Student Council Policy Document

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Student council policy document

Roles: Secretary and Chair Person. Gabriel and Lily Y10 Secretary: Send out agenda for meetings in the first week of each month to the members of the council Take minutes at the meetings and email them to DJO Contact DJO to Arrange meetings when needed

Chair Person Lead the meetings and work with the secretary and members of staff to decide what will be put in the agenda each week. Arrange and carry out a meeting with DJO every month / term to update on SC developments.

Y7-9 student council members 2 per year group Role: Liaise with form groups / tutors and discuss with peers immediate issues that occur and report back to student council about issue to be put on the agenda for the next meeting.

Plan: In the first week of each month the chair, secretary will write an agenda and send it by email to school council members on what will be discussed in the meeting. In the second week- y7-10 go to their classes and are going to find out any issues they have each month. E.g. scarves. In the third week, we will have the meeting and secretary will write the minutes. (will be sent to Mr. Jones) In the fourth week we will meet Mr. Jones. (not every month but when needed)

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