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Raychelle Dunn English 101-06 October 8, 2013 Summary: They Make Their Climb by Paula Gunn Allen In the

short story, They Make Their Climb by Paula Gunn Allen, the story follows two very different but close friends, Elena and Ephanie. The story begins by mentioning the apple tree, where they spent their spring days. From spring into summer, they would spend every day together, eating prickly pears, exploring their village, pretending, and dreaming. As children, they avoided the subject of growing up and what it means to grow up. However, as the seasons passed, they did grow, but as different as they were, their friendship never changed. They called each other Snow White and Rose Red, in relation to the fairness of Elena, the duskiness of Ephanie, and the closeness they shared as friends. (Pg. 218) Neither girl had control over the other but it seemed that Ephanie did the leading and Elena, in her own unobtrusive way, did the guiding. The story then follows the two girls as they hike up a mountain, passing the rock that bore the story of heartbreak, anguish, and rage. At the foot of the peak, a sense of uneasiness settles upon them, and upon reaching the peak, Elena tells Ephanie that her mother says they can no longer see each other. Confusion and anguish fill Ephanie, but all Elena can say is Im sorry. They climb down and silently walk back to the village, separating, Elena returns to the comfort of her home while Ephanie returns to the comfort of the apple tree. The climb is symbolic of their friendship, a climb signifies an attempt to

overcome barriers, to transcend and reach a place where one is no longer grounded but has achieved peace. Elena and Ephanie make their climb, and then seem to lose the peace that they have always been known to have, and their climb ends at the peak, as does their relationship.

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