y o ou ut t o of f t th hi in n a ai ir r b by y s si im mp pl ly y w wr ri it ti in ng g o ou ut t a a p pa ap pe er r
c ce er rt ti if fi ic ca at te e t th ha at t c co ou ul ld d n no ot t b be e p ph hy ys si ic ca al ll ly y b ba ac ck ke ed d u up p b by y g go ol ld d. .

They created money out of thin air and played a confidence trick.
And that is what money became Our confidence or belief in the
value of something that is not there in physical reality.

But there is even more

2007CrackYourEggEnterprises DI

Fractional reserve banking, as explained in the previous chapter,
has been taken to an entirely new level in our modern days.

First of all, the whole phenomenon of the money game has become
much more widespread over the years. In other words, much more
money has come in circulation, as the whole world started playing
the game and as the population grew. This means that generally
speaking, many more loans have been issued, exceeding the value of
the gold in existence to even greater extents than in the days that
the scheme began, simply because of the scale increase.

And in addition to that, the whole concept of money has become
much more virtual, and is still becoming increasingly virtual today.
Today, we are often not even paying for things with money
anymore. We are paying for things with virtual credits. We have
financial transactions that take place fully electronically. There is
less and less physical money involved. So what is happening, is
that we are increasingly transferring credits that we cannot touch
physically, which represent money that has no inherent value
other than the value of the pieces of paper and pieces of metal
(coins), which actually represents something that does not really
exist in physical reality to begin with!

2007CrackYourEggEnterprises DJ

How about that? Did you ever realize that?

So what does this all mean?

It means that money itself is not real in the general sense that we
interpret the meaning of real. What we call money is nothing but
our belief in the value that it represents.

Even when we talk about gold, the material that is supposed to back
up all the money in circulation (which it does not manage to by far),
why do we deem gold to be valuable? Because it looks so nice? Who
decided that gold has more value than iron, for instance, or any
other material for that matter?
For example, people go to the bank for a loan, or a mortgage, or for
things alike. But when the loan is granted, the bank doesnt print
new bank note. Not a single new coin is struck.

Instead, the bank types in a number on a computer. Lets say youre
granted a loan for $10.000,-. The bank simply types in a number of
10.000 credits, which suddenly appear on your bank account. Not a
single bank note has been printed, nor has a single coin been struck.
10.000 new virtual credits (dollars) have just come in circulation.
10.000 new virtual credits (dollars) have just been created out of
thin air. The bank lent you something it didnt have in the first place.

This is the way in which the total amount of money in circulation
represents a value that is much greater than the amount of gold that
is supposed to back it up.

2007CrackYourEggEnterprises DK

You see, it is strictly a matter of our belief in the value of
something that does the trick.

So because money or credits do not exist but are considered to
have a value simply due to the collective belief of us people that it
has, what is money really?

Here is your answer

Money is a form of energy. It is a belief, a feeling, an energy. And
once you realize that, it requires a whole new and different angle of
approach and treatment in your life. This will be the subject of the
next chapter.

2007CrackYourEggEnterprises DL

There are two different ways in which the concept of money can
be approached:

M Mo on ne ey y a as s a an n e en nd d: :
In this approach, the idea is that that money is what should be
pursued. Its the end objective of effort. In this approach, money
can be accumulated and it can be immobilized. And
immobilization implies uneven distribution, which means that
the money will accumulate heavier for some (the rich) and will
be scarce and sparse for others (the poor) as a consequence. This
is the case, because in this approach there is a limited supply of
money. Therefore, the end objective should be to accumulate as
much as possible, as this will supposedly provide for security
and financial independence.

M Mo on ne ey y a as s a a m me ea an ns s: :
In this approach, the idea is that money is the means towards the
end objective of experiencing something, simply for the feelings
of excitement and happiness that come with the experience.
Money itself is not the end objective, but rather are the things
that money can buy. Money is merely the means of exchange in

2007CrackYourEggEnterprises EC

buying or selling goods and/or services that can bring the
experience of desire. In this approach, money does not
accumulate, but circulate.

By far, most people approach money as an end. As discussed in the
opening chapter on called Money Talks, most people pursue money
like it is the ultimate objective of all effort, the main purpose being
to accumulate it. The reason for this, is that they think that
possessing a large accumulation of money will provide them with a
sense of security and financial independence, because they think
there is a limited supply of money, and theyd better make sure
they have a significant proportion of it.

Once again, it is the feelings associated with money that are
important. People aim to accumulate money because they long for
feelings of security and financial independence. Once again, the
money issue becomes a matter of feelings and belief, which, as we
established, is the nature of money itself. It is all energy.

