Music Reserach Paper Intro Bre

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Bre Empey Dec. 16, 2013 Period 6 Henriksen Be Mindful....Music Matters s !

"a#e continued my education in t"e last fe$ years, and since !%m t"e &'a'y( of my family, ! can compare my educational e)perience to t"at of t"ree older si'lin*s, spannin* a'out a ten year difference 'et$een myself, and my oldest si'lin*. +"e one t"in* t"at stands out to me t"at "as c"an*ed t"e most from t"en to no$, is t"e lack of opportunities and support in t"e state%s core curriculum for music and art de#elopment classes. Because of my o$n e)perience, ! feel stron*ly t"at music can make suc" a difference in e#ery aspect of our li#es. ,ot only p"ysically and emotionally, 'ut also in skill and academic de#elopment. -it" all of t"e ne$ added state core curriculum re.uirements in fitness, mat", en*lis", and t"e sciences, it "as 'ecome #ery difficult to sc"edule in music and art de#elopment classes. !n fact, music "as no$ 'ecome a #ery important part of my life, 'ut t"is "asn%t al$ays 'een t"e case. !%#e en/oyed playin* a lot of sports from a #ery youn* a*e, and ! still en/oy playin* soccer, 'asket'all, and #olley'all, etc. -"en ! $as ei*"t years old my mot"er si*ned me up for piano lessons. Playin* t"e piano $as en/oya'le, 'ut practicin* $as not. My mom e#en put me in t"ese kid s"o$ c"oirs and encoura*ed me to sin* at family *at"erin*s and ot"er pro*rams. 0"e "as also al$ays told me t"at some day ! $ouldn%t 'e playin* sports as muc", 'ut ! could al$ays play and en/oy music t"e rest of my life. My mom $ould t"en remind me t"at $e "a#e a $onderful musical "erita*e in our family from our ancestors $"o immi*rated from -ales, 1reat Britain. +"ey 'rou*"t t"eir musical traditions $it" t"em to t"e 0alt 2ake 3alley $"en t"ey /oined t"e 4"urc" of 5esus 4"rist of 2atter Day 0aints. +"ese -els" pioneers $ere amon* t"ose $"o started t"e Mormon +a'ernacle 4"oir. -"en ! $as in middle sc"ool, ! decided ! $anted to play t"e drums 'esides t"e piano. Playin* t"e drums $as fun, 'ut my mom $anted me to take a c"oir class too. ! t"ou*"t t"at c"oir $ould 'e #ery 'orin*, 'ut t"e last day of my 0op"omore year in "i*" sc"ool my c"oir teac"er called me, and asked if !

$ould come do$n to t"e sc"ool ri*"t t"en and audition for capella. ! didn%t $ant to, 'ut my Mom made me do it. ! /ust kept t"inkin* ! $anted to play soccer and 'asket'all and not sin* in anot"er 'orin* c"oir. -o$, $as ! e#er $ron*6 ! found t"at music not only "elped me maintain my academic *rades, it "as also 'een one of t"e most ama7in* e)periences t"at !%#e "ad t"us far. !%#e made so many *reat friends t"at en/oy music and "a#e $ritten t"eir o$n music. !%#e also "ad $onderful learnin* e)periences performin* $it" c"oirs, *oin* on tours and meetin* many different kinds of people. Music "as also moti#ated me to try $ritin* and performin* my o$n son*s on t"e piano and t"e *uitar. !%#e e#en *otten t"e coura*e to perform at se#eral talents s"o$s, includin* 8i#erton Hi*" 0c"ool%s talent s"o$, and !%#e also $on se#eral P+ 8eflections a$ards for my music. ! "a#e often $ondered $"at my life $ould 'e like $it"out t"e *ift and /oy of music. 9or me, music isn%t /ust a 'unc" of $ords or a strin* of notes on a s"eet of paper. Music is $"at mo#es and inspires me. Music seems to "a#e a special po$er to mo#e us and stir our emotions in uni.uely different $ays. ! find, like many ot"ers, t"at music moti#ates me and comforts me in e#ery area of my life. &Music speaks, $"en $ords fail(: nonymous;. ! $ant to mo#e people to tears, or *i#e t"em stren*t" t"rou*" my music, and support and s"are *ood music $it" all t"ose around me. &Music can unify, "eal and c"an*e people for t"e 'etter( :8amsey 1;. 0cience "as all 'ut confirmed t"at t"e "uman 'rain is literally "ard<$ired to respond to music in its #arious forms. ll areas of t"e 'rain react to music muc" more t"an speec" or e#en #isual stimuli. 8esearc"ers "a#e found t"at areas of t"e 'rain suc" as #ision and memory can &li*"t up( in response to music. &+"ere%s a #ery $ide ran*e of reactions in t"e 'ody and mind to music, and 'rain ima*in* studies "a#e s"o$n t"at #arious parts of t"e 'rain my 'e acti#ated 'y a piece of music,( says Dr. 3ictoria -illiamson, lecturer in psyc"olo*y at 1oldsmit"%s 4olle*e, 2ondon :8amsey 2;. -illiamson also discusses "o$ music encoura*es t"e cere'ral corte) to *enerate specific 'rain $a#es allo$in* t"e mind to t"en create different states of alertness, concentration, and emotional sta'ility, as $ell as sta'ili7in* "ormone and endocrine functions in t"e 'ody.

