Tugas Essay Writing: Name: Putri Yana Al Umairo Nim: 1001065175 Class: 5 D

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Tugas Essay Writing

Name Nim Class

: Putri yana al umairo : 1001065175 :5D

English Language Teaching Program Faculty o Teacher Training an! E!ucation "ni#ersity $uhamma!iyah o Pro % Dr% &am'a (a'arta

Why $ust )n!onesian *tu!ent $aster the English Language +

)n )n!onesia, English is !eeme! as a oreign language instea! o a secon! language% - oreign language is any language that is not nati#e to a .articular region or .erson% /0#iously, this !e inition #aries rom region to region an! 0y the in!i#i!uals 1ithin a .articular region% &o1e#er, as our local communities are 0ecoming more glo0al, cou.le! 1ith our country2s 0ooming economy, learning an! mastering English has 0ecome a must% ) stu!ents can2t mastering English language it2s not im.ossi0le that in the uture the stu!ents 1ill get !i icult 0ecause English is )nternational language 1here#er 1e are English is the irst language 1e must use% *o that2s the reasons 1hy english is im.ortant or stu!ents to learn English as 1ell% Curriculum English in )n!onesia% *o ar, the local English curriculum is too ocuse! on grammar an! sentence structure at the e3.ense o instilling e3cellent English communication s'ills, 1hen, in act, the latter 1as 1hat 1e ho.e rom our local schools% -ctually, it2s not e ecti#e i teaching English is only em.hasise on grammar an! sentence structure% The other is #ery im.ortant too li'e ho1 to stu!ents can use English in reality an! stu!ents ha#e to ha! a0ility our s'ill in English that are listening, s.ea'ing, rea!ing, an! 1riting% ) stu!ents has master all s'ills in English is easy or them in the uture or get a 4o0, tra#elling to many countries, ha#e many rien!s rom other countries an! etc% )n!ee!, in )n!onesia, English as a oreign language% Learning an! mastering English has 0ecome a must or )n!onesian stu!ents% *tu!ents ha#e to master our s'ills in English that are listening, s.ea'ing, rea!ing, an! 1riting an! ha! 0etter i learning English rom a!ult in or!er to ma'e it more easy or mastering English language% *o, learning an! mastering English are im.ortant or )n!onesian stu!ents or their uture%

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