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Dawn Turek 303.396.4070 ________________________________________________________________ ________ Employment: WellPoint Instructional Designer II-Contract August 2013-Present Brainstorm creative treatments and innovative instructional strategies Write effective cop ! instructional te"t! audio scripts and video scripts #eld minds wit$ %ub&ect #atter '"perts and team members digabledesign Print, Social and Web Development 200 -Present Wordpress and (rupal Website (esign Broc$ure! )l er! *nvitation (esign %ocial #edia #ar+eting ,ogos! Branding and *dentit Annie!s Ca"e and #ar Waitress$#artender$%ostess 2001-2010 -onversant in problem resolution and conflict management .bilit to be patient under stressful circumstances '"ceptional communication s+ills Able to multitask effectively Education: &niversit' o" Colorado Denver, C( 2011-2012 )*A* in In"ormation and +earning ,ec-nologies 'mp$asis/ e,earning (esign and *mplementation 01. 4.0 Art Institute o" Colorado, Denver 2001-200 #*A* in Interactive )edia Design Honors: 0olden 2e .ward 3044! 3043 5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 55555555 Select Computer Skills:

.dobe6 -onnect! (reamweaver -%7! 1$otos$op -%7! *llustrator -%7 #icrosoft6 1ower1oint! '"cel! Word .rticulate! #oodle ! -aptivate! .((*'! Blooms 8a"onom ! -.91 Web 3.0 tools6 0oogle tools! Wordpress! .nimoto! :tranormal! ;ing <8#,! -%%! (rupal! -amtasia

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