So lets scrutinize what these feelings of needing to pursue money
due to needing security and financial independence imply. They
imply that currently, deep inside, you do not feel secure. The
Revolution teachings that can be downloaded from explain the importance of the Law of
Gratitude in setting the stage for the Law of Attraction to work. By
not feeling secure deep inside, you are indirectly expressing your
feelings of not being grateful with your current situation. You learn
that your deepest feelings and emotions are predominant in

2007CrackYourEggEnterprises ED

determining the kinds of vibrations that you send out. And these
vibrations, through the process of vibrational magnetism as
explained in basic terms by the Law of Vibration, determine what
you attract. And the Law of Attraction dictates that you attract
vibrations which are like the ones you send out. Thus, what you
send out are vibrations of lack and scarcity, and thus what you will
manifest will be lack and scarcity, in this context in terms of

It is therefore that money cannot be approached as an end. And to
tell the truth, money is not what you want. And here is why

Because money cannot be approached as an end, money is nothing but
a con goal. This perhaps the most crucial problem of most modern
goal-setting approaches as instructed in many self-improvement
programs. Youre often instructed to make financial goals, goals
about money. Quite often, if not all the time, people set a goal for
certain amounts of money, or at least for financial security. Of
course, thats what youre inclined to do. The worship of money
prevails in the world. Everyone wants money. Right? Wrong. Let me

Here are the problems with treating money as a goal.

First of all, financial security has nothing concrete to itself. Its an
entirely abstract goal. What is financial security in the first place?
What does it mean? $2.000.000 in the bank? $4.000.000 in the bank?
Do you even know?

2007CrackYourEggEnterprises EE

Heres the true catch. Money is not what you want, because its not
about the money you have in the bank. Its about the things that
money can buy. You want to acquire things, in order to own them and
have them at your disposal, in order to enjoy the experience they give
you. For example, you want a car to enjoy the experience of driving it.
You want a plasma TV with home cinema set for the cinema-like
exhilarating experience of watching movies on it. You want to be able
to travel the world, simply for the experience of experiencing things,
seeing things, learning things, meeting people.

Im just giving you a few examples. But do realize that its the
experience that gives you satisfaction. Not the money. The money
merely has the potential to buy the experience.

Because money is associated merely with feelings and beliefs (or
maybe, because money itself is your belief in the fact that it has any
value), money is nothing but an energy. But money is a special kind of

If money were a subject that would be studied in the science of
physics, it would be dubbed a form of potential energy. For example,
when you stretch a piece of rubber band, you force it to build up
potential energy. As long as you dont release the rubber band, the
potential energy is stored in the band. But as soon as you release the
rubber band, it will suddenly dart off. What happened, is that the
potential energy that you forced it to build up by stretching the
rubber band, was transformed into kinetic energy (movement).

In a similar way, money is a form of potential energy as well. You can
have a lot of money in the bank, but if it comes with being stuck in a
prison or on a desert island which you cant get away from and

2007CrackYourEggEnterprises EF

theres no way whatsoever of spending it, then whats the use of
having all that money? My guess is youd probably exchange it right
away for simply being allowed to go through all kinds of exhilarating
experiences, while never having a single penny in the bank, but
somehow always having enough to be able to do and buy exactly
what you want at exactly the right time.

Am I right?

Still not sure? Okay, this may sound harsh, but its merely to hammer
in the point I want to make. Imagine youre lying on your death bed
and youre looking back at your life. What would give you the more
satisfying feeling:

O Op pt ti io on n 1 1
Being able to look back at a lifetime of being obsessed with the
amount of money you have in the bank. You cant even touch this
money physically, because its either nothing more than a virtual
number on a computer screen, akin to the credits you have in a
computer game, or its at least a false belief in the value of a piece
of green paper or small metal pieces that have no inherent value in
reality, except for your own belief in the fact that they have.

So, in other words, youre lying on your death bed in the
knowledge that you have accumulated a lot of these virtual credits
somewhere, but you havent done or enjoyed anything or any
experience worth mentioning during your life, except for piling up
virtual credits that are backed up by nothing but your belief in the
value of them.

2007CrackYourEggEnterprises EG

O Op pt ti io on n 2 2
Being able to look back at a life full of exhilarating experiences,
the recollections of which are so profound, that the mere thinking
about them sends shivers of excitement down your spine?

I truly, sincerely hope that youd prefer the second alternative.

If not, consider this. If what was just described still doesnt apply to
you, and you just want to have a lot of money in your bank account,
without having any desire to go through any kind of experience
whatsoever (such a life is going to be a boring experience, I can tell
you that), while youre still not satisfied, then I can tell you this:

Youve got a problem. Your problem is that you have a desperate need
for security, and you have no trust whatsoever in the Universe to be
capable of supplying you with anything you need or want. In other
words, you operate from a state of fear and a belief in limitation, lack
and scarcity. And thus, that is what you will manifest.

