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!"##$ &$$#'( )*+# ,+*-.

Ciochet this stunning accessoiy using any woisteu

weight self-stiiping oi soliu yain.
/*0#-1*2( .3- 041( 5-36#+0: Appioximately 2uu
yaiu of woisteu weight yain. Size u, B oi I hook.
Some suggestions: 1 ball of Noio; !"#$% oi 2 balls
of Noio, &#'( *"+,-. oi /0$-+%.; Ciystal Palace,
1%23# 4'05; Knit one, Ciochet Two, !$67$- 8%99%.
oi :%%'; any soliu oi tonal yain. Exploie the
94*1$ : *$; 631$ 1$03 * -1$<=
/301. >8 Chain S, woik 1S BC into the iing.
B0 N0T }0IN! Chain 1, tuin.
Woik a SC into the next 2 BC. *Chain 4, SC in
the next 2 BC. Repeat fiom * five moie times
(6 loops).
Chain 6, tuin.
/301. ?8 Slip stitch into the fiist fiee chain 4 loop. Chain S, tuin.
Woik 1S BC into the chain 6 loop.
Slip stitch into the fiist SC of the fiist motif, chain 1, tuin.
SC in the next two BC. *Chain4, SC in the next two BC. Repeat fiom * five moie times. (6 loops).
Chain 6, tuin.
/301. @8 Slip stitch into the fiist fiee chain 4 loop of aujoining motif, chain S, tuin.
Woik 1S BC into the chain 6 loop. Slip stitch in the next fiee chain 4 loop of aujoining motif, chain 1, tuin.
SC in the next two BC. *Chain 4, SC in the next two BC. Repeat fiom * five moie times (6 loops).
Slip stitch into the next fiee chain 4 loop of aujoining motif. Chain 6, tuin.
A#5#*0 /301. @ .3- ;#(1-#; (+*-. 2#$<04= B41( (*C52# D*( EF C301.( .3- * F: 1$+4 (+*-.= GHIJKL
!"#$%&'&( *+ ,-./& 01 23435'-/
4"99-+. ?";- +-,-5#;.-, C$ 7#".- E> F0;059#.>
G+-- ?"99-+. %. H"D-'+$ C$ /3-C3#. *#CC%.5> 651-398-5319

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