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Lustig Abby Lustig Ms.

McNamee AP Language Period 4 December 20, 2013 Put On a Happy Face

Beauty, wea t!, age, gender, mood" t!ese are a #udgments t!at we mig!t ma$e based on a %erson&s 'ace, t!e boo$ co(er o' t!e !uman body t!at we #udge u%on sig!ting. )e&re a gui ty o' #udging eac! ot!er&s co(ers, but !ow accurate are our %re#udices* )!i e we try+and 'ai +to ma$e egitimate connections between our 'aces and more sur'ace ,ua ities or t!ings about ourse (es, our conscious and unconscious actions actua y create e-%ressions t!at direct y e''ect our dee%er emotions and !a%%iness. .!inese 'ace reading is a tec!ni,ue, used in .!ina and doubted in America, in w!ic! doctors use %atterns on t!e 'ace to 'igure out a %erson&s !ea t! issues. .orre ations are made between s%eci'ic areas o' t!e 'ace and interna organs, as seen in t!e 'irst image o' acu%uncturist Maura Brig!t&s artic e on .!inese 'ace reading /Brig!t0. 1!oug! being ab e to earn about your interna issues sim% y by oo$ing at your 'ace wou d be !andy, rea y on y one corre ation !as been !ig! y re%orted" t!e re ation between ris$ o' coronary artery disease and a diagona ear obe crease. 2t!erwise, it&s 3un i$e y t!at t!ere&s somet!ing to t!is,4 as %ro'essor o' %syc!o ogy Pau 5$man, P!.D. %uts it /6oont70. )!i e it is an interesting idea, t!ere sim% y is not enoug! scienti'ic e(idence out t!ere to substantiate .!inese 'ace reading&s accuracy. 8imi ar to dai y !orosco%es t!at may or may not a%% y to your i'e /de%ending on !ow 'ar you&re wi ing to twist your i'e situations to 'it t!e descri%tions o' t!e !orosco%e0, 'ace reading 'or %ersona ity is no more accurate t!an t!e .!inese 'ace readings. Artic es s!owing u% on Cosmopolitan and We Women, using stars wit! 3!ig! 'ore!eads4 /9orroc$s0 or 3% uc$ed, su%er: t!in eyebrows4 /.arde ino0 as e-am% es sim% y cannot be cited as 100; 'actua . 8imi ar to t!e


dai y !orosco%e connection, women reading t!ese artic es are eager to connect t!eir 'acia 'eatures to t!ose o' t!e idea i7ed 'amous women< w!o wou dn&t want to say t!ey !a(e t!e same 3big, beauti'u eyes4 /3o%en !eart40 as =ooey Desc!ane /.arde ino0* 2r t!e beauti'u , 3regu ar>o(a and ba anced4 /3ca m and ob#ecti(e40 !ead o' 5(a Longoria /9orroc$s0* )!i e t!e websites& so:ca ed 3e-%erts4 c aim t!ey can %eg your %ersona ity by your 'acia 'eatures, %ro'essor o' %syc!o ogy at t!e ?ni(ersity o' .a i'ornia Medica 8c!oo in 8an @ransisco and aut!or o' What the Face Reveals, Pau 5$man, P!.D., turns t!em down in one sentence" 3At seems un i$e y t!at t!ere&s somet!ing to t!is> BbecauseC t!ere&s no in'ormation to suggest static 'eatures te you muc!4 /6oont70. 1!e most ob(ious e-am% e o' our 'aces being insu''icient te ers o' %ersona ity is t!e recent y tit ed %!enomenon, Bitc!y Desting @ace /BD@0. BD@ is a ong:e-isting 'ema e 3condition,4 'irst %ub ici7ed in a moc$:P8A by #ourna istEcomedian 1ay or 2rci, in w!ic! a woman wit! an angry or !ars! resting 'acia e-%ression is %egged as, 'or ac$ o' a more 'itting term, bitc!y. 1!e (ideo introduces a 'ew women, and e(en some men /w!ose BD@s are termed
Figure 1 Two victims of BRF: Kristen Stewart, and an actress from the BRF original video.

