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NEN ZEN NNN NNN cdalell aaplly allell syleal aly, LlyZiy ret sac del ell a gle 9 Ayatuaiyy a glell dts all agle aud pSlagLall Bg Sad cltlsia Gyaita Lasde 5 y Sha sail ashe 8 Fuslaag Lalla await re egal cla fl UN bMl Jo Al ty al ZHI; PAT gu ANNABA aba a Sau PNG) Gi} ca rqMlUal) wise} oye dels jut ne a Caghyj tao Bq ask, Big dandy pitlae Muh cy ne pres Re ie hi g64) duly violas ah US aI es a Unie gat 3 lect Lala Lan ysl (othe putes Stil CILS gala pola py Unies viljatl -3 leat! Ubi Zu jad wiles Had py es f@ Unia BY) data polo Ml pad tes S 42005/2004 —slati Aisa! = vs sescell 77 RRS YW) Gaal sogglland gH galuect Sill 8 ASLall 2 1 Cilbaalt SIAN galuaisyl Sa 8 ALI : ti Calla OLY! gsleadiyh Sal 6 SLI) ett) tbat Aa gle VE gb ASL p ygie gi allt AgSbal) (Jit Migss CARLA AS Acne gill tilt Comcall escseteeseeesssesseduuaa gill gggba shal 2J,NV Gillet Agilanl y oun yl) ail 99 2 stil Called! Ui jag Aun gill (gate 22a! laa) wel) Aallad s Stall aad yyy ADL taal I Gla! AySbalh (Si5 cotlasl 9 (3 ye :EMUGN easel Arena gi!) Clea sl sad y Clube rf g71 callaall gall g Und ogi} Aba Si Colla 2) calla! alll gUbi oo Joy) Ji Gullal seat) Gib Veale yy 52 Aig 5 rane yA!) Cll pea tel alba Aatet) Asta Junlil Stats Asi atl sat pt Casall Lgactleed y Acalill CAS 52 Ul 50 Qik ll alla 5 3 Atlas 9 Aastall Cas pil) URI 28) gz _iiN Conca 88 Acai) CAS sl ll J glad EU denny J tba 91 fa DB gd lal) GU pol 2 tt Cleat 99 Fue gen! Kosta iS as 2216) Glad 107 2 5 | Basset) cladbal 9 Aslaaiiy) de geet! etl eM Ciavall 113 setgdall jy glaiall (gi QL eibyl due geal Lau gall 1S 9! Gillet 114 Ayala Age yaall Ceaall cle SaysqH GL LAY still leat 116 LeeiBYl Loe ged! CLusegall uals 22ult lal 118 : cease bg iayl Chad Qnty! Repel Sea seh claall sCibablewall pened CAS yi Lal) ¢ Usitt JM Gensel! 123 labled! yal CIS 52 agile a Shall 127 By Glesbaall jpnd GUS pd plas: stilt Glbalt 130 shat lanall juga) CIS io CALLE lve 1th Calla 137 sth jy slaall teal it Rare 145 i" das Aa salt dats Ac ill gla pA Atala Aaa} ya 2a dull) -ISPAT ANNABA Aauspall cy 148 -- (Sider) hall y aaa Getuall de ganall Ge Uke 5 163 ISPAT ANNABA sigll 4) pall Abts AS ptt ye dale 5. ) els) fulast Aasdineall cb 174 AMM Coudll plasiuly l¥l 178 Agluasy) Ol SV pladtul eli Loney Nels 180 35) 20 SB Auafall Ala ye gh 191 AS) yt any Aaa pall Abell Ape gl ~ Acawa ‘gall ella) ols) ple AStall degala Y y jlbal) fatal) re ll Conall 203 seseggllall eI Gl tie gle Lae YG gy Mea Jalal 291 Gallet! 207 Ailes! yagi! sbi) aladtals co jléal) aladll 2 38) llaall 210 4 21 Qalallg pad Last a Jolaall aasls WSU ART i Ls Gia y fa Gilad Ge Gi Ss a GLa 2001 Hind 58 520 Gosia y G pil) Lnsla pS a 8S AS Cus pall Leal g Lela 95 (al aye geal Glrusgall a2 5 gi Acai) CAS p50) Cae (ba Shell eLBiul) 1997 jeags ia 1996 162 a PEPE] [shel 3 3 -(2004=2001)s sal DUS ISPAT ANNABA 4.50) (GY! 55k 171 172 -(2004-2001)s_ sa Dis ISPAT ANNABA Sujal Qlaall axe yg AMM Cina Cale pf Leaded Glaaaall pal Asssivaal! Alta Guucll pal E Fal Se (Siderjiclucal A 213 | al slelsfs 3 Hal DUS (Sider)azeti all 4e penal at Gj)yy A gaall Gt page -(2001- 1999) 2 pall DA TSPAT ANNABA Sujal jad) Gillan) aba IS ape (2004 -2001) Tpit DUS ISPAT ANNABA (opal A saya pale bod «1a cl 5250 (2004-2001) 197 [sa DLS ISPAT ANNABA 43d DAY! palie ol Gh yty| 26 34a! JA ISPAT ANNABA 4s ged Lal S_ Sigh cla Gly ige | 27 (2004-2001) sail DLS ISPAT ANNABA 45d oll Gjlally Gye! 1535.) 28 -(2004-2001) 2OL | Ramage thn AS ¢ sleall (cil jal aially gigall But cle pu J ass] 29 (2002-2001)s ya! Js ISPAT ANNABA | 204 | ASI pil sary DS (cecil 61 eS | 204 | ASI pall aery JE Dyed Ite] 32 | Jaa dsl e oat oie ae: GLU y= Uylied Lud cakes Listy (Sider}ieh_wall He seal ASucliall aaa okt -(2001~ 1999) DS Lily ISPAT ANNABA Sujal Glad! Gall G55 Cljape o9lt (2004-2001) + ss Aneesal (20026 i DAS lig CI GLENS ¢ gieall eal! BLtat gle gal +E> 184,245,364.00 de: jridls ISPAT ANNABA DAS Ctl pall doled p gia eat Lut le gag] -¢2.37,152,639.00 sly pst, ALFATUB+ALFASID ga kall dsl eload Goll Asseall has yaad Lal 45 3) AIL ZI99T/O9/IS 45 pala 02-5 Label Gui f 6S geal A 452 A Clg 5 Aine y Kewe gS g A Agha baits MLE Gel ay i SS) GLY, Gygall Kost [Us mal ce ela ceed J jul GE 1997/09/15 3 Syd) Oley Aq gas Als talls Weal spo AsLOcSYl dye yeah GLa pal ayes Sah gt Cl GS A SoG) Goll Saal Ga Abin de) Glangally Geta Glad) | 08 | -(2003-2001)s sa DA Gua daly GS pal p | 10 | aplo fied y 52538 Ae yy (LNV) Aull 45 2) D550 dye ogi Madea Cleepall al | 16 | 3 all ISPAT ANNABA Susi 12-31 8 Gull Sal jul -(2004-2001 = Siggy ADGA Sa [19 | (2004-2001) + sill ISPAT ANNABA 405 Gil banka Clea gal dal yall ylenala 2 Cilawas § Y el ele AStal) Laat of pitill sii iuadle ¢ Say ne ally sul ye bbe sae ty ihjall LY Langa oS = ce on AS eh Canal y aL Gels Lele. Go YY dghaa ge ye gall Gs a 8S i jell GG! 3! cleat! s Glas! gasty LB, AL agall Aga ks aa Sl alealYl SSI) ASI go gat geal ce 8S Chia gall gle Sy Glasrats alll oS) ode Gace Cus ch gull sleet) bili ES cAll abil Apel it pills ctl sll lave! DDS Ge (EPE)Astnity! Ge Sis Bh cual and sls Co SAMI geal ll DIS Gye ted Ha JS ASL JB Ale sCihebLall jana CAS 5b cna ganll Las Gen Whs Di oe ELD das yh GP geal ol gala 4 SY lle Gly abel y cyl BBV) cbs Gua Cus dione sill asl pl} USL cel gS tga iy a eee arene, SH gl say Vang coll LEY gf CAS pel pga Leal! LLG UDA Gye el pur ASU Lees J yat cll cal cal ALS le stat 4 rawa sll lia tt fa) dled y Nana Aya) SAI as) ASL aed (fb ptt joey SB Aes 5 qcinally shay! i Ai wy col USagll Bale! Ahee yy shit Cus coll Ata ia asain ol any Clas Aaland) ob oh (Sy clad Gquelul pyae (gt ASall AM lyn SeLiill (gle 3_piill y 45 ala) Sth at Ol Gany LS clgillbsie GAs Gils day desl cle ey 53 Abs Y) (EPE)Qticity! dae geal Glaugall lal Ley Sil Sashes (sae Jp Cy the AS (chang cbaagats i I jail JS I ke Oe Cone Gg Alas yo ALLEY! al Gf ay GaLaisY GLaagall otal le La 8 a maja alice pai USL self Labs DL Gye plall ¢Uaill Kuali oJ a y 4Sb) SY al Aplueidy! 4. Faces CAS BY ay nets) GL el cpl gLbil ASI pl) eee 9S ASL! el cy act Liat A LewYh Aue geal etal ciLaslinall ped CNS 5 dye yaad! nels) Impact de la mutation des types de propriété sur la performance financibre des entreprises. L'entreprise économique algérienne a connu plusieurs types de gestion et un certain nombre de réformes en vue d'améliorer son efficacité et sa rentabilité. Néanmoins, l'ensemble de ces mesures n'ont pas aboutie eu égard a l'absence d'une stratégie et des programmes fixant leurs objectifs et leurs missions. Ainsi, |'Algérie a l'instar d'autres pays a opté pour un processus de mutations économiques, nécessitant des changements dans lorientation institutionnelle selon les impératifs d'économie de marché. Elle a dans ce sens, introduit des ajustements structurels au sein des EPE, a travers la promulgation des lois et des résolutions adéquates, permettant le transfert de la propriété, traduite par la mise en place des holdings publics, et des sociétés de gestion des participations. Ces transformations et ces programmes ont donné lieu au changement des types de propriété par Iélargissement des régles régissant la propriété ou de la Stratégie de privatisation. Ces deniers sont devenus assez nuancés et plus complexes. Sans doute les changements politiques et économiques ct méme sociaux pendant les vingt demiéres années ont amené aux changements qu'a subi le mode de propriété, soit par l'appropriation des travailleurs des actions des entreprises, soit par l'application du principe de partenariat, et qui a son tour influé sur les résultats des entreprises. La mutation dans le type de propriété constitue I'un des dimensions fondamentales de la restructuration et dénote des profonds changements des structures en place et doit avoir une dynamique et aussi une capacité d'interaction. Les EPE n'ont que jouer pleinement leur réle et prouver leur capacité a accepter tous les changements qu’elles vivent. En autre, la problématique du degré de neutralité du mode de la propriété et son impact sur le fonctionnement des entreprises reste posée :est-ce que l'efficience économique est lige & un mode donné de propriété? Est-ce que le rétrécissement du secteur public a travers la promulgation de nouvelles régles de propriété favorise les entreprises économiques? Propriété, privatisation, partenariat, secteur public, réformes économiques, holdings publics, SGP, entreprise publique algérienne, modes de gestion, la performance financiére. The Effect of ownership change on the firm's financial performance. « Abstrac Algerian economic firms have used many types of management and reforms in the aim to achieve effectiveness and profitability, most of these reforms have been failed as a result of absence of strategic gools. Like many other developing countries, Algeria decided to change the way of public economic firms towards market economic conditions, by deregulation of ownership, through two main programs: holding public firms and participation management firms. These changes aim to transform the types of ownership by plans of widening ownership basics or by privatization strategic. During the last two decades, the development of social, economic and politic situation have lead to some changes in ownership like: employees ownership of public firms and partnership programs. To achieve the change objectives, public economic firms should accept the deregulations, and play its economic role in the economy. However, we have to ask the main questions: ‘* Does the ownership change affect the firm performance? ° Effectiveness, is it related to ant types of ownership? © Does economic firms benefit from public sector contraction? © KEY words: Ownership, privatization, partnership, public sector, economic reforms, holding public firms, participation management firms, types of management, financial performance. Sarugall Aas dol Atst ob col LS ja (plat EU) ae yaa! GLase gall 4Sbe i g gutnge Cane Gl) dal pall ob cass lla cla! gle 0 $F 4G jae Aslan y AS) pA gf ena Sl py Ge Le gy alll gli Aaya Ae IS (N taleciB YN yt gd AY Ala yall JK ok af ccoLcugall DEYN Gf sake ie sal ja] GLA! USiell Lal Geo JaS Gull slat gas SI sty 9 Lad ELI Ghaepe deme sds Bailly Hye yet Gob Se Use diab Gl OS Agallall Ggall ygb es y Shes all ods p08 al Shall CLBY! Jabs ALA Gl gull 4 Nj) La Kale hs calla Lec Cae GA OY gaily SLY Ub! Gay aed cys ley obs Ge ett ol GSU Got Lil jal dee geal Lae gall Gls deol dines Cee Las settle bbal ste Chey CHa LY ye yaad ASL) due geal Lagall pS sgt I eag JB (oy ull ih gh aLeciyl 7 lad Sal, jy Lees eo sel She Spy 88 oh Gla nl Ge CHL al gS Ge CLAY keeled! WeeLicsh CLM ints 25S SIS oi Sickel au Nydas Go ela) Aub: alldy Goal gall Ly shih Ss (gb Le Sa GL WY 8 ay tall FA ALeY Spe ead Aeagall ae Ge Jal of Ley, ied By AGULLGS da gh 4S Chet Mier y dep CY gad Gee Lgl Bae Solietlh GUUS gia Saad gf Ct) ll de ill Gyo guaily AMS} pL ety Le Ny Liles Haat jes LIS atl GSH Ale jaa Lins) fal ala tyne gay Like hati] Glibiey pile Ly Alslall Wilybs, be just blot of dute Ob elu gb Gest guy Asafa pena Aa Sal) Aad Uy Baza ales) aed ye aks URN He Gay od al G4 Sun fa SS cdusdtiall ie Seale Gaal ot ; a S53) geal ull « Kp tod Dy Guay sumcis Bledel 1995/09/25 8 & 5a) 25/95 py pS rugs ASlall Ga ict (Les Holdings) 4« p00) Has iS yi Guat DA Ge Ugall dest) I fia) hy alld clgibbin ASL Asal ecfYl Ae geal! GLaugall ale 3 jbl ALi Sloe G0 95 gle Bald Uglen.y Aero yall lapel!» I} DE Ge aseafall pslaity Gleiall 2001 cag 20 gd Ero 04/01 AVI DS Gye oy gts gt Lunt fe AS yall Ge arte G9} Gaal sb eLLL 5 Cue [pina shy Le ei y Aas Aue gael Société de Gestion des ) SGP ClssLoudl 935 CAS 5 JS2 CAS ApLesy ALU O— Gast pbll Ubi Lowey i gl pul Ae,Sa) YDS Oe Qos (Participations ples oly Malan y Kota Ci palull ell Quays dhs ge gala) SLAM i Ui gall Jas ASN jo eal ye Gane Ving Alyall ie Mls GI ya! CLES LS ys ASLall Laas 85 (ol) gall coll geal ally GY gall 0s Cash a GUBYI ba Greate y Sand Anas! ful ola Comal us 45) pty dere gSll ancl iad gl USL) acl é que bbs Cea Sl shall DAS Aue lcin Yc y Ley Aaland Cuil of LAY y cabeally yl el jue 4SLall Jaas Jad og Cul S38 5 ASE Ged 52 DUS Gyo RY! ase ABlavoad LAT abe ant 4b dead 8 yl 5 Ley! gh Mine Ages Cl yah AY A Ql Sale} Sylar og shit ays gulls cd Sab aoe’ co glee lcd AS Sy cleat pacll yo Shiall pli Ling aS igen Jeli le 5 alll AS uobiall A BY) juoliall cc Gl GS Sats He 1 a8 ode GL y day SSE ale Lay g2 hs Y} (PE) Soler de geal Aeagcs (a) Ci yell segHGH ga gle Can gd Aaa AUSAYI HeLa cpl Sey cau Le gle elsy ScHteaaapall (Mall GI os gies pole ASL Lead (2 ill Bh gba” teh US og SH jal) ilazall Ql gly AIGLal ony le Aa CH pial) Gye aysall lly Leal Aneel Cnn Cue SY Cl shall go Aen gl aati y Abnen pli =] Ugo sig lgenn Aelia sy dere gill Aisay pall ljall ase Sols) dep Seals, 192 SEED Sle oIS pl pL laa ey jell gb LRA Gill gh -2 ML & 5S call MLEYL cles Sobel Aeald CALEY) cies esta G hl Lealuad Gapsk Ge A pda i ghs tae pdtinadll all Qees gil) jeY) Aine ghd baciedl Heys od pew Gob Ge gh AS stall «Jal el 2) eel ne ll Lat y AD Se le clint Sled lla due 98ll 382 gags 3 thes Cuslans gl! CAS) pga LS coe peste Ney heal ye apse DL Gly DE Ge GL BM Gy Lats 4 Fico yg S950 OS BD ANP a SD ame gl Sle lo lsu Aga gl Aisne olin) “5 hha GLa Lally slat ia isl dy sal Aga gl cy Aled) 6!) plait UaLal! Fane col 25 Fea DAS Gyo Gly Gn pall Aa gy Hee ll ela plu this Load canis ay ob aged yal Sig Cod oS gua y Asay My Mabe AML MSU Gyo sal 508s ol) Waal Seat Ya ats 6 DS ce al ce yy pc Ge onal gy Lay! dae geal! Caall Js gall SS 4S) pill y Kove all bbe Ga teas ot abd ally Ol paged Gd p98 I LU ga ESD ts -7 sol cE ay! GL Job Gg Lay Ae gel Slag dal a USL Addgall Classy co YT tS 2 pga Glad dhs LD gh DiS Kee 9 CH AL joes Hah I AUSOYN Ow jad aly SASL deed gb pity 5 yo Fpl shail) yas ola galas gail Ja I Sle S618 gags Lbs DS Gyo cg I jal) pale! (ps yaall g Ubill yall galas Ja Gs SAL Y Rae pend Glee jall ane om shy ASselya ele! Lh Ge YN pega Leap) ML eS gle Sb al ASL bs Gd ad dag TpLeBY) Glee! ty Loald 4 i! pall “Ik fast Sl) Clue 98.2 ATOM ca ll gain y ll Wy (5055 Lay hal ANSLYI Salles Gf Stata oe aS 2s I ull Wkly gan ApLec YI OLY! Case gb <1 ASL Lis 5 tl heed aby pled pal) Js cid! 3 LS) all oy Sonal eet As ya col) J Sail called) alec Yl led ey GD OY yall Abas yo Sopsn Ue UL) G8 Cheabeall aad CS phy Aaa gal A CIS yt ls Gul ~2 Teel salt He Dene See atl fl yg Hall alent! (pagal gal Apsley ae geal Leal Lal PLL og Fae Gens oo ASI ll alee DUE Go AS be GE ll ayy 3 Atal ooled Quens Ra aiBYl Lye geal! Glaus gal) £52 gall Auami 3 Vase 8 SY Anais! Chey ca sil 5 pat Ql ys i Col dual Gea oa ht jal ohn DAS Cyd Ale y ASI ally Hae 9S) See [gle old sib gh oLucyl PLD Le Gnand Ga Ape! Zoe geal) Lage Sy cl yalS 451i) She Gle Gil sgalectYl Evbsal G8) lye od Ae nase CASS! ol Epa gall Ve S18) gd gues aa ol igs le La gal cs y 3 cd eel, } gf ach pall oda Ayan | lai - 1 5 AYN A gall Aol Asal BN Rola! GAY Al sls & te gab Bhan -2 FOL DLal Gye ApS Lay Cre Lae pall Ulaaaje 42 yd Le dal pce Asay bE y Sass Adtiall Aoctlind Gyo silly Gpull slat gad Lage slat 4 SUgGLlaL ts dale al gs Aaaaall Salts Altai sins y 5 ghill 5 yhiee 5 yy yea Sail y Aa pally 4 ALL aaa Syl y pila I SLSBYL (LEAN 3 yy pe “5 Aa pal RAL als gga yall a CLE AI Cl ya gay 5 p25 -6 tot DG ASIN GI Lae YI ge Ul sly al oe cy at sli aly ols lay Sy Leal! Gane cod eon] Abney poeetll lal Gea 8 Apes dye pall laagall We GI CLAY! Hale Erna lee gical gioish te 3-2 sebabl p JD Gute he Jt SS Ep yal Iba Gd Can Ra yo At) 3 -IH- asia Geo) citaal 5 tille Gains I) Sad Gangs $e pia gall Slate il Gye Gitll =] Fagen hme Lge (gill juaill LU) aan Lazy pall aghast Gans etbac} 2 Aaoleais 1 healed (sae pansy Usa) G yb Gye Leal Gol Alea quitdy Al yo Uylan 3 Chine gall Sp ally ALN y Hats alt oleh clNN cs shane y ASLall aed Cy M803 las -4 Fad Cilaige call Cig de geal Sled Sead 850 Ags lal GA Ci phys od nla 5 sae Gul -5 Sls as gs eID AMI fins laud 058 fF gael! Migs deeded 258 olf -6 43 Sl) Cipal g coil Cty exact .6 tod Rul pall 08 Gd Gall Seals cl Gb gual pal of hg I hy gee —/i eis age y ped Leale gal y Lies bagel Sul cls adh ules sled digeie Gd Sisty oot Neel Sins be esti Lele Bie SI pigs J gules oa.y pre GAY sl lal au weil Sud sshd olaY! pusdi gules yh 5 plas pre ltlyy cde geal AsaLeaty! Claupall ell oie JY) A yuall lly tity bid ott Ny «gad ob Aplacisyl Aue geal Glaegall jad SH chan Upbeing Ugqy ad pa ly aa Qa gD le lad yy Late st wlaid 6 Gaaty Lal lel yal Cn meal Aatiltae hy gener — for Cre Cases ollee) Alysuee aad yb AE pies hee Ge A padly allel ow oh Sy oe Ses eS al I G asle xe Cay by pt aga I dans sil Lem Ge Seanad LUG Ln ial ad 9 JL ad sal) Gly LeolS GEA GAS pac pasty Vbe.y aptall agaiglh alll A Rane Gy 3B gh gy la glall gle pan Jan Le shy canselly past aca Ge Aud yA Ub) ans 27 By WEY jal Seats Gauge) Mall LY ade SLM dah $I i es gs FS 55 (gl hya5 (ells Glas (Groupe Sider) Ghali s yall dyctiiall Ze yen gle dul ja!) Sotsl ally (ISPAT ANNABA) Gg) 4 5 jal Lis all Lait 4S 53 3 alhae Gt FAI GaN iy Lal jal Ae SAS) AN iy Aa Ale ol Uae ASLe Ge Meng Sle J ga 1 al nly 2 %70 sme 2S 52 Tle ly AREY Goll ie) Gb eds -2 tellasyt tJ paid IS Lda! buy Lengel 556-3 GAS colina ELLE ob Upisanl y Legal jus G5 4 -Iv- a tO ll de Land 5 «(2004/1999) 5 sal! wet Antal ie 3) laa! Gane by (Groupe Sider) ol sall ssl) cad He yen A ties Kita ASL ye ISPAT ) 42xigh 451 jal) Labs al) eS! 4S yy Afi Lola ASL Us yey «(2001/1999) -(2004/2001) (ANNABA Aus pall ib gale eciall geiall 8 Al al Sa gle Us cooked hla ¢ pagal Gil Glee ALLYL, ely! ae bol pe ge UG gio ceial Un LE ce pga Shae ll GB JF OLY LEY gly co shell pul gb MLM As ede og la! cae BSI Al ll Gi ga GS IT gull Ga ALA jal) Ra ecSYl Aye gael Raat Rall Yl gle Sa HG Gad Ga Lie tooth Aull pall (98 AaaSaall Cl gD Zac Lel cals abide cle Ci ll igs SSA nal) le acc) 6S 3a geal gan Ca glad . OF Hs Lally Lala yp Hi le Lae YI LIS y Ala G geoged Wyld sLenally ORF Nene 6S oil bball le ale Y) Ge Shad Aa al § punge AS a Ge Lge penal Cell aa gp Apestll Adal ye Ge aly US da ye sth! Gy sb fog Albetall Ol gy ILA Gua Lb | iilas) Ci gai = sBaeieall Ala Cull Lad 2 eBlall Julai cil gai — sine SB hey ye Cla i Ge de gene LER Lad Cua ty taal dala) ci yi — gS stall 61 jabs Jus .9 Aaa saad ANS2Y! le YAY! al yay ety Uayial Gila y g gta gll Leas (ye UDLLY tegh Tic Lesbal) any pad BOG oo Canal ta yap «Gs neil 5a sails ey 4SLal desi og ystll Lad pat ened Si dead Cokes Gt oll Shall put tied alld ult Ss Sd Hates 9 Ge Seay OL Ga Gaye GH Ad Gk tA) Conall KY eS GLY clea I AUB Gye JS ES Spey DE Gye ally elgsSa5 cell yb +P jal ogi ASball Lasts p geil BY! gd deed ee AT DE Oe aly Sate Sse GALES Lee ll pyede Gane Gana igi Coal ASR hey Fanelli ol JURY any cll Jal cgdiley Ugly 1S Lea gin wel Addy Fog atlly guleall gle GS) 1S, Alec Ashi GB Gb gal le Sey EN dual! nana AN Chis Sl find Ge Lac! stad ool UY Le DUI ReaD y Rabe ASLAN oy Und 5 Gs eG S98 4S ll a geie Gn pal Gees (dl) Conall Aeene sill gb dealt Gti gal Ua biel gH LAL Ite ayetaig ey Gosae togly LS Cankae dea J Gg asl arudiy Lid ull Salley «4 Beles dey old Aces CAS yl Lola) qalill y Gy Leill pal ul pal Goad igi) Cau) Aas all Ay potty pyatiall ode day Ula s cpllall Joa plane 43 SV! oe Lid Ce ee Sl ant fil Ib 8 Gg 8 Jal lal) GUL Ad al ned Heil) Caged! AD DLS Quad hye ganll laaige og ante pULIS say gil Lendl tS yah alls Auta, Leal Vice pS Al nig wig Say Cian ay gl High ana sha (9 anges Lele Lele) UIIS 5 ely Langa aay CUS yah oda Ja LAY Shin ad a Gal) all sane) tsi Clady pal Cae yal oloned rll) Coll are ance seal gL ct ‘co saben ad CAS gg Sy li SSeS 50 alll oeily IS te A Shall does (98 pl Bhs lady La Kal y> Ge es gins ya y C0 ua nigh Ay Sell ARES Lael! GMs i jell Salat) Aue geal Glaaegall JL 1phlS Seale da J gd ullh Galle Cus (ISPAT ANNABA) te beg sn SS Le 5d DIS. Gye al pall Sle eae Ge ple psi sly 2M) Conall Ul ae Qh yl Sy gS ght DE Gye Leauefall le LE ped Cis. «yal Fag ily Gag JU NS AS AN At Cd gall gal Gaye oll MALAY L ag By) Ciel y AS) pill Ayla Leola ee asl pall ne Aten gall Sell cl ules (gf Aaacinedl a galt lity tg Hil) Casall eA le ll (ye Fe pas LL NS y ella CNY Cai Gg Gaull y Cal ybgall gal QD US bs sUtlea! WLS We DE AY pee ky ASL epg SS Leeagall Gall Saacag gSt ylityy 22) Col ‘ mt alll eM Ge By eats ASL y Lala ASLal 2 8 oy Lea el yal bee oll ad G yb y Qui dal ad Esa Yl Cl SY 1S, ALI CI p2gall phasis Gy léall Guladll te Lacy DE Ga ke 4812 28 gg (Sal ain ASL akg US GIA gh GAA lad Wye ol VI GA AE eta) col aace'gall ILM els C0 Ae gene Ce Sink eles Soe shall alti aah ¢ staged Ge Lle Lemdle Lied oOitinwall (68 Slat 9 5S JUDE Ge Dab (gill Glue silly LA! sayt Vie sl al galt Aulis Asstall Jani 4 pill f} thucacd| gui veg tleatyy Sal) (98 Abit dy jit) Aye yall dg) Cull ASL all JES Hise CAL atts Hae gl 2 pt) Coal Ayla SE gyal Gb TEM Cosel Adsl! Asha} Qual stals Asi cy regal Conall gal) stat) gai J yaad Ayis slay baal 4 cl SY! uci ee eB By cal EUR og} ALT ASL aga gt CunleciSYl (ye apna Jats Le gal GI Bed Mla Ga Cll Ginette ae Maal Ae! adel! Cal gal coals gall Lhe plied Gly ally LL ASI Syl y sal ass 8 Lat tal 5 Vy) Gelalt ws AE cgaleatiY) 5 gbill 4p.) GGL Gis Lessin AleLt deal yo el pal cll ule dala i Luck) yall of ll youll ols c Is salall ¢ Ubi y plall ¢ Ubi! cas AsLiiyt das I ohal od A sSVI pants DE Gye lly A gall Oo alll le Haine Mek Bake] (I) Malay Oy gy peng gee pall GLI) y49 phy Jou sally dives (Se gill aa) cols Soy ay! eel dis slant gaat Sushil Fal Sy Alin Spach the eo Lai Gud Cali Age 5 aaae Gas ga gal wBpihgs le gi Maskell aah san) col Yast egy Lay as ac} 8 ytly Aonergsll Gaktll lod Lil ay ASI Ay nna g8 Ay Cal by US Gh gle lang lll Gh Male) Liga) Cia yin Si eal as AS AY ie aed Bly cc gsally gill Cas. Ge Laglts ol MI ant MW 5A ee Like Sh 555 kd ll oS gS LMI ASL JS Gyhy Cully WAS of oSy gall SISSY Si Ngaggie Cus Gye el gus drone gill Jon 592 OLES 4sbaity! FB BN lan ood yu WEA) IE Vy Lala ode ng Fy eS 5S of Sey gall UN J Ags Hh On ST od Ueda Ge 2 Ny ee Ld ues gual seat gai J gail Ais Asha) daa 8 stall IS) Saal! eae Sl Ge Galati) LUD jut (lls 5 LM lleall Gu dlgile GS fy Leg ASL dud ys CLARY chine A Sle Rega le LAE tLe My (SISSY Gyles gaat ll IDGLY LIS allay lle gH oUaill Ub G4 Li (Let EUaill) Ua ay i ASLN CHS SI uty) aU UB it Lewy shall ob Uyall 5505 USL dual Cals ait (ols! g Uaill) A 94S 41 Gs hj gl ny ial ke any dante adie gales) SAN CL (tI Yaad gal ae Ge ASlal Algall WSin} Ge gall go JASN ley (Si SAY) Seanad Sheil sey coisa (al 45 gal Apsley Gelaayl Jsutal JS alle Lie ols URI ga Lelgady cL! Silay gle elle ag A Sball gal nec! Sill DE Gye Raley! Gb LI Gare Gaye IY Wie lb US ea ail st Oe US gb sale CAYly Apatll Ada) p DU AGLI gs oats Meee ll pulealls ASlall og philly og SV LLY! ae VY pees DLAs (Aeotatt si) 229 pi) ASL le Lull po ashatuaiil of lle I pal Yoh Soll oad le ee YI le Apta 4 psd colt Cel SB SabsLeBY) olgs cabal ll cay hall 3 AS gag cdl 2 J2Y) AS Ge SN EUaill ley ASL ode gle Al Age 6d CL Gy By gual 08 Gaile ye SI) eatie doe Allyl Gu foal Gl gall pal Jyh Cage lll gall eli y us At LH Le Sb gf Zysball 2S ol Billo 9 Leegit g Apalentih sheall GL 1s i LyaS 1yg2 ANY US Le usa! Gh cual pelts GB Ciyaaing piss polnisy! 4p shill ALAN pile aatay aod line ESI (65) Cyt te 5S psd y gall sey yybt Glul ayaa ob pgstOUb Qo tls Mit alee gle cet) Aphis 5 pyle SISA ye JSD ASL lite] leg ya pill 3 olall y Auolslh 4SLII tug Aad Ol alll Ga Gaye Lu) sOueUbly) sic Asta) 0 tle yg LEY yee Lyd cls yd 5 juall A gall Caled (sea Gaal Gill gi Sel 53) Ghat cheesll pga Cand) by gu joe Gusldll Gl) gin Lilla Le jpn gle AN LAL, UN BLE gt gol 5 CLBY! GIS Cos galeaid! LU gle Aas Apliaiil bany hy ie US 3 pte lable Qt by Jf Craudil y eeacluall y Zoldiayl 5 BDLed EUREY! g Lad pobl jel Lule Sy eli elHSY) le 9 shea «GAY! laiy sloliall sb0jY Uys auld GM cing Gaaldll Ql) Ge 5 si DE USE jel Ua ay epgisben Gal Go hall RYN A CLE AbIY! 4 5 i A Joa Guaduil Aly Nyninal 5 pets ye Gus Dill aif Cue cacdauell » booty Vi AelLsyl (5 25h 6B .y0 2004 iy aS 2 LLYN 5S ye aly Galan y ise Fy DL aha Gg ps Gen! aoe geal saci gai J gall Aulls Asta) Jaa (4 still SSM! dual cot pele Gal co cca f GU 8 i A) at YI Sel yy Opes 5 Aanall fb Gyglary ae Lat 4 GS ol CSI, ASbay hati all gb Go YI lle Gli dena Gls gf andl Gal pila Ge Lede JS Gh, Ae GI legal 3} asad ga Al Vad w gi eal ds "AU Ge Ge Ain aS GM gle cel ue NA ASL 5S fs le Lula (lS Sg USY! all Gf aps gle Se ASL Gm gd Gas shae 1isSs Gd DLA eV ja sing Ty Dy pISall Gye AUN 4 cel TA a Dstly GLa 1g eggalendly poli yl Annie Ui sass USLN of seis isl Ga US SS LS YY als ASE cals ag yea DE A al te ASL Ge od uel "a os Gang poe LilSd ectnall al il aly Ll SQA) Os ies Glib J) Aish le ¢ poll VSS Ou Giaes gis Ua aes Rely ok Gislas padel GIS ab UASall le Jo eal 7 ab gle os Bost Rial sy fay ce (cll Gy Go ISG! gh cls ypenall gal i al YI et cally Eyal yy ebay Cite GM 5 Qe WN EN) 5 eed elas Y cell Ge Js ss 48 og USS) pS (ag gid ies GIS (eal gbll US gS Il Sa )y Ant Gag gel LL pL) 5 CIB) Gite gk YoU Va) asda Fa pe Bed Ses pil cgi fF ycigall (AL yell gils oh clin GIS LU Que J) jall Judo Ay sloth Adland dls yal dylary ¢ ULE! Ws jy ai ggalenifYh ght Jal ya Gu ays UD Bsa ga galesiyl Sa GJS Lay og SE a 8 geil ly SHS gl gay SEN ne oh shag seal od hs Fil ALS (od paging of OU Acolall ASL) Gas Gite! sill Pu Glsla Gulags Glo» 4 Sie el Hill oles @ SIL I yé Jy ADU Gulla ii cpgllec! deste Coury ped pile quae CI tially Gao ce Gly Mla Eby Guy Ge ides Se Gib, YeLany! Maal Gia aby Oe Deed gaslall agin 6 1a gf SY lay ll G2 AAT aye ol GSI tl alla 2S gk eta NI Ne Gf Cue tthe Gob ages Bases Comal Gy Sil Gl fe} Asliaii)ly yeldiay! All Gye Cilecigull Casall ic Asta) o sail od pola y galeaifYly GSU haul fay pte Quali) Goll 4s Qo A Asal p glad) ge LGN 5 Aslabell laa ged Apsley Cl el) al ye ye Saran dla ye Fal MBSE yy gay Cbecinall tla) ll olasy! the coal By ccghaugll gues oo Bata Bm Ge Genel ling cgaleetiyl pail Sal ye Gye Wa ye ide UY La ll Ae july dates! ALAN ES Bye SY Cryel a S Gay Auld Ay ws ley Jay daisy Se gf GLO! Cay Cal Apsleiil Wsfine jog tle ool) Ae y yall ls J) el al col gall 40 all Cede By cls ged dala Le bsg Geis Gi ll gas Qa Alea) Clube Gil gues GOT ally onal Hk gas aly eS GL gh ig Leal Sally Cola lasy y Catia ode "Se Sud By ccgg Load Slal) Gals » 98 y VE Gg les LL Aa sles Gye ASU 5 Il le Gly gh EN a ARN AE a Ly ih Uy ASL Go aad Gb Yay 524 “$23.g ye 11932 24.30 (2000 vas iS) ante Sao Rana aL ly SS ssh eguan pal Sane sages gin zh deal? aie AIH lana} ISHhy 86 (1274 ~1226)e all Gib clas yaad Gb gee pall 5S ayy Qa? -4- Goel Lait) gas Jgaill Mulls Aystalh Load (68 ttl) IS3) Quail —— Yh Aah y Ciba Bs Gaal Saal y Lebo Gad ha GS gle fomsbeill joe og Sia Quen Our HS jie Wages Se ghd lied (G8 GAAS A Abell Catal donsabe SLi) Gada fhe yyel cgheegll ypasll Gale IS Lee og 5 Vl gph Acad Ayala! Cl jut j sh Aas yg a Gal 5p by sgethsy! Ua shel {Jett Hab yg Gola! LY) jase eg ShealBNN y cule cg Sil) yglatl Oe (lad GUN) Saute gt) Lal yt gb a pall ods Capt Chas (lc shill tag Bate Aly phy Cale ally @tBY! ade JUN) Gol WDE Ge gh hs Se iy (a ok Gy thal upctiall) Gua Da Jato a gelseyl peal Guniall Gye Baste Miah gaiy Sy ccllley (Zune! oh Gy pla! g ZL alge le ha Gly @ plus 8 lo Qaee sis Gucieall (Gall Gla ty Ged! eas) Aba Yad gu gd hse ee Lal US Go Mi sad gd CHBYN Lay UL 5.6 5 leal oka agin! US celia AEA sols gill jal cUilagll ods Ge sade Goll) Gud ally Gua fice soll gp nel LS ile dy Alle Hina (Arjlyoy) Allal) dik Je5s gaya! 3 Asay CWP! Utlay ells ge ALU ib Glad oe ab bs ball id gob pat sll Goal gd EUS Hales Gl} eal mantt lava Jal cay oiSl taney dias dal on eliY! tubes glad QU ly Jaa Ed omey CLBY Hala J pmey doses 3 ym Ge salill Unt A sal yg Calgtiall gle aside eke gall JS Ala pall obs dy CN Gai A Glas elie lll ol tglatud Cishmns sal ol ly sath Ha Slay Gh yy ged Gileny Cyl Lanll Ys agaay AL,1 al pall chai aM satel ol api Ling cMglatte Gy pact Welles gia CY! shee pit a psy ob Ale Gi Li 54 ISD aj gl Sl & BY gl Gaal Up lal) Gal) hid alttg ay 9 petal eB Bay celled Cassy (SI FAL; Ge la U8 Cu Heng Mall Gals lS aay ginal Ci (AL le (glues! A} Ebel 5 apa Copal Cae Gelcnyly galraiiy! ell Gistal) led! cyst ayy FSU LDL Ladys 50s cally cLiY! Abend Gia lll gh Glo Coy (lal Gass (pty Ady sla Dal Qa Gull dal coe GLY! elds Wa yall ola Cj col glad eliSY Gal Ou GURY! Syn Cums CUD Sande 5) Cel HW ee Saas y ral Salat: einel sill cltead jl EIBY! 5 yee UE Cake 5 5 peal S595 of Datdll Jal Ga gy! ad ee itl oaleall a Cialld 5 puna Ayal las CI sha bye gd Aga ayaa PANN 55 f We jee Tne Cldlall ley Qsleiy shad le fi a yd ola Gb sled 9g Li hay le eM eS & pall ASML Ua chs gall Js lls Gra Gf Giga Seal 1009 se 685 G8 Oath A A Acta AN IS Sa I SD Ae age ae gue! Tg $3 Ges Qn pe Coe Slt ae ge guns baal |? -5- gai gail As ct baa dS deat cSt Gly Sf he pas Ge Fi than ode CS cco lull Gunde Line UgShs Ql cBYl gD ll ak yd LES Ge SLs iad Geen Al A CLS Ss yg lilly, cee AEG Jay Cages Aliety at Asal 8S toss a Lassa SIS Gis alll Alaal 8 Aah qa ee 6 YN iLiad (ya doll LEY) aay Gla tall Ge asl ecLaYh Sis) Laat 4SLal Lease WeySle 2438 od Qs Ah 5 As Sy CLI Gn Gi Whey WES IS padind of le cay yall ol gd dy loll LALA 5 I Gals Line alle 5 atl Ge oes (8 Asall lel G3 ot a Miss yess gill > Bigg Lail tleal M etsy ght oly Cigna VAS pl US Aa ag hh Algal oe Calas Yleas N cagaa th ain ood gs ll aga Gebel y Ae sill Gabel sath cain gm Dlaall 1a ood Langs Le fd Zl pall ok Gb gale Sal Ga eka y Athan I ety daly y Laagly UY! lag! Aya jail 4SLall Sal) fe el A pall 928 Dale ce ate aif ga SaIh Nha ae of Sil ned lle eUlbill Sali! PEs AI Gyadl dal ye CUUy Gala gh Shas lg SlLaal costes 4 sOupygall aie Atal) Lh deb al od Kall gy cal (SLs pull) Quel ae yo ALE Gnge FQUESNAY "48 ped pty ple gall gill tl inal ba gall Hn pall oda Cos ily SecA SH pLal Gorge GA Ge sladl pal ye gay La padl OF Gains Gy sled) age og Cate gill UABY! aay Rigaall AlLaal MH UG gaey Gly del iD) Vik S15 Sy By adinall 85 8 5005 cl 2 gS sat dal gola3h gl SiQath (gig) aU GUL) og tt Zab abi AT 599 Maal le Gua eal Caled yaa gga cole cgasslall Sill atin y Std Gg Re lcin Yl Lec Quam stay silly go gh Sua Al ghall Gig y Us¥l @ teas) Lec cgasdhll psbisll le Ua 927 segileall Gill 5 S8 yall gle ans gill galcaiyl Al plall ye tl Lo Atal) Ae 5) ia gases pS Una sing la jae AY! Gu Lokal WD ol ose ped GU hata SAN go casalall gy siilld ecg giall G51 sll sills oh fin y Dgdling cine duel LS cle sii I A Gaal ga Gaull ll of Gy ies y gales) Ua 4 at SpE Satay ASLD pay gid gh aS Jal of cam Aad dag Ges Glo ail Ua els Geka co a pecs lly Lance Gl ll Qe Ua pany QA Gay Loe dahl Aga sil) A ja ye 305 A Gi gall Gee UN le AW ee ch iS pepe poled Lae Shyla ASV byeeds Gf IY) le Gags Zap Ayal, Lola) ASbN Lal, AAAslae col Angas alts 28 IS GY abby 3h sil gl le salll 999 uly galenty! bLtall ce shy gM gay al alley Ades Has Apel dinkon 5 41 Aiadie Gules e238 allie ee oll gS of Say 28 ISI Lokal! dedi ge Dead qyaldll gill Ge Si Za a 149 po A9BY tp gay ll alg AS gtd SLY he «a8 Sane LY GIS Ad US cn gsc Jgtalln a pac i galeail ye gal ts (1774 =I ieg ags 7 2 oat ASD y pl GLa Rh Rag aya aM pL SLs gh CIR al) UL y eal SLY og pas Gul anal? “26:s40 1998 «ha yu ophey -6- Goal seat) gad Sgnill Als usta Saal 3 till SY! daait) cone (AS PU Gye yaaa Ala gay dd any 463 ) Late Qa S Cll pes ssl Lia Gay ASL Ky J SLE y Deal ps 5 ype god AS GIS el gue Aa ll Spall gle LL Lady Gags gt Agta aL Go Ket ih Coppel La yas Gye) US i pase! ele hey Le og age Cal Uli I Gay Lyles le Gti eg S91 ASE BS By yory celicall @ LY! (gf Lesh ae gy Leal) Galt gf alld say GLall cart Faggall ake Blt} oye By a ag Lead aise hy alge (68 Sak ll Gls Hy Sed 8 OY Uf pAaliicy Alby erly 32g Le Gala Ge atl aul Y) dyaLoiyl Age 6g fly