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Lo Lhe resL of
Lhe world
(!"#$% $' *+, -.%#/, 01 *+, +23%" .%-,, Lhe blrLhplace of
human speech, Lhe moLher of hlsLory, Lhe grandmoLher
of legend, and Lhe greaL grand moLher of Lradluon. Cur
mosL valuable and mosL consLrucuve maLerlals ln Lhe
hlsLory of man are Lreasured up ln lndla only"
!"#$ &'"()
4!"#$% 5%' *+, 30*+,./%"# 01 02. .%-,
and SanskrlL Lhe moLher of Lurope's languages.
lndla was Lhe moLher of our phllosophy,
of much of our maLhemaucs, of Lhe ldeals embodled ln
chrlsuanlLy... of self-governmenL and democracy.
ln many ways, MoLher lndla ls Lhe moLher of us all."
* +(,, -.#")/
* 012#(3") 4(5/6#(") 7889*7:87
lf Lhere ls one place on Lhe face of Lhls LarLh where all Lhe
dreams of llvlng men have found a home from Lhe very
earllesL days when Man began Lhe dream of exlsLence, lL ls
;61"() ;6,,")< * =#2)3> ?>(,656@>2# 788A*7:BB
We owe a loL Lo Lhe !"#$%"'7 who LaughL us
how Lo counL, wlLhouL whlch no worLhwhlle
sclenuc dlscovery could have been made"
0,C2#/ D()5/2()
(!"#$% conquered and
domlnaLed Chlna culLurally for
20 cenLurles wlLhouL ever
havlng Lo send a slngle soldler
across her border."
4. E>(>F G6#12# 01C"55"<6# 6G
H>()" /6 IE0
Many of Lhe advances ln Lhe sclences
LhaL we conslder Loday Lo have been made ln Lurope
were ln facL 3%#, $" !"#$% -,"*2.$,' %809
J#")/ -.K L#(M5> 4(5/6#(") 6G N)<("
India never invaded any country in her
last 10,000 years of history.
India invented the Number System. Zero was
invented by Aryabhatta.
The place value system, the decimal
system was developed in India in 100 BC.
1hls meLhod of graduaLed
calculauon was documenLed ln Lhe
ancha-Slddhanuka (llve
rlnclples) ln Lhe 3Lh CenLury 8uL
Lhe Lechnlque ls sald Lo be daung
from vedlc umes clrca 2000 8.C.
The value of pi was first calculated by Budhayana, & he
explained the concept of what is now known as the
Pythagorean Theorem
British scholars have last year
(1999) officially published that
Budhayan's works date back to the
6th Century, which is long before
the European mathematicians
Trigonometry &
came from India.
Quadratic equations were by Sridharacharya
in the 11th Century
The largest numbers the Greeks and the Romans used
were 10**6(10 to the power of 6) whereas Hindus used
numbers as big as 10**53(10 to the power of 53) with
specific names as early as 5000 BCE during the Vedic
Even today, the largest used number is Tera 10**12(10
to the power of 12)
The World's first university was established in Takshila in 700BC.
More than 10,500 students from all over the world studied more
than 60 subjects.
The University of Nalanda built in the 4th century BC was one of the
greatest achievements of ancient India in the field of education.
Sanskrit is the
mother of all the
Sanskrit is the
most suitable
language for
reported in
Forbes magazine,
July 1987.
According to the Forbes magazine, Sanskrit is the most
suitable language for computer software
Bhaskaracharya calculated the time taken by the
earth to orbit the sun hundreds of years before the
astronomer Smart.
Time taken by earth to orbit the sun: (5th century)
365.258756484 days
Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine known to
humans.Charaka, the father of medicine consolidated
Ayurveda 2500 years ago.
Today Ayurveda is fast regaining its rightful place in our
The art of Navigation was born in the river Sindh
6000 years ago.
The very word Navigation is derived from the
Sanskrit word NAVGATIH.
The word navy is also derived from Sanskrit 'Nou'.
According to the
Gemological Institute
of America, up until
1896, India was the
only source for
diamonds to the
Chess (Shataranja or AshtaPada) was invented
in India
Sushruta is the father of surgery.
2600 years ago he and health scientists of his time conducted
complicated surgeries like cesareans, cataract, artificial limbs,
fractures, urinary stones and even plastic surgery and brain surgery.
Usage of anesthesia was well known in ancient India
Over 125 surgical equipment were used
Deep knowledge of anatomy, physiology, etiology, embryology, digestion,
metabolism, genetics and immunity is also found in many texts
The earliest reservoir and dam for irrigation was built
in Saurashtra
When many cultures were
only nomadic forest
dwellers over 5000 years
ago, Indians established
Harappan culture in Sindhu
Valley(Indus Valley
WanL Lo know more???
India's Contribution to
Production Technology and Mechanical
ln anclenL umes, commodlues llke sugar, palm oll, coconuL oll, couon cloLh,
clarled buuer, casL lron, un sheeLs, copper vessels, dyes and plgmenLs llke
clnnabar (ochre), lndlgo and lac, perfumes llke sandalwood oll, musk
Lamarlnd, cosLus, maclr, camphor, and even crude glass crockery were
belng exporLed from lndla
1he earllesL recorded use of copperware ln lndla has been around 3000 8.C.
