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fr telekommunikationssystem


Time !".## $ !%.## Num&er your 'a(es) *rite your name on ea+, of t,e 'a(es) -------------------------------------------------Questions from the book: .our ans/ers to t,e fi0e 1uestions from t,e &ook s,oul2 &e /ritten on 3ust one 2ou&le 'a(e s,eet)

1) (2.8): What are the main problems of signal propagation? Why do radio wa es not always follow a straight line? Why is refle!tion both useful and harmful? 2) (".#): $onsider duple% !hannels& what are alternati es for implementation in wireless networks? What about typi!al wired networks? ") ('.(): )ame the main elements of the *+, system ar!hite!ture and des!ribe their fun!tions. What are the ad antages of spe!ifying not only the radio interfa!e but also all internal interfa!es of the *+, system? ') ((."): -ow do in!lination and ele ation determine the use of a satellite? () (..(): /f 0luetooth is a !ommer!ial su!!ess& what are the remaining reasons for the use of infra red transmissions for W12)s? 3ther 4uestions: 4or ea+, 1uestion5 ea+, ans/er must not &e /ritten on more t,an t/o 'a(es5 i.e. on 3ust one s,eet) #) 5his 4uestion is on 0luetooth. a. )ame three important task for the master in a 0luetooth pi!onet. (" !r) b. -ow is power sa ing issues handled in 0luetooth? (2 !r) !. -ow many a!ti es sla es may there be in a 0luetooth pi!o!ell? (2 !r) d. /n 0luetooth there may be pa!kets of different length: 16slot pa!kets& "6slot pa!kets and (6slot pa!kets. Why is it so? (" !r) .) a. 7re4uen!y hopping is a widely used spread spe!trum te!hni4ue. 8es!ribe how it works. ( 2 !r) b. 8es!ribe slow and fast fre4uen!y hopping& respe!ti ely (2 !r) !. 8es!ribe the !on!epts of 9short6term fading: and that of 9long6term fading: and gi e e%amples of how they o!!ur? (" !r) d. 8es!ribe the !on!ept of intersymbol interferen!e (/+/) (" !r) 8) a. 5he near6far effe+t is a se ere problem of wireless networks using $8,. 8es!ribe this problem. (" !r) b. ;olling is an widely used media a!!ess te!hni4ue. 8es!ribe this te!hni4ue and gi e e%amples of systems where it is used. (' !r)

!. 7igure 1 shows an e%ample of how 789A 'a+ket reser0ation multi'le a++ess s!heme is used. <%plain how it works. (" !r) =) a. 2 W12) may be run in either infrastru!ture mode or in ad ho! mode. 8es!ribe the two modes. (" !r) b. *i e some e%amples of appli!ations that are based on the ad ho! mode. (2 !r) !. 5he /<<<8>2.11 standard is widely used in W12)s. 5he ,2$ proto!ols used in this standard differ from those used in wired 12)s. /n wired 12)s& i.e. in /<<<8>2." 12)s (<thernet) the main ,2$ proto!ol is $8,2?$8 ($arrier +en!e ,ultiple 2!!ess with $ollision 8ete!tion). Why is that not a proper ,2$ proto!ol for W12)s? (( !r) 1>) a. 5hink of an operator running a *+, system in the 18>> ,-@ band. 5hroughout the years& this network has be!ome more and more !ongested and the operator now is to in!rease the !apa!ity of the *+, network. *i e three e%amples of doing that. (( !r) b. )ow this operator wants to upgrade his *+, network to also handle *;A+ traffi!s. Whi!h elements are needed for that? 8es!ribe the role of these elements. (( !r) !. 2fter some years this operator wants to in!lude B,5+ in his network. What elements are needed for that? (( !r) 11)
7or /<<<8>2.11 W12)s three different ,2$ proto!ols may be used. 5hese are t,e :ASI; D4*9A;<D;4 usin( ;S9A6;A& D4*9A;<D;4 /it, 8TS6;TS e=tension and D4*9A;<7;4 /it, 'ollin(. 8es!ribe the three ,2$ proto!ols (1( !r)

*ood 1u!kC 666 Blf Dou need at least '" !r in order to pass the e%am. ('6#' !r EF *i e you a ' on the e%am #( or more !r gi e you a ( on the e%am 4i(ure !

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