AyaLeciy pall an gh AS Gb Asta 1 BN gw Seb ll ASRS La jaall gp Sie Goel Ge Tse tay aul 5 "hana pF Go US pe poe Lage y tualaettl Ay yall sales ase le deel ehh og Sie aansy all jad aes i Ca pl ey Cue UN Gan yd jeans ecleaityl Blatt 4S pa i al all Jas PLAY g Lighalll g A Mael Giasy gs Seal) GAY de Bléall raadul GU, 208 J yall “lal gihsse J ants 258 Ge Miaghas Sab il Aye geal Coleanall y dalell ital Gnas 5 cel RleckYl ASyabigal Soy AShall 5 siall le A yall 559 puna aby OSs se JAM Aaleayl Aygall Vlad j 50 al fig An LS GLa Quasi Sarg cdg tll (SIs 3 heels ip a Mlle len Ula cot ga Lill s sinall le @bLS Alga yo off MAL al all eG nisi ALL ahh 5 YI Ag le (dyes Ghtle le 3 shu! 5 alas, THY) Yaad Gis 5 sei Gus aces GN packed 5 og Seer! clu) Conall ee Nya 2h as Bale) Ge gi Cand CLOW cuss 9 SURLY Bale! a iS a Babes ok WeSlagi) aSas elt cs ginall le galassyl Al gall p93 cya J glsslst ce gia sept JEAll g faa le Assy! OLS shy sin Maleetsyl Slee ogi Ayal) U5 bay (ua ley Cas pil GIS Gulu Ihe gle y PELE cl Spent Gaus Bpuall din All aia Obs oye sed alent! GLa JY alla alld Ay last 420 ph allaeall Gus pla Hi Sam agi ily SU pases Goradill y Saal og puaial Lilly duaal Cues gil bel Sy Late 5 Maciel clad Se B55 coll G95) Gh gue Sores © ging y (yea aac y Daal) puadi SM hp Sas AWN 5 Leal gh pani 1AGd unltie peaaitl aI ang 1a g Ugo Gaunt eee Gad pen ote! gle pie gill ISL Gd cian 5 Se Hay lal Suess Je pgsl Le bale ssi Oe Aa cals Gu pom gd GG Le Alae) Ue Gh yall a all gtiay Le LS pty GIS by GDN Gye MH JS lal ells gill Gia JL GS ce a aL ey Slag Glas gd yyel I cul ch yLie YI ols Gl YI Apical 5 aati Qelaayi Still ChE Elly Guid Jal ge An jill Ud! Bape Led eal of lls AI doled 599 gle Cuan gal aba! ail yall 3S iy A GHEE YU yah seth Gay plall eS) Ge GSI gall jee ga Quail A i TS ~T2 sso sym 01965 + p25 ly Gy Hy penal Ling D fo AR Aaah sala (UA gh cpa taal 485! Rm salsa gt Ally A776 gh 52 SlesY! A Syl yt (1790 1723) Sno plied gale y Gage? ALS 545 cay age sf HED a 38 8k Mls JAH sageld SeaTYY gb SAWN Gy stall sal ye ans (1832-1772) og ped gall. “Pierre Rosanvalion, la crise de I'Etat providence, Edition Le Seuil, Paris, 1981, P.107 . T1283 ou gn ye cpa Spall dan yee eileen seal. > -7- Agel seat] gad Sgoill Aulls Acta) bai 4 pial) Jg8) eal Yad Lets ppialamy opie Ou Andy Las + «SUS gh dealt gia sf jijall Gla! eB eg p25 ile: pty pacy ell Ge cs sed elec ogi sil pum GABLSS Lally cpg) BLES Vin g Mabie 5 gy pip Mba gf ILS 3 lad Ge ptaled’y esl gad al Glsd Gl je alsa Coe ae gh Lan inal pty Le LE AE Ail pall Jaty Lae» 1G se dot Le ps pea gil ya il 6 aad Goad Sell lll Go yghl a ial og Pe datal) datas dal 2 gh amy! slaall cy shall plea (9b Qhghill 45 phaiy hey ccell alll Gl) Gaus 4 Ahi abel gilss devo y Guuedl yauw 298 US of cus «huis hy Gas tha Baga bia pty GK yy lin fg) US Aalall Sabena St Hi_h Gy Ayal Je yn gl age pad AsleiBYl y yall Halil a2 GLa sau Sb gb Asta eat Git) w RM Le gg EN pales CUA Cap taney AlBba pale Cy gal papas Glaze cod chill ps gual le Al gall AS 5 sill GIy ae de LESS pte s Spell Appa) Cale te Say Saal Sty BW aj sy UD Guan aut gd i DDS peel! LS La ji la gal WS Clef ryan I Age gall ue ib algal ab ply ale {VI al cy pat eUlae! Ge QuIS Si jar Fun jde 88 ys¢lal al ¢ Lea gl obs CHS yale COS Sas Gye Bagh Casal gill Se FS a yLine Cage » gobeaiiy! ay cele g jG Sill elad SUSI Ae jal os gle! Cobalt Gobet! shall gi Ua 552 dye Sate IG) yells 4G LEY ey gine 2385 gall Jal yall (gb Call ool) slanSAd Malad ily ginnall yan Altay plan 2p AS 5 ecllal Col jl Aran SeliSly ADGA pant dual ogi Lb juan gilly Gib sly CL cay capi aut tee > LIS aol y 5S Giady lley cqcioall gb Ayuall Jud Aa pr5 hy ely a eaeed Gf OS Y sl LS sta 6 Mad ecinall § J sail Obybee ASH Gals gins gi QI gll Quay ga olpD ALA alas cpcin ola} ullis ad DES Ces SLY tye DE Ue 1 ple Gamal ga Sell Jatt Ayal iG ik Gy Agoda y AML Lal teahee ested od uly USEy pale 41) US Ge Sapa ApLesy! AMI jul J «SYS » any LS est SEs oot pall altel y JSS alll Le je gl LGV gf sly Gum cale GSty called I Usa Baal A glis AIS tke £8 Ch ly aaae iGo tb! le G5 USS cpaleetifyt el 4 has YA DU Ne ithe OS Sails Leliay! A Ayal daa of Gly US aaLayl Sty ahd hs eb ge Ning MeoldN Chugally BGS gh Ugall ule cay cds Sq Sas Saudi Sly LY Gay A el Lol ltl os gb gia elle! cle oll gt all ys ob pine alite} ja) gS a pk Se cite ay pall Gye AS Ma ys ALAN Iga yy ate ede sl Rn 2615 hy byl (he ea Ih aaa Hag eal gaa eg La Sf Ce SS Tacs 2000 ine ong Ay ily a a Pierre Rosanvallon, Op.Cit, P.112. TOL ue 68S See ee ee Gee? Sill Kay Re pngay gin 6 1936 Xie 3 sil Billy LAD Hy Ta» GS aibyn yas (1946-1883)u5 pla ea. © AR a AD ila gD aa Ny la CH Stn ll aS TE Je he 26.0 1997 ois a an gh a 3S lal SUT) Aly Lay Salh y BY ae © J.M.Keynes, Théorie générale de emploi de limpdt et de la monnaie: Petite Bibiothéque Payot, Paris, 1975, pats, -8- geld seat) gai Jgaill Asis Aystali bead A pith SU) Jaci sh Sg oS Le Hoag USI Ges le lial g 401 pA ell judas gle gal ad ls hy Lae LEAN ag GL as) g tall Gado Quads A ga By 7d Quis Ob» GED AMS 3b Gnd LI of 8S Gly LS deka aD 3 hull pial g yyy by OIE A duos gi Akg polany aad Js tgasl Byun GLU ol | cy 2 Ys Jal Dae all 159 GS ey gl US 5 SD SEAN Slatks GbE Roar SI jLatidy Lill EL Ge bt Gye Ly SOY Ge le etal Ha GY «BAY Ayal Blacks 2535 eB Ses eee sess yt le Gol sSll jing Sayan Sli dais DDE Ge EDLY! 2 dalall Ugildss JS Qe We ys2 Sod coll Ayal Leia (sosme Nay pei LL! Ligand 5 Apelall Apsley ly hail ee 4p 5S Aaa cil 4 acl LU eS) eal lls la all lal BL) Gad CAD ol pale Ay ll Ag ad lbs gh Se gl OSe Y gil 5 Antlh dl) opal dalla gt pda of SS ly Mls Gad JF Ge Lyne RS esa gill pA eat «Lee! whe Gaby Abe gis Y G3 olde Sacbill wayne gt de ells OS (ye) Ais Gaginus JIS Le eee pl Y) git Gis BS 4 es Le Jill Se Ales Ade y Asa gle ail Sally (tla Y GIS AY Lol 5 Alay! Aga Ge lobe c cero e Eli clay Golall ¢ Und ll ASL Leaege CS Isle oyselr 5uS uf Bad Ascleig yi Cus g GLI BY! Ga GAY be Galas ses ol gual Sil ob Asta seal gil Kay 5 Ayer all Gaeta DE CyB aI Lela 5 Sobeaiiyl YY pals ey pb Lgllaad cH J sil sale! ged Usa) GUS! suai Ge 4546) Aaah je any CASA “slag Leis 5 D glia’ a) gall 4 ju60 AyobectSYl Cibehaall Casi qs sill YRS AILS Bhs ey oll yall SF sad laa cal gD MN lead I Jal ples LS cults 5 Al netsyl sisal A Ayal 59 pupad ule 58 ill Gf of fat Al) bays) 5 Zon sgl) y LRM Ge Sk Ge ead GA he Gl pee al cf ela agatl gi YRS pom Aad gd Koo il) bts Uhal og J sll le yal (a cll dial jad 5 opti) teh Mites A ae yaall 16 ts ble S55 Sasa Aa ull ALS gal Gay ca steal UA gle aynell DN hy ashy Gia gal Sls Ay hy Ge Mead Maal Lab La aa 5, ce ph esa La GU 9 Gel QM es Gay (had 88 58S 9 G52 AucLag yl Qead Uss (gb Bl sale] glad ¢ Ubi Lowe d Clube Geb ce Lill apall Ul gall sill Ue] y age) ale OMG aes 4 Ale! GL jay! Giasiss 5 Mas 5 AH Laka Ay) add Aa gle aSlall y Aya I 5 ALM GL pA jy yay Geldll chy ecg Agel! CL YT Cia ELEY! CUI A Glee gle LIS 5 he eH BSD eked le Gab 2S alana Lal Gayl See le 3S Alief 2S ja Cass gf alt ge Gill 3 525) ' LM.Keynes, Op Cit, P37. : 2219 -245 se 0 1 583 See ea wea le BK oe! SNS a i ohh i Mya Hg ay) ANT Shag tl) get aa gb Gol LAID ERS yh 5 Set Diagee hyp y@ 2004 Edie ate «puna pe y Gabel pad ppb gS ca Ty 2 ygihy Leama Chel)» on gl Ghd Rake! Rad gi Deal gps olen ats. 7 6 vse coe 2004 555 07/03 oka Sealy up ge 9 Sol sit -9- Gaull slot) gad Yat Alls Asta bad (8 p35) sl Quail Fant cle che lad Gusta > peed y gle y (cil) 1G Las poe hosel 555 ally LB GAT OU Si yi lynne Cus Qa) 5 AAI! Gaeall le Atal JS) Apliaisl bed Suc Spall Saad peat 5 hoe Jal 4 eal gs wae GIR sd sade ald Ge 4 as Y Samoa Abid ge bi pall y2,i oo tall yO Ds U5 ee Yass pS Sy cin AplLadyl shall Gd sh le pseell 5 Up Ghat « aids Galil ¢ Unill (I) all ¢ Unill sey Mel Cdl) gle dans shell Col pull PB le aS AI Segal go Clad 9 Held YT GLI le (ce Sal) Gtby! class all Fneabe ed Line Leal y ts) jane (Le Ss of Se of Gl of tall the si ay DD lf SLY Gy Ge Aemd ML ded abba 98) of 3 yy pall Gad Gee hy A Gears GD ed pHa le IS lh nny esd poi pail oe Sh BGI Gy LN ye ys fas bie pl Vile Gis Aigalayl gil al Jas JaaS plaid daly ill sll cle Gl Sy Gal Deeb} 5 Rp sill ASL le Lt Altea pM tall gl el! adsl Gent Us cs earele CLUS bay ealSl All GF pent JS Rates bli p ye daleS Jia pate : sqgelciny plbsl y iubd DAI AS sell GAS of pall LL Ga WES As Gd aS 2 Ua of ual pall wp LS LA CIS by in inal Auallly ail oy Le Ge DSA Geb ge ly pluill Kola Sagi y gall Gall: 5 flee OS Bid LA J clptaniyl pend) GLY) LALLY al lacie J gall GY Cau gil qe bee DU Sey ucats i ety eee an 9 play! bbe 48 Dyall 52 Gault QP aud CA) gi Gels cada gll Ata al) Ss dua ate pa Ln ee SE mn J a A AS tad sad oll) Spl Glsi Jap ose pl Saal ee le sane ke OI Haag Stn Aste! hl LEY) stay MCS Cam ell 5 fi AS Ke yoda Gl Leola! Gay de aed Bane A! cous! qcinall Qa gal Lela US ples (985 Sacliall dy) VI Rea OY ES phe Gat GAY GN yal oJ yh Sey ey lita de yay Jaa fa ls Geta Les US UeLS LAY Ute Le slyl Go ptel Saal 4 dos Sabad vey Spall lead ha gass Jab a) pil WSHEE GMs Ay ll le 3S pad 4 pal HOT Sab ey gh Deg 5h gle la gh Qa LH Lake Sa AE IIIZ alge ce Sed gal. ! 22 = Bagge G0 JS See ere oh 5 Abn? ah la Realy Le) Lid Jee «(1950 ~1883) og as heal. 629... ‘ ol Ane aa CU led Sing ap AMG last ed GA gly Haya : T2~ Cagsa ya 11999 12:08 DB age 05S Gee Op a5 et -10- gel seat ga gall Ls Lett ad 4 ys 5M! Quai ADE Gye GUBY! (Se Sine ang YL YDS yy Bas ll Cysall ull Sal ald eee SS By Ap All gona San Y hil 9 ga Soll SSS Aare 5 Hed Sou Ui Gis (quad Aa si Spall GY lls A al sya) gee shad Lee UeiSdy A pally LISS alls sass 4 pall of «Jl Se Ae y Seer gas BE fy anes ob 3 pest if Dall uy ibe & jean A i sly lay lll saysnl AB alll J) poe Ged ¢ 558 «(Il faut le laisser faire, aisser passer) ya ci gis au ol ce LN dsb ghane BE y G Aalyall poe Gh lle I QUAI ia Ge od io Agdlal! 4pseify! shal GH yt SI GEN gale) SAN oh AStall 2,3) Glee oaland ce ol fil) ABI LA! y (Lead NM Silh pg laud Ged 2 SALI US yy a Sill ably MILs gay Scag ll Sal le SI ASP! ysaluaigYl Sill p gy Cus gettin gatas (oF GSI BEY Sa gy Ug 1g Ay pil de jal 8 8 le ll Tle gluaity! ASI fat yey de yg shai Ha IS Oly ASL ye Il AS Le IS qiBY) Silangl clea Aba! oo SI juny! All ALY! sacl Gis GS ALL, dale die, Ady ge gh gaat le Qe gay gf Coal Ga My ddI UAL a gh Giddy gala pala SS Jy Lye! S ost AYN Ga Siall gf aad He Ge ae thy an Dead Sy gil Me de ltl ol Yh geal AD ga jst gd BI lead pe gh LgSitaly oh gue Seal ASLAM ated Cif gall Ugo (pila! LS cay Spd goleetyt pL gi Madd Gaia ge 5 YI SAM gall ytludl JS dao He gOS] gay Ls ea Aig (Ags fa WN YAN Ash AYN gb Astall 2 g¥l @ pill @ OB He pte askall Gal Ge 3 sill Got (nS 3b Ul) ASI say! JS ess Speed da ecgad hg GLE Cans ASL yh ial Gy Ua jhe Conan JS Go y soe Gt col bac Nhe Go Gal 4S) a} ol) arias (aly SNR Algal We «GU mobi gl Ggubil 2 a) yall AMSG Cel jal by pee gd Ae gatey ASI G2] Si ge La of YY ote qatl Gill gd vane gel Sb ME SI aby! SH Ibe GI Ge ge thy lis flea iia Ua ul aeltleateraseu aa aay! USts Y lay! GG etal ga dy palsy Lad) Le) A yall ed JEG & poleall Glecigll Ga 5S Ge ASSN AyLD OY ayes las by gum Gail Nhe Sal 1b cetyl Gi sY aol ASL spall e jae SS aS) REY Ge Skat LAV GLAY! Me Ans Le WY Ay all gb ASL ayes Sey Leased 5 Gaal DS Ge WI) Ge abl gle Menta ASL cya ban ge Lge LSS QI Sle aill 25 NS By ALU sabes 5 pS B58 Ge Dyke ESIALY I Gow ped 28! Gael oe Foland SIZ) SA Gyo G2 JUS gzel ISA oie) ', Frideric Teulon, Le rile de IEtat dans économie, Edition Du Sei I27p04 8 Paris, 1997, P.72. E22 Coe He Se per lnan 9 al? Toe endo? -H- Gyuall Saaill gai Jgaill Mulls Ayctall aad 4 yal) SN) Jaci rn Jiggs) Sah PE ke SIEM oles! iy st959 Cull CLAM) Ge GIS gill y agar Chum saluaii¥i ati Anatol AasSall lity alld capso) getiiall LED og oul! Gags Sy LaLa 4Stall bf Os AS LA Ne esl hy alLecBY Gilad gle 5 yall ApLecsy La Sal Lele Ge. cH 98 pall Cys Asc Ld alata thy agi] J ILS hy 5 Sill oe Gyan Gulglas Gy Séall O98 Ss a cle Ugeoal Gall ntial J gS Igal slic! gle 4 u esl Wee Gyo Case ASL Ca She Lal le Lele ped ee GY Galen oh US 4 CIGY Bes gaeed asad Cashed 9S GY Minted Go Ayal Gf | gate) aif 13 gal rege leiny! Gill ga Lege 5 SI 4b io isi sophed pier i 5 os Sal) StI Nha Gage «Fourier uj » six cel SLABYI SGI oye g gill He Gags ASL ASI Boy ale GUA as I «SI ay Gal OSE Y gly tell Siskel Ub ach 8 clef Gah Ge aly AD Ua) 3 CY gat Gia Nas cag Sal cle Up Aen Asay) eal REMY 5 Mitel Cuil cand Gf Fase gills Ge sa Gk Gill Go 5h eee Geka (I) pla ss cel g ALN Cah Leal chet aga lh sia ol) dees oI quad » I ah SMU Say AS ot gd Gabel uae grad all le (UM py hae ee God Sas Goins Ling celal 5 Dla Oe Utne le pane he le ly ol fate jie Linge coin asi Cpa Va oy Oy gl lal dauslay AS ft Lie lad Ad Ges al lbs et eth ney Hin As ISI Ge Be olan gd He gee Gi Ll Bd Lb 1) PS Sl le dh Lealeatiy! Glas gh ye a9 ge Qhuy ya YQ, gle Sill Algall 439 gual lle | LI hyn OF a gaall ley Silas Seale ASall Aaa fal Yee GIS gute sla pall Joa Gd y pe ogSI SY) pA Bs 8 i 3 ull laid ue daa dlgsalS ASI GAY Cals 136 ay US Gall Ge Us glall oe Vy glu! JS LS ld 5 7a pay gchibay yall sal ace Lea Ugld DELAY day hl seal Steal) gs Goll ¢ ULM GhL5 aunty bed ool ote eS ld all St ay | gcd! I BAY clay dye Laas od gla, (Fs shall) Aad gh Asien A sta : at) Evil ° sighs Li y Weiss Ada 481 S29 Ga Gal le Go Anil IASI say Gf Lisl 5 el al pllsi 4 do yal Hel cles Nes) Sus itt Qos Shad Conatny Aad Sins al G4 lly egal Glee ple y AaLuayl i i SAY Solan Ui igh ead Gale Peat be JIS» yoy Salons! ASD gs Ze laig'y! ALM patie slang chee y dad 5 yyuas aly «pe alll OD Sty! Ge 26 ye 83 Sn ey te 5 33 Abt Sb tl LE GS le ya HS all ene pL le bps (IBBS-ISTE Debt gata? Apa y Ape il yalh ye ayaa a vay y VE -12- Ggeall seat) gat J goal Aulls Aystall load (8 5th JJLS oSi Le they ReLany! GDLN Gaal Ce Coad Allee Gb Sut J Shihes iis Joti tus Asani hag alle i sas Ustad gD Lt A ok Lad Gay DUEL 5g it 5 CUNY Tas Aaa Ne SSCL Canal g Abaarall ob CB yall of pinay carla JALAN Cull gb PLS Os CB FS tan ab uid # gle Slee el A all cob eed Gle Wbliay Gah Shee Ul led coal (AS) a Cell 5 Malad 5 LaSY GS ASate Cin pecld «Jleall dolioe Ste jy Ala 4 Coe Sh eifYl Stal) gle Angee Conc Cand 5 Gadd 5 DEL fay Salil Ged Salad (th Joey hyd dee cl il AD ign Se ASSAY) Lith Sp atl Als ye DE Gall p Ubi ies by pee Aas Ud! Gy LS co} 3S AVI Ula pal 8 Cals 5 ALN LDL Les AS) ay! ASL aud la lec, eg ce say lee cosa Ost ya Jae DL Gia JL yd! gland «pa 2 al so S he Late «Slat diy dy ae Bad Ls lie'y yolall alee: gibi EDGY ASIN Gye Jute) jobs LS ek Jad gael Ay Gg Lels Aste JS gl Le sil hy ces Fed ca Jats Guta He ody Jauall fa g) Las OS SOU cs ght DE Gian gh Simall (gllani i GLY) ca sla ool Ga Day Jou 5 CD peieall gaill he gf ARR Ghana a8 yay cowl AL Baal 4 59h cot AS cll Kena) Jas 5 gM Sedna Ase) Sts (it) Ala ae gH oo pall ALA taal Dash of qa Jha JS) gop LS ae ple AANA Aye pi} Accl) Abell hi sf Lad Aaa) Atel ASLa Wily CD Las Ahan) col) YsStle Jac colo Lata Fazall Ault) 4sslal gas Gf CAANy i gil Reeth tla Aha yas Secsgualill Qa Mids Ste 6) 5 Zot) Lag eB aN pol g LLaM ch 5 StH gy Guha > cipal cg pla LAY Ladi is Gad Elo all 5 DRG a sgie gua gd 4 bull sxcli 3 SV ode USI Cus ad Galli A ks eed ol) CLIN Sileey Sle ye ile ya Giana: 3 pains Ubaball MASI 1S a aie Giabsl Ana ES BI al le nent LV DELI GY Go tS Gey Gl Gua SA sa jl Ln Lie ys all Gaile cle Mead I) ising Lay Leia al Ayaka) 2A aalAD Sal Sas ata GN Zane dale Gay cag oy se DDL oar al gk getty! Jabal oy ey Gedy I) AML | gh decliayl GUDLN 5 LY! Lae (gfe (ye WLLL cial hall GLa Gi sisal '.K Marx, Le capital, Livre3, Tome2, Edition Sociales, Paris, 1973, P.08. 