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NYT: -

Evil acts of terrorism Acts of mass murder Frighten nation into chaos and retreat Harming innocent civilians Victims were shown more than the destruction of infrastructure Destroying infrastructure America targeted for attack because its a beacon of freedom and opportunity in the world - Nation will still remain strong despite attacks - A need to win war against terrorism -> by doing this there will be justice - Revenge against terrorism The attacks on the World Trade Centers were evil acts of terrorism, and vengeance is needed. Egyptian News: - Egyptian public excited about attacks - Egyptian public feels that attacks were just - US viewed as an incarnation of injustice, unfairness, and hegemonic power - Osama bin Laden deified - US needs to be attacked in order for them to realize their own injustice - Arab media focused on destroying infrastructure while not really showing victims - Some thought that attacking the Pentagon, a military symbol of US power, was completely legitimate from a human rights perspective - Americans are hypocrites in that they make a big deal about their own dead while not demonstrating care for the thousands more that they apparently killed by sanctions to Iraq The United States is a hypocritical country that cannot see past its own injustice, and therefore they need to be attacked in order to make them realize that. Thesis: Throughout history, there has been much discussion on the morality of killing humans. In the eyes of most nations in the world, human life is sacred and should be treated as such. However, in other cultures such as those of the Aztecs and Muslims, human life may be sacrificed in order for greater things to happen. These conflicting views towards human life are distorted between ethnicity and religion, and can largely impact ones understanding of morality by providing two very different definitions of what is right and wrong. Key Idea: The killing of innocent human civilians is a despicable act of mass murder that needs vengeance in order to deliver justice. Key Idea: The killing of innocent human civilians is sometimes justified and even needed in order to force a nation or power to see past its own injustice.

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