Language Yearly Scheme of Work For Form 2

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Language Yearly Scheme of Work for Form 2


Week 1 3 Jan 12 to 5 Jan 12 (3 days)

1.0 People

What People Do

Talk about daily routines Talk about friends

GRAMMAR: - Simple present tense for habitual actions - Talk about the place and people - Give sequence of events Wh words

PAGE: 01 - 14

Week 2 8 Jan 12 to 12 Jan 12 (5 days)

Write a simple account on ones friends ambition

VALUES: SOUND SYSTEM: - Consonant sound: /r/ , /l/ - hardworking - discipline

Week 3 16 Jan 12 to 19 Jan 12 (4 days)

Write a letter to a friend on ones ambition

- Talk about main characters - Talk about values found in a short story

WORD LIST: - Antonyms

EVENT: 7 January 2012 - School Replacement Day for Chinese New Year (Saturday) 15 January 2012 - Birthday of His Royal Highness The Sultan of Kedah 29 - 31 January 2012 - Open Book Test 1

Week 4 29 Jan 12 to 2 Feb 12 (5 days)

2.0 People

Villagers and their Livelihood

Ask question politely to get information on a flyer

GRAMMAR: Subjectverb agreement Punctuation - capital letters and full-stops PAGE: 15 - 28

Week 5 5 Feb 12 to 9 Feb 12 (5 days) 2 Seek clarification to get certain information about an exhibition - Talk about the place and time

Week 6 12 Feb 12 to 16 Feb 12 (5 days) 3 Read topics of interest and discuss certain points with friends - Talk about the place, time and characters in a story

SOUND SYSTEM: - Consonant sound: /s/, /z/

VALUES: - hardworking - cooperation

WORD LIST: - Synonyms

Week 7 19 Feb 12 to 23 Feb 12 (5 days)

3.0 People

Famous Faces

Talk about ones favourite personalities Express congratulations and respond appropriately Congratulate and give

GRAMMAR: - Adjectives that show qualities - Simple past tense

PAGE: 29 - 42

compliments and respond appropriately Week 8 26 Feb 12 to 1 March 12 (5 days) 2 Participate in a class discussion Talk about the place and time

SOUND SYSTEM: Consonant sound: /v/, /w/

VALUES: Diligence Hard work

WORD LIST: - Antonyms

Week 9 4 March 12 to 8 March 12 (5 days)

Write a card to ones favourite personality

EVENT: 5 Feb 2012 The Holy Prophet Muhammads Birthday 11 Feb 2012 School Replacement Day for Chinese New Year (Saturday) 22 Feb 2012 Occasional / Event Holiday (Cuti Peristiwa) 23 - 24 Feb 2012 Chinese New Year (Public Holiday) 26 Feb - 8 March 2012 - First School Term Examination Week 10 11 March 12 to 15 March 12 (5 days) 4.0 Environment Stop Air Pollution 1 Ask questions to get information - Recite a poem on the environment GRAMMAR: PAGE:

Future tense 43 - 57 using going to

Answer questions and give details Participate in a discussion to find the best way to reduce air pollution

Week 11 18 March 12 to 22 March 12 (5 days)

Punctuation - question mark VALUES:

SOUND SYSTEM: Vowel sound: //, / /, / / Care for the environment

Week 12 25 March 12 to 29 March 12 (5 days)

Read topics of interest and discuss certain points with friends

Compose a simple poem

WORD LIST: - Prefix mis

EVENT: 9 - 17 March 2012 First Mid - Semester Break

Week 13 1 April 12 to 5 April 12 (5 days)

5.0 Environment

Flood Woes

Ask questions to get information

GRAMMAR: Prepositions of direction Formation of the plural words ending with f and fe

PAGE: 58-72

Answer questions and give details

Week 14 8 April 12 to 12 April 12 (5 days)

Offer help and respond appropriately

SOUND SYSTEM: Vowel sound: / /, //, / :/, // VALUES: Safety

Week 15 15 April 12 to 19 April 12 (5 days)

Complete a newspaper report

Talk about main characters

WORD LIST: - Prefix re

Week 16 22 April 12 to 26 April 12 (5 days)

6.0 Environment

Give Us Space to Run and Play

Express satisfaction and dissatisfaction on a playground in ones neighbourhood Participate in a discussion by agreeing or disagreeing with the opinions of residents of Taman Sri Jaya

Act out sections of the text and role play characters

GRAMMAR: PAGE: Negative statements Punctuation exclamation mark 73 - 86

Week 17 29 April 12 to 3 May 12 (4 days)

Describe events SOUND SYSTEM:


VALUES: Express appreciation Cooperation

Vowel sound: /a /, / /

Week 18 6 May 12 to 10 May 12 (5 days) EVENT:

3 WORD LIST: Suffix ful

29 & 30 April 2012 Open Book Test2 14 April 2012 School Replacement Day for Hari Raya Aidil Adha (Saturday) 1 May 2012 Labour Day Week 19 13 May 12 to 18 May 12 (5 days) 7.0 Social Issues Time Is Gold 1 Understand the types of services available at a sports centre Make enquiries as to what a sports centre offers

Act out sections of the text and role play characters

GRAMMAR: Punctuation apostrophe for contractions Article the PAGE: 87 - 100

2 Week 20 20 May 12 to 24 May 12 (5 days) Make further enquiries (via telephone) Retelling a story from another point of view

SOUND SYSTEM: Consonant sound: /t/, /d/

Week 21 10 June 12 to 14 June 12 (5 days)

Fill in a registration form

Presenting the text in another genre

WORD LIST: Suffix less

VALUES: - Hard work - Participation

EVENT: 13 - 24 May 2012 First Mid - Semester Break 2 June 2012 The Birthday of His Majesty Seri Paduka Yang Di-Pertuan Agong (The King of Malaysia) 17 June 2012 Israk & Mikraj

Week 22 18 June 12 to 21 June 12 (4 days)

8.0 Social Issues

What Are Friends For?

