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Halon Systems

Semi-Annual Inspection
Date_____________________ Facility_____________________________________________________________ Building_____________________________________________ System No._______________ Checkpoints Verify that cylinders are > 95% of their required weight (adjusted for temperature). Verify that hand-wheel operators on pilot heads are locked in the active position with a pin and seal wire. Test all actuating devices, including supervisory functions, per manufacturer's requirements. Verify that actuation devices on cylinders properly operate. Check local and remote manual releases for proper operation. Test all release devices for doors and dampers and verify that doors and dampers close and latch. Clean and lubricate dampers. Verify proper function of all audible alarms, indicator lights, timer mechanisms, valves, and pressure releases. Check for obstructions to system nozzles and clogged orifices. Verify that all wall, floor, and ceiling penetrations in the protected area are sealed. Verify that system has been restored to full automatic operating condition following all testing. Recommendations N/A Yes No

Inspected by_________________________________________________________________
(Print name and company)

Signature_____________________________________________ Date__________________

Copyright 2003 American Institute of Chemical Engineers

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