106.0 85 cee Gay sya gee a AS Ngee etl IS GS be eo Li ty SA So al ae Ah (1885 “1820) 0 was) se aeoet 4.K Marx, Op.Cit. P09 °K Mars, Op.Cit, PP. 10-12. AD se OTL clay aig AGS hd ISM ne Len ful Le oh i de UA ~13- ol satih ga Jgnsll Als Aychal daa 5 sta JS Quail CLSY ot Me Gare cle lil! paleyl lal Gaus sitludl gsts ol tel By cay “TE SAY Lig 3 yy all Sua 2 Rete CHL aI I US La JAS» ns Gaal is ny 22S! OLD Gs alles Gis Lalaa! Lia! Qyitishs 1) SA 3c leallnne is 6 YI ABN chal os ll gga Gaal FSSLM Gyecnns JS Gay juts sayy Ailey Hye SN sats St Bhs LL Ggean bony JS) da ay ea US att Laila Layee aly bya Shel gi jd Gil p bed ob i SR IE ab aS heed CN isl gs call Ute Yates Yale cao +6 TY) shal chika oo si SIL gis AY ald Cuba ye Ethie esi Gi 8 Stal SGN 131 poree SEs AaalS USL ell) OSes Y aig Gadd og SY) Als yall (gf Le geass Galil! Bj As Nady lt 3 gins Jsis «Hadi » ag Aba jo ed Lats Gee VY Anetat stay Lays FURY LEAS Goad OS) As NF ga La as EA das (te 4 IS 1388 BY ale ockll sahil) Jal ye Ge aye US ah y atl 2 Cd ees Oe et ol Say A Aaah y 3 Aasinall Ol yall JS agi dle Beli Ob gee i jypaty Kgeaeatpall ola ob Cine ISS oi ls (Sa 39 ena o sles Saal AS ja ed Sati ye 5 jal yall Coascal SARIS y Aes y Ayashi as Aaa Latics! O85 A JUN Aplowy! Glu) apie Spal ye 5 Adal! Aguaily! SHEE AS Daal Cals A 6 SD Apel ESE yu ak Lh Sal ghe all das cans sell og aay) SAN 6 Lucha) stated) catteaty ASI USAIN 5 Ulead B lgy Cole All Gua gl All yo Ge, OY Sal Gy ane pi Sy juin Cake gpd ecb gs ll Sie 2 A8Ll ddakiey al guals Goll ols Auda y Luni! y Liall y C28 Gn Mellel gb any QUSs sei i gh sills os Sa nal Shall sauied UY AY tetledls 4ysitiall a QoLewy) Goeth AS ja ayy aly OM EAA GY Sh Y seh 8 Saat ALS (LA SL ge jad Ee jl pate gl 9H Meany Ug ae Ge USL Ns aan y gy aus SAS Se Cale ees Gall C5 al any gal, eelaial SSL sled le YY ests Y hall Age Ge OL qpaleetty (UAIE Gudll dew SOLA RAB 8 On CU hapa Una Solay UL Gh Gi pal LGD 4yy0 os a Ly ea ah gD syne pall LLY! Gace Ha OS JS Bilis ol Shel gl be ab danas td Ayal Ga lejos Ua jms WY old Aw OLY 3 ll, (Sail ae A (SU al elgiaal 15555 Vy sks dais J Yee Gite Gly alee 9d ly oly Jans Seer iony sal! 2Tye so $3 Si a 4 tout 5 Ajgt 2 -14- Good! Sect) gai J gail Auts sta had (8 3c) SY! Sua a a SI Laws «(Algal AzcLagh aa all) ZOU Yel oh ASLIL LAY! Gel LS « 'y LL Di say Cay gM casas Wi gay ES Lele LAU Ign Baal y Shel A aged dM Ey & AY Anca Salty) LUMI US G8 gaggia Ge jc LAY! Gd Lal Legge USL Gy Aap LAT ph ad PSN hase oye Yau aay Cy Gd ASL) Gaal) ZOU GANT oF EEE ley Algal Asko y Mla ASLIly Motel) ASLIL Cay 5e8 4S ALY I Aled I ee te SS SI FST Mlaal gl Guana Gur @ jell Sey Y SLY! Gg ASLa iS! Ses CON dg DRY a gies Ghia ASLY p gees LS yo OLY! Gad! Ane peed TT Os SLA pany teeth Ja Foe YI ge GLAY OSG GUS! Ghuntie Yo ely llathy that Cubed ap SN Gh yill Jail by Piles pS pertal y Sie tel aed Lebel Las Cobee Lee pel BU yy al gly iglls US SG CS) Len Cd ebay | pt) Lee Gane Sle lh SUNN coe ES gb aa AU elgg al Sy LY! Gal gal lush ASL. hes wil aay aly La I Ii hate 5 Og cee Lag ie My Ci paul lle diy ad gS es aN I) all as cA Olay! ay GLb! gill yoy edeinny ail gill i ga 2 Clas! 4Slay Le JSD lua ISG papi ins Le dy deli y Ad aed Say GLA date GF Gall LLaMI Gi oaa.y aly aed debenll 9) ail) obi Gly 6b 610 Lanes fh Lise ah OLY! Gatlead Ges cu Nd J ALY AS ja Wake GES (i aga qngy ayall oan Uy Ly peel sly olds Le gsSle Gd es E BS Les all glhy dil aga, le Sth Sha» tei pl Casal) i els LS allel G8 Gel co N50 Lied 1 lind gb Gul GIS elgld pguiansy coed pgons Glad Mae gd | pag cole SSI Ghy LSte Val tly ph 8 Od Lbs ye 35 aly Ws LES UI) ll aed g Ge Pelagan Lindy Lad aeaal DL IS 1 ASbe 8 i Gh pall ys Relea foil gig Cassell oS iy Ue Coe OLA DUST y YN 8 sl SE etl Goa le SLAY GI GS Gn Nay ll pues wlll ub g AuLuall s teh BS LN goto AKall as 459) G peal alba Ga GL cL OLY gin Geld) GAY ge Gost (Si Lelaalls UsLesyl GUbLa ol eel Ade ih dhe gis Capa Adaleall 8 CBAs LIS OLY Lalisy i pally ill Guba Gat ides Je Usk Yoh Sey ples Led Gus GY SLESYN Lag cals Gud GLE Gye wiley Vo 8 Su og 5S Le Ue pk sel 5 passions palin Ler 6 SSE alee 8 i tele Gas AS 5 phe wi yb Ge aN ony GUS Gy jae an aM le SES 7 yy iG SS Le es BY on 05 4) at 60 ANT 29h 33 28 SR Ge 70: soa 50 SPOR 324 SD IE on 122 49 aka ayy 82 2003 «ja age Js ge GB Sel Daye y Sa pha ag pam a) 2250 LD Ge 35 AN castle -15- geal) duaill] gai Jgnill Asis Austell bal ob stl) Js) duail ages gay Lan gal ll LLts yd Gylae SY Na By cu BIS 5M UGS Yn Vag gases Od Daal aes CLD Gate oid A Anat A 9} Ba Ghassan Sb yg yy pee Hs ISG egal LUD te eM! ly Gl ll Ine Com y “/2 ced odes HEY 5 JSG asd gar ptt Geely Gla jh x pale Lelain'y! Uaall 8 dyalias pele Jka Lage abs 2g Sie MN dads Spel Hpbi y abl tye p tay Je as SK seLeg! Mand laud AML Ales yl CALLEN aly Yale Olay! geld! id Ua) Lh 3 Coe ABERS (Sep (gly Qolictsy) ALY) ads Ge Gj} sll ain gle Daally Abbas 3 ow Gig © Us Ast Aalst AS LED cel gy pill dae gle as OLY ein (gb Apulnall shall yell bla ge Atl pelein yl elit! eae dant Gi Cileleall sot OU 4 jbl DoS 8 Say Boel ode y cual atl ginses ROLY! Seal thee be shies hoes Sax et els Pte Absballs GUN cles oy Gigi « OES GS Uo sill ye lade GH Alentey ciel oI dl Ow Ashes os sll E58 Ol § Som Bus GE gle Gay 4 US Mal QoL! GleLai) BL Gy 4S pal Gta Apa netityl bi ye ot Ge jy OLA! ged Sel GB tule y «gb US 2 slo ee co G05) GI ed ASL ge Gi Y AY laa: 9S) Lola 4S jay al oe ab tb as Legh Mask y 980 5 tel gl Aa yao a ted cf SCL old lane 2) ley «GIN! GA GUALY! Ge ply Al chess sill DAY! Ge sail sat ASV SU disk y act DS ce gl GAS ae Lin y DUGG A gli Qe ply Aas gases all Ly es 9S galactyly poldayl Gass gi Anca thas y shal ob stall ef gl 2, Ht gall py LES 4_alall 480") p58 (Ags clan Aus i) Usha gti) Cty OLY! Gite GES MS gill ca yl Manny Ae Lea aloe Ow ily Aly Aaalall GSLd DO ee Epes Hine BG ah hy Gal ole ll Janel pate puenet cle dus LAY! AML ye US Leake Cat (pally ct ly GAN aHl Call panties pall Go Gold Booth ge ga tes gil ASL AYN Soy Gl fey! oF Bybeal alll sled AS LY! Go BE (ph Lads ASLall only GSE le AEM 5S Ls ole cay SS al GY Gd Lal tapi MEd y LAY 8 USL! 1 SY Ags i Ayal Analenitle ced Cary GLBY Gy Alne coed 42 Gh finns 4238 SS Leola 48h OLY! lis Fad 9 SD I os CAN Gan 8S i el ly Seas Gh ally 7 GUY Ge 8 (4 J LBL Las Gal pO p seiall 8 49 ll ASL Gey caagiisnm s cagllgalr 5 «pil gab 30 0 83 Seen. 280 BY on 58 37 gyn 1987 shag yj) AL Rats sell yh 3S pe De! LAS Cel § pM aL lad IS» e250 A oe BS AY ata See aa He Se BY Spal ig net asin 382 31 B50 1993 cig gy Aub 9 ean AD la RN Lah LAY -16- Goll seal gai J gail Als AySball nai (4 ill SSM) uci! Body hag ole yo AUS ged es dl Gyo Sy Gy a Gag claw se J dys So sla Gb OLY edad Ugly ol Ge Lin yy Saka Al jal deh le dae Api) ASLO Gb St juts GULLS OLY! All prae gd nee oh Van Gy peat Ny Al de Le Big eA! aecinall ge Lilly JS OLY gal nail GUS Yule atg le Mal ell yg line High Ail 460 « 1 pally Geleis GLI J) als Bing es Anald 48h ls Ss alles Alec Macs ele JI aba ja jlal Quay! Gi Lay Qabsall las) 8 8b Gs jay all uy cin col ally agell Gy Dall g git Gubsll he col g35s elie) Leola ASL cance pod 1S Hd y eal YI Call Gyo SLAY Qe Ares! Seggald py ap lS gle asl? Dull By le Le Sa Lae Gall gle ja ns Yi sesso 188 Yq tBYT dlens play yy Seas é Moll SLI dual je SN GduABS Abd) Guta te YY co BG J; Lis ogi ls te jaetd UAYT gd Leela ASL Gl eis Y old Ue ely Ald sem coll cUad tga gh tic sl coast sh he Ge silo yar Le S Sei eel lS ye Poe C= aaall clit of cetaty et a sgnes CHAT el gue WS hat, LI 3 Duk) Sails gas J Ag) lave gf ball g UH) gh Agu gll gh Agi f GY Gabe eles Waly ee ype can cally Gilg 9S J dat ig SU gd Coslich Slal DY! y| LS Ss ey Aalaaal cle egal cds ¥ Aa Gn Saas Ab agi) Ge $8 etm Gok Maleal aa 8 ill apilly aganll ale ll 3 joy Gall jy OLY Ailey (ec Mile jill Galen GJ be AS 1b ol yy AudS FeLegll doliony 4595 3 laly Ad puod AES Soil Al ea ell Ua fy ll Aalall Aaliol eo 33st (GY Lead) don sil ha SA aad ste Gane Eo peal Alay lle Glad GLa Gd Hl ASIA ine pit 7s NOY ce as Al gh ay gth gan Sal Fg all On see Aplaall Asta « ee anes ed Sal Us 4a 5H! asta gi OLY! Fnitad Go nadad cc atl | fied SL gd olenll Gall alld OLY! geiall Shy Lib: wsal gh G8 J al 5 358 Ge junc 959 Heleal asl Isle Aaa QA GsSi Ot Oe Qin teas Wp AD Gold pp cap Helen la of Dg phat ob e1S jos Qpaleall G9 2(se) al Jp) Cuneo 955 | Mlnsay alls aly Aclall cle ct gt SAY Les ila of ens Vy lll E gare ASbs coed Gl cally Ge Ug Ul ated elas) ake Y} Mele SSM! Ge ela! ge Ayal gf a dl aubiaw Y Aad gisdal MIL Ls Zeal oda) etal ool sah: Les deel Gan gad gl 36.0 IS Gee tage pL abe ELAS 5S ye Sealy NN TS AN ect Ny GOH SBF Ge aly yah Oe Apa) Sty ha Gh all ae 79. 1981 «3p AREY Laskals eal AISI Ge 800 G6 hae Sal Oe Gs gd aly «(1406-1332 Jyelcals pay alas. My Ky Real Cos 2g 89 Sew Coe sb Fe tgpall ne 105.50 4585 Sew gy ge un» Bye Sane nue) Sed BE ojo 83 Ge aye Glam Sy AB pa 0 3 be go ig el Uys GAY. Ggudl staat gai J gal Apis Ayclal) Jani (4 sell SY! acai Sb GY ALS ASL I Ga Gales i Y LAY! Lal ASL LS) Gl YY od edinall 5 yl dale coo opal byley gh deotall 48h ee Ns LAY! (b Aalal Ny gbles old quits y asl y On Hated pale cle Qshany al ga dilye a ie Aelaall fis Ll ASL ga -/1 G4 ASU oka 9 55 Ley Ad gb ca) AVI (68 Sac doles Us Licks Y cASLall ode oy ge wk A Sanyal cb Stall ga LS 2 sill Ga Led cutee Y LY! od Abell 4SLa -/2 CO Bias Lee Aly cL My baked Sa A poses GUSH as 4) Gat alld Gye Sell Rabel) clea die le lb cca Sel 5 SLI yy olenll pa 0M Gua ele SLAY Gd Leta) ASL ~/3 ere Bah atl ey A Al Gyula Belen Ge le ISS Ag gt Seley Ge ot SD 59 Ecinall alleal » pation caball Lal GLa AYN a Sold Gas LOLLY dtl 9 LAY! gd Label 4SLall = /4 he yds Kiguall Ya gag ue gd LLU Said Asli Ale Fall dal neal cette: Lpod a peat Cilla Gunes gle Lay any ged Go ALS Wall Li iy piney Lege gd Rios Guage NN gly CSI coleas UU elle daa GE gay Asolagl daLall 45 ely Aya sed Cages pines lal Cap USE gle GOLAN geil! Gb MI yall Ale gli, Linde Uelal Lily Giyabeal lead Gall Ga MN 3 al gt cI AIS aie 2 hue cals eM nalle Nh pes I UE Sy YS A sl ecgd e DUM Cas 5 Gc TAM US Babin: pte oly Usa led Ga peat of Fabel ay) yall gle 45Lal oda att alli Algal Al jum Mies aS ed Gey ae pl A laae ob aye US GAY Algal Ziska y Letaal Asta ow Gill glial qlnall Linas Go goLiin Yl os jal! fi litle Wy Ale y eLegll ASL gS, FAY ge IS g sill od ALN GY gulls Guns yt gt Agi) Gam Gl ytey Gal YI aeSU age Leela BIIEY agg ply AU Real Ayal Gd 5 ge pane gi AAV & pape Sil ale plat oi anbiall pT Sy pny Galall ASL gf -/1 AS pS TL BY ys One o ja oe Hela ASL ghastul jyay Vy alall Galle MLS Lata lle lee gg pectin gf Sap LES UU gall DLN Ul y Latall dally dinbine a Ge AB a Halas 8 Gal Uae Dal Gag lads fe de dines Zale Ub Lda Sas $lld pty actnall eae Aaals Tale Uyie te jo sf UeSties Gf 2b GY jyee Y Lele ASL AS laa Syed Gf -/2 JAN ely AS gall 5yay Yip eles Yh Alec Le jus age Ga yal all Laas Us FAY als MI gly J Usa pons yall ASL Ga al Owe GS guises aT GA SL IS Gu ee yigr om! Pigeon Gh? Su eo oles at? -18- get seat) gai Jail Malls Ayshaty ad QB itll SMI Jaci ee ee aS Spi dt his ys Le leall ASL Ghd IgM dell Dall p93 of “3 coe Le pis Ngallane y LAN cle ages Les Gali ll UAV Gyo Uplain'y led JAY lari GT A I ed he lea Id Gall gall Gul tle y «5 pally Ueda ELLY Sam A lel cas Ua a Gye AS GLa Vp) Ley deen. gf aig gl 138 cals gn DSB y LD Cay yall KaLioad Laake oly Ld Uy CA) 3 San y Qe Gee pl) Ge peal sqrt! OLY ogi alla Gf Barts (Aga Aste Aycan dys pd) 4Slall ZOU SAY DE yay Las) SU Sally Gah pW (G8 ALA Gad TDL 5 celle Ley Gi yo ASI) 4Sey Ll Lage Gul AA dette Giinis ake Gag AM callaall vals be gle acy oY deal 2G Gad giljall sadly! (oi ASL p seis sand gf tall GLAD 4 sede anett le 5 Ga Ugie Ca pid ON yghasiy late} sey dbs ye Pea psd) A205 Gag ASL ISH aaa DAE Ge ge ASL DUS Ge lal Ul gj galey! GNI fst ple! GUL 8 Aste Jot JM gill « JAljall Cini caletil Ay laciay! 3 ghuadl UT ge Gall Gide My DAY! Bae Gf a 8 Alaill s0l8 Lis} dal ye gb sl sail uady lal 3 Ayal gd 559 elec! gas Je ae ood Stl ADS Gyo abi Ayal o yh pyar bE LU! Gok Ge alli, om AS pga Je aes Cx Skall AES Cay | ge Ha GUN Nie Gaal hy Ayal etsy PASEN G4 Le gs Cae pd ob EL N38 Ue) Gey (gil Auhall aitidl of Y) ebulay gf Lila dings A ISIS gt ls Aas IS Ge I A) Jee! E URE clans ysaily plat EU) Gi xi OS Ale y lastly aloud et Farah headed p58 Cum old g Uhl US Ge JI Gl tel Sa BU 5 hs alall ¢ Unill LS yp Le sale y Jay! AVL jyeeall Quay Bat So gh ge Uyal) S555 Lae 6 iy alll Uebel Jy weogagl gs of Sly Peds gy Uk tal ae acta Wi gl BUR Gb ola PULL apuadall gale aa Gf asia Ge OS By Years GLasally alt 78 gil A gal AS glad Spal Can gl le a0Yall plat g Us sss gl casas JAN yf aI yall 4SLe JS4 Ge pL Gat by ose jew ibis yest! Fall | ctsgl IS gf dye Sa) Glenall JSS Sioa dole CASH al ge gi SaLecsy Sadatall GIs 52) N hy SU Ugad Ley AD gall ASL SAL al Ge ay pall g Uni Gf He gene Sy glall ELL GI US cal. nvaslidll 21g CLL BY) dual) All le 5 ya ecgdleeiYl LA Clg alias i Coley bait he Ayal AS flat) te 33g 8 See eae me 52) 0950 2001 « job igang Gg Sy al AIG apna y Lag slag neo 270.20 1990 iy yy Tan ADS 3K ge cheD yh salad fl GUL ay pSle gu) agen ae -19- Goal seat gad Jsaill Alls Achat) bead (4 pall SY uclt BOSE SA axes of Sed Glassy qhall UY LeUad o skies olall ¢ Ubill Gli te at ys LYN old te ay ake Catt gf cag 1) Lab cule g pally AD all Sle ISH ye GENS be gt y BUS aad Ca ges lll EU fF Ullal) be 35 cen lh Ghat dg GB pll Gm tll AG Cun deena 98 len gg All jul GY sally yuu! sleoidl It SUSY Lay Be all Giag8 Sieg ple Yass Ge Algall Reg J AS Ladd Ayaasl lapel ce y yl! Slee hasty alas Haass y slauky Galilly pla catisy! JlacW LUI Gbasll posit Gok Loss Que Dall tall bs jually GM AL Sagal) GEG LS Lelie! lea ‘athe g) Sane 9093 ype gd Aplus! LY Linc, AbL itis done quasiy Usall sabatil p ULI pel aggally bgeall CAG alll, Cee sil lle’ $8 GIS Ne g ApaleiSYi Att hee 668 (golill yall ciel Ai ple [pH SS Cb yall GS ally 5b Nhe GST AA! ans All Weng) al AsLacayl ede GS edgiy dene Geaald gh aio ASA Gl ye Cle ped joel ell Lee G58 saad ApleniBY bagel ae GS cplall ULEl oli Guapally ue Jed Gus Jan tebe dean Lua! AM Aull host) gly Leg phy ceellell cLMYI Raley Shape cllead plall PUL Qe GAlSall Gye MY 4 UBC YT 315 Lae alall g Ui Gay gid Galli GHsee GSE Gf ABE GH gl Le Ving lady Beli: aed Mania gf Molae CUS eh yes eats sAalall 4SLal) Ha.65 GIS BeliSI Galil y egal Ubi (6b Ayslall Joe 2 tll pill Oe gal ASS By pee Cag of Sal gd lal pl Lgl) Jaen sll Agha til gf hasmasall 513) Gaghind gb shill sale} GAY! te J Gala! ¢ Ubi allel lea) Gow Tguadad (gd cla coh alal) JL ody 45 lke Ulleee Cr pel Higly «sil jall Gd Aus peal! sigiatl Ge po stl ASM aLhY os gisee le Mag yhee Cady ACLU JS ayaa dls Gf Y) Sy Slay Leg ashe GLY ghee ol ite pally Ga ily 5 jamal ApLaciy! cal als sHiSal pi Luclte) 5 Labedl) as Gad ADM yg yy all ASL pH LS pals isl bY y GL bill Go ky Lad 2 alll cWOGAY! gf LS tata) se alas ah Gib GolS BULLEN p ggie apie Atle cia jh |i! »:"M.Boukhbza" Anal LY! Zh Lie IL, Fadia J ants AI he Lasie Lely Ua. Gelb quam le tua Gin iy (Lich) lane cls) ls G3 Gf a saysgll BAL chy AIM yy alls Goal ALi clad ll 5505 eels ALI 599 aes Yl Gf Aaa) be lil eens hy pital) Li Seas pay Lal ul yy cJLdl Gul (gd dene ellig IS Ld aly Bye De Ve fhe Ula GY 4 phi ee ah aly satlll le i Wpilaad ge Co gllaall SY Aats Ayaaly Laalt 585 otSU Ashe) gies Y 4) Caen FMS Canale Jy yee Label) ASL plest giy ISLS y Motell ASL gle asl gis HiLald St JL Gly BSE py Lease gin Ua Ly 192 Can Y SUN A Gee cL solely 219-08 cre 11990 61108 ssn «yaa galt pha Sine tagane Bite aeae. | *. M.Boukhbza, Remarques sur le secteur prive en Algérie, In revue de union des conomistes algériens, ‘Tribune du développement, 1984, PP.103 - 107 . -20- Ggetl ail gai Jyaill Als Aysdall bai (8 SL, 9 SLI le StH eal SLD Gath i! a . Cts lily SaatYl baal Gi pate IS Lalas go le Gite gash aaj USE Gle sal Ngelcin yl platy ccxsaball GGA y Sail jl Zall p gga Aza 6 yyuay shy Utell obs Ua Sola Si (all ae 13) og Si jell galecsyl andl GSI FS AS 13) ysalgdy & pm gall Uh Ga Akkache" si J PDA) janie sl gh Aaa glh ApSheld (ya ghed Ay gett Aah sal (6b fal SIAN eal Ge iN 5 yi Tob a oy Dany! Aiea Sale| (ple Jang «i jgalal! ALalel) at) pasted (pil) Laat eS BADGLY! yl) Koll) 28bdG oll Qdaal te Giy 1 Oatuta ya ght Jal ye js 2h GiB Lasic: Laat 5 61976 eile gh Std ci eins JS Wgic pull Sky Aes 9S Gh hey cpl Lesa) gh psa! ¢ 1 Jshng bib Yad ADR! pi! LG) ALatall ul) se Lous gl cadet etd lt Ly sags Alen 1976 Gls Usle gl ADGLAY! jell SLU p sqiall 1g Taghle Da) LY Ge DD YT all guy i aS eles Glo ace} See pe dash ej Me Bilal) cobdtiallé »:aaalt tae Qe “A.Bouzidi" A yes Ld CLG 5 Co oll Gil ADSENY ub Leola) AStall psp Say Gare ally Aad biad 4 Geaell GS pga yes gb Letatl Aadl) lead! a cal el ad y ca sSiy equbalall ase (JLEY by § ARG yulaall ola gle Teed Died sal) ASL by yp CIS Leatall ASU ce leig Yl Cull slel ys Uyla © Pe Lay bl Cue thi 4 jae gle Ghee 1 Helaayi Aalll Ga Ayal Ugh Aue 18) cllenadls Li pall pit JUDY! gual AAS Whe Gy any DEY! panic of MALY Gaby! gy alg Ly Le oot SR Aine aed cilia Jee dle Ig js ate S03 yy acy ally hall Gal ces Fg Way) ila old Lisle bas ye pAW 1a GS Lesie Goldy DULY! ayy 55 pally Sagal 5 Gesell god cle US DUAN aggie and od gS shee gle 5:6 jl 1 CIE eb pSitll oll ol Lae 5 pill A 94 Ba pa gall ala GUL SY gh Cl sss Canal salt ety! gf BaDG WH a pail Jalal yy 2 goes ot pull Wigd ecgsal) @ Ul y gas ¢ Ubi tg ogl al SVL Guety lS tl jall Bh Aa SL Gal 1 hartineall Cheauagall By DUG dine (cle 3 Galil ¢ Lb GY CL SDU RSet bay pac aM eel Aba Aaa ai J ad Y of cay US cet Os Siy Lin Ge als CEM syae NA BL CI (5255 Lani Mle: ALS ya!) Jaks 3S Ul aD! tees 9b jal A Asal Aaa Sal lee pees Hay al ll GS ley EUR chanel p geil amy Nay Sagas Clas oF Gye ULE Myyeaney Caer GIy Galil $1999 cag pare SBN hs hte ey SA a ep MT Rell asl Ug uaa) ig ye dad eat a! Gaby see | 140.0 4.30 10 383 Sue gage oat 5 Ne? * A.Akkache, Place et role du secteur prive dans économique nationale, Révolution Et Travail, N:°298, 1976, PP. 04 - 08 *. A.Bouzidi, Economie politique de la transition au socialisme, OPU, Alger, 1978, P.27. 