Talk about qualities one looks for in a friend

Act out a section of the text and role play characters

GRAMMAR: Negative adjectives using im and un Pronouns subject and object pronouns VALUES: SOUND SYSTEM: /ea/ and / / Friendship

PAGE: 101 114

2 Week 23 24 June 12 to 28 June 12 (5 days) Participate in class discussions by agreeing, disagreeing and giving opinions

Week 24 1 July 12 to 5 July 12 (5 days)

WORD LIST: - Synonyms

9.0 Health Week 25 8 July 12 to 12 July 12 (5 days)

Looking Good, Feeling Great!

Ask questions politely to get information on acne Get instructions orally

GRAMMAR: Connectors sequence connectors Conjunction s and, but, so, or

PAGE: 115 128

Week 26 15 July 12 to 19 July 12 (5 days)

Get advice

SOUND SYSTEM: VALUES: es /iz/, ies /aiz/, and ves /vz/ - Confidence - Discipline

3 Week 27 22 July 12 to 26 July 12 (5 days)

Talk about values found in a novel

WORD LIST: Synonyms

EVENT: 19 July 2012 Occasional / Event Holiday (Cuti Peristiwa) 22 July 2012 The Replacement Holiday for Awal Ramadhan (21 July 2012) 23 - 26 July 2012 - The Kedahs State Trial PMR 2012 29 - 31 July 2012 - Open Book Test 3 Week 28 29 July 12 to 2 August 12 (5 days) 10.0 Health Food for Thought 1 Give advice on a healthy diet GRAMMAR: Modal verbs must, may, can PAGE: Preposition of 129 143

Week 29 5 August 12 to 9 August 12 (5 days) 2 Participate in a discussion by giving advice and suggestions

SOUND SYSTEM: Ending sound s /s/ and s /z/ VALUES: WORD LIST: A group of words that are related to one word discipline appreciate ones health

Week 30 12 August 12 to 16 August 12 (5 days)

Read topics of interest and share information with friends

Talk about how events, characters and values in the text are similar to those in ones life

EVENT: 17 25 August 2012 - Second Mid - Semester Break 19 20 August 2012 Hari Raya Aidilfitri 26 30 August 2012 - The Kedahs State Trial SPM 2012 31 August 2012 Independence Day 2 September 2012 The Replacement Holiday for Independence Day ( which falls on Friday) 11.0 Health Week 31 26 August 12 to 30 August 12 (4 days) Fun Ways to Fitness 1 Understand the sports activities offered during a sports awareness campaign Persuade a friend to try a sports activity GRAMMAR: - Adjectives of comparison regular and irregular adjectives longer adjectives using and not Possessive pronouns

PAGE: 144 158

2 Week 32 2 September 12 to 6 September 12 (5 days)

Make further enquiries about the activities offered Write a simple message to persuade a friend

VALUES: Safety

SOUND SYSTEM: Past tense form -ed /d/ and ed /id/

Week 33 9 September 12 to 13 September 12 (5 days)

Say what one thinks about the text

WORD LIST: A group of words that are related to one word

EVENT: 16 September 2012 Malaysia Day 23 - 25 September 2012 - Open Book Test 4 Week 34 17 September 12 to 20 September 12 (5 days) 12.0 Science and Technology Going Organic 1 Talk about a trip to an agrotourism farm Give oral and written instructions to make compost

GRAMMAR: PAGE: - Uncountable Nouns - Prepositions of place 159 172

VALUES: Week 35 23 September 12 to 27 September 12 (5 days) 2 SOUND SYSTEM: - Stresses in two or three syllable words Family Care for the environment

Week 36 30 September 12 to 4 October 12 (5 days)

Read topics of interest and discuss certain points with friends

Talk about values found in the text

WORD LIST: - Contextual clues

Week 37 7 October 12 to 11 October 12 (5 days)

13.0 Science and Technology

Our Green Heritage

1 2 3 - Read topics of interest and discuss certain points with friends - Talk about values found in the text - Participate in a discussion

GRAMMAR: Simple present tense for facts that are generally true Future form using will

PAGE: 173 186

VALUES: love the environment discipline responsible

EVENT: 9 - 16 October 2012 PMR

Week 38 14 October 12 to 18 October 12 (5 days)

- Talk about latest innovations - Participate in a class discussion by agreeing, disagreeing, and giving opinions - Read about the latest innovations and discuss the changes and benefits they bring to man

Week 39 - 42 21 October 12 to 8 November 12 (13 days)


EVENT: 21 October - 8 November 2012 Final Examination 25 & 28 October 2012 The Replacement Holiday for Hari Raya Aidil Adha (which falls on Friday and Saturday) 26 27 October 2012 - Hari Raya Aidil Adha 9 November 31 Disember 2012 End of Semester Break 19 November 19 Disember 2012 - SPM

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