2007CrackYourEggEnterprises EH

Money is a Universal energy. All energy has to circulate in order for
it to be alive. But above all, your feelings and beliefs associated with
money will determine the relationship you will have with money in
your life, as was explained in the previous chapters.

S So o, , i in n o or rd de er r t to o l li iv ve e o on n g go oo od d t te er rm ms s w wi it th h m mo on ne ey y, , y yo ou u w wi il ll l h ha av ve e t to o l li iv ve e
y yo ou ur r l li if fe e i in n t tu un ne e w wi it th h t th he e L La aw ws s o of f t th he e U Un ni iv ve er rs se e, , a al ll l o of f t th he em m. Mostly,
this means that you must feel grateful for your current situation
and circumstances (the Law of Gratitude). This will in part set the
stage and create the circumstances for the Universal Law of
Attraction to be able to do its job in the way you want it to.
Although feeling grateful may appear to be a difficult task at first,
other teachings will provide you with tricks to help you with this.
But most importantly, you must not feel insecure and obsessed with
a lack of money, not even subconsciously. You can fool yourself,
but you cannot fool the Universe. Your deepest feelings will
determine what kind of vibrations you send out, and thus what you

S Se ec co on nd dl ly y, , y yo ou u m mu us st t b be el li ie ev ve e d de ee ep p i in ns si id de e o of f y yo ou ur rs se el lf f t th ha at t t th he e s su up pp pl ly y
o of f m mo on ne ey y i is s i in nh he er re en nt tl ly y i in nf fi in ni it te e. It can be created out of thin air, so

2007CrackYourEggEnterprises EI

it is impossible that there is a lack. Read this book again to engrain
this principle deeply. Therefore, you will never be a burden to
someone else when you acquire large amounts of money. Still, your
intention should never be to accumulate it obsessively, just for the
sake of it. As you should know by now, that intention stems from a
state of fear and insecurity, which will block your attraction

T Th hi ir rd dl ly y, , f fo oc cu us s o on n t th he e e ex xp pe er ri ie en nc ce e o of f e en nj jo oy yi in ng g t th he e p pr ro od du uc ct t o or r s se er rv vi ic ce e
t th ha at t y yo ou u w wa an nt t t to o h ha av ve e. Do not obsess over the money. The money
does not exist. It is a form of potential energy that can be exchanged
(or metaphysically speaking, transformed into) into a physical
experience that you can enjoy, which in the end is what it should
be all about for you. The money is merely the means to the end of
enjoying the experience. When you want to control the money, you
want to control the means in which the experience is brought to
you by the Universe. That implies that you want to control the
how, which should be left to the Universe according to the Law of

And finally, an excellent way to change your feelings associated
with money into feelings that are conducive to improving your
relationship with money in your life, is to change your inner
dialogue when exchanging it. In this regard, y yo ou u m mu us st t c ch ha an ng ge e y yo ou ur r
f fe ee el li in ng gs s o of f f fe ea ar r ( (w wh hi ic ch h y yo ou u p pr ro ob ba ab bl ly y h ha av ve e w wh he en n y yo ou u a ar re e s st ti il ll l
a ap pp pr ro oa ac ch hi in ng g m mo on ne ey y a as s a an n e en nd d) ) i in nt to o f fe ee el li in ng gs s o of f g gr ra at ti it tu ud de e, , i in n o or rd de er r t to o
t tu un ne e i in nt to o t th he e U Un ni iv ve er rs sa al l L La aw w o of f G Gr ra at ti it tu ud de e. You can do this simply by
treating money as a means of expressing appreciation for whatever

2007CrackYourEggEnterprises EJ

you exchange it for. So, whenever you pay for something, back up
your payment process with feelings of expressing appreciation for
whatever it is that you are buying. And when you get a bill, see that
as a request for appreciating the product or service that it is related
to. Do this every time you need to pay (read: express appreciation),
and you will tune into the Law of Gratitude soon enough. And you
will pave the way for the Law of Attraction to do its job for you,
which, mind you, is bringing you the experiences you want, and
that is not necessarily through giving you money. It can be through
giving you money, but it does not have to be. Your job is simply to
tell the Universe what you want, and then recognize the
opportunities brought on your path to manifest your desires into

Take these measures to heart, and your relationship with money
will change in incredible ways.

2007CrackYourEggEnterprises EK

The Great Revolution is currently recruiting new members to
change their lives into something surpassing imagination. If you
want more information or if you are considering to join, then go to

You can also follow the Great Revolution on Squidoo at here.