65 .ip0 0 83 Sem en ye wt 5 Niet * -2- pal) seal gas J galt Aylis 4ystat daa (4 il) st Saal Reg taY Cball la jhSsa hy Ayre Luc ing Lysine JS le sal 5.38 EUG etal Fass jlly ie od Jou Ol uate E Und eas Gils ey 4d CULL Shay GtisLall Ya a GS, gt Alicia y Koala Ila Bde la Uys G92 Jia Lia GI clin Asleisyl GUL iy ha UgatLines Qe ble GIS Las Ube y Aihecdley plall ¢ Ubi Ga $ ASle Abbe oya5 8 Aue ginal! AIL Aad y Gy ASIC Gal ge AQsti eleigl lb tbe ye gs pte ogalll Ginter jaciy GY Galsll ¢ Ubi Gyo Yay abel g bill DH Sl seal JS idle Aaliatil CYGA! ye Qe SLAY! Yay CLSLB dale ay te gf tall Gal all g Uaill agay GH ails a gill Bog pe clbbll hel US «yal yA Cy patina Cala 45530 JS Go pais self cons ob Gay Galealll gi Guiatd Op petinedl Glass) Aub y strlen Wglege Auld Cibawpe elt gle Glee eo Sa gb Atal batinwall a spill slit p jd LS sang Cys Hy jal Ayah A gd Bal GS GP AM all Gall oh gest Ge i RS) eas OS al, N cye Haptinne cg sil jal Qundall Siig 481M pggie gl Acta ob Syms le GS iy AMUS ADE cil qua gll He GY elds Lae benny Gull cpa Le le EAD Lid je lea a gl hy SS pial 2 Us ins at WAL plone AD Naw sah aby ALG Goi Les ye es SY! Ul GLa yay ial ods le 3AVI Gane) 5 phys Fal gh Abela sas Di Canal s (ygSbes cyill deny Cnt GysSler Y Guill dee ool ops sql 13gl 5 juaall FLD SL) lal ge SH jell (i Atal Lesttaall p ygiell Zi yee Wyle 13) Ld Jat (by phd Zac ole Ua yyele aly 58) 5 Gla Gu ADle oe ASL Gf as «soy ossmeall COAYN gph Meola ASL of sgiy 3) canll GSI Aine p jtiawy gill lucy Ee a ceaee Sop 1S DLA goa anal og AAMAS Call! eal! co) 358 Al EIBY! Utley ye Be gene Gilt) (gle and «yyaS lor Cuan Lalit ashi of Aan Le juaill lsc gues VI ga valeurs d'échange 4latall Aally ase Le GIL Lig jel: 4SLall ode GANS GY AuneaSstll ASL g Ceotall ASL ya Shes 13) 4 Ly sibel) linagl Zeta A Shall Syl Cues Hoot) Ciplsa yh Auli sie GLaauY! a8 ae Aula ASL jad CIS shy (cia DAY! dine eas esl a ja ey gly bad Sal A ASL og Sal petal Gf Jal Wika La Ge Cael ply Sd A Sa Syl OY els yt Ek GS) ALA SLA 25 LN pei vest yo Ay le png ad cebu gb ALG og jal AK ys SILLY) gf lal dasa od any Le Clas pl LAY (gf Aol Slap spi Coal CH yza oh Nga it Lay i lle Lally ily BN US ii yp Shall Cyslal y Agha) CL! Bape Dla! DE Gig cle Jpuaall 451) alle Gf Lay ols Ge gd day Je al els le gi Uelan AeolSl ASL) SLAY olbacl sl eyo pall pailld vse Ga ghey y aS Hed PAS Bt oe pOLAYN (Lb Jb i ASL cal fatal ibd Ga pbaall Gl 5 Si) any Qaly eget! all Ame Jal Zine cle ccihey Gb Guay Lei peninn PED DY psgiall ye Aa Bo Ayal Lad 8 gg gall Canal gf gill (Sey ae y solely SUES) aya y Gey abe SI deny cob Merny Lee Halil Je i eli acl gs ssl Go gall 8 Foye gall CHEN ll ge ZU ASL JSS wand (5 alll GALI «5 ~22- Ggull aati} go5 J gail Als Ayshal) Jaa 3 jt SM Gucit ABD Hin y gh jal Canhally Gall ASL pgeie agans gi Maacl lh 3 ygeall Ll odes al Hels coealally Gpatldl 8 abla i ayn ge giles yiSes galnciYl ghidly US yo 48Ld) Auat gf ASlall Qaloisy! Caly ball (yal peta! aay HS 5 cage pall Lele y! alaYh y tS a Aled Gay Ue CI cogd 5 USS asl J glad y GIS ef gas asiall UB da gl pals Y Cie ASL dash! Gayle 59 osa5 ees Y Ad jal Soleo! 4 pha) gene le Ld asgal Joa 5 Y LS etal yl yl Raldg dale 2SL yu cer gy CHM y PLY! ld jut 8 Uedlanl Gh YP Lets ol Lele IS el gee baats Lal Gully Cail Gf 3 Cadell tac (5 Stal Ailie OS Saath Gus gd Gets ASL gle St jal) Lacy) aes yt Mall jul) quali) Coes Ce COSY lung) Aalall 4SLaF le pti) abst abel guts ga ASI styl alia! ot UES Ge YT GEES He ela g Zale GESLdL) El LAY! cle autliall obt Gury Alby Lin) Halal ASL Aaola 4S) oY) aos Ala 6 ASI ABs Alasl gt saete A oli ASLI, Actall ASL ash! Grad ASI S2Yl Lely ca yes AO day AES » sla Sl We god Lele ASL y GlSe (cd Loli ASL Gy VES hell! daay LAY! GS e! ALLA! Ape algal Laas jy Le Nha y gt coal 4 N dassde gil ool! 3 Lo) 5 OS galetl Sell Abs y= 4SLAl 4585 op as al i ge stage Qty col ALS Y UGS Leg spt clas pie I clad id qulall lad Agate) 5 Lam yp s akan Lal 28s Lae LSS OS GT sa Y sts Gale I ~23- Gye seat gai gail Utis Lista bad 4 ysl JM) deci 2AGSLal) (Jai Alte GiUaLa ths Auawe gl zeit Coauall SS gay gpl Gals Sty Kya yal ley gle SSL: allel SeasYl gle gh EUR AS Lea 5 yy pe gh a Galel y yl! set (salen patlia soe Gl sal ill AVI Sipe cadena, gSlly ual Cand Lele) haga gas hits 5 Ga GIS J je USE Ga CMa Cee} Ul (pb 5 poleall Silas! aail estas C525 ASU iil Hine lala ds Cr ygbs ALAM Gla plies plein} dione sSll gai de gill uct sly celal uuenil AUSiglI Sate} y pla! DY ae S 25) eg Ue LAY | ys yen Yh Go jl da gl a CaaS GJ ab sy OSE i Las) CBY 3 gael 6 ale LLG Gall Go y 5 yall 4oLais yl abil GF Gaull cg scala Cal Ge Gaskell 5 cya wAuawe 95 shed 2) 1 cleat Ge ett oF Se bY Rta Read aes Gall EU plan! GI Ge oe CRE gd Saale A A pail Ge iy DL YI eae 9 pete I Go de Ape Ala Cys eI Gb Gallo Sh ge yoy ALi ell Salita hy Ha Y Aang Hag gall Syoletiy! Cialveall cial dna yo ee paad git lat Gos el pe eels eeConcept Lageie Ou LA LS) Gal BS sae aa Gale Ga Jb pL Ol ye Quan ALLY! 9 Gish) Gaby a ye Ch yes CAS ay in pang Cy Hany Cala lb ID Aang J psa Uy gly Abell Cs Cre ei gly Capasso Le gd ed ancl ye Jom Lele -' La Reason Fondation . Belattaf Matouk, Modalité et difficultés de mise en ceuvre de la privatisation de EPE en Algérie, Les Cahiers. De Cread, N:°39, 1997, Alger, P. 02, ak Ay ly Zell oy ye to AO Lah Sy Ly pale Sh Yas ened Gem Ou Le. 137g 2002 «5 3 79.30 2003 ia ih asta li Las Snty Sle nana oye Cen? I A ype LE GAS la Cal aka i yO Yat BA yyy yah FSF ae pggie Lan SD AL Gf phil - (T4.50 2000 oy a O72 2003 lil aad ce Ae AED Hat angen ge Sane dae «7 Baad ath seh LYN SELAH ga Ane gal Yh CAML ALN cid gl eel ag an te ys 159 ~ 150.0 0 1997 etuhins ~26- Gol seat ga Jail Aals Leta) bai dpa USM ait a Sage bye Aye ganll Chae gall Go Galaill dha a5 tal Gy 8) Bode Ga Gi togel ayy tl Ge yal pla GH cLaagall obs de Oi Ve Sy IFT! Lewy gs Yala ally galeiiyl 5 atl (gi ey cies Lee glo casa allel ll ASI yo lilly Gyudl La gas Jail, CLLR ld CULM oy ASL ii i gail Glee Gf Guat as J. Bhs 5 scaling yh Lal gang Aad yo Alle iMG y & yuS 1a se CLI Shapes cgallall lect! Giles (yo Lane deere sll he Cissal betes ald cgi laze) Aaatiall Jad gig Up Lib Sul Sh 698 ud abel Ubi abe sles i SLE Ge cae oot aba E Ubi yo ans sl SEH gins Aiea 9S) oygie Ol Jal OSes Ge Decal y aad Jia} «6 oYl Skis) ASLAN Sli Ga J US ull Gaze 5 yell AE gos do call ELI I 20a Gye GSU jak 0 poe Ct Hee sll G8 uly LSS Gs os pel) AEA Gas Ul ging ApsLesBYl BeliSl) Gye ya: Ub yg Awa Ana Liga oy AA gall AS glaall AalecSY Glas gal dala Gl ysstty Dpucl y sAaliall a5) gall 2s Cubs Gye Sey golalll athe lel jie, eles, AsLesyl Apel Agog ye Auae 95M) a ggie 20 gill 3 ED Gye Ke gone ile Cas Fi dle Uys all 6 ill jo CALLE wie Lp Cl Rape AS pa 5h o gy Si Lia AED uaa lel of 2 aes galas Qual gd CY yal se gle GLE bo Sil Wille (ye LS tis (gi Aula! pli Ab gies Ua! ce Gla a leelish Acad AM ally 515 5 yp ce Sl ole CBE Sy cals gi dia gals ged Goi aSb le CH Alea! doch C3 Ch fed eet « Bgl GS A Ce DLE AS alld ily geld! Gall Kae yt obey Glas JS plall p Ubi! Ge pall Cael) Kian hy dad Cua gh gl) gaca gl gt y Lt Gol Ga yall JAD haus shales HQ gtlall Ly loll SI Gye Go yendl day gle ) Meade Qi 5 AIL Lge a ts ne be Ulely ademasill y 15a gy ate I yull GUS) nal db cay SSE He cLnils cs yal pane oY BLE clesd Gols il fall gaLictil pa 6 JS oo} s&s Lxe 5 (Supply Side Economics) G2 2} clstail , (Dérégulation) J We sai te quill JJ (cB Baga ga CS publ oles! las S63) Ids of cs yi Nhe zd he Gels gil «cle sila) Cis atn 6 gli Aelno Y} Coad oso all Glo ocal Una GF sary «1830 le Zayglen Chuatls Aga pd yD esalaiSY! abo gly GAL Gla 8 I cae gt Ratti den yal GO Ga yy ISLE Qaeda ge Gb ge Gall is Gay Gils Ghat bls dhe Gf Lia Silly jynall y edly Bae aie Cui) Hail! Saas Lal all Oey LS an all (ul (Privatisation) 4 st} 2 Hallwead ode US Cary Cus (Dérégulation) JSs¥) ye eLaill ow (Libéralisation) vehi Aayatly i «Maly le 95,» eae Le ty aly eet ser ler! 9 Sill suidl eae Ge Fjher lab dee) Gy et Sy ul Mee! ley Oe US ne gS tat tly glad tall Jae Gala EU Ue! tal T2 62 a5 G0 SS Gee pe sce a glen. | Trait De AS ale GS LYN he sly) Gey JAR Cane HS aal Ge (1832-1767) i geal? «Loi des Débouches wid (sb yb 3) yt 5 pls us Gi jasy sabconomie -27- Ege sleet go5 J gail Ais Assball Joad (8 gal) St! acith 5 bones Anil alge Ce All GIA diay Lady Gb ALI Eyal y 4 {SEY Clad! * lau ASL. DOB pF cliniyl yb jigs ier Uarests «Pidiony 5 «C. Kessedjiany uns eel Ge es Oe. gill slanall Gp yal Gl yee else ae yonll 451 20) Jas Oe hiagall yy atl 5 AS Ly elles and Aine gSllé dey Quill Leaded) Casa gal Asad Cilla gal eed GLB Ge yal GN eal allel gy jill> a dee sil ol sod Gael Ll Via gaaiy Abela Oph 5 palBS igh col aSyl ancatll yo e jaS Golall ¢ Ubi Cope An LS gts Lule Unie DSI Lelia Yd aleiiyh olay! Glial 5 Sal Gti UJ sail) Sate gle Ata ASI byl yal gay Maal ald ee Uelabed ooh 5 SI Helinad Ay pill Jal Paghgad Lidl 5 lyad SAY Gyre dur Ley LS lading 5 lgholiets) Zia 5 Asleatll auld Lich SAY Sha Ge Uae te 5 Sa Us Remnant ota!) UE ASI gg Ggull sLestHl lt gat de (lly ala Gye Galt Gly Rebel dss Jeg GS pat Sena hb ey at 2 tty te i anal Gta gts EO Algal Chaage le 15S yo Cabill Splat JE Ga platy call G gull auctll 2 ileal Apaad Lesa Gl) MLAYL gyal all eh Agi Tp. On deena 9S p sei gat gui « cel 5 qualia oda Jag lilt (9d Glalad) C13 yy AGS ares Loe Sl) potlie sued |b SAL bee 5 Galil g Lal LLts (8 sal jll y gan gil ine IMI cont) Une sede Gd cat shally Galell Etbal AASal Slag ye lial ats teh Lees Ge ALY cau gh ce AS Licey! pit 5 pie Leaner Gece pele gh Leone all sgn) Colbie Agal yal Aen gSoll loo fall Ge Yop deals) ecipall Ghauaihe SH Aalell le 5 pal Sgral as cciers LjLiih SSVI p sedall Lowa gill jucall p geil! 22 Cote elses Lhie gf LIS Gall GIS el sur oA! oll gaged sf ball g Undid Ast Cle 5 pall SGML BM Bye DE Ge gb gay pct fg g pha culled Sle 5 Aid Sle Sis gle peal) Loco gill ALA y Gull psgidl of WW aay StL CIN ESL 559 pty Lal Races p gga Ts LS yoy Gold UL gal cl} abd OY ALD Ce Lule Uae a2 Aol ASUS Gl p seiall ig! Libs sity Cus aloisy! US Beli) Gye ja 505 Ngai ght Gf Wey Y Act Gluuegall of aia gd Sol Cathe GUbS AcolSD Cabell Auailly Stall ga atl EU Les cad lh sal oh GB ud gil aa GLa ela) ba Ge aly Faas Gl yhdy spall Ge CSG oF Aull lgee Seti santall (Le! Chelan Olid ob CLARY 5 Lyall Fle we Dik Goll yet aay al (al Jal Lil Aol ty ill yo aD AD Rada 5S ye LMI Lah cnet OM Gh mg ny LNT CALAN gy yEly Sem ane! 374 ga 1999 ay wt *. Ouvrage Collectif, Les privatisation en France , Documentation Frangaise, N:°5024, 1995, P. 10. SES y a ad 0 jhe Ray ogy Gh gh Chplaatl gh A ly Lanna tle 53h asim Oe de jul ae? 06.92 «1997 «53 50 V3. D8 BK pt Sig ee anal Ja oped EU 5505 Usa yy af ake] Ramen agp ne ate oe pall f -28- ASI death Pe 2 BB cya) Cale AadLi el gal yyglg Aue sSall GLa! be 5 Aealaly Aaa Sgall G3 Cu yal a Glad pall Gale 8) by aati aggal bla ga ajo ALS pate 5 yy Cue oll gail gd Leland de Lola CAS pill elal Gy cl pur as Gle By yall lity 5S WSLS Fig lly gpl OL) a oe Lae a Ae gill peal c= ld 525 Silay UE abd 4d S ANS, Lal Ge g dl a (AI GS yy ALLY! Ce Sat Ge GS A cath dl gt lb Jad Goal g Ubill (gh yall gin hl ye sala ¢ Undll Ugh gaciy Lala pila ye Anne Bll pal gl ky pill -/es Bal) ge » Hecke ed pe 5 Leeman p seid Salads ESI yy sill 5 Cy ail hg) (By GRE Al agi Ge jad gi Al cee Gpull Glad LG J God GH 552 5 Le cE 2 Ges aD gins Geli pUbill ily Gl lebegad y plall URS GLtis 8 sells sApLeiy [gilus gle 5 Ae Sal p59 NS is A) ber GY gall hee jay done 9S Gal psgiall oJ WI que tilly, AN DIS Ge o sais Ley ya ght dal ye ASball aga 99 Goldll gUbil! Gl 3 Jay Jy Audliall ge LE Ley Avols ASLa (Acted) ASL Clio yy pally Garis Y aul BATU 1a g eli sist Jal Gye sLitall Joy Whe Le Steny! Frags pb Jy Lala ile g pall Keene sd el ey GaYI Ol Gl call yy HB IY Leow gh J Bay Gala Ua I lal pUaal ye 45lall Jats Gal & JAY Be SeliS Gf dad le ual CU Angin Ulle Gig gy phil Ihe paw aly la DE NASLN JS ge ED ats esl GB posal GUI ge Gil yall 5 Giles all Sige Gf acl Jy t Las yall Ge anell gt Adal Aah ul al Jy Ned dy aeons GUN 5 alld JS sid ey LHS oe Gd Lae GS YH geal gb Ryall Siac Fucaue gil) fy Alay Capa apne hau silly seats Yo stysly Caliladl Cu yell le Hel Love ll Gy pt egmaly alall ¢ Unill yy ght alldy suas (Sly WIS J Loja Gold! ELLI M olall Ubi cls 5 ed La JE 5 Lites basse Gleal iby dal adhd GAY y cBpadl GL DR Gye aly way i Ie esl Sa yas play ailatie Saal Ge rol Al gLite J G5 Sale! Ale Ge Lae sll (lilly ASeall Auitially FeiSH cla 59 lel tI Janos!) A cs Col EUSA GI ASD Gye ASL ys aya Cd Rano d of ally AWD CUNY Gu IF A Leal Gb ls Oe Sees gt ASL spots E Unit coal Clie yo Leg stall pall ysal Anta V3B oa 6083 Sie aa gall Gee Gall Ca | -29- Goel sLeaiil gai Jyaail Gils Asta eal ISM! Jaci a Se SAAN Csi Gd Lease sil a spi squall 6 il) @ le ab Comey SSH S26 gd Ci jg id cagall Bure OS al Spall gb Auewe sll Alec Gi SLE lay 55 yo SY Cages Ugh Ail Suny Ase peal! Legal oll Ghat of Us base ST Tha oy jay glass Gal 9S) Lae geal ALA ge J jt Gheta 84/81 Gd pyme ge Ju J 12 eae silly 1986 pl ni 04 od & 5h 03/86 ysl, 1986 Ais alas 619/87 cys ad ALS QS GB 98D Ae Gye Fela) DULY G3 clas oll 4 ted DUST (Exploitation Agricole Individuelle) (EAI)4—o13) {ai Gi 2d Leal «— -4 gil(Exploitation Agricole collective) (EAC)&clel 422i) ci pail y PAM 55 Ss Aa ay Lele Oh penne GM LS Spd ek I heaped lS ALL) Wigs Clare gut! gf cyanea LS Me uLAl Iba gle Gel jhe All CMSted Aa CHS (Il CE 5 An gal $a) SD Sp 01/88 Ale 8 cin TOBE gil Gye tel Rated pty atl Gli nay ol all 03/88 Ge HI 1S, Labatt pots 02/88 23 psn J US Aga Aretlned 5 «ig pata» a aceite act cod 01/894 8 wp VBAiske ody jaS YI 15a ce geal! ASL inet hy |Qaiabe GE Gadls 1989 vagepeall Uline Algal Goll) Sha Beil) 10/90 8.) csi 83 (Say halls Sud! Qed 4§ Ul a ule AAD aay all Gyad LE og JS jal lids ADL le Al gall ell Loo ypu Siete 10/93 gsi HS y ApsLuecyt SEY DS Gye Caen guy GU ley Lowe gil) Ghee i lei gy a gf ull Lis Shea gon Bye SY cae gil 1994 Riad UuaS AILY Gy IB a Hay peau bally co gil pgsel de ele gi) Gs fall 96 ol US cal gh Ce psnen gllcal Ub jun Ge UjLIMy Aaa gael 561996 gilt 10/96 98) Jy