Ass!o e Desting @aces+or AD@0, w!o !a(e natura y s%ite'u 'acia e-%ressions, but w!ose %ersona ities run counter to t!eir

a%%earances. @or instance, actress Anna Pa,uin !as admitted to su''ering 'rom BD@< !owe(er, 3des%ite being !a%%y and satis'ied wit! !er i'e, !er de'au t 'ace ma$es !er oo$ i$e s!e Fwants to $i %eo% e&4 /Bitc!y0. Noe e and Go#o Ad er, 1H and 1I years o d, res%ecti(e y, at 8ta% es 9ig! 8c!oo , are o'ten critici7ed 'or t!eir BD@s. 3Peo% e o'ten come u% to me and as$ i' A&m u%set or angry BbecauseC A oo$ annoyed,4 said Noe e. 3But t!e times w!en %eo% e t!in$ A&m u%set are o'ten t!e times w!en A&m 'ee ing content. )!en A&m mad, A usua y ma$e an e''ort to oo$ i$e t!e o%%osite.4 /Ad er0. 2' course, it is %ossib e 'or a woman wit! BD@ to actua y !a(e

Lustig t!e ,ua ities t!at !er 'ace suggests, but a #usti'iab e connection between resting 'aces and %ersona ities cannot be accurate y made. Aside 'rom random oddities suc! as a BD@ being t!e resting 'ace o' a trut!'u y witc!y

woman and t!e occasiona accurate 'ace reading, t!ere must be ot!er e-ce%tions. )rin$ es, 'acia 'eatures t!at are o'ten %rominent %arts o' 'acia e-%ressions, are sure y %!ysica signa s o' one&s %ast e-%eriences. @rown ines and wrin$ es can be direct y etc!ed into one&s s$in by a !ost o' causes, inc uding sun e-%osure, aging, re%eated 'acia mo(ements, and smo$ing /.o eman0. 1!ere'ore, by ta$ing notice o' t!is nic!e o' a 'acia e-%ression, one can genera y 'igure out or guess at !abits o' a 'ace&s owner. )!i e most o' t!e wrin$ e:en!ancing agents isted abo(e on y te about sur'ace ,ua ities o' a %erson or i'etime !abits, t!ere&s one t!at !ints at a arger idea" re%etition o' 'acia mo(ements. JDe%etiti(e 'acia e-%ressions and mo(ements suc! as aug!ing, crying, 'rowning or smi ing can cause %ermanent etc!es into s$in o(er time,J writes .andace .o eman, !ig! sc!oo teac!er and tutor /.o eman0. 8o, w!at do ines 'ormed by re%etiti(e smi ing say about you* 2r ines 'ormed by re%etiti(e 'rowning* 1!oug! a genera BD@ or AD@ mig!t not accurate y re' ect 'ee ings, a 'ace reading is com% ete y di''erent i' t!e resting 'ace is a''ected by wrin$ es t!at were 'ormed as a resu t o' re%etiti(e 'acia mo(ements. By natura instinct, we communicate !ow we 'ee t!roug! 'acia e-%ression /9um%!ries0< we smi e w!en we&re !a%%y, we 'rown w!en we&re sad, we 'urrow our eyebrows w!en we&re con'used, etc. 9owe(er, 'acia e-%ressions not on y communicate emotions, but t!ey en!ance t!em. An a study %ub is!ed in t!e Journal of Pain, %artici%ants made sad, neutra , or re a-ed 'aces
Figure 2 This mans face e hi!its wrin"les around his e#es$clear signs of a re%etitive use of his natural smile &'oung(.


