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After touching thousands of lives in Hyderabad, Kolkata and Mumbai, Antharyami has now started its operations in your

wonderful city of Vizag. haring with you the schedule for our 2-day workshop "Antharyami- A Way of Life" happening this month in the city of Visakhapatnam. !lease share it with your family and friends. "he first workshop happened last month, and it was a great event. #e found the tremendous response in vi$ag very encouraging and overwhelming. And because of the e%tensive response, we are announcing the two day workshop again in &ecember. ANTHARYAM ! A WAY "# L #$%& "his is a powerf'( 2-)ay workshop where one can start their $ourney towards inner awareness and understand how to create and shape life $ust the way one wants. "he workshop focuses on (earnin* about the +ody, mind and spirit -onne-tion' it talks about how our tho'*hts -reate o'r e.perien-es and also addresses issues related to hea(th, money, an*er mana*ement, re(ationships and helps you create a new way of (ife. Various positive philosophies from the (ast and #est, including healing techni)ues from the works of Lo'ise L/ Hay are used and taught in this wonderful e%periential program. *acilitated by mt. +alita Varanasi, a trainer and counselor with Antharyami, this program will empower you to achieve all that you desire and much more. "his program has supported individuals, groups and organizations and helped them achieve their desired transformation. "hrough a uni)ue methodology these workshops enable you to make changes within yourself by using your own thoughts , and helps you to create all that you want in your life. The so('tion (ies within yo' as a(ways. #hen you change the way you look at yourself, you change the way you look at life. *or more information about the workshop and other programs offered at Antharyami please log on to

Workshop: Date: #ime: &en"e:

Antharyami - A Way of Life (2-Days) December 5th and 6th, 200 (!at - !"n) :00 A$ to 6:00 %$ contact !amatha- '( 0)60*+ , for the ,en"e p-ease

%rice : 3ontact:

.s/ 5,0000- ( ta1 inc-"ded) ( 2reakfast, L"nch #ea03offee inc-"ded) La-ita- '( * ((2 ) !amatha- '( 0 )60*+

.e4istration in pro4ress/ Limited seats/ %-ease confirm and re4ister as soon as possib-e/ #hanks and .e4ards La-ita &aranasi '( * ((2 )

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