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Code: R5210101 B.Tech II Year I Semester (R05) Supplementary Examinations December/January 2013/14 MATHEMATICS - II
(Common to CE & ME)
(For 2006 Regular admitted students only)

Time: 3 hours Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks *****
1 (a) (b) Define normal form of a matrix. Reduce the matrix Show that the equations solve them. , ,

Max. Marks: 80

into normal form find its rank. are consistent and

2 (a)

Determine the modal matrix P for A=

If A =

and hence diagonalize A.


then show that A is Hermitian and iA is skew-Hermitian.

3 (a) (b) 4 (a) (b)

Reduce the following quadratic form to canonical form and find its rank and signature

Give the procedure to reduce quadratic form to canonical form by orthogonal transformation.
Find the Fourier series to represent the function from Find the half range sin series for in 0< < . Deduce that

5 (a) (b)

Form the partial differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary constants a,b from z=a log Solve by the method of separation of variables Find the Fourier transform of f = given . Hence show that when .

7 (a) (b) 8 (a) (b)

Find the z-transform of

Find z (cost).

Write a short note on Haar wavelets. Explain multi resolution analysis with Haar wavelets.


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