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Jayani Lal

12 Station Street, Highfield, 3023 | Mobile: XXXX XXX XXX | jayanilal@asdfghjkl. o!

Resume Template - Finished School/Started Uni/TAFE with No Wor E!perience "his res#!e te!$late has been $ro%ided by &&&.yo#th entral.%i .go%.a#. 'se this te!$late if yo# ha%e finished high s hool or ha%e started tertiary st#dy and yo# don(t ha%e %ery !# h $aid &ork e)$erien e. *or !ore ti$s on &hat to in l#de on yo#r res#!e, he k o#t o#r Ho& to +rite a ,es#!e $age. -on(t forget to delete this line before s#b!itting yo#r a$$li ation.

Education " Trainin#

[Option 1] 2013 / $resent 0a helor of S ien e 10iology2 / Monash 'ni%ersity 2012 3i torian 4ertifi ate of 5d# ation / Highfield Se ondary 4ollege 6"6,: 78.9 Subjects and Results: 5nglish So ial S ien e Mathe!ati s 0iology :eogra$hy ;hysi al 5d# ation Academic Achievements: 2012 < *inalist / S ien e "alent Sear h, S ien e "ea hers( 6sso iation =f 3i toria < Me!ber / St#dent 6d%isory 0oard < 4lass 4a$tain 2011 < Me!ber / 4S>,= -o#ble Heli) S ien e 4l#b < Me!ber / St#dent 6d%isory 0oard [Option 2] 2013 / $resent 0a helor of S ien e 10iology2 / Monash 'ni%ersity 2012 3i torian 4ertifi ate of 5d# ation / Highfield Se ondary 4ollege 0 0 0 6 0 4

Rele$ant E!perience
?#ne 2012 @aboratory 6ssistant 1&ork e)$erien e2, 0#sh A 6llan Duties: ;re$aring slides and sa!$lesB data analysis and do #!entationB sto k ontrol ?#ne 2011 ,esear h 6ssistant 1&ork e)$erien e2, 4S>,= Duties: statisti al analysisB data olle tionC ollationB D#estionnaire de%elo$!entB libraryCdatabase sear hes (Referees provided on request)

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