w!i e !eat was being a%% ied to t!eir arms. 1!ose w!o made negati(e 'acia e-%ressions re%orted being in more %ain t!an t!ose w!o e-%ressed more %ositi(e e-%ressions. Dr. Mic!ae Lewis, co: aut!or o' a di''erent study, conc uded, 3Peo% e w!o 'rown during an un% easant %rocedure re%ort 'ee ing more %ain t!an t!ose w!o do not.4 8imi ar y, researc!es 'ound t!at sub#ects w!o oo$ed at disgusting images wit!out 'rowning 'e t ess disgusted a'ter (iewing t!em t!an t!ose w!o were a owed to react natura y to t!e images /)enner0. A' a(oiding negati(e 'acia e-%ressions w!en reacting to negati(e 'ee ings ma$es you (iew t!e wor d in a more %ositi(e ig!t, !ow can you assure t!at you don&t e-%ress negati(e e-%ressions too muc!* 1!e answer 'or many is Botullinum toxin cosmetic t!era%y, or Boto-. Dr. Gason )i der D.2. o' Adu t and Pediatric Dermato ogy noticed 3dramatic4 c!anges in many o' !is Boto- %atients& attitudes. 38ometimes Bmy %atientsC come in a itt e down, or e(en de%ressed, but>a'ter !a(ing t!eir treatment A see immediate c!anges in t!eir attitude4 /)i der0. According to studies %er'ormed by Dr. Mic!ae Lewis, Patric$ Bow er, and dermato ogist 5ric @in7i, Botocauses 3%ara ysis o' t!e corrugator /'rown0 musc es, Bw!ic!C eads to ess 'acia 'eedbac$ 'or negati(e emotions4 /Lewis0. Boto- !as been used as a cure 'or de%ression because 3w!en you&re not 'rowning, t!e wor d seems ess angry and ess sad4 /Boto-0. An Lewis&s study %er'ormed at t!e ?ni(ersity o' .a di'' in )a es, %artici%ants w!o !ad recei(ed Boto- treatments 'e t !a%%ier, yet no more attracti(e, t!an t!ey !ad been be'ore t!e treatment, %ro(ing t!at t!e !a%%iness did not come 'rom t!e c!ange in a%%earance /)enner0. 1!ere'ore, Boto- /w!ic! can o'ten be noticed0, w!et!er used to erase wrin$ es or to cure de%ression, en!ances and t!ere'ore is o'ten a sign o' o(era !a%%iness. 1!ere are many ot!er, ess %ain'u ways you can a''ect your 'acia e-%ressions and t!ereby your !a%%iness outside o' surgery. )ebsites i$e t!is one %ro(ide ste% by ste%

Lustig e-% anations o' !ow to succeed socia y by c!anging your resting 'ace so as to not scare away

%ros%ecti(e 'riends /MacLoed0. 5(en sim% y surrounding yourse ' wit! !a%%y %eo% e can !a(e a tremendous e''ect on your !a%%iness. Ma$ing a conscious e''ort to $ee% good+%ositi(e, o%timistic, !a%%y+com%any may be #ust as !e %'u as Boto- because o' !uman nature. Mirroring is an instinctua !abit t!at bui ds trust between t!e %eo% e mirroring and t!e %eo% e being mirrored< it is a 3non(erba way to say, FA am i$e you, A 'ee t!e same&4 /Mirroring0. At occurs natura y in body anguage /e.g. t!e mo(ement o' t!e crowd at a concert0 as we as in 'acia e-%ressions /e.g. smi ing w!en someone e se smi es, or yawning w!en someone e se yawns0. 1!e tendency to mirror occurs genera y more in women because women %ic$ u% and inter%ret body signa s more natura y t!an men< a woman is more i$e y to mirror someone s!e&s in con(ersation wit! t!an a man is to mirror w!o !e&s ta $ing to. 8o, ogica y, i' a woman s%ends time wit! %eo% e w!o smi e more t!an t!ey 'rown, s!e is i$e y to smi e o'ten+or, more im%ortant y, 'rown ess+ma$ing !er !a%%ier o(era . 6e sey 8!oc$ey, age 1K, is a senior at 8ta% es 9ig! 8c!oo w!o %rances down t!e !a ways wearing a radiant smi e. )it! !er !air bow bouncing and %onytai swinging, near y a 8ta% es students w!o wa $ t!e !a s $now !er 'or !er o(era #ubi ance and %o iteness towards a sta'' and a %eers. 5(en be'ore s!e actua y s%o$e to me, 6e sey&s s!eer !a%%iness o(er' owed< my re,uest to ta $ to !er was met wit! not on y an ent!usiastic 3o' course, A wou d o(e to,4 but a so 4 sets o' 3 e-c amation %oints /'or a grand tota o' 12, not inc uding t!e one %aired wit! a ,uestion mar$0, a smi ey 'ace emo#i, and her t!an$ing me 'or as$ing !er do be inter(iewed /8!oc$ey, @aceboo$0. 8!oc$ey describes !erse ' as 3(ery !a%%y4 and 3sometimes a itt e si y.4 1!oug! s!e !as 'aced some i'e:a tering ad(ersities, inc uding t!e oss !er 'at!er, t!e mo(e o'