wal pally Goedl gill tha 199521426 ¢3 st 22/958. Ly AME Chel pol abide tl Quads alg ypHl NISy Kae Sl) Ge ass ca co ee Al cr Hd 20015120 G4 Eyal) 04/01 pI cla 2001 die Ugdary alent! sqgalactyl Labial lan 481 BPs AMT Gh EIS Oo ALS Se og Sad G sal Lily Aaa ll ype Ll ASM shal o slice} le Aaa geall Glu pall rae sds (Sle «22/95 pM dale ai (gill Eesti Alay (sb a gglall o. RN Ap gh BY Leh ncaa 98) IGT Cilleal Aya. yay Ca silly Be O4/OL oS 5 eV eb Gaceill gh y «Gell C78) Uae Jay Gil Syeda ig jlall asall Aginone phy panty Seley dae gall Slag lis orien Leb ooh gt alg sal! olb 22/95 je une Feld nell JS Ale Spas ol g958 Ayla Hales SS gt Lame gd AAI ginal Foren yall DLcad Il US gl ea els Layee Lage gi gin SoalAIl cys Gets Oy gine ves Gill ga gly Chsatally glad ol '. Bouhezza Mohamed, L‘évaluation économique des entreprises industrielles publiques en Algerie, Etude de eas Sur quatre entreprise, Thése de Doctorat. Faculté de droit, Des sciences économiques et de gestion, CEMAFI, Université de Nice, 2000, Non publige, P71 Spl Reg eee ead Ba ty tpa CS ud UE SI age US BH St RBI easecall Sgn sally hal «1995/08/26 ob € 59) Lingala Lamang Qasind (95/2256 At 095% 4s -30- Goal) seal gos Jail Alls Asche bai Qf ds¥ Jaci CY aap see ea gn p25 alan US gt eel Gg eal Call Qs Gals Gu sine gl Guaub yolidl Famass HLL SY ull dees Jat Sa Ce ll Ia le Le GS OA GLb pany Ale I eae Sl ee pte a slice Liggde dy OSD SLA Fw Ge deere 9H Gf esl ald «ual sd vce sl gual Beh A cai sall » gal 5 axes al sll Legal) oda otis junc Aawangs Gis dats dpc! Hi igh tenet Mle JS will le 13 phy dite gd deere gill Gye aid 04/01 oat ul "alga geal) hamagall 3 Ga Gall) jy silill Guald Gusiee sf Gua Galil Ql 4sLal BL AS cavity Y 95/22 At call gall uaa go pci G4 3 lh Gp ll Ls gl ad ASL JE le pet) Lely Gall gall Wnle Go SD aa Gals Ges gual 4 tghle gle ASL ois Reh Gas Sy Gell) Gill Gul Gala! a sh Lad Sill Gals ep gine ads col gf Mall ojya5 ell Sd Gui le We Ld Stan a athe tha al ik CS oo a ee le AY gal) 2atl le gall ood ell cle lis ° ceases sh ed Ce Dstt DIS Ge ei ode Shall Gul Rmrays Slee Gi od} SLAY) pass y ohall al yf 5a 3D ISS) | Ayelet} iM at) pry Cyr Aliiall Ayal MSS, daskiall Jal ye ES (fb Lee All Rule aLtcy yf Sees sal EGS Ly CLS! AG) y Le LA y Uhh 8 Cone Le Gilly ailya dae dus pally Qual Fale Gla aly gil ALU Gita y gil yall cus dally Asta elsall elles! Aelia s Aacana gal Agha g Ayala gal gal) Ul gyi) © SF SMR AIL ya he gene oil (gd pasty y Aut Aye Ga jal oes ies pled) EU) GIS Cue Adi) Ciba) fF yall Js il guns jy ALLAN J gall cept len 5 cgaclenall SI ful g galeYl gail) i Gull yaa s ela! ae ie petit ye de ge Cthas Gaal ON Ge Gb iall y Clineed gai DS eae A Sle Qn gil Aas a foal) AY gall S25 ll Coal Las Ap gall lucy! Rane Casto} Ally Jal ot AegSaly shea} Lae eee jhye Jae ol il ee lab ¢ Ubi SH 3 geil al Sig Laka Patel Gaesall lad Zeal gal Sandie Alle Clue @ LS) cole 55S pall LYN ual Gal yy Utd ostaly plall g Lh Chuase Chae cai} lille eal ga YU, all eall Aga ge cde Cla sSall 58 psc Alay plall ¢ Ubi oe ees -glleaty! qa ya ol oat (th Ania Aegean ne Sally 3h 2001/08/20 8 C$ epee ual O4/OI Sy al! 200 Tin Past 142 ge 5S Gee ene geal Ge Sal he -31- Egat eat) ga Sgaall Aull Ayctall bead 4 ill S3) duaatt cs dleasiY Walk Cites Jyh ob Syaa 15 Gs ype EL gil od aly By Ss Asi Ay yall spay pall LLL yaad Gs Les gl ce LEY) Ay anal GS eget gh ASAI Gaal SYN llc gall gl Asta Agi 8 jac Glast (le Gla Sal) Vaie Glas y Laity 4 Ayal JAS pony yh uke Shy al Guu , uli Programme ) (PAS) Wel! qs —aaill qa 2 Ltely os fd AB aay csc oP cgttnll gall 98 Rage CY ga Cian (ula Ube Cle y ( d'Ajustement Structurel sleet! G8 All 99 yaad lat Gh aan Gia 8S Cl gl WSay Apleidy cysay! alld Gh Se call Aslawy! Gbeball cet SGI GIS Lin Gray thiasa gly Hes 255 Fhe al 5 gs al Ge hb gall SASSY ASE Cag) I auld Cy shal fy soadll 6523 Cs Lynd ayy sil J yall Hae AJL) Jyll } Cun od ti Hee ogi Lanta oll! ¢ Lill do yl ellacl y acaba Mea 5 (ssleaiiyl Acne $50 Kall HISbY) 5 all gall 2 HI evil YY Like asi Sey Y Atal Af juall Lgleas (oh oe Yt gle yall Ge 9S) ttle gf Te OL UN cpa ge Uaill Ah yuna) stig Aakell ALI yo AD gall uals DDL Gye Lge Sls al Alsat) CADE YI 5} Ge le aad! Gf juey Lebel jac pies eels Saal Ge sal Ga gt Lee gill Saber ole gall cll y Aseli Jal) AlpsLiatil A gap DAS. Gye | tle Hal SS LS (6 thee Hal) Abel Geagall Lead Gilley GAG Y Lea gS NY chile Ch Gb Ale C5 thud Guar gay cel gb Cla gall Helen Ge tall Anes Lead ga dy couaad Ala! Cal yf le Uyuaall DU gye 4 juall Lies Dat gh ad bee Cj pp oil al bal Ghaajall Uyall Gah Ga Resid stile! Sal gh play Len ele gine Ga 6 Jp le ool al Lewe gSll sold 6 US Lebel iy ja Sot and AU y Guat Bags ile yiaall lus Gals CBS Gall dag Lal! pall clicl ql Ht co Latta oo igll Basal GUY gM ce SLI Sy yall Gye Ruel Aenea sill AMA (5 geal) Saat “J Aa sll GS Gl Uall gb apis Aalacty shal) i ues) WU Lo ILI Gly! Gab Biged DS Ge Ua Gib ca yally Waly Lg055 ll plea DAS Gye lly gull alanis) ya LDU peatnady CI Saal gs Lgleas etl sgt CS CNS 52 ya LS bose ALdl Gull cli Gib, Bp Ge toe Sf Lay SLeaiBYN Up gat ally (San gai hail gle Wyss pt 5S Ys Ves Ul Soe ayy col) Male dla OS oF SI BAY Laci Ub «dull ALL Me ES Leg Goal! atl Usa 5 gay cepa Gilg oh Gia Gila ELLE ayay chase Updo DS Ge Mla) Gall yyy Aas GJ gal Ge Gall Lal Ate 9 {; Xavier Blandir, Les Privatisaions, un phénoméne mondial, in revue banque, N54, Janvier 1994, P22, >. Cohen Myrian, Sueur Alain, Op.Cit,, P.63. -32- Gull lactii] gai J gall Als Aystall baal 3 pact! SM! uci Saal Ch poaall ag yey Bye ce ally Liat Sayngll Apc ll Cuntas Ugleaily Uys Ata RAL Ay LEY! gy Lal egat ga Lean sig Letlandy spec CoB Gao Ce Wana gS Juss AF pal phen nal lg CS il AIL i ~/ Bap eall Lasalle lint I gig Yl Leads! sca Qa ally alll Ge Yay Gal ee AB gall Ail G85 Illy Se ell Lanne lps any Lhe 8 pabanll J cya Cals lta slat dasa GAS gf ga OAS: St Gand Ul Oe dl ols Yt Gilet e tae On GF AG) aia BED gb egal pny oY HU SS Cal gS Co gL DOS oF phaall leajall Se dane yh Spat oll gay Lee glall ¢ Ll) Ui jay daaayal foalall chil me Ss Lengel olall gall Gash Ge Winans GHA Sal Ca fab Clana dls —/5 Had) a eae gp a ySall Sey US oS aly ull Gaia Gyo Ha Cay Leal AI Onin yk Ge 88 5 SI An (Ghia Gold Cob gl) Gee jena dasa Ad cll gh pla Chall (DA Gye Dts Uginan AD guns aa i Giy Lan Ranga SB Ap cata 5 GR ata Jy AY pga pall gall La als le penal pad Re aaa 1 Gd Sy ec Jal Gy Uy tins SI) Ll Caagall Dad! Guy 35 SSA Hg Chae gall Gy anda Lacan gS gd Ayat il Lats Coe nell at ge CaS pga) Geta ch ib of og SW Gb kk, Ais Ligh le iss labs Meals Uglies ais 94 Ali GUE ie Logan SS Heth jase Sing LS (iguana 5g 3) Lay lal gall ued gall MLA "digas Ba COIS 1 Leads chisee CHalE) Agal pd LSI) Gm yey yee pei Me a laid ASI Hall 380 Qe al a LagSall 45 6 5 sal pies othe Lad ge Ay gat gl Ula To ag ad Gf al Ait Co padty uy SASSY Ny Shad aaa all Ly EA gd tll SLY Ga yuS EUs le Fagin 2 & gage ol gay oF equa Gaal sCtlam al Ca 5 pS Aad Leen 953 a ySall tall CORN S gal ol Leis Gully Cede dla Gall ¢ sl) gyi LN gb Ed y oka 19S on Seal OM SU gl UI Gyan et Gg Subll 65S) pal Amadall Slay of AaSall dean ay DE Gye pb Leeee gill Cals aL oe nal 98 Aaa Ale gl GLB peed Gall y ola Chl) at of gh Casal Saas lesa y asa pal al sh Zi ad G4 LI (ASL Bey 5th) ted pnaly NNSAYI Rass Jyeal gas DIS Ge dome Al ASL, “gag Chany aot Lanne ool sal oi goldinyt Leal sl jae ja danas Ge Youd tall dessa Abatsl gay @ FAaSall LUA Ha Ugazey cll AL 5 Lal) Citi Jal ye JS Ha Lilla | tsi oes AM ye dos pal HIS 1 tls Upeal) Gila ayay alla 0 eel aba GIS al ithe spgisas sf Gages peal aay gained GSy Ab ealLll '. Gliz Abdelkader, Op.Cit, P30. j. Abdeladin Leila, Les privatsations dentreprise publiques dans les pays du Maghreb, Les. Editions Intemationales, Paris, 1998, P.192 -44- Gynt deci) gai digacll Gls Aystal) dad pb stl) SY daa) eee CB eee gS) ye el pa Yl Ihe pels aby 51 pital) Al gual Gye WOUG) Luaege ols) avs SAaaLW clan gl apap Qiay geay Ayal ile le Ss ll p pend Le ALB pai ple Goldll Ubi ae Abbas 48 po eLttl Le Sall pli ya USA Pg ened oe a ks La Sa pit oF Say lghanlis Gao aS J pall Ao y yal ogi Mati 4S 2) Fay Jy Bd CDLaeall jee ayant Gal ay pl po Gull le ol Sey Upc awe 3 aga peal any AHL ol) hy hl cy SF Lead IE ga.) oJ US ol pl 84 Axe AST) Gla coll Dynal aglilly as tse et OSs Gol Wl Ge Cay iual Ciagall My yhll ole Leet Leyes Wginea sd i dad giall Hal YN Qe Sl Cala murat Cua oI ES Use Ughals soley al yal Veciheajall ight yy May sal ba ye ale y jae J gual SSE Je Ugnas ol Lab ged a Bagnall AS p20) aula DS ye Faw ala CH ysl sia Ua ye Mi ph oka ole gall ab LS Anna gill Aoaanjall ood dpa Veins hy Val All Cll Ul je ca Ug) dena jall Jpeal gus DE Gye Lene sill 4h Sg sally shes Lead ALIS, Aull 5 ply old CASA! al as gill og fall Las Hagel Yael garb Coy gi CD oly AY gh tal Lagall peal gay cael te daly ass ot Lsaaall gle Le sled Quill Uno US pte oh Lela Pict iy ll ode Gaye Ld ohn Gli leabinn I gual AIS yo aldill Ae (gi y CHSEENY LaSalle yas Lee cla Asal Gile gle gins gM Aaah ogi Waal! ogi ill Uifins US ¢ jh diy sh scAbLath ji Genel a tale) 9} Anata clans 826 ll gasSall & y ptall pei iy LY ogy epindy BS 8 Say IAS ject J pany UY ol a! a gy G4.H fae Udy choldingy Laat 45 53 Ane Clan y oe Leal pus DA ye Aecanen 9S Co Ha Gf BLY pany Aueald Fag SLAM Cauliy Fle gle Mil y cALAMI Keajall JID dite Abt Loose LasSall ei lass @ Samy ol Meagan Soll ay iy od pull 6 Sine Aeaagall Gy Last J og 8h dbl fade Mii Baaly Ban. 9S pine ph Caney Gill edecl Chuufall Ula 5 diy hl ol pasiud ullis dba yd lad Algy Y ob gl pla) Gall ¢ ghd DE Ge : ey Sal oe sl egal Lab sey Ul egalell etki Gye ila) OLY Gs dal Ga HIS) Ua 92 Abell donald golcin yh lal Ba) CI Soll Gare Gl Lal CLR on ped Abhi 5 5 Lt) (Ql) paca Frama sd JSS ally 548 dual yal -oakall E UAH 5 plall Se ah Y eh LLM lpuSle Ge SY Aa Sal of My hada PLLA, ALG P5355 He ll ole Gf IS ea dpa gf Lapa Qld Gg Aaa Loe ‘ '. Bouinin .O, Michalet Ca, Op.Cit, P.141. ~45- Goel eat ga Jyail Us ate baa gd cd ds dua fee aes hase ts qed Ay all ok Ol juny tOlaagal US Saley ADU JULY oly ss © sceatBYl leall quugi # scasllaall Ualall lal onl st igs sats Ey stall cya dari CH cd by Leal of LgsSle A gll olall pac @ el gee a ll (gb Ae dal gh gill IE (pk Anca gl gd ca lett Ni gals (ill Cll ally Al aed gh all cay a Dalal Seal ally J At Jed ob cH LEY ys Bold Ady Anuagall uals ic ch pS grind petinue Jyda utait Le bale LasSally Aamagall pine 9S GH (p25 of ll Claall diy yD ok AS eS cla aby 3 JY gd 4 Je Alpe Ll Dal aly gb LaSalle gr sl eltt gus DLA age ye Peal badly Sip all any ALS! Mi phil ola Glo Atliade GS Le SI grt gi deold dun upall (Sous Evaluation) (xd pill 41S hao Pata Lassa a) pg ne SS ¢ gay Cul Ayal Ade gat Gf Sed (Lal 4 58) A gall Galle aye GL gl Aig ll oh gagi Y @ fps lle iL be gas pala gta a gM) Zabel Cana all gal ALI By gy Bye any Ge pant Asal ge ly» 28 Jydall Gall phil ays Ayla Aglaall ald eb yyelk GIS, 45 tt YS! LY) Jal shed) ee pele Lene Sl apse) JS Ube MS ey ghd 1992p ssh gh Lay gl ld ey a ob ASU gla SG Cage Ge 1991 gated SAN e sal Saal Cll Go arn gl Ryd Dy Cans 9 Lislyy 9 balay Oe IS oh Ge Aad gle gaan gob Gall 3h JS GF ale Hay sll ode pis cpl Lett ya 4g. ll dbs LST pk Chad a gSall GY coli GUA ya Gl Cilaagall od Stall Gy gis CI Ned y cll gis AML a Cet Poe gd ib LE! Gl gad Slee £24 «coupon schéme» ji «voucher» | «coupons d'investissementy stud Ba Ga plat Cus op jay peany 3h lane Ga Cig I) aa Paid SLanll GM) gl cuthl gll 5 ee Ge 8 USL pl UpS4 LS nes yall aargall cob peal coll B20 dey Ughiyad any ASA cay Aisaall AME ab ya SII ode GS GF Say g Ugsle Jyuaall Late Cal ju og Uydall BOSE 5a US Bia Oe sng sain G9 J Utlagy gd LS A Aa Jans Sy LS 4 Nigles LUStH gla Sut 83. 83 Gn Qa gst pally ale. *. Bouinin .O, Michalet Ca, Op.Cit., P.146. silk gut yl ase gle Seal i a AY al Lande Geb Lah i! ip? “Conseil national d'aide technique(CNAT), Projet d'aide a la Privatisation des entreprises publiques, suivi et accompagnement, Compte rendu de la session, Alger, Premiére Session Du 28avril Au 05 Mai 2002, PP. 08-09. -46- gall suai) gai gail Ais Asta dead (gb ct) Phipen = ee "sgt Adland ola el yy Ge Ginell 5 ales ii gy amen y8ll gale gh yytanl 1S jules cab JULY AGA calalah . alld (gd Claill add OS cgi ASI ALY! A yall ygaad Waal 5 Geel saleby caw gad! ileal gis « ya JU] Jae Gaba gL He cea ICL 9 ADGA Dla oF ley cl peed eps Aad yy Gaal Cl pad) Gil gi pe gle abel Sy gal Nha Ghai @ rasta og} Ussaiy Glial «Montage financier al oS Al cbbae Ga et) Ago al dps gh gay Sty ca @ebt Equity Swap) du be 3 4 ASLAN Ng) (dlawSall yaa Lelia (Sy clginane ys Waa} hy lel cy patinne ol} Gala GSI! Ge o 5a gu Liga yess oa sects 9250 Bg) Sota Aa yall og Gate J cule cy petal ga DS Adal Sj yas iad © any Haga Syl gl le A yA gh Go a lie Alas Ragily Ugly gay p gil Agheall A gall 5 36 yall had (W Gy tall IS any Cyaasd chyna Pda sh ah yall Shae all geal» pend an ay ila Leal Leaky ela} Gant cael fie Cubs Gin Ga gue Zyatll Ayal of Lia day gall vba DDR Gs FMB) Lined) U yall i US all Gheaeball Seared y dep LSM) Gy yaad gd GLY Bika 5 9S AG Fl Bake} DDE Gyn gales J AY! Baas ool) aad (gil Leal (Giysil 3:40 Gla! Scull Aaa i ely Zan LG yell Geasias@ Oe Weialdind y Lema phall AylieiYT Cua BeliS Quad y yall LAL! Gils & copia saad yes les gil nl hy dap hg al Algal (Sj yall Saal Gadd y aah ela Sao Joa Lyall! Ui aie aybetlly Ua jut yo yea oka gle wibeadhe Say Le Aiyadll Al gall og 35 yall his Sasi) gill ccoalcinl Gy pctiaall) i Cubiciall 5 palsy, TB Lede cing al hy Gh glees GI LS (Aa lly Lila ig GP gD ne gl Solaad 3 basics apts Ulery Lee (ath alae cull endl) Gi Fat Hg Ua jas Aa A G8 A sah Cas Ga bly eR Ge 1S Y Ua gas col Alas Rasle pgds gin Yl Cysll Lady Cine Cus 1989 le oi peta! aiall gle ayilly O88 gn Na ST Leal Da nad soln gb nein A Ge a fy Caldas aly Schall gd 4 atl '. Gliz, Abdelkader, Op.Cit, P.26. 2. Bouinin .O, Michalet Ca, Op.Cit, P.141. >. Goumiri Lies, Conversions des dettes en capital debt equity swap dans le cadre du programme de privatisation en Algérie, in le jeune indépendant, 13/04/99, PP. 05-08. ‘, Bouinin .O, Michalet Ca, Op.Cit, P.141. 