Because music "as t"e potential to influence us 'ot" psyc"olo*ically and p"ysiolo*ically, ! $ill ar*ue $"y music s"ould and does matter to t"e "uman 'ody and mind. !t is an important area of study t"at needs to 'e used not only as an e)cellent learnin* tool in our sc"ools and 'usinesses= 'ut as an accepted t"erapy and treatment for many diseases and c"ronic conditions, and in treatin* emotional issues as $ell. &Music is #ery po$erful at t"e le#el of t"e social *roup 'ecause it facilitates communication $"ic" *oes 'eyond $ords, ena'les meanin*s to 'e s"ared, and promotes t"e de#elopment and maintenance of indi#idual, *roup, cultural and national identities. >n t"e indi#idual le#el it can induce multiple responses? p"ysiolo*ical, mo#ement, mood, emotional, co*niti#e and 'e"a#ioral(:9rancis 2;. Music is an important resource for not only impro#in* academic performance and skill de#elopment, 'ut also for stress mana*ement t"erapies, treatin* dementia, "i*" 'lood pressure, depression, "eart disease, and promotin* positi#e action and 'e"a#iors in our sc"ools and communities. !n recent years in researc" studies on stimuli t"at affects t"e 'rain, science "as confirmed t"at t"e "uman 'rain is "ard<$ired to respond to music in its #arious forms. Music seems to stimulate all areas of t"e 'rain, muc" more t"an speec" or e#en #isual stimuli. &2istenin* to music stimulates 'ot" t"e ri*"t and left 'rain functions at t"e same time(:4ollin*$ood 1;. !n ot"er $ords, music influences many t"in*s t"at are tied to t"e "uman mind and 'ody, as $ell as t"e societies t"at "umans esta'lis". &+"e 'rain processes music in multiple $ays(:9rancis 1;. similar findin* $as discussed 'y ,eal

4onan in "is researc" pro/ect entitled, &+"e Po$er of Music to ffect t"e Brain(. &-e "a#e found t"at music seems to stimulate more parts of t"e 'rain t"an any ot"er "uman function.( +"is $as apparent on all of t"e M8! tests conducted on su'/ects in t"e researc" pro/ect accordin* to 4onan. !t is o'#ious t"at t"e 'rain is doin* a lot of $ork, and is also makin* crucial connections $"ile an indi#idual is listenin* to music. !t also doesn%t seem to matter if an indi#idual is rela)in* or $orkin* $"ile t"ey%re listenin* to music, t"e 'rain stimulation seems to 'e e.ual in eit"er case. 0o, e#en $"en $e%re una$are of it, our 'rains are 'ein* influenced and stimulated 'y t"e music t"at $e are constantly e)posed to. &2istenin*

