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Test Yourself

A Choose the correct word in brackets to complete the following sentences. 1 It was a very high-class dinner.My friend says he even saw some (royalty,royalties there. ! "oo m#ch sleep in the afternoon (is$are not good for o#r health. % "he silence of the hot afternoon was interr#pted by a s#dden (clap$b#rst$spell of th#nder. & 'rammar (consist$consists of lots of r#les that learners m#st try to #nderstand and not memori(e. ) *e co#ld see no (activity,activities in the office so he went to the shop instead. + It,s time those st#dents started to work harder."heir (behavio#r,behavio#rs cannot be tolerated. - "he yo#ng boys stood on the bridge throwing (stone,stones into the river. . "here was an interesting (spell,item,grain of news abo#t yo#r friend in today,s paper. / *e was awarded 0M%1 111 (damage,damages for the loss of his right hand. 11 "here (was,were some 2ewellery on the floor of the bedroom. 3 4t#dy the words below and separate them into co#ntable or #nco#ntable no#ns."here are twenty of each rubbish behaviour air leaf car idea information ha%%iness bottle ba! "eddin! tobacco mile 'e"eller mone (ilo machiner lu!!a!e furniture e$ui%ment ci!arette litter machine %erson chair dollar coin o& !en shirt advice 'e"el !old button fact #n!lish 'o!!in! man!o food bo stren!th

Countable Nouns 1leaf 2 idea 3 car 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Uncountable Nouns 1rubbish 2behaviour 3air 4 information 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

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