5. dem. -47- Gyuadl Ascii) gai galt tls Aystalt Jani A scl ISM Saal Se AM elael Vg — als We Qed 5 le yuen g Ylbec 528i) daaagall ay 3 drove sill Gye Ais ph ode uct Cory bite Lele SY Golly Ugase pte Ute gi Leaagall Ge A jtll ila sla Gt ag nN Wa Leaky 5g hago Quail AUS Gey pall Sybee Gf Capa AlLanll Gal) Ste tOntle Liewe gill 5 JY cluael sb Gy yuaall Sylke © : sdlall 4S yLta @ GAG Lael AS Lk Lay eos puall ye bys Fe gene Yad 5 Jay eluacl AS yutud Hanuall gle & ypu! al UY) Caylee Asia 215 y da Lee ga isl chasuagall Sac & yaray CLF hs od appar Lengel Ube uly gd ol jal Sita Gf LS sIginane yh gill ities He AL CIS CJ ll paSLAS} ale Go yall pgndty Le ghiy Ut pated) y Laaagall Sole ol paall of Cus plall pUbill Aa Aauagall Cals Leste Gilad ang yuSe Hie 5 aaa Ay yal oh Alaa gp aad Ald og} Mila! cpgitlla gd aeaben Gane (gill Gil EF iol) Ope pina pa Ayia Ash Land ile yaaa sins La Soll cay Lea lal Gunalle le lial Say CSep yt nd yi dn eng sSNA > Gy Seg US gil sal Sy Lead Cyslany sll IS ll ol yt le tes sal 2S p35 gall Cando fpgie 29h JS Annd tl by il Cn sSd fee: Meola cy ll Ye soled tla shally canal aay SUL © Byind Sig) 1 ce cote alah DE Ge ol pill Ha Gili Ge ell pee Aaa) Gaal LS Kaigall A Ge BST 10 Gio pele 40 Gila (Hullo lad ss y tls Fins) 10 gl (Aaatd Nes Nyald al abeall oda gle cpalalell clay cadayy He Gf abt Yy lel gh 8 eB 1st! ce Lseefall ol yh Ci patil Galen pel | bs ol paally Leall Lassally coll o sal iy GAM Glare pied sf Aeuagally Uillaall UI jhe clyieliS ciate gf cll Alla suis AMG ye Ale Aeuagal apa) had) JSS Ady ght 054d cb Jay y DLaall gyled gle eanpe aul ead GES gle tia 6 sah Race ll gd Go sLalyl He gL Gf coll Gute judy cauull 4 SAY TU sad g Liha y Lally yy LS gall a asaally odd Le Hag cL Gundy J HS gf Langella o 5m Crslalal ells Cape rd BOE Bagh Ge pay duane All Gye g sill Lhe Lisl 5 el yrall (Sey Sayan aged sara Le sSall pit Coal 1g) Gy sagas JUGS) ~ /L jG Sy gall dh peal Ay lal AS gall Lal Ge iy Sale gly Ue anes ju lash ght (ha col all hy 508 Quill wy! gy pend col gb og sled lip olf Alaall 3 a) ob BY cluael 4S je Gf stirs). Ha gilt gill Coleus all Cualiy Pama ally ce s4ill $1 age Lis cll sa5y af Angell 45Le }, Betiahar Rabah, Documentation sur la privatisation, In revue algérienne de comptabilté et daudite, N:°02, SNC, Alger ,2Trimestre, 1994, P.34, i 11997 pL yen Gone Lanaly SAS AIS gh ME Aah oc 2 A He! PAIL Lig Yaa Qe eaten Span 50 -49..30 2 18 “Ol. ye 83 Gen gos be gin? -48- Gal) clea) gai Jail ls 46a Jaa yl 3H! dual a He Ts Ma AIS Leds Ay is yl oy Spend DDS ce alld Lesh cglany gil anal JS Rana pall JLab dasan ol yds Lal Fill cQsaalel yy Futall p45 9S of jl AutLall GI Saad Ab | yi allby daY dish Gad Gle Bb Sy eat pl ey AS le ES y WAM IMT Ge pall Agta og «14 gil (Employée Stock Ownership Plan) (ESOP) peo‘) o1 3 Ja publ GMb Cage pple cob Leal deals Ales gail Cara gal pl ant La (CM) chase pany ae cabal at gael 5 Cael gaan Qu pte: AS AN MU Meee ellis ceamay LS Ay pall Gila Jab Gal WY Ge gas! al le aa + HWSO she Aap cll a9 Gye (p4es al ol p2I ganedal) Gulalell Gyrinal Yiu f Nga Pah fatal pga Ge aly cll (CLM) cakes 5g) Gye Laay ll 4g clgule Jaasd il) ssa LYN 4 ARLE Oe clay! Jia Sh nals Lesnn'sall Slantl ol cys pital pt yt — /3 pale «Holding» dans 45 po 35S) lanl) eo gb cps pile Gy paall ps Md, phil Bile le 9S wa dash gal YN DDS Go edge 0 ee Sl eallgals ele Ne Legh as gall Mg cya IS gb ygh Sagi ahaa y Leaas pall aI) ol pth Aczalall 4S cll oka 3 asi anes Acaglll AS tll ogi Gf gle hace sill SI yaih l! ot Aiea Le caulitly coy tall oll ASL gg yi DRY He, Asay Ane si Lol ual pill Ciba sall (Leveraged Buy Outs) (LBO) vay i) Used! el til Asasally Alaall 5 ll gle AebinD ay cael 13a Gosh Goad lilly 5 Asin (5 yuu Lace gall sighs 8 ypS dna J elena Uja 5 Jay elaacl y Slanll Spell! gy 3! AS bbe Gabe Ge Arana yl) il y sland! Citllay gle Sslia J Her eee esr ee ear er or 2 Aaa 5 Gap all CLP 5 Que sills aqagd cll all Stas} 4 Leal eres 3 rae Sone pl Ga oxS ELLE te SLI s20ll quasi Gane : SCAMGUD Ae Sah pa yes Y Aaepall Saal! elles 5 DBs OS y EDs po Lely Slaallé dy ghll gad le dagall Lary 9 9 peas BSL) GM gad Le Nay ele Ge A day Ley Lata pa ahead Aina : inet Al] Label SLeciYl cya Syn Gf Cun tena gSlh Ala yal gules aul Cus .7 spelee Gealin Gal ates ye Ss pa pick Sled) je Aancal y dae lee df gay ab G gull 3 sls se Gd All Sil yaks Lad baal ak Gf gd ict Ute Ud cael SS 4 Joy Gli) MSS] Guay AB Lae ba yas SUEY 5 egal g Gr gail y @HYI Bb SiN LL LY pang AN GL WU lod gh EAI cay gk py? 1Tac0 1993 casa hd aad By pl Lapel 9s oh ual egal Spy yoh OptSt 1B Ole 0 53 ne gm re as gan? -49- Gout) sti} gai gail NLS Zsa bad pic Sah dani se Ee PSM gb glad Rigs Ugh Asana ll ah gl Cas gla gi Ha LN Sd Cais Ga tall gf LS DAN le Ly Gn yAF Oy pines cl Lael Ge LELSbe ital gal Lea Ghaapall Ge Raga LB ghd Al Age Gay chen (ye Lie pgiille sg! pelted AS y Sleall Gajb Gy 3 yttiuull Arana 98 Gali ye MAE AMS (6b UE) ggg eg) Lyn yd Gd sluc ge Leal) say gts yogi Maia 5g (gala by 2 28 edi Ghuagall oo Hi yb lbs alls Sagal) lps Gb Ail 44 yeall ull aj 3 aus A lasts 5 3 jfisus uilade Ue ya de gone © eclyill ya al FRY! ABU uate Sle dale yy al Gad 4 pe} Cilbty USI alge lal oda G3 Gf Gael egal Gel 9 Mebias Se il CLM qo) BUBB oN) 59 iS called 224) laa!) Ltt pal oar Go gyn Lema gy ay Le gf Goldll g Ubaill ll Joy JE Gull 0s Vala Qty aby clad ll Aclall 451d) Gad Y la gli) Yaladd ducal Ulead) duane yi Ry gia il 5 Laagal Dals y AS solely qe Atay Ma yo ane gAll Ge & sil A aL IBA cya gle Cased) Cy 7elguSle JE Gay ge Ypnero ss Asal! ull any init on tal op il Lipa gaall AUG a an ogth paul ell Laue dae gue gi Mel ak gl Lala) Laagall gue alba gh Lege Aa Sia y amagall gle Any pied og AI apie 4g gel ya 8S asic Uple Hl Gane Gob ge Geld! phil Ge gah JI yg siee sla by SUA ale Casag O Uelay pana Guns i} sags — Anan yes pha al ySl ctl cylelehad aly gall Gap Led Ui yp sie oy gh OR kal fg Maly fane aya gly Pe SY! Na Giga Gye Label Renal juny iS Ge ae hs Fy Aenea Ayla lal) GG jb ital 95 abel Ha 3 jue hath y bay yl ha CNY ssi a Y Saas la gd Lala Paty yh! He Ae gale cua ged atl atin Gols senall oll Gibel aday AD sall pg ula! Ha ley Xam all ci phe Gye ca col ASW! Ap ally gal N GUY! oy Ae Cad Le ann DAY puna gle All 4) Feed Lae gy DL UY! 849 ape Yikes Ga A gall J ja) Qe aaa pall Gad) git Gs Nala] de A gall plan AAMC Ae gl) yo Mi LN ol ith ody Lgl jhLaall Geass S.CUAWI Gilady Le jhe Gal Gall jpalld Aula lanrall op) faa Gis LS «AS jl Alay SEAL Ug) casey al gall Js dya.y Goa gunaill ayia Apa 5 ally SBN hy WISP SIAN Gueal le Upeaall by og Ja) ayuaill USte Ja Ge Weise al OF ppp age DUA Ge CS ola plaid y GURS oh pall dus '. Bettahar Rabah, Op.Cit, P. 36. 2 Gliz Abdelkader, Op.Cit,, P34. ». tbidem, P35. 4 Bettahar Rabah, La privatisation *.Bouinin .O, Michalet Ca, Op Ci °.Bettahar Rabah, Documentatio Opi, P36 P.149. a privatisation, Op.Cit, P.36, Te cn 83 i aoe ala cm las Gals 7 Got sett} gad Jyaill Aalis Austad) baad (i yall ISM! dual —— fe Sleds lal! ASL y Roll 5 Yi dial yo} Gd Leake GS Lege 3 fall asad Sy GAD GUY 5. AS pA Gilsbec Ge Leal jilud ool Algal! enti Cua sblaall ants Y A yall La go SYN The cial galuany eI ge sill Gad) QU Glad 3 )DU Gace sed pls AD Gye os Gall could hae Aisa 5 hy Soli 5 5 teal Sty Gf cans Lemme gill Gye SSM Le gd Sheiall 5 sly 2 aah gina Uebe Bgm pall Gila gl a oat SI Uy vUgiane 96 al yl) Lal BN ES) SG lal 5 CUED ane Leugall oda Gl) aay Oi} ged cb ge Uta Nha GLetbhill , i oy ell ha Geb Say US Nasal y dala lee ogi a gia oda ia y “GAY! Apleidyh : Je — Arner hg Cem cal gil y Gepsleniiyl cubabetad aah y yal oye Wl LauY ates ay Cay LAY G52 Uaasaads (Sy Alle Allee plies Sates Usha} 8 iil yal gill dueger yea pusls Sey Bay tall loa) tal Aal6 easy jaa of pies Ha DAY dass Use 9 abatiS AL Ay eal Laas Y Sled GJ Cue 5 9 agi AS SA AS. Ye AA Ysa) QL GE ys yall yaa) pass ll UG gus Gay Dg g geal ily ple Be Spall jbl Goo ill 94s gia JAD le yaa ullis, Pad gd pale Lee 3 yghie Ia) y A Clee los seal ay LS agg SY) Ala YAMS ON ga sini Aas pall Loa JH Aa) GIy Geli Ga 5ST Aa yay AS 3 peal oS AS Sige Uf Ayal ga Safleiad Laka 2 520 gal Gad Upucl 4SLd dasa deeay “geal 5 fd DIS UG Util le Gaal le Ud any gill antl Gye 3ST J yell SMe cally ll aos ad ually BLY! agi Gan Lis el ya! a 1) ila oly Aaaall bar Ge Ale Ly juae gf SSVI agate Gants Y SLY agi Gio Arades ALIS esti bls ast salud! Gb palit age GAL sla Lu Bud de pd Ula i ta ly! dad gy Cam Lemna gl) Je La sall gh Gulab le oly pi Y jalaull pall oie Gio dace Ld aos pal Dla Ua juss gl all Ubeall le elisyl gb AUS A pal al Salle) Jlaall Ga Gall Qa 3 Jay TOY 4g Ulead Lgl pny ala LeU puol unatt (gd ALAS 2 pat A jal Saal yer yee BJoYT Gills Gls sJoYl agi gi Ll cya DU Aneel a9 5g sual Amen gS) Gala lily LI GY Say! agie y sai) ayie PLAY 5 LAL Reefer Ale Lema gS yg) pains ll NOY! y All 1 a Lae psy FAs ASU ae gs Uyeda SY CLAN ul Ged '. Gliz. Abdelkader, Op.Cit,, P.34, *, Bouinin .O, Michalet Ca, Op.Cit,, P.147. AD. spe 0383 Ge mye WSalally IAD CAS MSL fie Mle Hanns sgn ayaa 2 24 ~ Olan a 83 ee np CLAD uae las Git). 18 OL ge gan 83 Ge gaye ale gap -51- Ggath saat gad dyall Uys Asta al gf sil JS) Quail a a ccna oda Ale aya ghd A lh agS ogy gh nla ob Ge Raul tye oI glne ileal alld el yy (9s af als Naigget Kinga Saale sae! Sal ye Gurgbal plasind lily ay ye pub Aamege 2 SUS of Li je Wisi Lee gil step ASG dene sill by 3 ALadaN Clase hell Ag pode Ge CRS Y eel 5 829 agie of a BURY) puat S S SS ged 8 Joy ayia Laat UI oc yall ll saul iS YB eal sie dy ails Ayhaaal AALS sal giall CLV! fb Aad gual) LH ag Gh pithy AIM aL Zana gall leo etal LagSall Cpe qe AG Jal asic Gygh ye Lowagill of ud l Ailes} GIS sRaaeaSall uals sale Y AMLall 2) yl) Ge ay jal PD Ba Oke Gyo Si Cos 5 JY 4g pealll ade Giyk Ge Lereyill She clail Za pall BM Syngl 1: Pia ht gl 98 950M eed) GU YI NS, « alana Adaisell snd) OU Sela cles gl Sly jay! ade =/4 BoM oSgd qa Lea Luald Aeaage city Aatall Aeaagall la shioly Aga) cus 13s gow EG Leniey tel gill ubilell Gad chad J pyury gla cilia geal yan: Dita S52 cpl sagtiaall Aga) GH ye shilly Gut Gia Usat luli «Franchising» | juiq| Ua Naud CAGED) I ALoYL: poltll Colinal ge US GLGAYI se Gaataty ty Lola «Lay 5. Fil sie pla cUadll i Spell an. siy «5 LLY! Galie ile ole aii al) AM d gh LM Ge Ay hanall din SUYN canlen J gd Mis ph od¢l dagt I tad OS gtd Ge 8S dal ss cull pailly Gy Ayal gle TNL Le Gye iy Lee CH Lay WSgh cogiall yo g gill Via Leal gill CLAD jis) ppl 11S Gy patie sled ob Sly yene HY Adaslss (gi ase po stall 98s Lead oad A CLAN gale at GSI aalsd ACUI Auaagall ge gla Ge SY # Seal gall gabaleiall gal Guile $ Shady Aaa Din gle 3 pall aed cy etinns alla angy Y GSI Aaaeapall gus ans Hise SS Gila JSS gi Satay Litle athe daapall Glace alli a so sags cated be UEeYl agic Gantt y pak, be ede es ad yea Tk PAP POE RIPEN IS pe eh Ig Fad base Sle y phe yagi GUiAY) Nae Garis plall ¢ Lill ll «Operater Us—tiy «Build» ols 4543 ols LLY Na cod AnaLll & Silly (pala! a le cc Sall sf plall GUL 45 la}, vel dss I ated Ge GIS Aged an g spe pet aeall Lal aly ala sins ad ip AMIS 3 fd any Le gSall og 8 350 «Transfer al yo5 2 pile ale aes Guindy *. Bettahar Rabah:« Documentation sur la privatisation », Op.Cit, P.37. J AH LY BOT heya eo Rey Seley Ae ge as gle hae sane le. 632.40 2001/2000 «4p S91 gaa -52- gull deat gai J saill Ais Mtl Lead 44 sist) s¥) Sait —————S Aap pL gag cpa! is) Cilide Gb Vp Leena Sl Caltisd SSI Gye Ca gLul Nha any Aa Li Cle gy Lang gb Quy GU le ptdtiny Up JN) CI LAL Gas eee Ulaally «5 gacall 6h Sh col SW eC LASY colpall Glan tSia tae Satay € sl gh Calelall 9 igs YS ytd of aad Nha Gage aw Gay Gott le Littell § pyall Gyo jattinal Say Yl juan Gye ail YY a gSall 4s GAS aie. vide gle ke GULY! U yal elie} Guile a 4 7 il is — fas — pti" RNS 9 Came & spe Blas clay oly ppd LAS 52 aig Sa) ISS AL) Gall Bs elle 43 8 1g 5 pal Ge liS gle Melia) (6b palg aah agli Hin Cl juan Guay AagSall inge- ce ta playa! ye Latah Sab gi) pdteall Ge Syed pe Gn Oe Ll dill Evid tala Uni Uy Sing LBL Ag SN pURil paul! ~/5 Le $8 Gale Uhl Cian y glad He sill Ra} asl Aone gl) Gallul Ga tact gt oh Gey adie ge Quang Giagy pla g Uhl lauaipe Les p git Uatil y 5 Sell 4a gta Gl gall 9 Ap il ASL Ga Oe Gat I asl ga Gala ull 4 Sy 2a a iin 1 opal Uni clan y Guana ¢ pial) ISNT Ss GUY glad Ua 99 Qengy Cums galeeiYh (Ua) dele pity ANS Uald Qu jl Gye Alagle 3 fll Cyc y J asset) G99 Gatall EU UY oy Haag clin 9S glad! EU 559 UeLintsy Galil! Tigola J dala oltudl 45k. Fala Laas Cyany 4h a Salt pai of Say WE Lig yh CTs Uys Ay Arena gia sf deage ee Lao Dall Goals gla yeti) ADL eae Sie Gan yas QsLell JS cya JE » ely ojledl be dS ching YL Glad PUeK ce alsa gl al yall le Speaall gal deena yall Ge Leal al ga) Ging of CS ASOD Of Sp etn att EU oo JY y GLAD eG gf plall Lal G3 Gil Spied shal le fs pha Aalenny lS 5 Sad le gel Leta Malas gue Coal (nanny A gill ¢ 5 pall denen 6 gele col itis past ghd yd Ls OB the (gf rela avadiall dy fly alls y55 Yaga oh 9 SLs Gt Fe HN Gg phat Ugall Glin gall 6 y glial Ny Gu Coal placid 5 be disc A lag Malady CUI yh IB Gd Aol, ali aS ph Gig ual elBLY, ait Ald a ld he chad! ¢ Ubi Utialy Gola! EUaall Lau, 5 Golly alll Que Ubill Ga AS ll Gases y alilly plall Guethil gu 451 2 eisai gl celal) CULM peal fal gf Lela) CsleaSl) Quen dl Heal Gad sae SSA 4 lads gas gy ye 49 AT 50 0 2001 sre AO ne aay pl ge aly all yell oy 451520 oy a GL! -53- Gye ea) gai Jyaill Alls Asta bad 4 ll Saat) J gail 5 t Aaa Clas AI) aad Jpneity dob ead al dyghe bey Sac gy pte ate py Cs Die gay lal EU Gf yy pally pall Quota) Ow 45) 52 a gs pa (GB) Notas ola jig ge B8yal A yjudl anny glad jyeaall ge Lig Glas) aS Ny Sary Shit CLM pul gle Gall) y pl Gyetbill Gy 45 lta Gay Es DS Ge Sey sll Liban Gye coy cotta et sl cle this Ge sl Algo Cle g pe 7 JAM (ys Lest Call (gle Jyuenll 5 Auta cl Lauay PAUaMe CAS ys ol Ladatl Cua’ J/g Ray ML a subg gk Ati CS 5 lt Lala Gleagall agate Glad Gf BAAS Si ls MNS y Gull Saye yes AAS Hey yal they 5 Alaa gt At Leal egal Guall 65 Lua ode Ba gd pa Sal ileal SI tae oly al yall Gx pall Ugall ASL Ges pada le Gly IB AS 5 Ge Fhe Si elk gle lage 5 bagd gate ly Lene all Still Gala LS Fans Se Qe ala! thee ed pein LLYN Ge Lei Cana JAY al Gye GES Gy Clajall oda 3h cote kindy sync Gi ola 359 ged (Gaal J Gilad) Gala) Qu yd Ya home Reaaiall Alla’ Om Gel 9 ol cue oa ASA a gata 58 Sa LU ge Ly DE CH sail) GA 5 gl gh y Aeeaha eth hs Abbas US 5 I alall Claagall dugad © 1994 Lassa bo et YAS Ch ll 4 SV Aad gas Ol Sy eye tbh yds gle WLytll ys fualally plall Asileall AN ypeeal plall ¢ Ubi Latins Cony Golal 4 plall EUbill Gy agsall gle Yass ala) Glas yi 5 gb pales og ti Liga 9 Ace ot) cid gee eal lead Ly A 4g Bade spe bee Cad lal EULA ol) pall GUL Go pail Sac Gf SBS A Leola I AE Yy cg fa BS EN gall je Nad Oy pS Lagay ct S| gb ASSL Lal pall di yee NS clgace ed ab AI) i gall te wall (gle ye Gees lect a DU iy HN Rags le eal) Jil, Leis Jail! : ASU SRE Gog caedd ts) (9h Lasetall al geld 28g sil . Vedaaat Cony ll till dip hl ya SEY coh SLY ib Ald UHL hl) Ga e any Ge Hg AL egal) Me gD MaRS Cally Goel gue GLASY y ALLL Sule “esas Ge algal Ge ayaa Se era cg sles eae! M9 87s ua 6 SS bee os Oa yen ys ies? tna apa le AS jen AMS » ym ae oh gga AQ yaa ga gta gl gc ua? 22-01. a.2002/05/ 28 =18 la 209M) eal 63-65.y0 30 4 5 See ony sgn agen! -54- yu) suai gai Jgaill Ais Astalt dead Gb sitll JS3! ducal fa A Arce gl) ali yy (ye Le gSalt cilasi =/1 Cy fi nee BIL 5 ght sy 9Sy ab Arne gill Auber Gye Me pie g 5S Cilaal Ud de ySalls Hac 5ah5 Weloe 5S By ALjal evel DE Gye Bint Hay Label) Clea pall eld gos Ueioe GIS 1S) Lil bat Gan 8 leas Ge Ya) Aes Igeal Que ook Ge ul Gia se alll cyl Gb Ge Clu awe canes gill alin geal y SRS (ye Ald y Le sSall Cilaal Ge yall ce ALallys «lise pga yyy pall GY gh le Mala Lagall posh ISA fy Ugeganly Qala pip 9 ayn Ay pe CIS Lead CIS 3M ne gl) bt Chee yas WL dl aly Sp gd pled Nested ase ply Cue clgieane gs Byte Ge GS aed Laing Lee cot YF Uap Quad ANd AaSSN) Gb Ga Daly AS lan Laagall SIS sla AGS Ugegel Cp AS ey ob Aetna CAS pl Qi Uh i an a tale pt US Mgasy Say Y CGayeecall lta ly Sead (gILall AY Culd Halal Gla palld style Mintel Oth pally Aenaall Opt Gand LeySall (Say Ugly sale Feaaa'yall hil 6 ill ¢ Ui —/4 lia Capa Leen 9S) yuilld Ign yd bee gi Meal ais gall LL & 5 USS ey Ly Shit! Agia GLY coll! Gall oly ygSNS ala GLaaall gf Sask) Spine clio slot yo ulldy Ugale 415 ly Lia) Gok) Ug Lol) dealin agi slg Asta) Lthatl 3) pull 3 oh -/5 Cs ign Gps Sathana oye CIS 13] Le a8 ie liS Hp ya VIS 5 Mall GB gall ght os ghee hg Lie OSs ob 1 Leal egal OS Y pee plall ¢ ghll 4a yh had Aone Sl G gb Sa a Ss lay hed el al gd Gasel M Oy patina Ga guS ase aay Vy peal Quist Dec Ai st ga lad I cuba cy ptiaa Gall Ag eilld ALM JE Boh y Gallad ss! le fyi Seley! opllly Gulu GI Lae YU Saal ye GS acliia| y Aealee Cob yea JE) oF Lalall Claall Gye apna he Ala ALAN ELA cya ase The Gal jp Cibaagall oe 5 55 DI (ye Latins Clade cl} gail Senay A cial Una ol} Ha gS pgaal ASLe Uo ya Segall G6 9s Gell Gua ales he Sal Remwe gS U5 cathy plall cpl ll geal y con pel Adeay ali 4S le Reena gill Ales ci ges iepllll 6 io 0 Vein 5) HTS ene gS alee Mega ab Clr yenall Ge ayaa poly) Gu jut cL aes A ULE Oe ila Lee ll Gilad pie i Line BIS Sy cs sh GI} Uys regllagd il yall ola Gls] Say tyghlad Siciy Muclaial cilia —/i iY Ge wi I eal gab deal ge Gut sue 5545 Caney Alle Uli a jlea ] ala Ua of ye Saal ye assed) go pach Leola GCL Gl Label Cite y ya SL -55- Goad set) gai J sail Ufis Acta bas 8 ppl dg! dual Fn cc Leal hsp tthe Leal Gog old galls 4 adlal ily city tay) GyLY jai ‘hanes 9 Aelia! 