!er autistic brot!er to a !ome in .onnecticut, and a roc$y re ations!i% wit! !er mot!er, 8!oc$ey some!ow manages to stay %ositi(e. 9er 3good com%any4 at !ome now consists o' !er aunt and !er grand%arents. 3My grand%arents !a(e been t!ere 'or me one !undred %ercent. 1!ey #ust s%read !a%%iness,4 8!oc$ey said. At sc!oo , s!e described !er c osest 'riends as 3uni,ue, 'unny, !a%%y and a itt e dor$y.4 1!oug! s!e certain y !as reason enoug! to be un!a%%y, !er %ositi(e attitude, t!e %eo% e s!e surrounds !erse ' wit!, and !er %er%etua smi e ma$e !er ,uite t!e o%%osite /8!oc$ey Persona 0. .onsidering !ow c ose y tied 'acia e-%ressions and !a%%iness are, t!ere must be a di''erence between t!e !a%%iness o' men and women because o' t!eir di''erences in tendencies to mirror emotions and e-%ress emotions. A' you ta$e success and t!e %ressures o' #obs out o' t!e e,uation and instead 'ocus on t!e science, women are genera y !a%%ier t!an men. 9ow do we $now* @aces. 1!e reasons 'or t!e di''erences in !a%%iness caused by 'acia e-%ressions range 'rom testosterone e(e s to 'acia musc es, but a intertwine. ?n i$e most women, most men tend to %re'er !iding t!eir 'ee ings be!ind emotion ess mas$s /Mirroring0. 1!is is in %art because men !a(e !ig!er testosterone e(e s t!an women. 1estosterone contributes to 3man iness4 in men< men wit! !ig!er e(e s tend to be more man y and gru'' t!an men wit! ower e(e s. More im%ortant y, man iness and !ig! testosterone e(e s are in$ed wit! a(ersion to smi ing< in a study cited in Marianne La@rance&s boo$, Why Smile? The Science Behind Facial xpressions, men wit! !ig!er e(e s o' testosterone %ro(ed to be ess %rone to gi(e 'u smi es w!en as$ed to smi e /La@rance 1K30. An anot!er study cited in For!es, scientists 'ound a in$ between a gene ca ed monoamine o-idase A /MA2A0 and !a%%iness. 1!e gene is res%onsib e 'or !ow t!e brain %rocesses t!e c!emica s in$ed to smi ing and !as a 'ar ess signi'icant e''ect on men t!an it !as on women. 9ig! e(e s o' MA2A !e % brea$ down t!e

Lustig smi e:causing c!emica s 'aster, s!ortening %eriods o' !a%%iness. Lower e(e s e,uate to s ower %rocessing o' t!e c!emica s and onger %eriods o' !a%%iness. An men, t!e gene is unab e to

'unction as we as it does in women women because t!e 3!ig!er e(e s o' testosterone %resent in men can cance out any %ositi(e e''ects o' MA2A in men&s moods4 /.asser y0. 1!ere'ore, men&s !ig!er e(e s o' testosterone not on y direct y sto% t!em 'rom smi ing, but a so wor$ against t!e MA2A gene t!at can e ongate t!e e''ects o' smi ing. 1!e ess t!ey smi e as a resu t o' t!e testosterone, t!e ess !a%%y t!ey are in com%arison to women, w!ose ower testosterone e(e s and abi ity to bene'it 'rom t!e MA2A gene eads to more smi ing. )omen !a(e anot!er ad(antage o(er men+one t!at in(o (es t!e "y#omaticus ma$or, t!e %rimary smi e musc e. An !er boo$, La@rance mentions a study done in w!ic! researc!ers studied t!e di''erences between t!e "y#omaticus ma$or musc e in men and in women /La@rance0. 1!e study conc uded t!at t!e musc e was 3signi'icant y arger in t!e women B%artici%antsC, as com%ared wit! t!e men4 /McA ister0. )!i e neit!er t!e boo$ nor t!e actua study cite
Figure ) The *#gomaticus ma+or is highlighted in red.

de'initi(e reasons 'or t!is di''erence, La@rance ma$es t!ree suggestions" t!at women are born wit! a t!ic$er musc e, t!at t!e musc e 3bu $BsC u% in women because o' re%eated use, and t!at t!e ma es& musc e 3atro%!ies 'rom disuse4 /La@rance0. )!i e t!e 'irst and t!ird t!oug!ts cannot be %ro(ed wit!out scienti'ic e(idence /t!at !as not yet been 'ound0, t!e second is (ery i$e y at east %art o' t!e cause o' t!e di''erence. )!i e t!e arguments tying 'acia e-%ression to !a%%iness are more substantiated t!an t!ose tying 'aces wit! %ersona ities and interna conditions, t!ere&s sti a !o e t!at must be 'i ed" t!e answer to t!e ,uestion, 3)!y*4 )!y do women smi e more* )!y do women 'ee t!e need

