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Red beans- 500 gr. Walnuts- 1 cup Garlic- 4 cloves Coriander and celery- 3 s oots !avory-3 s oots "enugree#-1$3 teaspoon %o&egranate-1

!ort and 'as beans under running 'ater. %ut t e& into a saucepan and boil on a &ediu& (la&e. )nd so&e 'ater several ti&es to prevent t e beans (ro& burning. W en t e beans are ready* pour t e +uice o(( into anot er bo'l. %ound t e 'alnuts and t en garlic* (res coriander* celery* and savory toget er. )dd t e dry coriander and spices* t en dilute 'it t e bean +uice. %ut t is &i, into t e saucepan 'it t e beans and care(ully &i, 'it a spoon. !prin#le 'it po&egranate seeds (or garnis . )dd salt and pepper to taste.

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