LDS Mobile Apps Training

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Cospel Llbrary, LuS 1ools, Mormon Channel & more

Cospel Llbrary
uownload lLems
Lo use on devlce.

!"#$%& ()*+,+-
- noLe 8ooks
- ScrlpLures
- Ceneral
- 1eachlng of
- ?ouLh
- Pome and
- Manuals
- Muslc 8ooks
LuS 1ools
uownload lLems
Lo use on devlce.

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- !"#$%&'#( (any
ward ln sLake)
- )*++",-. (any
ward ln sLake)
- )*+$,/*#
any group or
bulldlng ln sLake)
- 0$1'#&.
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- 3".&. (cusLomlze
qulck llsLs of
people from
1he Church has a Mormon Channel page ln Lhe podcasL
secuon on l1unes, found aL

Mode 1 - Wlrelessly play Lo devlce. Servlces as a vldeo on
demand slLe.

Mode 2 - uownload lLems Lo play on devlce and 1v.

Mormon Channel
- vldeo podcasLs
- Audlo podcasLs
- Ceneral Conferences
- Mormon Messages
- CLS devouonals
- LuS radlo broadcasLs
- Church-relaLed conLenL.
Some lLems avallable ln muluple languages.

8y subscrlblng Lo favorlLe podcasLs, users wlll have Lhese
favorlLes auLomaucally download each ume Lhelr devlce
ls connecLed Lo l1unes.

SuggesLed uses: home / vlslung Leachlng, lessons, and
sharlng Lhe gospel.

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