Basic Grammar Rules: (As They Apply To Crafting)

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Basic Grammar Rules

(as they apply to crafting)

**Apostrophes are only used for contractions (its, cant) or to show possession. Family names are plural, not possessive, which doesnt require an apostrophe. (ie, The Smiths, The Walkers) **If youre talking about something belonging to the family you would use an apostrophe. A familys home, for example, would have the apostrophe after the s because it is the plural form. (ex. The Smiths Home, The Walkers Home). It is also acceptable to use an additional s. (ex. The Joness Home, The Lewiss Car). You can choose to leave off the additional s and use the apostrophe only or you can add it as either way is allowed. I think its just personal preference. (being a person with an s for the final letter I usually just use an apostrophe).

**A single name would have the apostrophe after the last letter since it is the singular form. (ex. Keris car, Avas coat)
**YOUR and YOURE (I see this all the time) If youre talking about something that belongs to someone you use YOUR because it is a possessive pronoun. (ex. That is YOUR jacket. This is YOUR cat). If youre saying Youre welcome or Youre the one for me you use the contraction YOURE, meaning you are. **TO and TOO Ok, this is a biggie. TO is used to describe a location or a directive. (ex. Give that TO me. I went TO the store.) If youre agreeing with someone or talking about a value then you use TOO. (ex. That is TOO heavy. I like that song TOO. Me TOO.)

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