to a son* can "a#e real effects on #arious parts of t"e 'rain. reas of t"e 'rain suc" as #ision and memory can li*"t up in response to music(:8amsey 1;. >ne $ay t"at music seems to influence t"e 'rain is 'y "elpin* to reduce p"ysical and emotional stress, as $ell as correctin* t"e si*ns and symptoms of se#eral depressi#e 'ioc"emical disorders. &2istenin* to music "as 'een found to "a#e a tremendously rela)in* effect on our minds and 'odies= 'y lo$erin* 'lood pressure and decreasin* stress "ormone le#els(:4ollin*$ood 2;. 8esearc"ers "a#e found t"at $"en indi#iduals are feelin* an)ious or stressed, listenin* to music seems to encoura*e t"e 'rain%s cere'ral corte) to *enerate specific 'rain $a#es. +"e 'rain can t"en create different states of alertness, concentration, and emotional sta'ility. +"ere is also a sta'ili7in* effect on "ormone and endocrine functions in t"e 'ody. Medical researc"ers are findin* t"at music may "a#e t"e potential to "elp sta'ili7e people $it" p"ysical neurolo*ical deficits.:,eal, 4onan 1;. +"ese neurolo*ical deficits $ould include conditions suc" as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson disease, DD, strokes, spinal cord in/uries, and traumatic 'rain in/uries. Participatin* in music t"erapy can "elp t"ese indi#iduals reco#er at least some of t"eir normal neurolo*ical functionin*. Dorian 9riedman states t"at &e#eryt"in* t"at $e do in life comes do$n to r"yt"ms, if somet"in* is off, $e can reintroduce a correctin* r"yt"m to fi) our emotional or p"ysical states(:3;. !t seems t"at a $"ole "ost of p"ysical, mental, and 'ioc"emical conditions can 'e treated effecti#ely not only $it" dru*s, 'ut also $it" music t"erapy. 0o, it 'e*s t"e .uestion, if someone "ad a p"ysical condition like "i*" 'lood pressure due mostly to stress factors, and t"ey "ad a c"oice 'et$een treatin* t"is condition $it" 'lood pressure meds or music t"erapy, $"ic" do you t"ink t"ey $ould c"ose@ ! kno$ $"at ! $ould try first? music t"erapy, $"ic" "as no kno$n 'ad side effects for t"e most part, as compared to dru*s t"at all "a#e t"e potential for ne*ati#e side effects and interaction issues. 8esearc"ers "a#e also found anot"er important $ay t"at music affects 'rain function. !t is no$ kno$n t"at music seems to "elp impro#e 'rain learnin*, memory, and co*niti#e skills. 0e#eral recent studies "a#e s"o$n t"at $"en stroke or Parkinson%s patients listen to music $it" r"yt"mic cues, t"at