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Cal dye Ga oS MH gat Wanna ld pepe Spl DU) Hy Ae game ag clbty Vl Oli Ugilaal Guindy Loreal She clei Glas! y Wie Yas ual HS she yl oe ab yaa, GEASS oo a tyid Vee pane ood 9S Cla giall cya Gis egg LS IS Gn I uel Yl Guslety) olS 2 geal CYL clad 2 AVIS elit ay pall Gye de gene cad pe CLAY Fas pee celal J sll ghia fl Gulu! saball ¢ LH] de 5 a) 1 ABI LAY! 5 lait gd y Lethal 5 Aubadll og) dp yall nN) tet Gllsy 5A Naas Bes papas LY ges of ca US aif) Degli Qe all OLA Pepe cybeletall 4 Leith} Ging AVL dgieal) Laue gall Saal Rath Cea) Ne hey pecan (CU) Gas Ja gi La glia gle 3 pul gan 2 Sy OL AL cpgatth $35 le Gasman gh pedis Ossian Le coill Cuil yall cere Chey) coe ad Y Guay Clagiall ode Spal gd Uily Gatty Gf Gay duece gill Ge sepa Ale gi Lat lenally HLabal gl Lal Sikeegll ode Gey bated cg sil Come ae Leet Ge Seeing BGs ole el cian y Uncle Coan gh $ See 184 “LID 0 936 Si ca i ne al Sie | Apel soilly Lae SD hse » ye gly ill Apheitly Seleg Yi Oly Lae gill Ye CNEL yt pte Gy. 2 Ol 0 2004 i 07/03 sts Haale Ca panvsecan halon 149 148 0 85 Ga ne att gh? -57- Gguall abe) gai J gail Ayfls Asta daa 4 ict) J) Saat _ ey Jeyt shall Aall G yull of ld «cea! Aalae AS ya 5 ype Ale Gye omy 3 SY ADU 3g all Gell EUbill ele ys Asleall ode Uuguil Guetta jleall y Halal Cle all GB jay Dd all cipal Qualia Sad GAS Gye oy Y Ugdlaal Sint y Levessll cat 4 Negi Sin 1 Aj) US A Sin Yh Label! Lea gall USL aN IIS haul Nba Gd gin CSheals lll Ging Cus Saal Gu y lea yas 5 9) a} y aye auses Gi SI Aya etbel 5 peal dale Gault y 4 Noy! allel Sl Ged efi ll LLY cde le Calblh-y i alg US sy Wig ela ally chill pry Gaye i Madly lt cand I bla ge cad Ga 6 Sal gS Cantal 5 Guay yall i aad dle GS ob pay Ga ill Se aed coll As gH) iL olla Sa gle Ge sal bye aah down gS Gls .7 foal (Sa YY pl [Gayl Jats Y ida Galil e Ubi) Sia) Gigs & FEMS yh bad gf IS 2 ye Fe yore Al yo Cand Ula Cilaasall ¢ shy Pe ce Gall Gok Ge ile Laehe JS Meola all Qe ace gil sis ane gS 5a. y0 fue usb Filia Myo 1 DU Appell Gad yas 8 fogllaly gaitll Ua yy 9 Schall Gok Ge Sjery shliall Ys lb Lee ¢ pun yj Leen sill cilaal ass 10 Soest gt oaay Soli lee GsSoy Leal Label cle y all Cyy MiSs Ges odd II fcilauasall Say Clad Wada ety nadia Gane JS Lge poy Aree gills dain Cilmefall tliat) anit ol yal 12 oY Ble yas p80 (Say Aa gall da yaks aS y Aaa y Lally! og laa lily JAM Aailiall ye Salta! Chags Leela! 2 gill ine i als digs INE Ly Legal jul Die Apsley 12001 «th ty a easly pill Sy yN 9 yl VI Aah shay ey ry) cal vighe ly Gand se. | Blue -58- Goal slat) gai J gsc Aulis sal bead 4d stat) gM) act ———— eee Atal) Stal Jualtt sats Asi pdt) za) consall Bal plies Sue Gh ALN 4g ysl Goh y Gal ary poled galacti! Ghidl gf Gl saleaBYl gail yale Glalaree atesyt g allel egy hall 4S) 2 ya US iad ale Bee le 3S f sup Lala cleale Jal! las Bac pt Gy Aylay ee allall fay alae Gus Vogt gl Raley CH shell Ge CULE Alay ge ASI 20) gl ad Les full Gye Ce Sa ft GS tll ge Hy Sb AILS ta hs Oe peed Cun of alia Gl ye olla GRY cali se JURY Sik ya aga je LS lad SB Ge peley Glas Ligalas danse y agp IS 3 ASI ll p gga ayant pi saat) Ha Gay call ty Guin he i Sap A EVI lysis Qo BLA oLgadh 93.¢ AS) pa gee 255 2) cuillaall Ps hat gale) eainall le Aus ye 5 ple J ppll Barly Cuad Gy slaill 3S on AS) Att fae Gf YY Ssall AlaLsall 5 4S fuel alloall faye gle Loslacy 1 bs doles “ SVN CA gill ob YY plainly as ol deci yy ghtll acl fiulS AaleaiY Shaul cot Leahy Saute wtb Cul ASI ptlle aby) Lagall gh Qf Luckal te, coal Lect Ud Legal Gest Sel hall Ge Usa gf Bsa 81) GLAS coast clad clits tel) «Michel Crozier sé cuss ts jee! an GI Spall shail ok cial 7 gel Coetal Caaes gk Lali] TES nena gb isla Lenaall aad Sulla Sl Sal Gg ASI cI Foxy SLi) Maly Lal ola (gd Leap) aan dang Solely cand tule ALAN y Cael 2 i sauaall 9 GLY jail dae Sl fue) Geist dal Ow Lens fad LS Ge Syke KIA GS LS sqglgll WS 5 goo shal gS Lyall ech na Atal all yall dea S 555 2S gtll oly Gaal gy LS AAS Ge g 98) Gel jie AS) 2) a gga JQ Ei + USE tl se Ge pad Call GDGALy as) Sy ASI 2) Cubed 5 928 Gis lh Sip sla pal apie plbey salccBYl Jalil Lebar Ge pany gglall JIS ll lie Syn.yy 3f Asad Aa Wa birdy Ga p65 AS yy gh) LS JOY fe guage Uesije Meggelan Lae gi kanal) y Qos 9 AS ful) aay Jaa gah 6 Ul ji sAetinall cles tall Go ASI J asl cll ghey 3sl sl) ash Ow Stil Ge tyke USL 2 cat Lg gala JalS yu LDL dg ys Gilad dbuny Lied UA yt I Ge 15) '. J.Claude Ruano-Borbalan, Partenariat clé de réussite américaine, Science humaines hors série, N:°20, Pars, Mars-Avril 1998, PP.66-70. 2. Michel Gervais, Stratégie de lentreprise, 4% Edition, Edition Economica, Pars, 1995, P.199, , Encyclopédie du management, Tome2, Edition Vuibert, Paris, P. 769. -59- gall alec) gi J gacll Aulls AysLall Jaad 8 ict SSI acail ae 4 ll baby at bY Glad aye Dude y Hale Alseey iss call Weiner an sy 7 "Gl LI wig) skis les Gudady Wl Aalyl Fee Gee Stl allel as Gilad de Rly 45 puted ADL all Ga ASI 23 2B EE LL HI geal 8 Zee Ge Gob JS Ghaalee y Gah gas aay aad gid 2208 gd Sil alt ala le pine Gbacegall Gur Gysheill JS Ga ISS Gs ASI 2 4 ecules) Silda J gall SAV gle ike WDLe day y Gla Glaaage 0 bl Gi gil Huold ADL! Lad gs A512 5 Lntail ak eps ga tle Case Ugly cApaball Lal) SDL Cal Usd 5 gl cb gla ileal on ee gail I a Sal os fall gle Sh sh ost ys Ow A AYN Gul le pai AS12116 AS ital AIEY afi of le «pacatll fl Aad Gad) Gal eV Gilat 5 aha 85 BAM cellh aga QL Gay canis) lead 2.500) jaattall Ge Cueaiy My Lanne a cihaal Gains gia IS ged Guns (Ql 4 th LL lg ype Oneal aud ell Shea pe 45 gape Gu bal ss ge aye ya Gilad .7 Lig: Ailsadl cotta le lines Lala gh Callas) G8 AS ial Glagall ia Mi gla Niqede GUS clea! Clap Done! ojb clan! cas gd Gly Gs 3 2 ph ASE] a ASI BIB BM Gayl ped] Gage lef Lac Ge aan pnt lg Gas AS) pl Ce Ging Chee og see aby I Gyall [SEIS HS Ska es Sis Gh ly aul Lasts (4 i Blas has geal Ga MY pans GS gl Lasley Vengo sna Asti SLeadl ol} Upbeat cpl ged Lil Hale S12 ein Las J) A AIL le: Gita ga Ltd) 4S of Sy old all gay PiDa Masia J Alyse gal wba Oy gf Sey US eC philly Can) Ayal a Load YAS) all Santelli Lal Gye pe th al og uals hel say) ll GL DE ga Lo Gail Gh sxe I Gui gh on Gabel gpl Ge G5 ASSAD GS Glo Layee GES Ansel 3) Sa go GS tall cep ll Gein cok JL Esl Glee Ge AS jit Gla Lia slte) GSe Y gall Aste Mi yk ghd Gls 145) 4 ual of) sjLtyl assy pred Heigl ag Gye oS AN dy (Sikes ney Ths yo Aba DLE Gl) yal ALAS Hate Gilad ele pelle Cpa aed Sal on UU) 4) aaa Cte gna FON 5a Ish cle AS fe Sal GLGSL BAY LEN ge LES plac y of il Sigg ey Let ga LM Ral AS ey all any yl SACD yn gal Lg ge jo Ma YE Spe gy Ml Sy 282 yl 09/08 widen Lana «ail pe Rn pl) AE oe M1 yD ASL Jay pnd AIS pd gaa 11 O10 goa 2004 gc. 2. Frangois Pradoux, Le partenariat client - founisseur dans Vindustrie, Le Cahier Du Collége Des Ingenicurs, Ne3, 1990, P.73, *. BGarette, P.Daussauge, Anticiper les conséquence des alliances stratégiques, Revue Francaise de gestion, "1 12.Juin-Aout 1997, P.106, RM hg Bind ANN ge DI gD gL ga UY eh say ASD SIS ae Gam on! «1S OL om 2002 ple 22/21 shal Raat ve A! -60- yal) steal gad Jyailt Alls 49a) aad ob tld ds) ail Ged Lag) tal he GSS Calladll y 45) palld AS sill gf Absa AAW Gacy 45,8 Aula gall segltll Jysall dacs LS olS 2 dale Cau Leas Gaby (sie B Garette, PDaussauge, Op Cit, P. 66, :suaah Cael) Op slat Dae G9 ob Sey (i) ile Ualll GOGAL SI tll a gga GS: Ale 5 I oa) ak Ay Ub 5 le GLAM Ne gag ASI gal goad call Gita YT DESL eH gall BU ool I Gall Luc fate dade el lal Gilay fl gaa GL ga 3S) EM Hag WS fake lad | yey Ha Md be gh iS J Lal cal y igh AS Ud CIS ol yas 5S) AS Lal poe Gh os Cue CY Gal J CMS Ga Lj BS hey SLAY! Oe Cased Id Hylan cal Gey Gy Gale SSA Go SSA ga 45129 Gf TY yl GS ells (gb Lapidus ef jhll ISI hin Cum Guns & 5 plier pli wad Upiluaia DSL) Nee deal 4g Weipa seal Sapte Cal hs Ud lea ASI pal dans fads sale) Sil a) LS hy shail oda Ge Gey Baal Lda i Canine Ay Wee i a Uy Sy pall oka ans dat 4 bi -| Ame SSH Ge Na GIBY! alge US Al jay Dik USL Gal Gl Aaa pal ASI yl UPUSLS Dp gh Saal 58! Splie) Gaja ae ASI CAST Di iad y Ls gle Ublin Aolaityl douagall of rel val) cautss 2 i —/2. ANS pai Hay UGGS Gl o Sal LUE Llda le dad Gf Cay Apleniyl Lao yl ste gg US GHEY ugk Gd pales gl Ct JS DY gy! 4d Fy shill ohn y AMY IS Ge Gyull Sia} Cle guns lta Gf cua role, Jy -, Qt LAY yy pay Gp NSal SSE Gd LY Shade Gy Gla ub g gle ake Sajal iad gb inte y 8p 5S ya aed geil galled aac Gd lal CYL Jocks gd Lol Male aed Ay aghill y Cand CALLE Ugde an Gy aly Slay! : Aap gS CA ght ga Uggla g AslenSY! Chagall hina gall Gag ASI aI Gt Ay Lah oS) Lids cilia) Lith sind g alsa CUI Ay ei -/4 Ab di bt Aan ad asS ol pay Lee Lalla gall Mig pa ASI pl OS gb PLS Lang) $65 520 Gay da by DLE SAI Aa AAI gg bl Ate aa ata le tly olga MIS ag fe pa gids ne! 08-01 = uo 2004 pi th 6 4a -61- Goal saci} ga J gail Aytls Zystal doa (9b ll JS Jaci Coll psi plans JA, Leal ul Ue) asl aay A815 GS Gi Qua om ch eclell 5 Ua gang ALE 0 AS) pl pl jad Gla aang galusifY Sa) a} LS Noy Mciall 9 ASI 520 Ugle a i AA gil Gigli Gla lan al AI 555 a Asleatiy! GDL rtustaatiyt elidel ~/1 fais te AA ol tied yo sual Gaba (AgU4l Fala) Saye GLudlin 5 59d ob gi seth A aly daa Clctall Ge slapllall pe CDE Bae yg sf dada Gsteil Gane Ullny Sl yall a sy Aaya lala AEE oh Len MT lls Gaggia y gure Sas seh junc gaglll Leal 3 DESY, ols LG ic il gM cy gles) asks) Capel! pea 2y gel g Jats -/2, ane lS all gal gle lod gd Lea silly 5S ig ye cle yeaa Jal ge ali i Haswell gi ila) JSLLal) Seat OS poe cpa) Glad nny hal CLs Sa fl) cas Ng gaa -/3 a ol Lees 9 Sy AS) aN aa gid a GD Cay Sane GI peal Gils SAS All gb Oe ashe Gj She gall Ghai gay 42959 y4 le Jyuaall gay aly sr S an ste al gh Sai ph Gy Vy Cpt yas shea = eal Cl teal le 5S sll ad an ay La Gey Ua sll el 3 daly g sila oe She aL Sl lS A pa of LoS cols ya Coli y ile. sie Ga clan Aste} Foal LAY Ah ISG ge Hylan Alay y itll G6liS y 260 8 ay Gena ARES 2h IS Cl ge pull Aig Alle GIS Gof Gla Clee Quan gh HC Sd pestis -/5 Gapll Ty sh J CU Hig UL gid gla aslo and US cSLdl ad aie 4 JLl vigs Hla Caen gh UE en ya any 0 9909 gill Al 2 Gi be a Ql eh RD Lym Cas Gye lS yp Label oh yl) On 653 9S Gl Gags 2 7 amend Cus Gay cy ol od lal AUIS Qa caaly @ gia J aaly Gy pba de LYS mahal Les gi egg Lib & 9 il a & SF yi Lag (LG ee pas CIS oA clone LADY Healy Dal 98 US Lauda Gao Se gua GL of gl DML gs te Jal Bondy SSI Haak gle as LS pS Cap ol 3 pe GIS LAS sil pe -/7 Sahl Chall Spay Spal gh @ Sal 799 jm ASL ye Gh (Sy Gall Oe Mpg Some All Leaasall an id LD yd a ob ASI jt GY! gan 3 wept Gy day iS) Meeead Call BS 53 9 Coys Le Sayan GDL G4 & 9) Cael ly ALA of ye YY) tl AS} Ga iez gil AISI Lhe «MLPorter» (ye Qala GML! «Robert Nee ails BD Aas Gad ally 30 Linge GSI § fins yt LIME CS a CY Gy AS) All Ge GUUS 5 AS tll ada gs Uy LY! Aa Saih Gi Saal jy Reich» OSU Ob lly auaiyy eagle Yan Mi yb gle ASI pH lana casbl ob Gus Vy eS pS Ad lal uel nl iS he gall 4s Gs ghaitly HDs 0 0585 Sm gee Sti gl. | *. B.Garette Et P.Daussauge, Op.Cit, P.62, -62- Sgt dail gai gail Alls Achat baal ob scl gil Geaill ————————— Se me Lae A512 vi ly cSt «Richard D'Avenin ish pai US Ne gal ch UGS) ins eS ytd sol Agi gb selad aby eg JS IS pot AS) pall of 5G Gol} WAS oY ga hay any aps Lay AS all lll) sind (od sed Y ASIA) Gl yy ped SAY Gb 5 lus ety Mail Sole gall Aasitial GLU Ay A) Ud Gb Os ey Vea! ASI Al gyal ESD) dae YY geal) Clasp Ueagts il) Hla Loy aay ass fad Shane of ILS ASI old Os DAW gle Gyshe le GUE gf GAS Geo pallan gan! Gd c puns oan YH pil Let Sina pa AS) yt) Qdga typi io pagans AILe gi Chau pall Ye cided Sliey Elia dais yet Up pall yo 451 pa) Lass ol Gs Nap AL igh angel Gully Lila 1d Gael ASI 2 ys Alay lies) CDS Hepltle Lede AS) yl) cpl Calas gall ya 585 o ga gl! ah Gitaa hy lad cgaleaty! GUL cals y Abts ol yall uae ood Alay! 4st ity! Ud ek Aaa gh Apabicctyh Coltbadll JVI pales) el yall y ell pt A yall Cosma cca geal ByaleniBY! 9 Apel Ay Al) le Aye OI yt ye alld Cle ay ogo gpl oll Sel} ay Cay celled cgaleecsy! pail Sy pry cztell cl gall salut! aUlaill 583 Sy p15 Andie NSD pin ae Rade Lang td 5 ete Ay by AS Cie oh Ugaadd ll Citta SH Rgid SAS lg go LARP 953 4p ol CH gl abe a DE hy AlN! Lgiteny pt EU Ciitbady GSI sah AUG SLES! Cf yas y equa) ULM Ge Galadlly Ubapeaid Lala 7AS1 pill Allan gai GUYS gh Leash y Lae GS Ggalaefl gaily Apacll Lane ob wd HW ail gall =) sa gt SLL S Ga Ayclinall Glob cle Cua obi! caked! SSLte lly avails gis galled Gl gat Jala 4 AN phy Lytle gine GH jas cg Jems dae gill galiaify! Gd Aaah MW had sleud Cosas! 1986 Liu sey Leols Ay fill. 40591 pla aye gill cig gna Ya ae Balin) y Ayame baal Ub) i geal gle ASI 20 Alias gpl Gf ulld wgaleeti¥! ial ud Aasels Fee Oe Aamagall gle oo yiy Lin gl yiSill aan 000) shill ta ob i aly Aalsa alls of 2 HB ll gua ge Sl La Hae cieg Ane castes sla y ysl Sey plan! s oe Cass} Le OSs LytleliS yy phy yas y sy Leila Gp yt Lacy) hea fell ESM Agata Shs gle hs ial cee LED Lailay Lege Unga Clay Hn y gt Qolall GaNSGl 4igall 28) yall bed og Lda Lago 15g) 8p ghaill LMA ode gle all gees a05 451 p20 ofS alla cc gall gall ae AS ag de ol SY Be peas 9 Gill plac Aeagall gm yy AIS Hay a endl Goes pp HR Glas 9 5 a aL YN Laaagall Gilad oy GST GIBYI Ne Gay cya rls Lad Ulloa! GS gill 5 Splat J poll go ners Fy alad Gaal sll gad all ody '. Richard D'veni, Hyper compétiton, Edition Vuibert, Paris, 1995, P. 357. 15 “Ol oe ge 85 See gore GI 0 al ov? -63- oul Seat gai Jal 4816 Uta oad ob pit si deat oN RNS policed 5 Hei Quo yy Gyull od bane clblis cla fl Gyull dijee @ SG) DDuGADL Ala fall 42,9 pul! PAMled JS 4 Leal ALLL Kaylee y dun tall Lp gl yiSil le peal © Rag JAD Rafal Cl Laiial i pSal y Sayap GULL Gb LALLY & ee Cin ila gam Da ia hs 5 any Aaa 0359) Spd aga,y lane le aed fell os sind fa Sa le gaan 5 Raatay CANS yall sla dya sl al ead Geng " Aye ALY! yy ghi sas’ Litas Lindtiall pal ya agi Ugtil JS plas) gl polio) Cihaufall adap Gd! ali Gy Hagel ye LgitSaly Spal ei) Cilaaupall yap SLaSYT y CrsLeill Alay ta Loe SI AI 4g Llyay CALAIS ode gal yey ety dl YD SS Gly YLTSAY Lenape Daly Aadlial 5 pal ia ap gh Si CH ISYT ps sap plas] CANS) Aad gy @Satll sf 3 phaull Ngai y Lhasa ehyy aghy HabaniBY Laaagal) syd gd lal ale go shi psa of ab tp gy Sey Lag pana Dale gp gh pS phil GyS) hay gn 16 Gl gall le gon Lee aaagel (La Uile JOE af A AMS 11s Lega 48155 cf Apbeaisyl Lenape gle Vigo. 1S SLANT GMS Goal tas fut ASI 2 Aachas oll ¢ gall Hiagoeall Zeid Ci pal -/6 Gels cup seal ple Bagnall Cl ill das yx | ghd ag yaad! At bal gf OF gen ANI Sa Gb ebgiSualiga hy Asap spur gpd Yuka Disle Cail CSIs valaally Depa a ial Ch I cae SH gl Sead ell cL fal Ypaary gpl Le anal a hae gb Dyha I jilay Aalicsty! Ghaugall Qe Lally Lidia) yess Gb saad HAS gle Rafal Qin cle Le Sy Of ALE yale JS gait og AVI Cla fall ag glaly ASI 2 Csa'galy Milede Gtata crysis! -/7 iM Rad Cay Wy alll gl agb YG! Gyo Wall Aap Slaagall Ga GES gid UagS eld Gad ASI 2 Ge Call Alyy Clana a Qual oly gly aly Hany at al AY ClaeLa B MLAYL a jal ep Leal digg GLY! Le asny pl gle Jat SHEE Clue pall oda yal Le; dyigall GletiSll yd shy 08 -O1 ga yan 89 eg ig i gts a! AS “Dlg ga 83 Ge en 1G! A aml Se - -64- Gyul seat) gai grill Als Asta bad 7b tlh JSS dail AS! pill & 9 pie Clad Gila dhe : elit! cullall Linge 558 gi al ally ay pth Gye Le rane 9 jas ged & ype UA bse ASI pt Gf clad dal Ge UL AS Ga GA algal pal Galas Gh Lady egy pill Ua clas Bybee sah 3) Sal Es =, Vang a J jatg 4S fuel Cle y yield clas jal gaps cold yd Lyall sid of ee Gy ts I GY a tie a ele) bea ga pl WF le 5 pchall GY Sela ny alll jbl cepted July @ OY AN plea YT J lial Sy chad Ce jay CL baal age Ae Ay yeiely (Abad gle gla G1 aay Ay Sue LDL y Cl yg decd le ho pall da ga of J shell ot Nag ye Gp petal Gy gl ISN) aaa Lg saad) Sad 6 BLY Gla! cael (gd a) eum wcll agdeey! Jy © ORY gol ntiyl util debi C1) silly Gt all I ie) galeaiy! | dial sweaty ge Gol 8 gL LL (ks deal ly 9 Qatny Sy ahaa! Lal Gerd apes ek shi gala! 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