1he ndlngs aL Mohen-[o-daro and Parappa, bear Lhls ouL 1he earllesL
documenLed observauon of smelung of meLals ln lndla ls by Creek PlsLorlans
ln Lhe 4Lh CenLury 8.C
India's Contribution to -
4!" !"#$% l found a race of morLals llvlng upon Lhe LarLh. buL
noL adherlng Lo lL. lnhablung clues, buL noL belng xed Lo
Lhem, possesslng everyLhlng buL possessed by noLhlng". -
Apollonlus 1yanaeus
J#22$ &>()$2# ")< &#"O2,,2# 75/ H2)/.#P 0-
ln lndla Lhe rsL references Lo asLronomy are Lo be found
ln Lhe 8lg veda whlch ls daLed around 2000 8.C
1he Calculauon of Lcllpses And 1he LarLh's
1he PellocenLrlc 1heory of CravlLauon
This fascmile is from the Pancha-
siddhantika (Five Principles) dated around
the 5th century. This text graphically
shows how eclipses are to be calculated.
Thus this text foreshadows what
Westeren Astronomers propounded nearly
one thousand years later
India's Contribution to
AnclenL lndlan Lheorles lacked an emplrlcal base, buL Lhey
were brllllanL lmaglnauve explanauons of Lhe physlcal
sLrucLure of Lhe world, and ln a large measure, agreed wlLh
Lhe dlscoverles of modern physlcs"
0QRQ L"5>"1F 0.5/#",(") N)<6,6S(5/
1he llve 8aslc
hyslcal LlemenLs
lndlan ldeas
on ALomlc hyslcs
Anu & armanu
India's Contribution to
"ln Lhe greaL Leachlng of Lhe vedas, Lhere ls no Louch of
secLarlanlsm. lL ls of all ages, cllmes and nauonallues and ls Lhe
royal road for Lhe aualnmenL of Lhe CreaL knowledge
&>6#2".F 012#(3") &>()$2#
1PL A81 Cl Su8CL8?
?CC - PLAL1P Cl 1PL 8Cu? Anu Mlnu
India's Contribution to
"lf l am asked whlch nauon had been advanced ln Lhe
anclenL world ln respecL of educauon and culLure Lhen l
would say lL was : !"#$%9
Max Muller Cerman lndologlsL
- In Ancient India
Chess, Snakes and Ladders, laylng Cards, olo, Lhe
marual arLs of !udo and karaLe
India's Contribution to
4!" .,/$8$0"7 !"#$% $' *+, 0"/; 3$//$0"%$., .... 1he Cne land
LhaL all men deslre Lo see and havlng seen once, by even a
gllmpse, would noL glve LhaL gllmpse for all Lhe shows of
all Lhe resL of Lhe globe comblned".
Mark 1waln, Amerlcan AuLhor 1833-1910
MLul1A1lCn Anu 8LnunClA1lCn
Cu88Ln1 lnlC8MA1lCn:
1here are 3.22 Mllllon lndlans ln Amerlca.
38 of uocLors ln Amerlca are lndlans.
12 of SclenusLs ln Amerlca are lndlans.
36 of nASA employees are lndlans.
34 of MlC8CSCl1 employees are lndlans
28 of l8M employees are lndlans
17 of ln1LL employees are lndlans
13 of xL8Cx employees are lndlans
! llrsL democracy Lo elecL a woman rlme MlnlsLer.
! lndla ls Lhe 7Lh nuclear power ln Lhe world
! lndla ls Lhe 3Lh largesL economy ln Lhe world
! lndla ls Lhe largesL democracy ln Lhe world
! lndla has Lhe 2nd largesL populauon ln Lhe world(could be a bad polnL)
! lndla ls Lhe 4Lh nauon ln Lhe world Lo have developed/or developlng a nuclear
! lndla ls Lhe 3Lh nauon ln Lhe world Lo be ln Lhe mulu bllllon dollar space
commerce buslness.
! lndla ls Lhe 4Lh nauon ln Lhe world Lo develop(or nearly Lo) lC8M's(can Lravel
up Lo 14,000km)
! lndla ls Lhe 3rd nauon ln Lhe world, Lo be able Lo develop land based and sea
based crulse mlsslles
SuMMlnC u
Human excellence depends on
development of culture
World's first culture (Yajurveda
7/14: Sa Prathama Sanskriti
Many small civilizations were
formed but were confined to
small regions.
Only Indian culture can be called
as first world culture.
Indian Culture = Human Culture
Culture that focuses on inculcating
human values in a man
Unique features of
Indian Culture
1. Freedom of thought
- Every thought is allowed to develop freely.
- Theist & Atheist
- Vedanta speaks of soul as image of the Supreme
- Everyone is free to imagine and accept God's form according to one's beliefs.
- Every thought school is part & parcel of Indian Culture.
- A garden has variety of flowers and plants. These differences increase the
beauty of the garden
2. Theory of Karmaphal
- Rebirth
3. Idealistic families
4. Abundance of saints & reformers.
5. Division of society order (based on personal choice,
interest, capabilities) & personal life
for personal development,
for development of society
It is already becoming clearer that a chapter which has a western
beginning will have to have an Indian ending if it is not to end in the
self-destruction of the human race... At this supremely dangerous
moment in history the only way of salvation for mankind is the Indian
Dr. Arnold Toynbee British Historian 1889-1975
Mera Bharat Mahan
Prepared by : Gayatri Parivar Youth Group, Bangalore
Based on the works of Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya
Vishwa ko Bharat ke ajastra anudaan

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