t"ese patients can impro#e motor and co*niti#e skills dramatically. +"is is pro'a'ly 'ecause music seems to stimulate 'ot" t"e cere'ral corte) and t"e "ippo<campus areas of t"e 'rain. +"ese areas of t"e 'rain are primarily responsi'le for most co*niti#e, motor, and memory functions. 4o*niti#e skills include t"e a'ility to learn ne$ information, speec", and t"e a'ility to process t"ou*"ts. &0cience all 'ut confirms $e 'e*in learnin* a'out music e#en 'efore 'irt"(:4onan 2;. 2istenin* to music *enerates specific 'rain $a#e functions $"ic" can t"en create different states of alertness. Music mo#es us and inspires us, and can e#en "elp t"e 'rain store and retrie#e memories more effecti#ely. Music affects people in different $ays 'ecause all "umans are "ard<$ired to respond to r"yt"ms and melodies= $e all respond, 'ut in uni.uely different $ays dependin* on our *enetics and en#ironment. &2istenin* to music can "elp t"e 'rain 'y impro#in* learnin* and memory skills. +"is may'e 'ecause processin* music in t"e 'rain uses some of t"e same pat"$ays as memory in t"e 'rain(:4ollin*$ood 3;. Ha#e you e#er $ondered $"y it is muc" easier to remem'er all of t"e lyrics to a son*, 'ut not t"e ans$ers to a test t"at you studied for for many "ours@ !t%s 'ecause music is linked to memory formation in t"e 'rain. !t "as also 'een su**ested in recent studies t"at students doin* t"eir "ome$ork $ere more effecti#e, if t"ey did t"eir "ome$ork listenin* to some of t"eir fa#orite music $"ile studyin*, etc. &2istenin* to .uiet, rela)in* 'ack*round music can impro#e performance on a ran*e of academic tasks(:9rancis 2;. +"ere are many important reasons $"y all people s"ould "a#e t"e opportunities to e)perience t"e *ift and /oy of music. Music is $"at mo#es and inspires people in so many uni.ue $ays. !t can "eal and c"an*e people for t"e 'etter. 2istenin* to a son* can "a#e #ery positi#e effects on different parts of t"e 'rain. !n fact, researc"ers "a#e found t"at many areas of t"e 'rain, especially t"e cere'ral corte) and t"e memory centers, literally &li*"t up( in response to music. -"en $e are feelin* stress, music seems to encoura*e t"e cere'ral corte) to produce calmin* 'rain $a#es. Music also stimulates 'rain $a#es t"at "elp t"e mind create different states of alertness, andconcentration, as $ell as sta'ili7in* ot"er endocrine functions of t"e 'ody. Music%s influence on t"e 'rain e)tends from reducin* p"ysical and emotional stress, to 'oostin* t"e 'rain%s co*niti#e function and memory storin* effecti#eness.

Because music "as t"e potential to influence us 'ot" psyc"olo*ically and p"ysiolo*ically, ! "a#e ar*ued t"at music is an important resource ,and t"at music s"ould and does matter to t"e "uman 'ody and mind. Music s"ould 'e accepted as not only an important medical treatment for a #ariety of illnesses and in/uries, 'ut as an important learnin* tool and resource in our sc"ools and communities. &Music can induce multiple responses ? p"ysiolo*ical, mo#ement, mood, emotional, co*niti#e and 'e"a#ioral(:9rancis 2 ;. ! "a#e s"o$n t"at listenin* to music can impro#e learnin* and memory skills, "elp impro#e academic performance, creati#e 'rain processin*, and "elp sta'ili7e and impro#e t"e "ealt" of many indi#iduals. +"e 'rain kno$s $"at it needs, and it needs music to function effecti#ely. !f ! "ad to c"oose 'et$een playin* soccer or playin* music, it $ould 'e a most difficult c"oice. But kno$in* "o$ muc" music s"apes $"o ! am, and t"at it inspires me to create and stren*t"en ot"ers, ! t"ink t"at ! $ould "a#e to c"oose music o#er sports. !t is e#en 'etter for my 'rain and 'ody t"an playin* sports= 'ecauseA music matters and &Music speaks, $"en $ords fail(: nonymous;.

-orks 4ited 4ollin*$ood, 5ane. &The Power of Music to Reduce Stress. Psychcentral. Psyc"eentral, 30 5anuary 2013. -e'. 12 ,o#em'er 2013. 4onan, ,eal. &The Power of Music to Affect the Brain. NPR books. NPR books, 1 5une 2011. $e'. 11 ,o#em'er 2013. 9rancis, Da#id. Music Makes Our i!es Ma"ical and Meanin"ful# the Powerful Role of Music in Society. word$ $, 10 5uly 200B. -e'. 1C ,o#em'er 2013. 9riedman, Dorian. &ru%%in" to the Rhyth%s of ife. '.S. News and (orld Re$ort. D.0. ,e$s and -orld 8eport, E 5une 1EEB. -e'. 1C ,o#em'er 2013. 8amsay, da. )ealth Benefits of Music. Netdoctor. ,etdoctor,2E ,o#em'er 2011. -e'. 11 ,o#em'er 2013.

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