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Benchmark: Future Exhibit: Career Research Essay

Throughout the vast majority of my life, I have held a strong interest in politics, and all things related to politics. Therefore, I have decided to research this career to further my knowledge of specific aspects of the career, as well as to further solidify my belief that this is a career that is a good fit for me.

A politicians job is to influence policy, represent the interests of constituents in an elected body, and to make political decisions. This career is rigorous, and somewhat insecure, as a politician relies upon popular opinion, and the popular vote, in order to retain his or her elected office. In order to become a politician, or hold elected office, one must make their case to the voters, and successfully convince them that they are the right fit for the job. In order to demonstrate capability to hold elected office, perspective politicians should address concerns of voters with their opinions and preferred solutions. If one is able to convince the voters of his/her worthiness to hold elected office, he/she will be elected by a majority of voters on election day, and will begin his/her duties as an elected officer once inaugurated.

A politicians job is complex and multi-faceted. The main task of a politician is to make political decisions based upon the will of the people, or the constituents. Other main tasks include campaigning for office, addressing the questions and concerns of constituents, helping constituents to obtain relevant government assistance, developing policies and programs, and writing, debating and voting on bills proposed to them.

Working conditions of a politician are generally good. Most politicians divide time between the office, legislative chambers, related events, such as town hall discussions and political events, and traveling. Due to the nature of the profession, schedules are often irregular, and considerably time-consuming. Time spend traveling depends upon which office a politician holds, though many politicians spend a considerable amount of time traveling between their workplaces, typically in the capital of a state or the nation, and their constituencies. As schedules are often irregular, so too are work hours. A politicians schedule may range from extended vacations to very late nights. Therefore, this career is undoubtedly not for the lazy and unmotivated.

Salaries of politicians vary widely, with some politicians making around $10,000 yearly, and others earning $400,000 yearly. Salaries are often directly connected to the level of government ones office is involved in, the importance of ones job, and other factors. For example, a federal senator earns a yearly salary of $174,000. A Michigan state senator, on the other hand, earns a yearly salary of around $72,000. This is partly due to the fact that there are fewer federal senators, and their jobs are usually perceived to be more wide-ranging and important.

There is technically no specific level of education required to hold elected office, though one is generally expected to be intelligent, articulate, well-versed in matters of politics and government and aware of conditions and issues around them.

The primary professional organization associated with this career is the American Political Science Association (APSA). This organization exists to promote careers in political science and

public service, as well as to educate the public and perspective members of the field about what the field entails.

In order to hold elected office as a politician, there are relatively few requirements. The few that are outlined in the U.S. constitution are age requirements and residency requirements, which vary based upon which office one wishes to hold.

In order to excel in this field, perspective elected officials must be socially and psychologically stable. In other words, you must be able to communicate thoughts and ideas with constituents, and be prepared to positively receive criticism and commentary at all times.

Employment in this field may be had almost anywhere, as nearly every place in the world is managed by a government, and governments are run by people. Employment is relatively inelastic, as elected offices beyond what are already established are rarely created, and existing elected offices are rarely abolished.

To conclude, thorough writing this paper, I have only further solidified my interest in a political career, and I look forward to studying to begin one in college quite immensely.

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