To conclude, there is one more issue that deserves to be addressed.
When they first join the Great Revolution, many people are
concerned that the change of focus to improving their own life
instead of being humble and effacing themselves at the expense of
others is a sign of egomania.

Without exception, every single one of these people has a sincere
desire to make the world a better place. They think that being
humble and effacing themselves at the expense of others is the way
to go. But nothing could be further from the truth.

T Th he e w wa ay y t to o c ch ha an ng ge e t th he e w wo or rl ld d i in nt to o a a b be et tt te er r p pl la ac ce e i is s t to o c ch ha an ng ge e
y yo ou ur rs se el lf f a an nd d y yo ou ur r l li if fe e i in nt to o w wh ha at t y yo ou u w wa an nt t i it t t to o b be e, , a an nd d s se et t a an n
e ex xa am mp pl le e f fo or r o ot th he er rs s t to o d do o t th he e s sa am me e. .

By changing your life into something of a profoundness that beggars
belief, you give others material proof that they can do it too.

2007CrackYourEggEnterprises EL

Imagine that you change your life into something beyond your
imaginations, and you inspire just 10 of your friends to do the same.
And then imagine that each of those 10 people inspires 10 other
people to do the same. That means that 10 x 10 = 100 people will be
inspired to do the same. And if each of those 100 people inspires 10
of their friends to do the same, then 1.000 new friends + 100 that
were already inspired + you = 1.101 people will be living the life of
their dreams.

I Im ma ag gi in ne e t th he e m ma ag gn ni it tu ud de e o of f t th hi is s p pr ro oc ce es ss s a as s i it t g go oe es s o on n a an nd d o on n. . I Im ma ag gi in ne e
t th he e p po ot te en nt ti ia al l f fo or r c ch ha an ng ge e i in n t th he e w wo or rl ld d i if f e ev ve er ry y s si in ng gl le e p pe er rs so on n t th ha at t
j jo oi in ns s t th he e R Re ev vo ol lu ut ti io on n a an nd d s st ta ar rt ts s l li iv vi in ng g a a l li if fe e t th he ey y n ne ev ve er r d de ee em me ed d t to o b be e
p po os ss si ib bl le e i in ns sp pi ir re es s 1 10 0 o ot th he er r p pe eo op pl le e t to o d do o t th he e s sa am me e. . T Th he e w wo or rl ld d w wi il ll l b be e
e ex xp po os se ed d t to o a an n e ep pi id de em mi ic c o of f p pe eo op pl le e m ma ak ki in ng g t th he e m mo os st t p pr ro of fo ou un nd d
c ch ha an ng ge es s i in n t th he ei ir r l li iv ve es s t to o m ma ak ke e t th he ei ir r d dr re ea am ms s a an nd d d de es si ir re es s r re ea al li it ty y! ! O On nc ce e
a ag ga ai in n, , t th hi is s m ma ay y j ju us st t b be e t th he e G Gr re ea at te es st t R Re ev vo ol lu ut ti io on n o of f A Al ll l T Ti im me e! !

And a process like this even has metaphysical properties that can
i in nc cr re ea as se e t th he e e ep pi id de em mi ic c e ef ff fe ec ct ts s e ex xp po on ne en nt ti ia al ll ly y! Youll learn about this
once youve worked through the entire pack of materials that
youre provided with if you decide to join the Revolution in the
short window of opportunity that will soon open up. It will be
revealed to you in the Epilogue of the Revulotioniz Instruction

So, if youre one of the people with a sincere desire to make the
world a better place, then go here and inspire as many people as you
can to join the Great Revolution. Tell your friends, or tap into your

2007CrackYourEggEnterprises FC

social network. It doesnt matter, just tell people about the Great
Revolution! Its all real simple to do here.

If you tell just 10 people about the Great Revolution every other
week, which is not an enormous effort, more and more people will
start living their dream lives every single week!
A gift of knowledge like this can be the most powerful gift possible.
And as youll learn in detail in Part 2 of the materials, the Law of
Cause and Effect dictates that what comes around, goes around.
What you give out eventually comes back to you in multitude,
based on the intention you back up your actions with. Thats right.
And in this era things come back even quicker than at any other
point in history! Youll experience the benefits before you know it!

So let people know about the Great Revolution by going here. Be an
example to them by creating a lifestyle that surpasses your
fantasies, and some day soon youll benefit from giving others such
a remarkable gift.

B Be e a a f fr ro on nt t- -r ru un nn ne er r i in n t th hi is s R Re ev vo ol lu ut ti io on n, , a an nd d l le et t s s m ma ak ke e h hi is st to or ry y! !

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