Lustig to c!ange t!eir resting 'aces to a(oid scaring %eo% e o''* )!y is Bitc!y Desting @ace a more

%ub ici7ed issue t!an Ass!o e Desting @ace* An answer, gender ro es in society, may date a t!e way bac$ to %re!istoric times. Do es in society ma$e a signi'icant contribution to women&s 'acia e-%ressions and t!us t!eir !a%%iness. )omen are e-%ected to be 'eminine and smi ey /@reeman0. Dr. Gason )i der D.2. noted, 3My Boto- c iente e is com%rised o' LM; woman>1!e dis%arity is direct y re ated to societa %ressure on woman to oo$ young.4 /)i der0. 1!e %rob em wit! t!is societa %ressure is t!at w!en women oo$ 3im%assi(e or t!oug!t'u ,4 or !a(e BD@, 3t!ey can be !e d u% 'or moc$ery and branded as rude4 /)a dman0. 2ne reason 'or t!e societa %ressure is based on %re!istoric %ower di''erences between women and men< women are socia y wea$er. 1!ey must smi e and s!ow t!eir 3niceness4 to be com% iant and to 3te egra%!> to a t!at t!ey !a(e no interest in u%setting t!e status ,uo.4 Lac$ o' smi ing was (iewed as a 'orm o' aggression /a ma e trait0, w!i e grins made %rimates a%%ear ess %ower'u /'ema es0 /)a dman0. Anot!er %ossib e reason as to w!y women are e-%ected to be t!e 3sunnier se-4 is because 3women are natura y more emotiona , e-%ressi(e, and em%at!etic4 /)a dman0. 1!oug! t!ere are de'inite y societa %ressures on women to be com% iant, some o' t!e %ressure may (ery we come 'rom t!eir own natura instinct to be more emoti(e and more smi ey. And, as we&(e seen, t!ese %ressures may not a ways be bad, 'or smi ing more, or 'rowning ess, !as %ro(en to increase !a%%iness. As enticing as t!e Cosmopolitan and People %a#a&ine !orosco%e: i$e readings o' 3your4 'acia 'eatures are and as !e %'u as $nowing i' you !a(e ga b adder %rob ems #ust by e-amining t!e u%%er rig!t and e't corners o' your 'ore!ead wou d be, bot! %ersona ity:based 'ace reading

Lustig and .!inese 'ace reading are, unti scienti'ic studies are made, !o$ey. 2n t!e ot!er !and, regard ess o' !ow you im% ement c!anges to your 'ace i' you $now you don&t smi e enoug!, t!e 'act is t!at your 'acia e-%ressions can determine !ow !a%%y you are. )e a $now t!at w!en

we&re !a%%y, we smi e, and w!en we&re sad, we 'rown. But w!at we !a(e yet to rea y broadcast is t!e true road to !a%%iness. 8to% 'rowning, and you& be !a%%ier. Be !a%%ier, and you& 'rown ess and smi e more. At&s a continuous, seeming y sim% e oo%. 9ow is it, t!en, t!at on y 33; o' Americans re%ort being (ery !a%%y /Di( in:Nad er0* )e can get Boto- and we can train our 'aces to be !a%%ier. But w!at i' we #ust too$ on more o' a 6e sey: i$e attitude, staying %ositi(e and surrounding ourse (es wit! !a%%y %eo% e* 5(en 'rom #ust a 'ew messages and a 'ew minutes o' con(ersation wit! !er, A disco(ered t!at smi ing rea y is contagious /Mirroring0. 9er messages, !er smi es, !er e-citement made my !eart ig!t u%, and made me smi e e(en on a stress'u day. And, gi(en t!e c!a enges s!e&s 'aced, i' s!e can stay !a%%y, w!y can&t we* 3)!en you smi e about t!e i'e you i(e, you end u% i(ing a i'e wort! smi ing about4 /.!erno''0. Maybe, i' we a #ust smi ed a itt e more, we&d be eac! ot!er&s good com%any, and t!e wor d wou d be a !a%%ier % ace.

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